Efficiency of expressive and receptive language teaching in children with autism spectrum disorder





Autism spectrum disorder; Intraverbal FFC; LRFFC; Tact training; Teaching.


Research in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) investigated the efficiency of receptive and expressive language interventions in learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Listener responding by function, feature and class (LRFFC) and intraverbal (FFC) are some types of receptive and expressive language, respectively, which were targets in investigations. The previous literature demonstrated experimentally that teaching intraverbal first is more efficient, in the sense that it produced a better emergence effect of related untaught LRFFC in children with ASD, contrary to the recommendation by a traditional literature, which suggests that receptive skills, such as the LRFFC, should be taught first. The current research had the goal to compare the efficiency of intraverbal and LRFFC training as well, considering the effects on the possible emergence of related untaught repertoire in two children with ASD. The difference from the previous literature was that, during the teaching of LRFFC responses, the tact (labeling) of pictures involved was also taught, considering that this was a recommendation of previous research. The purpose was to assess if tact training would increase the efficiency of LRFFC training. The results showed that both instructional sequences (training LRFFC - probing intraverbal; training intraverbal - probing LRFFC) successfully established emergent responding, regarding the untaught related repertoire for both participants. However, intraverbal training produced emergence of LRFFC to a lesser extent for both. Data were discussed in the sense that tact training during LRFFC training probably increased its efficiency and that preexisting skills, regarding each participant, also influenced the efficiency of teaching.

Author Biographies

Daniel Carvalho de Matos, Ceuma University and Federal University of Maranhão

Professor at Ceuma University (undergraduate courses) and Federal University of Maranhão (master courses)

Neylla Cristina Pereira Cordeiro, Federal University of Maranhão

Master's student at Federal University of Maranhão

Bruna Pereira Mendes, Ceuma University

Undergraduate student at Ceuma University

Ana Vitória Salomão de Carvalho, Ceuma University

Undergraduate student at Ceuma University

Flor de Maria Araújo Mendonça Silva, Ceuma University

Professor at Ceuma University (undergraduate courses and master courses) 


Wellyson da Cunha Araújo Firmo, Ceuma University and Federal University of Maranhão

Professor at Ceuma University (undergraduate courses and master courses) and Federal University of Maranhão (master courses)


Pollianna Galvão Soares de Matos, Ceuma University and Federal University of Maranhão

Professor at Ceuma University (undergraduate courses) and Federal University of Maranhão (master courses)


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How to Cite

MATOS, D. C. de; CORDEIRO, N. C. P.; MENDES, B. P.; CARVALHO, A. V. S. de; SILVA, F. de M. A. M.; FIRMO, W. da C. A.; MATOS, P. G. S. de. Efficiency of expressive and receptive language teaching in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e104985268, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.5268. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/5268. Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences