The use of artificial intelligence in medicine: applications and benefits




Artificial intelligence; Medical education; Health.


This study is justified by its academic, scientific and social relevance, based on presenting the technological advances involving artificial intelligence in health. Thus, the objective of this research focuses on highlighting the applications and benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This study was carried out through an integrative literature review, with an exploratory approach, whose institute was limited to investigating, through previously published articles, relevant information that answered the guiding question. Thus, the data collection took place in the scientific bases: SCIELO and LILACS. Evidence points out that the data processing power of artificial intelligence in medicine is broad. One of the main uses of this type of tool is to accurately store and process data. This allows all files to be digitized, making them easier to organize, protect and access. It's not just storage, it's a more organized way to find information. Depending on the needs of each physician, some technologies can access the most relevant data for specific analyses, such as test results or treatment suitability. In view of the above, knowing the benefits of AI, it is worth mentioning that none of the technologies mentioned replaces the role of the physician. On the contrary, they only contribute to better decisions and facilitate relationships with patients. In any case, "there is no doubt that artificial intelligence will remain in medicine and continue to make great strides in the future".


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How to Cite

SOARES, R. A.; PEREIRA, I. S. .; FRAZÃO, M. P. .; DUQUE, M. de G. C. .; SANTOS, J. V. F. dos S. dos .; DUQUE, R. de G. C. .; PÁDUA, D. M.; MARTINS, J. K. G. da R. .; PEIXOTO, J. de O. .; ACÁCIO, M. da S. .; GALVÃO, A. A. C. . B.; ARAÚJO, S. L. S. de. The use of artificial intelligence in medicine: applications and benefits. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. e5012440856, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i4.40856. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences