Instruments that assess the risk of falls in the elderly: an integrative review
Elderly; Instruments; Falls; Risk.Abstract
The objective is to analyze the instruments most used in the literature and describe their degree of sensitivity and specificity to assess the risk of falls in elderly people. Methodology: It is an integrative, qualitative review. The searches took place between the months of May and October, in the PubMed, Science Direct, LiLacs, Scielo, BVS and PeDro databases, according to the research question, delimited by the PICO strategy. The search strategies were formed using terms indexed to the DECs/Mesh and in the filtering process, were considered eligible studies that assess the risk of falls in the elderly and that present the sensitivity and specificity of each instrument, within the inclusion criteria established by the authors, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. There was no restriction on the year of publication. Results: 4,109 articles were selected. After the filtering process by titles, abstracts and full reading, nine articles were eligible and included in the review. The total sample comprises 1,715 elderly people, with an average age of 72.5 years. The instruments: BESTest, Mini - BESTest, SF-APT, MCHSAT, Quicksreen, 30s-CST and 30s modified CST showed better results for sensitivity and specificity when compared to the other instruments studied. Conclusion: The present study presented the instruments most used in the literature for assessing the risk of falls in the elderly, as well as, describing them and exposing the degree of sensitivity and specificity of each one.
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