Post-pandemic education: use of technologies and recomposing learning in debate




Post-pandemic; Recomposition of learning; Education.


The objective of this study was to dialogue in a bibliographical and qualitative nature the context of post-pandemic education and the recomposition of learning. It is known that Emergency Remote Teaching, mediated by Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs, was a resource that in the public education network, even in private networks, was the foment of intense adaptations by teachers and students. This cycle of adaptations in teaching can become sensitive when we think of the literacy process of children in the early years of Elementary School, such as a teenager who studied Science Teaching from printed materials. In this context, all stages of basic education adhered to changes and new meanings to guarantee the school year in a pandemic context. The study revealed nuances that contextualize the current context, which is heading towards a time called “post-pandemic”, experiencing new facets of recomposing the losses in teaching and learning lags due to the pandemic. Therefore, this phenomenon of minimizing the pandemic's deficits has been studied by many professionals as a recomposition of learning. The study ends with the possibility of starting with an analysis of the discourses of teachers and students of Basic Education and Higher Education in the face of the pandemic and post-pandemic context.


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How to Cite

HICKMANN, J.; BARBOSA, P. R. .; COSTA, M. da; FERREIRA, G. de P.; CARNEIRO, A. J. de O. L. L. .; SILVA, F. J. A. da .; SOUZA, A. S. de .; LIMA, G. F. .; ZAHAL, T. P. V. .; JACQUES, C. A. F. . Post-pandemic education: use of technologies and recomposing learning in debate. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e367111638452, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38452. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences