Permanent education and its contribution to the management process in the scope of primary care




Nursing; Continuing education; Health management; Organization and administration; Primary health care.


Objective: to describe the practice of Permanent Education (PE) as a tool in the managerial work process of nurses in the context of primary care. Method: descriptive research with a qualitative approach, conducted with nurses from two community clinics of the family in the city of Niterói - Rio de Janeiro. For data collection, semi-structured interviews and audio recording were performed. The thematic content analysis technique was used. The research was approved with the opinion of the Research Ethics Committee (REC), under CAAE nº 64840416.3.0000.5243 of Federal Fluminense University. Results: after analyzing the data, the following categories emerged: Permanent Education as a management strategy for nurses at Community Family Clinics and challenges of Permanent Education as a strategy for renewing management in the nurse's work process. Conclusion: contributions from the use of permanent education were found in teamwork and in the management of nurses in Community Family Clinics, enabling the transformation in their work environment, in addition to the obstacles that can hinder this process.

Author Biographies

João Victor Lima da Silva, Federal Fluminense University

Nursing student at Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF, linked to the Center for Teaching and Research in Urgencies - NEPUr, where courses and training are offered in the area of emergency, urgency and pre-hospital care. Developed research in the area of health management and the nurses' work process.

Maritza Consuelo Ortiz Sanchez, Federal Fluminense University

Graduated in Nursing from Universidad Nacional de La Amazonía Peruana, IQUITOS -PERU; Master's Degree in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EEAN / UFRJ); PhD in Nursing from EEAN / UFRJ. Specialist in Occupational Nursing (EEAN / UFRJ). Adjunct Professor at the Department of Fundamental Nursing and Administration at the Aurora de Afonso Costa School of Nursing at Universidade Federal Fluminense-Niterói-RJ (MFE / EEAAC / UFF). Researcher at the Citizenship and Management Research Center at EEAAC / UFF. Registered with CNPq. Member of the Research Group MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION: HEALTH AND EDUCATION, EEAAC / UFF. Registered with CNPq. Member of the Study Group on the History of Nursing and Health at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). With experience in the area of Nursing with an emphasis on History of Nursing, Occupational Nursing and Nursing Management.

Maria Lelita Xavier, State University of Rio de Janeiro

Nurse. Graduation at the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing (1983) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Qualification in Obstetric Nursing at the School of Nursing at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (1985), Master's Degree in Nursing at the School Alfredo Pinto from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1999), PhD in Nursing at Anna Nery School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2010) and Specialist in Hospital Management (1998) and Specialization in Public Health (1990) at the School National Public Health Foundation of Oswaldo Cruz, Specialization in Psychiatric Nursing (1986) by the School of Nursing Alfredo Pinto of UNIRIO. Member of the Scientific Department of Nursing History of the Brazilian Nursing Association Section RJ. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Nursing Fundamentals of the Faculty of Nursing - UERJ, she works at the undergraduate level. Has experience in the area of ​​Nursing, with emphasis on Administration, History of Nursing and Mental Health in Nursing. He carried out studies about the training of nurses and the changes that occurred in the field of higher education, nursing administration, mental health and chemical dependence on alcohol and other drugs, history of nursing with emphasis on documentary and iconographic sources and nursing care. He is a member of the study group on nursing history at UERJ, a member of the Brazilian Nursing History Research Center - NUPHEBRAS / EEAN-UFRJ.

Miriam Marinho Chrizostimo, Federal Fluminense University

PhD in Education Science from the Universidad Nacional de Rosário (2014), with recognition by the Universidade Federal Fluminense as equivalent to the Doctorate in Education (2019); Master in Education from Salgado de Oliveira University (2000); Specialist in management of the nursing service and in infection control in Health Sciences from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1986-2013); Graduated in Nursing (1982); Nursing degree; Qualification in surgical doctor. Teaching nurse at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Research Group Leader: Management of training and professional qualification: health and education (GESPRO). Has experience in the area of ​​Nursing, with emphasis on management in basic and hospital networks. Health management at the Municipal Health Foundation of Niterói / Municipal Health Secretariat of Niterói - Executive Coordination of the Office - Presidency of the Municipal Health Foundation / Municipal Secretariat of Niterói among other positions. Health management at the Municipal Health Foundation of São Gonçalo / Municipal Health Secretary of São Gonçalo.- Under Secretary of Health. Deputy coordinator of CASIC, MFE / EEAAC / UFF Subjects studied: education; teaching; professional training and qualification; nursing consultation; nursing; health management; health policy, infection control in health care.

Érica Brandão de Moraes, Federal Fluminense University

Adjunct professor at Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School - Universidade Federal Fluminense. Professor of the Professional Master in Nursing Care - MPEA / UFF. Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). Specialist in Micropolitics of Management and Work in Health. Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). PhD in Sciences by the School of Nursing, University of São Paulo (USP). Has improvement in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo (FMUSP). Systematic Review Course by Cochrane and Joanna Briggs Institute. Founding member of the Brazilian Society for the Quality of Patient Care and Safety (SOBRASP). Coordinator of the SBED Patient Pain and Safety Committee. Specialist researcher of the group elaborating the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines in Chronic Pain. Member of the Center for Studies and Research in Citizenship and Nursing Management - NECIGEN. Vice-coordinator of LabQualiseg UFF - Laboratory of Educational Technologies in the Teaching of Patient Safety Management, Quality of Care and Risk Management. Researcher in the following areas of expertise: Risk Management, Quality and Patient Safety; Care Management in Pain Management.

André Luiz de Souza Braga, Federal Fluminense University

Graduated in Nursing and Degree from Universidade Gama Filho - UGF (1991) and Dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry of Nova Friburgo - FONF / UFF (1996). Certified in Public Health by UGF (1991). Specialist Pedagogical Training in Education in the Health Area by FIOCRUZ (2005), Specialist in Health Surveillance by UNIPLI (2008), Specialist in Infection Control in Health Care UFF (2013), Master in Teaching of Health and Environmental Science by UNIPLI (2005). PhD in Care Sciences by UFF (2017). Ad Hoc Evaluator of Undergraduate Courses at INEP / MEC. He served as head of the division of information and epidemiological data at the Municipality of Niterói from 1999 to 2008, professor at the Centro Universitário Plínio Leite from 2006 to 2008 and nurse at the Municipality of São Gonçalo from 1993 to 2008. Currently professor at the 3rd Degree of the University Federal Fluminense - UFF. Effective member of the Center for Research in Citizenship and Nursing Management - NECIGEN. He has experience in the field of Public Health, with an emphasis on Epidemiology, working mainly on the following themes: nursing management, epidemiology, health management, health education, health information and dentistry.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. V. L. da; SANCHEZ, M. C. O. .; XAVIER, M. L. .; CHRIZOSTIMO, M. M.; MORAES, Érica B. de; BRAGA, A. L. de S. . Permanent education and its contribution to the management process in the scope of primary care. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. e465997505, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i9.7505. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 nov. 2024.



Health Sciences