Use and occupation of the surface based on the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) in the Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) of the Santa Teresa reservoir in Soledade-PB




Supervised classification; Remote sensing; Semiarid.


The classification of the use and occupation of the terrestrial surface through remote sensing is extremely important for the analysis of vegetation cover and can be done from the spectral response from a given vegetation index that best responds to the objectives of the intended study. In this sense, this study used the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SA-VI) to carry out the supervised classification of the Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) of the Santa Teresa Reservoir, located in the municipality of Soledade, in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. From the digital processing of Sentinel-2 satellite images from the years 2016 and 2018, 5 classes of use and occupation of the surface were mapped using the ArcGis-Pro software. These classes were delimited within the perimeter of the polygon surrounding the weir, defined by a buffer generated from the edge of the water body, 100 meters wide (PPA strip). Based on the spectral response provid-ed by the application of the SAVI, training samples were collected and the supervised classification by maximum likeli-hood (MAXVER) was carried out, reaching the percentages of covered area of 60.44% of vegetation and 39 .57% of exposed soil, for the year 2016; and 68.48% of vegetation, 9.80% of water and 21.72% of exposed soil, for the year 2018. The vegetation classes were called Herbaceous Semidense, Subshrub Sparse and Shrub Semidense. It was con-cluded that the gains and losses of each identified class, in terms of coverage area, were determined by the average rain-fall of each year.

Author Biographies

Janaína Barbosa da Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

She is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Academic Unit of Geography in the area of Cartography, Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing. She is the leader of the Cartography, Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing Research Group -CAGEOS certified by CNPQ. She holds a degree (2003), a master's degree (2006), a PhD in Geography (March-2012) and a Post-Doctorate (2019/20) in Geography, all from the Federal University of Pernambuco. She has experience in the field of Geosciences, with emphasis on Biogeography, Remote Sensing and the Environment, working mainly on the following topics: environment, estuary, mangroves, environmental impacts and environmental degradation. She is currently a reviewer for the journal: Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física (RBGF, UFPE). Permanent member of the Graduate Program in Engineering and Management of Natural Resources at UFCG. Master's and doctoral advisor.

Sérgio Murilo Santos de Araújo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Graduated and Master in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and PhD in Sciences/Geosciences (2004) from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Associate Professor III and Researcher at the Academic Unit of Geography (UAG), at the Humanities Center of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). He works in the areas of GEOGRAPHY and GEOSCIENCES, in the following areas: 1) Physical Geography: Geomorphology, Geographic Climatology, Geology and Water Resources; 2) Geography and Environment: Development and Environment; Environmental analysis; Management and Policy of Mineral Resources; Environmental Vulnerabilities, Risks and Impacts (EIA/RIMA); Management and Conservation of Natural Resources; Desertification, Degradation and Recovery of Degraded Areas and Brazilian Semiarid (SAB). Participates in Research Groups, as leader of the Environmental Management and Ordering Group - GEOAMB (UFCG). Participates in the Graduate Programs in Natural Resources (Master's and Doctorate/PPGRN - UFCG); History (Master's - UFCG ) and Professional Master's in Geography Teaching Network (ProfGeo/UFCG). He has experience in academic management activities (Administrative Coordinator of the Academic Unit of Geography at UFCG; Coordinator of Research and Extension; Coordinator of the Specialization Course and Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Geography). He was a teacher of Basic Education (Elementary and High School) between 1992 and 2002 in the Municipalities of São Lourenço da Mata-PE and Recife-PE and in the State Education Network of Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, L. A. de .; SILVA, J. B. da .; ARAÚJO, S. M. S. de . Use and occupation of the surface based on the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) in the Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) of the Santa Teresa reservoir in Soledade-PB. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 14, p. e371111436489, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i14.36489. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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