Analysis of the main aesthetic changes resulting from pregnancy: an integrative review




Pregnancy; Aesthetic changes; Physiology; Aesthetics.


Introduction: Pregnancy corresponds to a period in which it should not be highlighted only by the development of a new being, but by a set of changes that can happen in the life of a pregnant woman, as is the case with aesthetic changes in her body and external modifications for receiving a child. Objective: To identify the main aesthetic changes during the gestational period. Methodology: Characterized as an integrative literature review through an exploratory, quantitative and qualitative approach, in which the Lilacs, Scielo Pubmed database was used to survey bibliographic data through the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Original articles in Portuguese and English published between 2009 and 2017, available online, in their entirety and as exclusion criteria, dissertations, systematic reviews, integrative, bibliographic or meta-analysis reviews were used as inclusion criteria for the research. As well as materials that did not have any association with the central theme of the research. Results and Discussion: Among the main changes observed during pregnancy, we can mention: breast enlargement, weight gain, development of stretch marks, varicose veins and melasma. Final Considerations: Several aesthetic changes can be investigated during pregnancy, but these negative impacts can be reduced with the apparatus of a health professional, so that pregnant women can obtain the necessary recommendations so that they can achieve a healthy pregnancy and development child.

Author Biographies

Andriely Mayara Almeida Garcia, Faculdade Uninassau

Graduada em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade Uninassau

Fernando Soares da Silva Neto, Faculdade IBRA; Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Graduado em Fisioterapia pela Faculdade UNINASSAU - João Pessoa, Pós graduando em Multidisciplinar em Oncologia e cuidados paliativos pela Faculdade IBRA e Pós graduando em Gênero e Diversidade na Escola pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB.

Giovanna Pontes Vidal, Centro Universitário Mauricio de Nassau

Fisioterapeuta, mestre em Biotecnologia e Inovação em Saúde, pela Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo- UNIAN, com pós graduação em Fisioterapia Hospitalar pela Faculdade Redentor do Rio de Janeiro e em Fisioterapia Dermato-Funcional pela Faculdade Gama Filho. 


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How to Cite

GARCIA, A. M. A.; SILVA NETO, F. S. da .; VIDAL, G. P. Analysis of the main aesthetic changes resulting from pregnancy: an integrative review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e14996332, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.6332. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Review Article