Evaluation of the status of conservation of photoactivating devices at the State University of Paraíba - Campus VIII





Photoactivator; Photoactivation; Photoactivation unit.


Introduction: The success of a restorative procedure depends on the good performance of the photocuring agent. Therefore, its periodic maintenance is of fundamental importance, both for the components, as for the cleaning and measurement of the emitted irradiance, since the frequency of use is responsible for the natural wear and tear of the device. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the external conservation status of photocured devices at the State University of Paraíba - Campus VIII in 2021. Methodology: The study was of an experimental type, using intentional sampling in the probabilistic, with a approach of descriptive analysis of los hallazgos and use of own clinical histories, adapted for data collection. The sample is composed of 44 photoactivators distributed in the three service clinics and in the preclinic of the State University of Paraíba – Campus VIII. To assess the external condition of the devices, a macroscopic inspection was carried out by researchers trained to detect the existence of physical damage. The data obtained were duly recorded in specific evaluation forms and subsequently submitted to a descriptive analysis to obtain the results. Results: The descriptive analysis of the investigation indicated the existence of physical damage in 22 light curing units (50%) out of a total of 44 devices (100%) macroscopically examined, with damage found with a higher frequency of wear and tear on the external coating of the Buttons. photoactivators control panel. In addition, the hallazgos showed that 31 devices lacked a protective visor. Conclusion: The results of the macroscopic evaluation of the photoactivators in this investigation suggest that operators should take more precautions to establish and achieve better external conservation of these devices. In addition, greater care should be taken with respect to the correct use of protective barriers, as the literature indicates that such devices should be applied to cover the light transmitting point on the ground, as well as to protect the entire body of the susceptible device. constant management by the clinician during dental practice.


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How to Cite

SILVA, G. C. B. .; DIAS, B. A. S. .; MENDES, J. L. .; LEAL, T. M. da R. B. .; ARAÚJO, A. C. G. de .; LINS, R. B. E. .; SILVA, E. T. C. da .; MARINHO, S. A. .; VASCONCELOS, M. G. .; VASCONCELOS, R. G. . Evaluation of the status of conservation of photoactivating devices at the State University of Paraíba - Campus VIII. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 13, p. e458111335764, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i13.35764. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/35764. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences