The practice of parresia by nurses in caring for women in situations of domestic violence




Violence against women; Ethic; Nursing care; Parresia.


Objective: to identify the practice of parresia, by primary care nurses, in caring for women in situations of domestic violence. Method: qualitative, descriptive study. Data were collected between April and June 2018 through semi-structured interviews. They were inserted in the NVivo Software, treated in the light of Textual Discursive Analysis and based on Foucault's philosophical thinking. Results: four analytical categories were formed: the exercise of parresia in the face of occult violence, the exercise of parresia in the face of corporate violence, the exercise of parresia in the presence of the aggressor and the exercise of parresia and the interfering factors. Final considerations: primary care nurses, even with difficulties, exercise parresia in the care of women in situations of violence, speaking the truth of what is thought and known about this problem. The welcoming dialogue with women about the interfaces of violence, the sharing of clear and concise information about the support network are actions that characterize the exercise of parresia by nurses.

Author Biographies

Cristiane Lopes Amarijo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse, PhD in Nursing.

Edison Luiz Devos Barlem, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Professor at the School of Nursing and Graduate Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande

Daniele Ferreira Acosta, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Professor at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande

Jamila Geri Tomaschewski Barlem, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Professor at the School of Nursing and Graduate Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande

Vânia Dias Cruz, Prefeitura Municipal de Pelotas

Nurse. PhD in Nursing

Camila Daiane Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Nurse, PhD in Nursing. Professor at the School of Nursing and the Graduate Nursing Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande.


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How to Cite

AMARIJO, C. L.; BARLEM, E. L. D. .; ACOSTA, D. F.; BARLEM, J. G. T.; CRUZ, V. D. .; SILVA, C. D. . The practice of parresia by nurses in caring for women in situations of domestic violence . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. e7159118551, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i11.8551. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences