The implementation of the Project Management Office as a Strategy for Public Management: case of the City of Niterói – RJ




Project management; Niterói; Efficiency; Optimization; Public management.


Regarding its methodology, the study in question is characterized by being an exploratory study of integrative literature review. Public administration over the past few years has been the target of several criticisms by the media and the population in general, mainly due to cases of public mismanagement. The main cause of this is inefficient or non-existent project management. With the implementation of project management, which is properly planned, observed, directed and controlled, the tendency is for Public Administration, to gradually be able to control fiscal holes, as well as modernizing the way in which it delivers its services to the population. A municipality that has already adopted the practice and target of this study is Niterói. From this, the research question is: how can project management help Public Administration at the same time, control the leakage of the immense public debts they have and deliver basic quality services to the population? Thus, the objective of the study is to carry out a superficial analysis of the situation in the municipality of Niterói after the implementation by law of a project management office in its administration. In general, it was possible to verify that the municipality has already achieved important developments, among which an improvement in the tax issue stands out, as well as the implementation of important works that benefit the urban mobility of citizens.

Author Biographies

José Augusto Paixão Gomes, Universidade Federal Fluminense

MSc. in Civil Engineering in the area of ​​concentration in Management, Production and Environment, with a focus on Innovation and Smart Cities - UFF; MBA in Project Management, Specialist in Project Management for the digital transformation, Society 5.0, Smart Cities, Specialist in Geoprocessing; Researcher at the Smart Technologies Center - CTSMART; responsible for the implementation of the Niterói Project Management Office - EGPNit; Operates in the spatial data intelligence line with geoinformation (CASE of success - SIGEO, having as prize, the first place in the category Municipal Management - Management System of Goeinformation of Niterói City Hall - MundoGeo # Connect 2017 Event); Member of the Smart Cities Best Practices Committee at Tractebel Engie. Finally, it acts in the management of complex projects, using PMI, ITIL, COBIT and BSC as the main source of methodological reference.

Jose Roberto da Costa Junior, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Graduated in Pedagogy with a full scholarship + scholarship for scientific productivity, Specialized in Business Pedagogy, Educational Guidance and School Supervision. Has experience in the area of ​​Education, with emphasis on Administration of Educational Systems, acting mainly on the following themes: meaningful learning, ludic teaching, educational technology. teacher training, curriculum and training. He currently coordinates research that aims to diagnose the application of strategies for implementing a project management office in the most different administrative contexts and according to the different existing functional dynamics. Currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Analysis, Management and Cooperation in IR.

Martius Vicente Rodriguez y Rodriguez, Universidade Federal Flumenense

Martius Vicente Rodriguez y Rodriguez - Director of the Faculties of Administration, Actuaries and Finance, Accounting and Entrepreneurship; Vice-President of the Fiscal Council of FEC (2017-2018), President of the Fiscal Council of the Euclides da Cunha Foundation (2016-2017); Post-doctorate in Knowledge Management at UFRJ; Extension courses at Harvard Business School; Master Executive (mini) by MIT / SLOAN; participated in the RITLA / UNCTAD Digital Inclusion project in Brazil - Latin America; holds a PhD in Technological Management from COPPE / UFRJ; Master of Science in High Performance Computing by COPPE / UFRJ; served as President of the Oil and Gas Commission of CAERJ - Chamber of Commerce of the State of RJ; served as Executive Assistant in the Gas and Energy area at Petrobras, HR Planning and Evaluation Manager at PETROBRAS; Manager of Managerial Development and Business Management at PETROBRAS University; Associate Professor at UFF / Administration Department; MBA in Logistics Coordinator at UFF / Administração; He supervised more than 80 monographs, master's dissertations and doctoral theses; Participated in more than 200 end-of-course, master's and doctoral boards; Founder of GIGCI - Interactive Knowledge and Innovation Management Group; Author and co-author of more than 120 articles, published in the country and abroad. Author and / or Organizer of books: Knowledge Management and Innovation in Companies, Ed. Qualitymark, 2011; Essential Elements Administration, Ed. Atlas, 2010; Business Management, QualityMark, RJ, 2006., Knowledge Management, IBPI, RJ, 2001; Information Technology and Business Management, E-Papers / UFF, RJ, 2000; Information Technology in the 21st Century: Managing the Change, edited by WIT - England, 1996; Information Technology and Organizational Changes, IBPI / COPPE-UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 1995. (Text informed by the author)

Orlando Celso Longo, Universidade Federal Fluminense

PhD in Transport Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2004), Master in Civil Engineering from the Federal Fluminense University (1987). He is currently Full Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense. He was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at Universidade Federal Fluminense in the period 2005 - 2013. He has experience in the area of ​​Civil Engineering, with an emphasis on Civil Construction, acting mainly on the following themes: civil construction, costs, management / monitoring supervision , budget, project management and preparation and development of infrastructure projects.


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How to Cite

GOMES, J. A. P.; COSTA JUNIOR, J. R. da .; RODRIGUEZ, M. V. R. y; LONGO, O. C. The implementation of the Project Management Office as a Strategy for Public Management: case of the City of Niterói – RJ. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e3139108552, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8552. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences