Organizing academic research: theoretical and practical reflections on the methodology of scientific work




Academic papers; Practical knowledge; Student routine; Autonomous thinking; Teaching.


This article has the general goal of presenting a critique of the main techniques for preparation of academic papers, as well as indicating exercises for their better apprehension, resulting in a specific educational object. It is argued that students, in doing so, take ownership of this “practical knowledge” while acquiring the ability to organize their studies in a satisfactory manner, archiving their textual production, building a theoretical framework, developing at the intellectual level, and thus, constructing critical and autonomous thinking in relation to knowledge. Therefore, it is believed that students should be able to produce a critical memory of the contents of the subjects in undergraduate courses, which is crucial in the preparation of an Undergraduate Thesis (TCC) and in professional life as a whole, as such knowledge is required, as well as in the continuity of academic training in graduate school. Finally, it is concluded that the appropriation of such knowledge is at the core of scientific education, thereby enabling students to perform academic research and knowledge production while ensuring student autonomy.

Author Biographies

Helen Flávia de Lima, Federal University of Maranhão / State University of Rio Grande do Norte

He holds a master's degree (2002) and an undergraduate degree (1999) in History from the Universidade Estadual Paulista-Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP / USP). Distance Tutor of the Specialization Course in Media in Education / UERN / UAB / CAPES (2018-2019), substitute professor at the Department of Environmental Management - UERN / Campus Mossoró, in 2017. In addition, she was a teacher from 2011 to 2017 at the Faculty do Vale do Jaguaribe (FVJ / CE), teaching classes in Pedagogy, Social Work and Law Courses. In this same institution, he engaged in consulting and production of didactic material for the preparation of CBT to the graduate program (lato sensu). In 2012, she was a substitute professor in the History Department at UERN / Campos Mossoró and, in this same institution, in 2010, a professor at the Projeto Pedagogia da Terra. Currently, he works at the Estação Juventude Program, aimed at young people aged 15 to 29 years. Member of the Group for Studies and Research Epistemology and Education (GEPEE / UFMA) and the Group for Studies and Research in Education, Memories, (Auto) Biographies and Inclusion - GEPEMABI / UERN).


Carlos Eduardo Bezerra, University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab)

Professor at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab) with the Institute of Languages and Literature (ILL) in the Theory of Literature study sector. Doctor of Letters in the area of Literature and Social Life at the State University of São Paulo "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (Unesp), Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Assis (FCLAssis) in 2009. Master of Letters in the area of Brazilian Literature in 2004 and Specialist in Literary research in 2002, both from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) where, in 1999, he completed the Full Degree in History. He has research and teaching experience in the areas of Theory of Literature, Brazilian and Afro-Brazilian Literature, Literature and Social Life, Literature and Literary System with a focus on the relationship between Literature and History, understanding the literary system in a more complex way, including it studies on publishers and booksellers

Jose Araújo Amaral, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte

He holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1994), a master's degree in Biotechnology from the University of São Paulo (2000) and a doctorate in Biotechnology from the University of São Paulo (2004). He is currently an effective professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, campus Mossoró. He teaches biology and environmental health classes for integrated and subsequent technical courses. He coordinates the Specialization course in Education and Contemporaneity (2018-) and teaches the discipline of Research Seminars in the PROFEPT network master's degree, also acting as a research advisor in these two graduate programs. He has experience in research in the area of microbiology and immunology, with an emphasis on Biotechnology, working mainly in the area of development of immunobiologicals. He currently develops research and extension in the area of teaching Biology and the environmental area (education, health and sustainability), in addition to guiding research on teaching in professional education.


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How to Cite

LIMA, H. F. de; BEZERRA, C. E.; AMARAL, J. A. Organizing academic research: theoretical and practical reflections on the methodology of scientific work. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e227985166, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5166. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.



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