Nursing assistance for child malnutrition in early childhood: integrative review




Prevention; Nutritional status; Childcare.


Malnutrition is said to be a set of situations that result in poor dietary intake, which modifies the neuropsychomotor development and growth of children.  Socio-economic and cultural conditions are factors that lead to this affliction. It aims to analyze the role of nursing in assisting children with malnutrition in early childhood. This is an integrative literature review. Developed between February and October 2022, by searching articles indexed in LILACS, Cochrane Library, and SCIELO, cutting publications from 2015. The studies identified after crossing the DeCS were a total of 288, after methodological rigor through inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 articles were selected, being (6) in LILACS, (2) in COCHRANE and (12) in SCIELO. After analyzing the articles related to the theme as established by the profile of this work, it was possible to group the discussion in the following categories "Epidemiological and etiological profile of malnutrition in early childhood", "Neonatal period and breastfeeding from a nursing perspective" and "Nursing care for malnutrition in early childhood". The main points addressed by nursing in its quality care are dietary guidelines, supplementation, and monitoring of developmental milestones, which changes in these conditions would cause suspicion of low food intake. However, the nursing professional must look at the aspects of child development in a pre-established way as the standard, respecting the nuances that each criterion allows. When changes in the nutritional status are observed, the causes must be investigated and a decision must be made, such as the search for affirmative policies when the scenario found is of a food insecurity nature. Thus, nursing plays a great role in the promotion, protection, and prevention of child malnutrition, through its greater proximity of assistance to the patient.


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How to Cite

BEZERRA, J.; BARBOSA, L. C. S. .; SILVA, L. C. da .; OLIVEIRA, L. de L. .; SANTOS, A. V. da S. .; SILVA, G. B. da . Nursing assistance for child malnutrition in early childhood: integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 16, p. e497111638510, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i16.38510. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences