Glyphosate and the use of the pesticides in Mato Grosso do Sul: risks associated with water resources
Environmental contamination; Aquatic ecosystems; Agricultural activity.Abstract
Mato Grosso do Sul has an economy based on agribusiness and also ranks 9th in the country’s agricultural producing states. However, the negative impacts of the human activity in this region affect wetlands. The objective of this study was to carry out a survey of the most used pesticides in the state and the main problems related to glyphosate, the best-selling product. A narrative literature review was conducted in the databases Anvisa, BIREME, IBAMA, LILACS, Scielo, Scopus and TOXLINE, using well-defined search strings to find relevant literature. The herbicide glyphosate holds the first place among the ten most used pesticides, which when associated with adjuvants, penetrates more easily the cell walls of the weeds, eliminating them. The compounds resulting from its degradation and the adjuvants used pose environmental risks due to the long-term effects and dispersion in the environment, representing a threat, especially to water bodies that naturally receive pesticides. Monitoring the levels of surface contamination is a necessity and allows to identify the impacts related to agricultural activities and the possible environmental effects on the aquatic food webs.
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