Benefits of the physical properties of water for the human body




Water characteristics; Physical properties; Benefits for the human body.


It is known that water has special characteristics that allow life to survive on Earth. Water not only contains organic and inorganic nutrients, but also has a strong ability to dissolve substances, which is vital for living beings. The present study comes up with the following question: What are the physical properties of water and how can these properties benefit the human body? In this sense, the present study aims to list the physical properties of water in order to understand the benefits of these properties for the human body. This research is a bibliographic research, composed as a descriptive study of quantitative character. As pointed out during the study, water has several very important physical properties that can be used for the practice of physical activities, among which we can highlight density, buoyancy, viscosity and others. It was possible to realize that aquatic exercises can greatly favor the human body, helping to gain muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, etc.

Author Biography

João Paulo da Silva Brito, Governo do Estado da Paraíba

Graduated from the bachelor's degree courses in Physiotherapy (2019), technology in Aesthetics and Cosmetics (2019), degree in Letters with qualification in Portuguese and English (2019) and degree in Pedagogy (2020). Postgraduate in Physiotherapy Home Care / Home Care (2020) and in Physiotherapy at Work and Ergonomics (2020). He is currently a Professor at the State Citizen's Integral School of Elementary and Secondary Education Deputy Carlos Pessoa Filho (ECI-CPF) teaching the curriculum components: English Language and Elective Courses, also developing tutoring activities. He is a Professor at the Education and Health Consulting Company (CONEDUSA) in the technical courses in Nursing and Pharmacy teaching the subjects of Epidemiology and Portuguese Language. Works with the following themes: Language and Language, Functional Recovery, Inequalities, Image and Laboratory Examinations, Intercurrences, among others.


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How to Cite

BRITO, J. P. da S.; BRITO, V. da S.; SILVA, C. K. da; FERREIRA, T. S.; OLIVEIRA, L. D. de L.; SANTOS JÚNIOR, P. R. dos; DINIZ, M. P. M.; ARAÚJO, C. R. da S. L.; NÓBREGA, R. M. B. da. Benefits of the physical properties of water for the human body. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. e5889108911, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i10.8911. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.



Review Article