Construction of assistive technology to prevent extravasation of chemotherapy drugs




Antineoplastics; Technology; Nursing assistance.


Objective: to build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: this is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, a table was constructed on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: from the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: the construction of a care technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs contributes to greater vigilance on the part of professionals, promotes the reduction of damage resulting from these incidences and enables immediate conduct and decision-making, however, it is necessary that the professionals are continually trained to perform this management in an appropriate and safe way for the patient.

Author Biographies

Jucilene Luz Neves, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Maria Francilene da Silva Garcia, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Ana Carolina Marinho Pinheiro, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia


To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Esther Miranda Caldas, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.


Geice Kelly Costa Soares Garcia, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Julia Santos Lisbôa, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Thaís Neves de Souza, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Kyara Alessandra Mello Alves da Silva , Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.

Milena Farah Damous Castanho Ferreira, Centro Universitário Metropolitano da Amazônia

To build an assistive technology to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, an integrative literature review was used, which allowed us to develop a care protocol for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs, containing the behaviors and interventions that nursing should adopt to prevent extravasation, finally, a table was built on the classification of chemotherapy drugs according to their potential for dermatological toxicity. Results: From the findings in the RIL, 3 categories emerged, where the main needs for the construction of the protocol were discussed. From this, the protocol was built, which contains information about the team's conduct and management with antineoplastic drugs, a data collection script that allows the description of extravasation, the classification of chemotherapy according to the potential of dermatological toxicity. Conclusion: The construction of an assistant technology for the prevention of extravasation of chemotherapy drugs can help health professionals to prevent the extravasation of chemotherapy drugs and will serve as a quick reference base forprofessionals to avoid or minimize damage to the patient, ensuring that the effectiveness of the treatment.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, R. de S. .; NEVES, J. . L. .; GARCIA, M. F. da S. .; PINHEIRO, A. C. M. .; CALDAS, E. M. .; GARCIA, G. K. C. S. .; LISBÔA, J. S. .; SOUZA, T. N. de .; SILVA , K. A. M. A. da .; FERREIRA, M. F. D. C. . Construction of assistive technology to prevent extravasation of chemotherapy drugs. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 4, p. e20112441099, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i4.41099. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences