Corrosion resistance evaluation of organic-inorganic hybrid films with potential application in biomaterials




Titanium; Anodizing; Silver nanocharge; Sol-gel; Corrosion.


Titanium and its alloys stand out among metallic materials due to their excellent biocompatibility and high specific mechanical properties, which make them perfect candidates for biomedical applications. However, after implanted, the biomaterials remain in contact with the corporeal fluid, which can contribute to wear and corrosion of the two materials, compromising the mechanical and structural integrity of the implant leading to its premature failure. No sense of improvement in the clinical success rate of metallic implants, certain studies in the area of biomaterials suggest the use of protective coatings. Organic-inorganic hybrid coatings have been used in this area with the aim of solving corrosion problems that occur in metallic materials. In this context, the hybrid based on the alkoxide precursor TEOS (tetraethyl orthosilicate) was used to carry out the hydrolysis/acid condensation process, adding the silver nanoparticles and making a mixture with the incorporation of polycaprolactone diol, followed of the addition of hexademethylene diisocyanate, for the formation of polyurethane. The hybrid coatings were applied on titanium plates and morphological characterizations were carried out by MEV (Varredura Electron Microscopy), electrochemical through open circuit potential and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, in order to evaluate the performance of two coatings and the influence of different concentrations of silver nanoparticles by thermogravimetry, contact angle, adhesion, UV-visibility and distribution of nanoparticles. As results, it was identified that the insertion of silver nanoparticles, in low concentration, in an organic-inorganic hybrid coating made it possible to obtain a coating with satisfactory corrosion resistance for use as biomaterial.


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How to Cite

CRUZ , C. K. .; KUNST, S. R.; SOARES, L. G. .; SCHNEIDER, E. L. .; MAFFIA, E. G. .; OLIVEIRA, C. T. .; CARONE, C. L. P. . Corrosion resistance evaluation of organic-inorganic hybrid films with potential application in biomaterials . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 6, p. e24112642251, 2023. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v12i6.42251. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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