, Society and Development2025-02-22T20:51:38-03:00Ricardo Shitsukarsd.articles@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>The journal Research, Society and Development (abbreviated as Res. Soc. Dev.) is a multidisciplinary scientific publication focused on promoting the dissemination of knowledge, using scientific methodologies for social, scientific and technological development through the publication of manuscripts, results and conclusions of research, in the various areas of knowledge. It is a monthly online journal. Submissions are evaluated by peers (Double Blind Review) with experience in the area of the manuscript.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Ad hoc revisors 2024</h2> <p>We thank all of the more than 340 “ad hoc” reviewers who contributed to this Journal in their evaluations (double-blind peer review).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Reviewers 2024</strong> </a> </p> in Equine Reproduction in The Region of Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil2025-01-24T06:48:41-03:00Emily Dias Mattosemilydmattos@gmail.comAriela Oliveira Meneguello<p>Agricultural Biotechnology, in one of its various fields of activity, seeks to improve techniques for the genetic improvement of animals. This improvement is done through the selection and reproduction of animals with interesting genetic characteristics, seeking to increase productivity, reducing the gap between generations and increase resistance to environmental factors. In horses, the techniques of artificial insemination and embryo transfer have been the most used, historically, for presenting good results. However, some reproduction techniques have obstacles that hinder the advancement of research and, consequently, its dissemination among breeders. In order to know the use of biotechnology in the reproduction of horses in the region of Londrina-PR, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire divided into four sections to breeders. We found that there is a negative correlation between the use of biotechnics and the proportion of stallions in the herd and that the use of semen collection, artificial insemination and embryo transfer prevail, since they can be interconnected, have wide application and generate good results in horses. The breeders declared to invest, on average, R$ 46,500 per year in the execution of these biotechnics. We also realized that, despite the existence of universities that offer the course of veterinary medicine, there is still a shortage of trained professionals in the region. The results allowed us to conclude that, in general, reproduction biotechnology is very widespread among equine breeders in the region of Londrina-PR, although some high-cost techniques have not yet been used.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Emily Dias Mattos; Ariela Oliveira Holanda; Daniel Meneguello Limeira action and phytochemical characterization of Eucalyptus and Pine volatile oils 2025-02-03T07:32:24-03:00Fábia Luane Oliveira Santosfabialuane3@gmail.comPaulinne Moreira Limapaulinneml@ufba.brJéssica Bomfim de Almeidajessicaobomfim@gmail.comJuliano Geraldoé Luís Morais Soares dos<p>Despite scientific advancements, there has been growing global concern regarding the increasing spread of microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. Objectives: to determine the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of Pinus sp. and Eucalyptus citriodora against clinically relevant pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Methodology: The analysis and phytochemical characterization of the essential oils were performed using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity was determined using the disk diffusion method according to the guidelines of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, based on reference microorganisms cataloged in collections provided. The data obtained were analyzed using simple frequency measures and dispersion, and the collected information was recorded, tabulated, and presented in tables and graphs. Results: The main compounds found in the eucalyptus essential oil were (R) citronellal (60.71%), eucalyptol (11.70%), and isopulegol (9.91%), while in the pine essential oil, the main compounds were α-terpineol (28.78%), terpinolene (15.57%), and limonene (10.35%). Regarding antimicrobial activity, the eucalyptus essential oil showed activity against S. aureus, E. coli, and C. albicans, while the pine oil showed activity against all the microorganisms studied. Synergistic action of the essential oils was observed against the fungus C. albicans, with complete inhibition of this microorganism. Conclusion: The essential oils of eucalyptus and pine showed activity against the microorganisms studied, suggesting their potential as ingredients for the development of new products, as well as an alternative antimicrobial agent.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fábia Luane Oliveira Santos; Paulinne Moreira Lima; Jéssica Bomfim de Almeida; Juliano Geraldo Amaral; André Luís Morais Ruela; Milena Soares dos Santos profiles in bull semen and their relationship with sperm quality parameters2025-01-27T06:49:43-03:00Yasmin El Hayek-Martinsyasmin.hayek@unesp.brMariana Karla Francolino da Silvamarianakarlafs@gmail.comPaulina Betancur Guerrapb.guerra@unesp.brFabiana Ferreira de Souzafabiana.f.souza@unesp.brAndré Maciel<p>The role of leukocytes in semen remains controversial, with both beneficial effects, such as the removal of microorganisms and abnormal sperm, and harmful effects, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and reduced fertility potential. Research on this topic in farm animals is limited. This study investigated correlations between differential leukocyte counts in bull semen and sperm parameters, both fresh and post-thaw. A total of 44 ejaculates from 36 adult bulls were collected using the artificial vagina method. Semen cytology was performed with Diff-Quick staining, and leukocytes were quantified under an optical microscope. Sperm parameters analyzed included ejaculate volume, motility (fresh and post-thaw), concentration, and morphology (major, minor, and total defects). Lymphocytes predominated (82%), followed by macrophages (13%), neutrophils (4%), and eosinophils (1%). Neutrophils showed weak negative correlations with major defects (r = -0.36, P = 0.027) and total defects (r = -0.328, P = 0.047), as well as a moderate negative correlation with post-thaw motility (r = -0.515, P = 0.0012) in Spearman’s correlation analysis. In contrast, lymphocytes, macrophages, and eosinophils showed no significant correlations with sperm parameters. These findings suggest that among leukocyte populations, only neutrophils negatively impact sperm morphology in fresh semen and motility in thawed semen.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yasmin El Hayek-Martins; Mariana Karla Francolino da Silva; Paulina Betancur Guerra; Fabiana Ferreira de Souza; André Maciel Crespilho of land use and land cover in the Alto Juruá Hydrographic Basin – Acre through the MapBiomas platform 2025-01-20T20:58:47-03:00Talita Santana dos Santostalita.santos@sou.ufac.brJosé Epitácio dos Santos Netojose.epitacio@sou.ufac.brEmanuel Moraes de Souzaemanuel.souza@sou.ufac.brJefferson Vieira José jefferson.jose@ufac.brKelly Nascimento Leite kelly.leite@ufac.brMarco Bruno Xavier Valadã<p>Human activity in forest environments, mainly for the formation of arable areas, causes environmental impacts in river basins. Thus, the objective of this research was to study the use and occupation of the land of the Alto Juruá river basin located in the State of Acre, over a period of 36 years (1985-2020), in order to identify in which period there was a greater occurrence of human activity in the landscape. Data from the MapBiomas platform, version 3.0, was used, with the aid of Google Earth Engine. The results indicated that agriculture had a greater presence in the period studied and that in 2020 this agent represented 4.8% of the total area of the basin. The pasture class did not show an increase, contributing 0.26% in 2018. The forest formation class, with 94%, indicated that the basin has a large forested area. Finally, the urban infrastructure class was equal to 0.1%. It is concluded that the Alto Juruá river basin presented a certain degree of disturbance mainly due to agriculture to the detriment of other classes such as pasture.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Talita Santana dos Santos; José Epitácio dos Santos Neto; Emanuel Moraes de Souza; Jefferson Vieira José ; Kelly Nascimento Leite ; Marco Bruno Xavier Valadão harzianum UFT-25 and its relationship with the promotion of Eucalyptus plant growth 2025-02-08T21:24:38-03:00Louis Antoniel Josephanthonieljo@gmail.comManoucheca Appolonappolonilgentche26@gmail.comJudson Fils-Aimé Gil<p>Fungi of the genus Trichoderma are known for their activity as plant growth promoters. This study aimed to evaluate the morphological responses of Eucalyptus plants inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum UFT-25. The experiment was developed in a completely randomized design with two treatments: non-inoculated (control) plants and plants inoculated with T. harzianum UFT-25 with ten replicates. The isolate was developed in 50 mm Petri dishes containing a potato, dextrose, and agar (PDA). All plates were incubated in a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) chamber at 25 ± 2 ºC with a photoperiod of 12 h for seven days. Plants were inoculated by spraying the fourth, fifth, and sixth fully expanded leaves with a suspension of T. harzianum UFT-25 conidia. Control plants received an application of autoclaved distilled water containing 0.02% (v/v) Tween 80. Analysis of the results revealed a significant difference between the treatments in terms of height, diameter, leaf and branch numbers, dry mass, and chlorophyll. T. harzianum UFT-25 stimulated greater growth in the inoculated plants than control plants at 15, 30, 45, and 60 d. The inoculated plants have been shown an increase of 16.19% in the shoot dry mass and 51.65% in the root dry mass. These results open new avenues for exploring the potential of T. harzianum UFT-25, proving its efficiency in promoting the growth of Eucalyptus plants. Thus, the use of this fungus can contribute to the reduction of inputs, such as fungicides and fertilizers, promoting greater sustainability in forestry production.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Louis Antoniel Joseph; Manoucheca Jean; Ilgentche Appolon; Judson Pierre; Kerley-Vivaldi Jean; Frantz Fils-Aimé; Bento Gil Uane inducers in disease control in wheat crops: A literature review about the content2025-02-07T06:36:57-03:00Thalya Costa Araújo Santos<p>When talking about the quality of wheat grain, it is common to relate this aspect to different growing conditions, including soil characteristics, temperature, humidity, presence of diseases and crop management. All of these factors have a direct impact on the industrial use of the final product. Therefore, it is essential to prevent and control diseases that affect this crop, seeking substances that make management more efficient and economical. In this context, inducing resistance in wheat plants can help reduce the incidence of diseases and increase productivity. The objective of this research was to conduct a bibliographical review and analyze research available in the literature on the use of resistance inducers in the control of diseases in wheat crops. Studies demonstrate that the use of elicitors contributes to increasing plant height, producing better quality grains, and also improving plant vigor. All the studies mentioned argue that silicate fertilizer is an alternative that promotes good results. Furthermore, silicon fertilizer combined with biostimulants promotes even more significant results. It is recommended that future research further explore the performance of resistance inducers against pathogens in wheat crops, as evidence indicates positive results.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Thalya Costa Blanca; Juliana Araújo Santos Martins of urban waste rich in calcium as soil sodicity correctives in the semiarid Northeast2025-01-31T06:31:01-03:00Carlos Vergaravergaramaputo93@gmail.comKarla Emanuelle Campos Araujokarlaeca@gmail.comAnderson Silva dos Santosandersonsantos2987@gmail.comAlexandre Augusto Alencar de Souza Silvaalexandreagusto4@gmail.comAtanael Pereira SantosAtanaelpsantos@outlook.comMarina Souza Pereira de Souza de Castro Ribeirothiagocastroribeiro10@gmail.comJoão Marinaldo Andrade Pereira Batistajoaomarinaldo2015@gmail.comLucas Rodrigues Bezerra da<p>There is still a scarcity of literature that attempts to mitigate soil sodicity with solid waste rich in calcium. This study aimed to correct soil sodicity with urban solid waste rich in calcium, as well as to evaluate the growth of rice plants in soil treated with gypsum boards powder. A Ferralsol with sodicity problems was collected in the irrigated perimeter of Lagoa do Barro (Araripina, Pernambuco, Brazil) and sieved. Solid waste was also dried, finely crushed and sieved. A preliminary experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, in an 8x6 factorial rearrangement: eight doses and six chemical amendments in four replicates. Electrical conductivity (EC), pH and sodium saturation (%Na) of the soil were evaluated after washing the soil with 100 mL of distilled water. In another experiment, in which the treatments consisted of doses of gypsum boards powder, growth indicators and macronutrients were evaluated in rice plants that had been grown under field conditions for up to 42 days after germination. Unlike eggshell and the 0 kg ha-1 dose, which turbidized their leachate, all other residues raised the EC, reduced the pH and %Na, and unturbidized the leachate. Doses of 15,722, 20,000 and 28,000 kg ha-1 of gypsum boards powder increased growth indicators and macronutrients in rice plants. These results indicate that gypsum residues and eggshell correct soil sodicity, especially when combined with urban pruning residues of Brazilwood, favoring the growth of rice plants.</p>2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Carlos Vergara; Karla Emanuelle Campos Araujo; Anderson Silva dos Santos; Alexandre Augusto Alencar de Souza Silva; Atanael Pereira Santos; Marina Souza Pereira Matos; Graciene de Souza Silva; Thiago de Castro Ribeiro; João Marinaldo Andrade Pereira Batista; Lucas Rodrigues Bezerra da Silva coagulant from cassava peel (Manihot esculenta) for domestic wastewater2025-01-27T13:37:47-03:00Jesús Ormazajesus.ormaza@gmail.comManuel Vé Banchó<p>This study aims to evaluate the use of a biocoagulant derived from cassava peel (Manihot esculenta) to improve the quality of domestic wastewater, comparing it with ferric chloride (FeCl₃) as a chemical coagulant. Water samples were collected from an oxidation lagoon in Calceta, Ecuador, and several water quality parameters were analyzed. The results showed that FeCl₃ is effective in the removal of total solids (TS) and turbidity, while the biocoagulant excelled in reducing total suspended solids (TSS). The combination of coagulants proved to be the most effective option, standing out in the turbidity removal, and color, with a reduced impact on pH and electrical conductivity, making it a more sustainable treatment. Statistical analyses, including ANOVA and Tukey HSD, revealed significant differences between the coagulant doses, with the combination of FeCl₃ and the biocoagulant showing the best results. These findings support the combined chemical and natural coagulants used to improve the water quality treated while minimizing environmental impact. However, further research is needed to optimize these treatments and ensure their feasibility on a larger scale.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jesús Ormaza; Manuel Vélez; Carlos Banchón production of queen bees Apis mellifera by small producers in Nova Petrópolis in Rio Grande do Sul2025-02-11T15:53:49-03:00Aline de Fátima Santos de Melloalinemello137@gmail.comRicardo de Oliveira<p>Bees play an essential role in the pollination of crops of commercial interest and, consequently, in the maintenance of ecosystems, in addition to being vital for beekeeping activity. For the success of the activity, the annual replacement of queen bees is recommended to maintain the population development of the colony and, thus, productivity. Thus, beekeepers who showed interest in participating in the research were selected. The objective of the present investigation is to study the production of queen trees by small beekeepers in a non-commercial way in comparison to the productivity percentages reported by the scientific community, to verify the feasibility of this strategy. For this, beekeepers who showed interest in participating in the research were selected. Then, based on individual productivity, hives were selected to be used as larval donors, which were transferred to artificial queens (manually made with beeswax) containing a drop of royal jelly from a single batch. Then, these artificial queens were transferred to hives containing orphaned colonies at different periods to verify the production of queens. Then, when the queens were operculated, the number of accepted queens and the birth of princesses were determined. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The research revealed that the queen production method can be a viable strategy for small beekeepers, allowing genetic improvement and diversification of production. However, more research is needed to optimize the process and increase efficiency.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aline de Fátima Santos de Mello; Ricardo de Oliveira Orsi marketing on total net sales of a livestock sector trading company2025-01-23T13:52:44-03:00Dayana Marcela Obando Caicedomarcaicedo111@gmail.comMatheus Luís<p>Digital marketing can have a significant impact on a company's sales by enabling it to reach its audience more effectively, build strong relationships with customers, and increase brand visibility. The goal of this research was to achieve an increase in net sales for a commercial company in the livestock sector with the help of digital marketing. The evaluation focused on the impact of the digital tactics used and their correlation with annual sales percentages, focusing on specific animal supplementation products. Various key metrics were examined, such as online visibility and social media engagement, highlighting the successful aspects of the strategy and identifying the most effective campaigns and digital channels. Additionally, potential areas for improvement were identified, with specific recommendations for optimizing online presence. Implementing social media in businesses is an advantage for strengthening the brand and market positioning. It is a simple tool to adapt to any entrepreneurial medium. An analysis of sales percentages was conducted alongside the Instagram channel, detailing the reach of different products and comparing it with the sales points on an annual basis. The work provided a comprehensive evaluation of digital marketing in the context of animal supplementation, highlighting both achievements and opportunities for improvement, and establishing connections with monthly sales results.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dayana Marcela Obando Caicedo; Matheus Luís Docema survey of medicinal plants in a rural community in the municipality of Euclides da Cunha, Bahia semiarid2025-02-10T18:43:52-03:00Jéssyca Dellinhares Lopes Martinsjessycamar@uneb.brOsiel dos Reis Silvaozielreisuneb@gmail.comAndreia Matos de Santanaandreiamatos1530@gmail.comDaielly Nascimento Cézarcezardaielly@gmail.comLeane Rodrigues dos<p>This research aimed to conduct an ethnobotanical survey of plants used for medicinal purposes by a rural community in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid region. The study took place between June and October 2024 in the Euclides da Cunha-BA city, through home visits and the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. It was found that the majority of informants are woman (82%) and over 60 years old (46%). They are farmers (64%) and housewives (27%) who use medicinal plants when necessary (55%) or on a daily basis (45%). A total of 54 species were identified, distributed across 31 botanical families. The Lamiaceae family was the most representative in terms of the number of species. Of the total species used for medicinal purposes, 73% of informants indicated the use of “capim-santo” (Cymbopogon citratus) and “erva-cidreira” (Lippia alba). The medicinal flora is mainly composed of trees and shrubs (48%) and subshrubs and herbs (48%), with 30% of the species being native to Brazil. The most common diseases in the community, treated with medicinal plants, are inflammation, flu and colds, fever, headaches, and stomach pains. There is a predominance of leaf use (87%) in the preparation of teas (83%). The number of plants identified and their potential therapeutic uses reflect the rich ethnomedicinal knowledge of the rural community. The belief in the effectiveness of traditional medicine for primary healthcare will contribute to the preservation of community knowledge and help in the sustainable use of plant resources. The results of this study may contribute to phytochemical and pharmacological investigations.</p>2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jéssyca Dellinhares Lopes Martins; Osiel dos Reis Silva; Andreia Matos de Santana; Daielly Nascimento Cézar; Leane Rodrigues dos Santos of cattle in confinement with the aid of drone, surveillance of welfare conditions and automated counting2024-12-19T17:11:58-03:00Roberto Carlos Negreiros de Arrudarcnegreiros.arruda@gmail.comKarlos Yuri Fernandes Pedrosa Marco Antônio Gomes de Freitas Santosmarcofreitasantos93@gmail.comMarianna Rodrigues Negreirosmamanegreiros@gmail.comMylena Andréa Oliveira Torresmylena.torres@hotmail.comIsabella Rodrigues Negreiros Isa.bella99rn@gmail.comFrancisco Carneiro Limafcarneiro2020.lima@gmail.comJosé Wendel Araujo<p>The study aimed to evaluate the use of drones (UAS - Unmanned Aerial System) in monitoring confined cattle, with automated herd or individual cattle counting, focusing on disease detection and animal welfare monitoring. Flights were conducted using a DJI Mini 2 aerial device, operating at a minimum height of 5 meters over a cattle confinement area on a private property located in the municipality of Balsas, Maranhão. Observations were made for periods of 3 hours. The technology allowed for individual and group assessments of the animals, monitoring feeding areas, and checking for potential clinical signs of diseases. The unmanned aerial vehicle did not disturb the cattle, facilitating the detection of morbidity and mortality, while also reducing the need for labor. The Count Things from Photos app, integrated with the device, enabled the automated counting of cattle, emerging as an effective and low-cost technological innovation for sanitary surveillance and the welfare of confined cattle. The use of the unmanned aerial vehicle showed a high level of agreement with direct inspections and clinical examination of the animals and also demonstrated potential for monitoring cattle welfare from the confinement area to transport to the slaughterhouse, contributing to the traceability process of the animals. The app was effective in automated counting, whether individually or in groups of confined cattle.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Roberto Carlos Negreiros de Arruda; Karlos Yuri Fernandes Pedrosa ; Marco Antônio Gomes de Freitas Santos; Marianna Rodrigues Negreiros; Mylena Andréa Oliveira Torres; Isabella Rodrigues Negreiros ; Francisco Carneiro Lima; José Wendel Araujo Soares of Bacillus aryabhattai and its effects on corn productivity2025-02-10T18:43:55-03:00Isabella Silva Roque de Souzaisasilvardesouza@gmail.comLorena de Alcântara Aguiarlorenaalcantaraaguia@gmail.comCláudia Fabiana Alves<p>Corn is often grown as a second crop under unsuitable conditions for its full development, and it is essential to maintain productivity even in adverse situations. The objective of this study was to verify whether inoculation with Bacillus aryabhattai and topdressing applications on the soil surface provide increased productivity in corn crops. In all treatments, the plants were inoculated with 4.0 ml of B. aryabhattai (TS). In T2 and T3, an additional 100 ml ha-1 was applied at V4, and later in T3 and T4, an additional 100 ml ha-1 was applied at V8 stage. The plants were analyzed by assessing height (m) and stem diameter (mm) and productivity. The results of the evaluations were subjected to analysis of variance, and when significant differences occurred, Tukey's test of means was applied. The application of B. aryabhattai promotes the best development of corn plants. The association of B. aryabhattai applied in seed treatment, and in V4 of corn, promotes significant benefits for crop productivity.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Isabella Silva Roque de Souza; Lorena de Alcântara Aguiar; Cláudia Fabiana Alves Rezende + strobilurin controls cercosporiosis and coffee rust, and biostimulants + sucrose reduces phytotoxicity2025-02-04T07:11:47-03:00Diogo Aparecido de Carvalhodiogoapcarvalho4@gmail.comMarcelo Loran de Oliveira Lucas Silva Pereira matheuslucass0410@gmail.comTúlio Silva Costatuliocosta710@gmail.comLuís Otávio<p>Diseases such as cercospora, rust and problems with phytotoxicity are limitations in coffee production. The aim of this work was to reaffirm the efficiency of chemical control based on the chemical groups Triazol + Stribolurin on cercospora and coffee rust and its phytotoxic effect, as well as to verify whether biostimulants or 4% sucrose can minimize phytotoxicity. Two separate trials were carried out, the first of which included the following treatments: T1) Aproach® - 500 mL/ha, T2) Priori Xtra® - 750 mL/ha, T3) Sphere Max® - 400 mL/ha, T4) Opera® 1.5 L/ha, T5) Witness; the second trial included the following treatments: T1) Opera® 1.5 L/ha, T2) Opera® 1.5 L/ha + Fertiactyl® 0.5 L/ha, T3) Opera® 1.5 L + Stimulate® 1 L/ha, T4) Opera® 1.5 L/ha + Physio crop® 1. The first trial began in March 2022 on the Catuaí 62 Amarelo cultivar, with a hanging load of 20 bags/hectare, and the second in February 2023 on the Rubi MG 1185 cultivar, with no hanging load. The products based on triazole + strobilurin were efficient in controlling cercospora and rust, being similar to and superior to the control, the product based on picoxystrobin + cyproconazole, Aproach®, caused no reduction in plant growth, and the product based on pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, Opera®, caused the greatest reduction. The efficacy of the products Stimulate®, Fertiactyl® and sucrose 4% was also proven to mitigate the phytotoxic effects of the application of Opera®, improving the average number of leaves on the branches after treatment.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Diogo Aparecido de Carvalho; Marcelo Loran de Oliveira Freitas; Matheus Lucas Silva Pereira ; Túlio Silva Costa; Luís Otávio Ferreira anatomical characterization and phenotypic plasticity of genotypes of the giant missionary (Axonopus jesuiticus (Araújo) Valls x Axonopus scoparius (Flüggé) Kuhlm.) 2025-02-13T17:50:32-03:00Heloyse Caetano Cristina Bassokelen.basso@ufsc.brMurilo Dalla Cesar Poeta Fermino<p>Missioneira-gigante [Axonopus jesuiticus (Araújo) Valls x Axonopus scoparius (Flüggé) Kuhlm.] is a forage species native to Santa Catarina and used in pasture-based production systems for feeding animals in southern Brazil. The leaf anatomy of grasses influences their nutritional value, especially the proportion of lignified tissues. The objective of this work was to describe aspects of leaf anatomy considering the proportion of tissues, and to evaluate the phenotypic plasticity of three genotypes of the species. Permanent slides were prepared from leaves of the triploid genotypes V14337 and SCS315 ‘Catarina Gigante’ (2n=3x=30) and the hexaploid genotype E401 (2n=6x=60). Vascular bundles in the leaf can be of three sizes, containing subepidermal sclerenchyma or not, in “I-girder” and “T-girder” arrangements. Vascular bundles of all sizes present a chlorophyllic parenchyma sheath in radial arrangement. The greatest phenotypic plasticity was observed in the proportion of sclerenchyma. Among the evaluated characters, the forage species presents low plasticity.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Heloyse Caetano Vargas; Kelen Cristina Basso; Murilo Dalla Costa; Paulo Cesar Poeta Fermino Junior of the agronomic potential of strawberry genotypes (fragaria × ananassa duch) in an organic soilless environment2025-02-06T14:31:52-03:00Matthieu<p>The current scenario in strawberry cultivation is the adoption of the off-ground method in substrate, which reduces the relevance of the planting period in the transplanting process. This study aimed to carry out an agronomic characterization of strawberry genotypes grown out of the ground, under an organic production system. An experimental design with subdivided plots was used for each pair of genotypes, where the plots represented the genotypes themselves and the subplots represented the months of evaluation. Each genotype was evaluated in three replicates, totaling 18 plants in each. The evaluations included phenological aspects, commercial classification, coloring, plant characterization, and production aspects. The data was analyzed using variance, with differences between means evaluated using the Tukey test at 5% probability. Throughout the evaluations, DN3 outperformed DN6 in terms of diameter, number of fruits, production and chlorophyll content, while being phenologically later. Among the short-day genotypes, DC10 stood out with greater diameter, chlorophyll content and production at harvest, demonstrating precocity in relation to DC01. However, due to the late planting, the production of the short-day genotypes was lower than expected, revealing a more significant impact of this practice.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Matthieu Octaveus side-to-side jejunocecostomy as surgical treatment for ileocecal intussusception in a 6 years old criollo mare2025-02-19T07:12:48-03:00Júlia Girardi Townsendtownsend.julia@hotmail.comRafaela Amestoy de Oliveirarafaamestoy@gmail.comManuela Tondinmanu.toondin@hotmail.comJúlia Abas<p>Colic is a common and dangerous condition that causes abdominal discomfort in horses. Its resolution can be clinical or surgical, caused by a range of possible abnormalities. One such alteration is intussusception, where one segment of the intestine (the intussusceptum) is enveloped by an adjacent aboral segment (the intussuscipiens). The progression of this condition leads to ischemia and necrosis of the involved intestinal loops, underscoring the importance of early diagnosis and intervention. When the ileum is involved and complete resection is necessary, jejunocecostomy is the recommended surgical technique, leaving a remnant ileal stump and creating a new ileocecal valve. This work aims to report the case of a 6-year-old Crioulo mare, which was presumptively diagnosed with acute intussusception through clinical and ultrasonographic findings (bull’s eye formation), confirming the suspicion during exploratory celiotomy that was promptly performed. The anastomosis of the cecum to the resected end of the jejunum was accomplished using gastrointestinal staplers. The surgery was successful and the patient was discharged from the hospital without complications 7 days post-procedure, subsequently returning to its activities satisfactorily. This report emphasizes the impact of the time between presentation and resolution on the prognosis of patients with colic, due to the progressive local and systemic damages caused by this syndrome.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Júlia Girardi Townsend; Rafaela Amestoy de Oliveira; Manuela Tondin; Júlia Abas Andrade selectivity for açaí palm2025-02-11T11:40:25-03:00José Roberto Antoniol Fontesjose.roberto@embrapa.brRonaldo Ribeiro de Moraisronaldo.morais@embrapa.brAndré Luiz Atrochandre.atroch@embrapa.brRicardo<p>The açaí palm (Euterpe oleracea, Arecaceae) is a palm tree native to the Amazon, traditionally exploited in the extractive system and whose fruits are used to produce a beverage known as açaí wine. Due to increasing consumption, extractivism does not meet the increased demand and the açaí palm has begun to be cultivated in upland areas in the Amazon region. The weed interference is a factor that impairs plant growth and fruit production in upland, requiring periodic control. Weed control with herbicides has the advantages of obtaining high control efficacy, lower cost, greater operational performance and less dependence on labor. Selective herbicides control weeds and do not impairs the açaí palm tree; however, evaluations are necessary for the safe use of herbicides. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of the herbicides 2,4-D dimethylamine (670, 1005, 1340 and 1675 g), diuron (750, 1250, 1750 and 2250 g), fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (55, 82.5, 110 and 137.5 g), metribuzin (240, 480, 720, 960 g) and sulfentrazone (500, 750, 1000 and 1250 g). The experiment was conducted in nursery conditions in pots with açaí seedlings (BRS Pai d’Égua) at the growth stage of five fully expanded leaves. 2,4-D, diuron, metribuzin and sulfentrazone were applied under the canopy of the seedlings and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl on the leaves. All herbicides at all doses were selective for the açaí palm, with phytotoxicity considered mild.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 José Roberto Antoniol Fontes; Ronaldo Ribeiro de Morais; André Luiz Atroch; Ricardo Lopes after Resection of Cement-Ossifying Fibroma in the Maxilla: Case report2025-02-10T18:39:43-03:00Vinícius Fernandes Cavalcanteviniciusfernandescavalcante@gmail.comMatheus Sá Vidalvidalmatheusctbmf@gmail.comOliver Sisnando Araújooliverhuwc@gmail.comRenata Miranda Nogueirarenatamirandactbmf@gmail.comAna Caroline Cavalcante do Nascimentocaroliine1516@gmail.comAna Paula Negreiros Nunes Alvesananegreirosnunes@gmail.comEduardo Costa Studart<p>Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma (COF), classified among Fibro-Osseous Lesions (FOL), is considered a benign odontogenic neoplasm of mesenchymal origin with significant growth potential. This study aims to report a clinical case of COF treatment in the maxilla and its postoperative clinical evolution. A 20-year-old male patient presented with facial swelling with a one-year evolution and a diagnosis of FOL from a biopsy performed at another facility. On extraoral physical examination, a hard, right maxillary mass was observed. Intraoral examination revealed slight buccal expansion in the ipsilateral maxillary vestibule. Imaging studies showed a well-defined mixed lesion extending from the canine to the first molar on the right side. Based on clinical, imaging, and histopathological data, the diagnosis of COF was confirmed. Surgical treatment was performed under general anesthesia via an intraoral approach, resection with a small safety margin, and reconstruction of the bone defect using a titanium mesh covered with a pedicled flap from the buccal portion of Bichat's fat pad. The patient has now undergone two years of postoperative follow-up, with no complaints or signs of recurrence and rehabilitated with a removable partial denture. Distinguishing COF from FOL poses a significant challenge, as both exhibit histological similarities and a range of clinical and radiographic findings. A detailed evaluation is essential to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Vinícius Fernandes Cavalcante; Matheus Sá Vidal; Oliver Sisnando Araújo; Renata Miranda Nogueira; Ana Caroline Cavalcante do Nascimento; Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves; Eduardo Costa Studart Soares of health students about Integrative Practices in Primary Healthcare Units2025-01-26T17:23:20-03:00Cássia Regina da Silva Neves Custódiocassianeves1966@gmail.comAna Carolina Casoanacarolinacaso@hotmail.comAna Luísa Ribeiro de Souzaanalu0311@hotmail.comCarolina Terezin Seraginicarolinaseragini@hotmail.comGiselle Batagini Gonmç<p>This study aimed to analyze the knowledge and interest of health students regarding Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) in the context of Primary Healthcare. It is an exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional, and quantitative study conducted with 689 students from various courses at the Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul between 2021 and 2022. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire applied electronically. Results indicated that 41% of students reported knowledge about PICS, while 58% were unaware of these practices. However, 89% expressed interest in learning more about the topic during their studies. Among respondents, 48% reported that practical activities in Primary Healthcare Units (UBS) included contact with PICS, with Acupuncture and Phytotherapy being the most frequently identified practices. The study concludes that there is a significant gap in knowledge about PICS among health students, despite the high interest demonstrated. Including PICS-related content in academic curricula and expanding practical experiences can contribute to the training of professionals better prepared to meet the demands of Primary Healthcare within the SUS.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cássia Regina da Silva Neves Custódio; Ana Carolina Caso; Ana Luísa Ribeiro de Souza; Carolina Terezin Seragini; Giselle Batagini Gonmçalves toxin as an adjunctive therapeutic option in sleep Bruxism: A narrative literature review2025-02-12T17:01:58-03:00Alessandra Jesuinoale.odonto23@gmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>Botulinum toxin has emerged as an adjunctive therapeutic option for the treatment of sleep bruxism, a condition characterized by the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. This review aims to explore the efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin as an adjunctive therapeutic option in the management of sleep bruxism. Recent studies indicate that when injected into the masticatory muscles, botulinum toxin can reduce excessive muscle activity, providing symptom relief and preventing dental wear. This treatment works by blocking the release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions, thereby reducing muscle contractions. The efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin for sleep bruxism have been supported by various studies, highlighting it as a viable alternative, particularly for patients who do not respond well to other forms of treatment, such as occlusal splints or behavioral therapies. However, a thorough assessment of the risks and benefits is essential, as well as considering the need for complementary treatments to optimize results and minimize potential side effects.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alessandra Jesuino; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka in the adjunctive management of acne vulgaris: A narrative review of the literature2025-02-12T16:59:57-03:00Aline Oliveira de Almeidaalinesorriso@hotmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>Photobiomodulation (PBM) is an emerging technique used as an adjunct therapy in the management of acne vulgaris. The aim of this narrative literature review is to present the potential use of photobiomodulation in the treatment of acne vulgaris. This method involves the use of low-intensity light sources, such as LEDs or lasers, which are applied directly to the skin to stimulate biological processes and promote cell regeneration. Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that affects millions of people, significantly impacting their quality of life due to its clinical manifestations, including pustules, comedones, and inflammatory nodules. Studies have shown that PBM can reduce inflammation and the number of acne lesions by modulating sebaceous gland activity and decreasing the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Additionally, PBM stimulates collagen production, contributing to the healing of lesions. PBM treatments are generally well tolerated, with few reported side effects, making it a viable and effective alternative for patients seeking options beyond traditional pharmacological treatments. Thus, photobiomodulation emerges as a promising approach, complementing conventional therapeutic regimens and offering significant benefits in controlling and improving acne vulgaris conditions.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aline Oliveira de Almeida; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka in skin preparation: A narrative literature review2025-02-12T16:59:49-03:00Priscilla Maria Eraclide Marques da Silvapri.eraclide@gmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>Microneedling is a technique that has gained prominence in skin preparation due to its ability to stimulate collagen production and enhance the penetration of topical agents. This procedure involves the use of devices with fine needles that create micro-injuries in the skin, activating the healing process and promoting cell renewal. The aim of this article is to present a narrative review that compiles scientific evidence on microneedling in the treatment of various conditions, such as scars, hyperpigmentation, and skin aging. Additionally, the review explores the safety, indications, and contraindications of the procedure, providing a comprehensive overview of its applications in skin preparation. It is concluded that microneedling, when performed correctly, can be an effective and safe technique, offering significant benefits for skin health and aesthetics.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Priscilla Maria Eraclide Marques da Silva; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a serious and potentially fatal condition - A case report2025-01-28T07:11:32-03:00Marcela Carvalho Camargo Caciatori Bravomarcelacccbravo94@gmail.comAna Carolina<p>Introduction: Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is a pathology characterized by significant impairment of the immune response involving T and/or B lymphocytes and/or NK cells, which implies increased susceptibility to infections and high mortality rates. Children with SCID are healthy at birth; infectious complications arise in the first year of life and are potentially fatal up to two years of age. Early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment, since children without infection have better clinical conditions and survival after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Objectives: To report the clinical case of a patient with a late diagnosis of severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, as well as its complications and challenges for establishing appropriate treatment. Methods: Data will be obtained through electronic and paper medical records. The study will begin after the patient's legal guardian has completed the informed consent form, followed by approval by the Research Ethics Committee. This is an observational and descriptive study, without a control group, in the format of a clinical case report. Primary outcome/Conclusion: Its scientific relevance lies in demonstrating how delays in diagnosis and the lack of implementation of routine neonatal screening for these severe congenital pathologies result in high mortality and irreversible damage.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Marcela Carvalho Camargo Caciatori Bravo; Ana Carolina Cordera control in patients with Diabetes Mellitus in preoperative fasting – Integrative review 2025-02-14T13:02:36-03:00Maisa de Castro Abreumaisa9793@gmail.comCaroline Melo Lopescarolmelolopes96@gmail.comNathalia Xavier de Limaenfnathalialima@gmail.comKathiane Magalhães<p>The objective was to review and map the existing literature on glycemic control in diabetic patients undergoing preoperative fasting, identify the associated risk factors, considering management and control strategies for possible complications, and provide an overview of the available evidence. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, using the PICO strategy to search for scientific articles, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, guidelines, and clinical protocols. The study focuses on adults and elderly patients with Diabetes Mellitus undergoing surgical interventions. Including current studies within the period of 5 years, from 2019 to 2024. Studies involving pediatric patients, non-diabetic patients, non-surgical procedures, and studies that do not evaluate glycemic control during fasting will be excluded from the review. Results: The review covered 16 main studies, and the other complementary references allowed for a broad analysis of glycemic control in diabetic patients undergoing preoperative fasting. The findings showed that careful perioperative glycemic monitoring and control significantly reduce the risk of complications, including surgical site infections, delayed healing, hemodynamic instability, insulin resistance consequently leading to hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Conclusion: The implementation of glycemic control strategies not only reduces the risks associated with surgical procedures but also improves the quality of life of diabetic patients, promoting a faster and safer recovery.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Maisa de Castro Abreu; Caroline Melo Lopes; Nathalia Xavier de Lima; Kathiane Magalhães Mendes Plants as Potential Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2: A narrative review on antiviral and immunomodulatory properties2025-01-30T18:02:05-03:00Murilo dos Santos Mancilhamurilosantosmancilha@gmail.comBruno Crepanibruno.crepani@hotmail.comErik Ernani Marques da Silvaerikernani.marques@gmail.comGabriela Oliveira do Nascimentogabrielaiguatu@hotmail.comJéssica Aparecida Souza Cubajessica.ascuba@gmail.comKevin Gustavo dos Santos Silvakevingustavo30@gmail.comMarcia Claro de Andrademarcia.cllaro@gmail.comMônica Kristina Sampaio de Carvalhomonicakscarvalho@gmail.comWillian Santiago Fonseca Damasiowillian.uam@gmail.comJonatas Rafael de<p>The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has highlighted the urgent need for effective therapeutic strategies. While antiviral drugs have been developed, the emergence of viral variants and the limitations of current treatments reinforce the necessity of exploring alternative approaches. Medicinal plants, known for their bioactive compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, have gained attention as potential inhibitors of viral replication. This article presents a narrative review study that seeks to examine the antiviral potential of plant extracts against SARS-CoV-2, focusing on key species such as Perilla frutescens, Punica granatum L., Nerium oleander, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Vitis vinifera. These extracts have demonstrated promising inhibitory effects on critical viral mechanisms, including RNA replication, protease activity (e.g., 3CLPro), and viral entry into host cells. The study also discusses the immunomodulatory effects of these compounds, particularly in reducing cytokine storm-related inflammation, a hallmark of severe COVID-19 cases. Furthermore, some plant-based extracts, such as Perilla frutescens, show potential synergistic effects when combined with conventional antivirals like remdesivir. Despite promising in vitro and in vivo results, further preclinical and clinical studies are necessary to validate the efficacy and safety of these natural compounds. Given their accessibility, safety, and broad-spectrum antiviral properties, medicinal plant extracts represent a valuable avenue for the development of novel therapies against COVID-19 and other emerging viral infections. This review underscores the need for continued research into plant-derived bioactives as potential candidates for integrative antiviral strategies.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Murilo dos Santos Mancilha; Bruno Crepani; Erik Ernani Marques da Silva; Gabriela Oliveira do Nascimento; Jéssica Aparecida Souza Cuba; Kevin Gustavo dos Santos Silva; Marcia Claro de Andrade; Mônica Kristina Sampaio de Carvalho; Willian Santiago Fonseca Damasio; Jonatas Rafael de Oliveira of periodontal disease - Literature review2025-01-31T06:28:36-03:00Juliana Peregrino de Brito Tardellijulianaperegrino@hotmail.comAna Tatiana Gonzalez de Meloanagonzalez4887@gmail.comFrancisco Franceschini Neto drfrancisconeto@gmail.comEnnyo Sobral Crispim da Silvaennyo.crispim@academico.ufpb.brNaiara de Oliveira<p>Introduction: Periodontal collapse will result in gingivitis and / or periodontitis. Inflammatory and immune reactions to the dental biofilm are its predominant findings. Such a reaction is clinically and microscopically visible in the affected periodontium. Understanding the mechanisms that govern the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases is a decisive factor in taking effective measures to control the disease. Theoretical Background and Discussion: Healthy periodontal tissues demonstrate structural and physiological protective signals. When bacterial components interact with the epithelium and are able to penetrate the connective tissue, an immune-inflammatory response of the host begins. If the microbial challenge remains unchanged, the inflammatory process will increase in the region. The conditions within the dental biofilm that is forming begin to favor the succession of bacterial species and lead to micro and macroscopic alterations of the periodontal tissues, which will be the result of the interaction between the microorganisms present in this biofilm and the tissues and inflammatory cells of the host. Methodology: Narrative review of literature on the immuno-biological mechanisms that involve the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The search for the articles was carried out in the databases PubMed, Bireme and Scielo and the following descriptors: pathogenesis, dental biofilm, periodontal disease. Conclusion: The dental biofilm is fundamental to the beginning of the pathological process. It alone does not explain the variety of disease stages. So questions about the individual's immune susceptibility may be the complementation of the response. Thus, the planning of periodontal treatment should be based on the scientific basis.</p>2025-02-09T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Juliana Peregrino de Brito Tardelli; Ana Tatiana Gonzalez de Melo; Francisco Franceschini Neto ; Ennyo Sobral Crispim da Silva; Naiara de Oliveira Farias and complications of mastopexy associated with breast implants: Literature review2025-01-28T07:11:51-03:00Amanda Martins Fagundesamanda.martinsfagundes@hotmail.comÁrtemis Sandra Borges Nunes Costaartemis.unifan@gmail.comFelipe Neiva Barbosafelipe_neiva@hotmail.comAlanna Malheiros Silvaportfolioalanna@gmail.comCarla Gabriela<p>Brazil is one of the countries that performs the most plastic surgeries in the world. Currently, mastopexy associated with breast implants is one of the most frequently performed procedures in Brazil. The article aims to analyze the techniques and risks of mastopexy with breast implants. The narrative bibliographic review methodology was used to prepare the study. Regarding the surgical technique, mastopexy can be performed in different ways and each one has its own indication. The periareolar technique is used in patients who have a small degree of ptosis and smaller size. It is the least invasive technique, with the smallest scar. Mastopexy with a vertical scar presents a greater degree of invasion in relation to the periareolar technique. It is indicated for breasts that have moderate ptosis and intermediate size. The technique with an inverted “T” scar is the most widely used model. It is the most invasive technique, being indicated for severe and serious ptosis, with larger breasts, greater amount of skin and fatty tissue. Regarding the prosthesis, silicone can be implanted subglandularly and submuscularly, with submuscular being the most commonly used for patients who have undergone mastopexy. Therefore, an individualized analysis of each patient is essential to choose the best option, and the plastic surgeon must take into account scientific evidence and the patient's wishes.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Amanda Martins Fagundes; Ártemis Sandra Borges Nunes Costa; Felipe Neiva Barbosa; Alanna Malheiros Silva; Carla Gabriela Costa therapy in oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with Multiple Sclerosis2025-01-29T06:38:03-03:00Ramon Arêas da Silva Reisramon-areas@hotmail.comEveline de Lima<p>Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurological disease that affects the central nervous system, causing a variety of symptoms, including oropharyngeal dysphagia. In turn, dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing, which can lead to aspiration, malnutrition, dehydration and lung problems. The objectives of this study are to deepen the impacts of oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with MS, as well as speech therapy intervention. Methodology: The study was completed between August and November 2024. A survey of articles was carried out in 4 databases, namely: Virtual Health Library (BVS), Public Medicine Library (PubMed), Capes Periodicals and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), then the descriptors were established in Portuguese and English. The inclusion and exclusion criteria that guided the search were defined. Initially, 249 articles were identified in the databases. After the bibliographic survey and application of the exclusion criteria, 16 articles were selected. Results: Of the 16 articles included in this review, multiple sclerosis and speech-language disorders were unanimously addressed in the articles. Ten articles presented speech-language findings on swallowing biomechanics; 5 reported protocols used; and 1 reported on the strategy that would facilitate quality of life. Conclusion: The research deepened knowledge about speech-language therapy in patients with MS and dysphagia, through an integrative review of the literature. Oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with MS proved to be a multifaceted condition, with significant implications for quality of life. The present research demonstrates the importance of speech-language therapy, highlighting the need for early and individualized interventions.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ramon Arêas da Silva Reis; Eveline de Lima Nunes of oral mucositis in patients with breast cancer in neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Case reports2025-02-01T07:35:52-03:00Eduardo Vinicius de Souza Silvacdeduardosouza@gmail.comElyka Milena Furtado Nascimento Soareselyka.mfnascimento@upe.brRossano Robério Fernandes Araújo rossano.med56@gmail.comCristiana de Lima Karla de Lacerda<p>This article aimed to report the routine dental follow -up, to prevent oral mucositis of two patients under neoadjuvant chemotherapy for the control of breast cancer assisted in a Oncology Center of the Unified Health System (SUS), Recife, Northeast, Brazil. After complying with the inclusion criteria, participants signed the free and informed consent form, underwent initial dental evaluation and were oriented regarding the oral care to be instituted during chemotherapy. In addition, the preventive follow -up of mucositis with low level laser therapy was suggested. In both reported cases, there was only a brief account of oral mucositis episode. However, due to difficulties related to locomotion and indisposition related to the systemic effects of chemotherapy, laser therapy can only be implemented in one of the patients, with a lower than the proposal. It can be observed the importance of personalized cancer dental care in order to favor the self-care and provide quality of life during the chemotherapy.</p>2025-02-09T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eduardo Vinicius de Souza Silva; Elyka Milena Furtado Nascimento Soares; Rossano Robério Fernandes Araújo ; Cristiana de Lima Tavares; Aurora Karla de Lacerda Vidal fibrillation and chronic kidney disease - Clinical and therapeutic interactions2025-02-01T07:35:45-03:00Alice Gerdullo Pinalicegerdullo@gmail.comCaroline Guimarães Dantas de Siqueiracgdsiqueira@gmail.comMateus Borges Santos Mendesmateusmendes96med@gmail.comMárcio Magela Godoi Moreira Filhomarciomagela.godoi18@gmail.comLucas Lopes<p>Introduction: The clinical and therapeutic interactions between atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease have become a relevant object of study in the medical context, given the high incidence of the diseases coexisting in the same patient. Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical and therapeutic interactions between atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease, building on robust literature reviews. Materials and Methods: This is an integrative literature review on the congruences between clinical and therapeutic aspects of atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease. The PICO strategy was used to develop the guiding question. In addition, the descriptors “Atrial Fibrillation”; “Chronic Kidney Disease”; “Propaedeutics” were cross-referenced in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Ebscohost, Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. Results and Discussion: The studies showed that there is a bidirectionality in the clinical and therapeutic interactions between atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease. In this sense, the mechanisms of cardiac structural remodeling and systemic inflammation stand out as the cause of this coexistence and cause-effect, resulting in clinical manifestations and the need for new propaedeutics Conclusion: It is necessary to consider the degree of renal dysfunction when establishing the treatment of atrial fibrillation in patients with chronic kidney disease, in order to avoid an increase in complications and cardiovascular risk.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alice Gerdullo Pin; Caroline Guimarães Dantas de Siqueira; Mateus Borges Santos Mendes; Márcio Magela Godoi Moreira Filho; Lucas Lopes Barbosa trend of AIDS in the state of Bahia, Brazil2025-01-25T06:49:09-03:00Lara Oliveira Santana Rochalarasantana.r@gmail.comAryanny Anacleto Lima dos Santos aryanny.anacleto@gmail.comMaria Gabrielle Lopes Cordeirogabriellelopesco@hotmail.comRebeca Lima de Almeida Santosrebeca_lima23@outlook.comLeonardo Pereira da Silva leopsilva01@gmail.comPaula Santospaulas2001@icloud.comDaniela Sousa Oliveiraoliverdany@gmail.comLorena D'Oliveira Gusmã<p>Introduction: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has a high mortality potential. Temporal analysis of cases is essential to monitor the progress of interventions. Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of aids in Bahia from 2013 to 2023. Materials and Methods: Ecological, descriptive, retrospective study. It analyzed 21,710 aids notifications in the SINAN database. The incidence coefficient and the annual percentage variation (APV) were calculated. A simple descriptive analysis of the variables race/color, education and exposure category was performed, as well as the analysis of the sex ratio and reported deaths. Results and discussion: The incidence rate remained stable until 2019, with slight declines until that period and growth from 2021 onwards. A higher proportion of cases was identified in males, blacks (black and brown), and those with incomplete elementary education in MSM sexual practice. Women showed a significant decline in incidence. Conclusion: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a reduction in incidence and an increase in the number of deaths. From 2020 onwards, the rates began to return to pre-pandemic levels. There is a need to implement public policies that address the epidemiological changes that have occurred and that promote better health conditions for the most vulnerable population identified.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Lara Oliveira Santana Rocha; Aryanny Anacleto Lima dos Santos ; Maria Gabrielle Lopes Cordeiro; Rebeca Lima de Almeida Santos; Leonardo Pereira da Silva ; Paula Santos; Daniela Sousa Oliveira; Lorena D'Oliveira Gusmão of the efficacy of biological agents used to treat Dress Syndrome refractory to corticosteroids: A scoping review2025-02-04T07:12:00-03:00Trinnye Luizze SantosSANTOSLUIZZE@GMAIL.COMWalquiria da Silva Pedra Parreirawalquiriapparreira@gmail.comBeatriz França Soares da Silvabeatrizsoares09@hotmail.comMayara Costa Manso Moraismayara.cmm81@gmail.comGiovana Cavalcante de Souzagiovanacs31@gmail.comBárbara Perini Rodriguesbarbaraperinir@gmail.comLeonardo Cortes de Aguiar<p>Patients with Dress Syndrome often present resistance to traditional pharmacological therapies, which include the use of corticosteroids and pulse therapy. In severe and recurrent cases of this syndrome, the use of biological agents tends to be strongly recommended, allowing the prevention of possible deleterious outcomes. The present study aims to evaluate the efficacy of biological agents used for Dress Syndrome refractory to corticotherapy. For this scoping review, carried out through the PubMed and ScienceDirect platforms, between the years 2022 and 2025, the descriptors chosen were ‘’Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome’’, ‘’Biological Products’’ and ‘’Adverse Drug Event’’. The inclusion criteria consisted of (1) Evaluation of the use and efficiency of biological agents, (2) Analysis of the management of Dress Syndrome refractory to corticosteroid therapy, (3) Studies comparing the performance of different immunobiological agents, (4) Texts addressing monitoring, follow-up and clinical management and (5) Articles in English and Portuguese. The exclusion criteria consisted of inappropriateness to the topic, case reports, editorials, studies with animals and texts outside the time limit. Patients with severe Dress who used biological agents early showed a reduction in acute lethal symptoms, as well as a reduction in the length of hospital stay and deleterious outcomes associated with high doses of corticosteroids. The studies demonstrated that compared to the elderly population, young individuals tend to have a better prognosis and therapeutic response. Recommendations regarding the interaction and discontinuation of such biological therapies are controversial topics to be elucidated through new studies.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Trinnye Luizze Santos; Walquiria da Silva Pedra Parreira; Beatriz França Soares da Silva; Mayara Costa Manso Morais; Giovana Cavalcante de Souza; Bárbara Perini Rodrigues; Leonardo Cortes de Aguiar Franco cancer in the white and black population in Brazil: Prevalence, morbidity, and mortality2025-01-27T17:29:15-03:00Letícia Figueiredo do Vallelf.valle@icloud.comLivia Oliveira Santosliviaoliveirass23@gmail.comManuela Abrahão Falcãomanuelaabrahaofalcao@gmail.comMariana Brandão Rosamarianabrandaorosa@outlook.comHuanderson Luis Moura Figueiredo huanderson3022@gmail.comMaysa Alves Rodrigues Brandãoéria de Lima<p>Skin cancer is a major public health problem in Brazil, with incidence rates constantly rising, according to data from the National Cancer Institute. Scientific literature shows that skin phototype, i.e. skin color, is a significant risk factor, with fair-skinned individuals being more susceptible to developing the disease. However, skin cancer mortality is proportionally higher in black individuals, possibly due to late diagnosis, aggravated by socioeconomic, cultural and historical factors. In addition, exposure to ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) is the main environmental factor associated with the development of skin cancer. Analysis of available studies reveals that primary prevention, through measures such as adequate use of sunscreen and adopting strategies to minimize direct exposure to the sun, is essential to reduce the incidence of the disease. Given this, the objective of this study was to compare the different prognoses of skin cancer in white and black populations, in addition to describing the main factors that lead to the increase in the rates of this disease in Brazil. Finally, we highlight that promoting early diagnosis, through educational campaigns and access to periodic dermatological examinations, especially for vulnerable populations, is essential to improve prognosis and reduce mortality from skin cancer.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Letícia Figueiredo do Valle; Livia Oliveira Santos; Manuela Abrahão Falcão; Mariana Brandão Rosa; Huanderson Luis Moura Figueiredo ; Maysa Alves Rodrigues Brandão Rangel; Valéria de Lima Kaminski of teleoncology on the quality of life in patients after radiotherapy treatment2025-01-23T13:52:44-03:00Alwsca Layane Gonçalves Rolimalwscarolim@gmail.comRoberto Bezerra da<p>Objective: to analyze the impact of teleoncology on the quality of life of patients after radiotherapy treatment. Methodology: This is a quantitative, cohort, longitudinal and prospective research. Nursing teleconsultations were carried out for three months to monitor patients with breast cancer who had completed radiotherapy treatment, with subsequent application of a questionnaire to evaluate them. The data were analyzed with simple and descriptive statistics. Results: It was noted that radiotherapy causes significant side effects after treatment, especially skin changes, with an impact on patients' quality of life, but these tend to be minimized with time and professional monitoring, through teleconsultations. Conclusions: Therefore, teleoncology presents itself as a viable alternative for monitoring these effects, without the need for the patient to return to the service.</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alwsca Layane Gonçalves Rolim; Roberto Bezerra da Silva between asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease mediated by bronchial hyperreactivity2025-01-20T15:00:51-03:00Bruno Luís Silvabruno-loa@hotmail.comBruna Espadinha Rossi de Barrosbrunaespadinharossidebarros@gmail.comLuiza Albuquerque Miqueri da Costalualbuquerquemiqueri@gmail.comMaria Victoria Delmonte Dias da Mottadelmontemariavictoria@gmail.comArthur Moura de Henrique Lara Oliveira de Carvalhopedrohenriquelara02@gmail.comJoão Aluizio Pimenteljoaopimentelcod@gmail.comJoão Ferreira Santosjoaofsbm17@gmail.comLarah Lisier de Lima Palmeira Reislarahreis12@gmail.comChristopher Boaventura de Couto Ferreiraboaventura.chris@outlook.comJúlia Cerize Kollingjcerizekolling@gmail.comJoão Gabriel Bruzadelli<p>Introduction: Asthma is one of the most prevalent atopic diseases in the world and its connection with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has become a relevant object of research in the contemporary medical scenario. Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize the pathophysiological mechanisms that integrate asthma and GERD, especially bronchial hyperresponsiveness, by building knowledge based on robust literature reviews. Materials and Methods: This is an integrative literature review on the general clinical characteristics of the pathophysiological correlation between asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The PICO strategy was used to develop the guiding question. In addition, the descriptors “Asthma”; “Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease”; “Pathophysiology” were cross-referenced in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Ebscohost, Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. Results and Discussion: The studies show some evidence that corroborates the integration between the pathophysiological mechanisms of the diseases, hypothesizing that there is a feedback loop between the pathologies, where one can provoke and exacerbate the other. In particular, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, the microaspiration theory and the theory of pressure changes resulting from bronchoconstriction are the ones that best support this integration. Conclusion: There is a clear pathophysiological integration between the diseases; however, it has not yet been possible to use this knowledge to establish a propaedeutic consensus to improve the prognosis of asthmatic patients with GERD or vice versa.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Bruno Luís Silva; Bruna Espadinha Rossi de Barros; Luiza Albuquerque Miqueri da Costa; Maria Victoria Delmonte Dias da Motta; Arthur Moura de Matos; Pedro Henrique Lara Oliveira de Carvalho; João Aluizio Pimentel; João Ferreira Santos; Larah Lisier de Lima Palmeira Reis; Christopher Boaventura de Couto Ferreira; Júlia Cerize Kolling; João Gabriel Bruzadelli Barbosa of Plumeria pudica latex proteins on intestinal mucositis caused by 5-fluorouracil in mice2025-02-06T17:39:48-03:00Gabriella Linhares de Andradegabriellalinhares9@gmail.comBruna da Silva Souzabruna_silvasouza@hotmail.comAna Clara Silva Salesclarasales02@gmail.comFrancisca Dayane Soares da Silvadaianejanjao19@hotmail.comThalis Ferreira de Souzathalisf90@gmail.comAna Patrícia de Oliveiraapatriciabiomed@gmail.comJand Venes Rolim Peres de Freitas dos Santos Jérsia Araújoanajersia@gmail.comJosé Delano Barreto Marinho Filhodelanomarinho@gmail.comJéssica Maria Teles Souzajessicamtsouza@gmail.comJefferson Soares de<p>Plumeria pudica produces a protein-rich latex (PLPp) with anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antidiarrheal properties, in addition to reducing periodontitis and acting as a protector in ulcerative colitis. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of latex proteins on intestinal mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil, in order to contribute with significant information for the solution of this problem and, if possible, become a therapeutic tool for intestinal mucositis. For this purpose, female Balb/c mice were divided into three groups: saline, 5-FU and PLPp + 5-FU. Mucositis was induced with three doses of 5-FU, while PLPp was administered one hour before each chemotherapy application, for three days. The small intestine was collected for histopathological, morphometric, oxidative stress (MDA, GSH and SOD) and inflammatory (MPO and NO3/NO2) analyses. The in vitro cytotoxicity of PLPp was evaluated alone and in combination with 5-FU. PLPp reduced MPO and NO3/NO2 levels, demonstrating an anti-inflammatory action, although it did not reverse the histopathological alterations. Furthermore, PLPp did not show cytotoxicity in the HCT 116 cells tested, and its association with 5-FU did not reduce the IC50 of the chemotherapy drug. It was concluded that PLPp protects the intestinal mucosa against oxidative stress and inflammation induced by 5-FU, although its proteolytic activity may compromise the pharmacological efficacy.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriella Linhares de Andrade; Bruna da Silva Souza; Ana Clara Silva Sales; Francisca Dayane Soares da Silva; Thalis Ferreira de Souza; Ana Patrícia de Oliveira; Jand Venes Rolim Medeiros; Leonardo Peres de Souza; Andressa Freitas dos Santos Barreto; Ana Jérsia Araújo; José Delano Barreto Marinho Filho; Jéssica Maria Teles Souza; Jefferson Soares de Oliveira of pregnant women about obstetric violence2025-01-22T18:21:58-03:00Kauanna Couto Alveskcouto.ibce@gmail.comEmanuella Soares Fraga Fernandesefernandes@uneb.brLuzia Célia Batista Soaresluziaceliasoares@gmail.comTalitha Sonally Soares<p>Obstetric violence refers to any form of disrespectful, abusive or non-consensual treatment that a woman may suffer during prenatal, childbirth and postpartum care by health professionals. This study aims to understand the perception of pregnant women about obstetric violence. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach carried out in the city of Guanambi-BA. It was conducted in Basic Health Units that serve pregnant women from the urban and rural perimeter, in central and peripheral neighborhoods. A total of 23 interviews were conducted, which were defined based on the data saturation criterion. The data collection instrument used was a semi-structured interview script. Data analysis was performed using Bardin's Content Analysis. This study complies with Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council in all its stages. The results obtained showed a significant discrepancy in the level of knowledge about the concept of obstetric violence when comparing pregnant women living in rural areas and peripheral neighborhoods with those living in central neighborhoods. It also showed that many pregnant women have limited perception of the concept of obstetric violence, understanding that it occurs mostly at the time of delivery. The conclusion is that there is a need to increase awareness among pregnant women about their rights, to raise awareness among health professionals about the topic and contraindicated practices, to involve society and to strengthen health education strategies that promote a more comprehensive understanding of obstetric violence.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kauanna Couto Alves; Emanuella Soares Fraga Fernandes; Luzia Célia Batista Soares; Talitha Sonally Soares Fernandes gingival folding in the reopening of a single dental implant and gingival conditioning: case report2025-02-07T06:37:03-03:00Alex Medeiros de Fariasalexoficialdentista@gmail.comAna Tatiana Gonzalez de Meloanagonzalez4887@gmail.comFrancisco Franceschini Netodrfrancisconeto@gmail.comEnnyo Sobral Crispim da Silvaennyo.crispim@academico.ufpb.brNaiara de Oliveira<p>Implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation in the smile region represents a significant challenge for the dentist, requiring careful planning that involves the precise positioning of the implant and its harmonious integration with the soft and hard tissues. To achieve satisfactory aesthetic results, it is essential to consider the correct adaptation of restorations, whether direct or indirect, ensuring harmony with the protective periodontium. In this context, adequate manipulation of the gingival tissues, combined with detailed prosthetic work, plays a fundamental role in obtaining the desired emergence profile. This study aims to present a case report on the surgical folding technique for gingival conditioning during reopening, applied to oral rehabilitation, in which the patient was rehabilitated with an implant in the region of element 21. Highlighting the importance of planning from the initial phases with prosthetic provisionals until the final installation of the definitive prosthesis. Intervention in peri-implant tissues can be carried out at different moments during the treatment, including before implant installation, during their placement, throughout the osseointegration period and mainly during the reopening phase, demonstrating the relevance of an integrated approach to achieve a satisfactory aesthetic and functional result.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alex Medeiros de Farias; Ana Tatiana Gonzalez de Melo; Francisco Franceschini Neto; Ennyo Sobral Crispim da Silva; Naiara de Oliveira Farias's social vulnerability in the context of Primary Health Care2025-01-30T18:02:05-03:00Edson Silva do Nascimentoenfedsonnascimento@gmail.comNany Camilla Sevalho Azueloncsa.enf@usp.brAnelise de Melo Bernardes<p>Objective: To analyze the situation of women in situations of social vulnerability, exploring its multiple dimensions and assessing its impact on access to primary health care. Method: This is a reflective analysis study, based on a bibliographic review, carried out on scientific articles, books and book chapters during the period 2019-2024 in Portuguese, Spanish and English, in the following databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature and SciELO Virtual Library. Results and discussion: The analysis reveals that socio-economic and cultural inequalities in Brazil affect women's access to health services, especially in rural areas. Conclusion: The results show the complexity of the reality of women in situations of social vulnerability.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Edson Silva do Nascimento; Nany Camilla Sevalho Azuelo; Anelise de Melo Bernardes Costa laser therapy stimulates tissue repair in the temporomandibular joint of obese rats subjected to orthodontic movement2025-01-31T12:42:30-03:00João Paulo de Arruda Ahmann Spenassatto janaspenassatto@hotmail.comIsabela Zibettizibettiisa@gmail.comAndyara Sepulveda Lobato da<p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy on histological changes in the temporomandibular joint caused by induced tooth movement in obese rats. Forty male Wistar rat pups were used; thirty pups received subcutaneous injections of 4 g/kg/day of monosodium glutamate (obese animals - MSG) in the cervical region during the first five days of life, and ten received injections of hyperosmotic saline solution, 1.25 g/kg/day (control animals - CTL). Four experimental groups were formed (n=10/group): Group 1: Control (CTL), rats that were not subjected to any experimental procedure; Group 2: obese rats without induced tooth movement (MSG); Group 3: obese rats that were subjected to induced tooth movement (MDI) (MSG + MDI); Group 4: obese rats that underwent MDI and LTBP (MSG + MDI + LTBP). At 90 days, the induced tooth movement device (MDI) was installed in groups 3 and 4. At 91 days, low-level laser treatment was started. At 97 days of the experiment, the animals were weighed, measured and sacrificed. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) on the right side were removed, fixed and processed for histology. The animals in the obese group treated with low-level laser therapy (MSG + MDI + LTBP) showed reduced articular disc thickness and hyperplasia and vascularization of the TMJ synovial membrane. We conclude that low-level laser therapy is effective in treating histological changes in the TMJ caused by orthodontic movement in rats with hypothalamic obesity.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 João Paulo de Arruda Amorim; Janaina Ahmann Spenassatto ; Isabela Zibetti; Andyara Sepulveda Lobato da Silva care provision in veterinary pharmacy2025-01-16T23:01:07-03:00Naira Milena Sabbinairamilenasabbi_@hotmail.comSuzane Virtuososuzane.virtuoso@unioeste.brAna Paula<p>The role of the pharmacist is recognized and valued in society due to their vast knowledge of pharmacological treatment. With the growing bonds between humans and animals, it becomes necessary for this attention to be expanded to animals as well .The main objective of this article is to present case reports, selected by the authors in which, the diligence of the pharmacist was essential to ensure a satisfactory therapeutic result. Among the reported cases, in 6 (six) of them pharmaceutical care was provided through pharmaceutical counseling, in 3 (three) cases through alterations of pharmaceutical forms (FF), or even identification of incorrect prescriptions as it was done in 2 (two) cases. In this context, a model of service protocol was developed for verifying possible prescription errors and identifying the most appropriate FF, collaborating with pharmacists to conduct individualized and specialized care, as well as having a list of inappropriate medications to avoid dispensing. Therefore, the work reinforces the importance of veterinary pharmaceutical monitoring and the multidisciplinary work carried out between pharmacists and veterinarians, seeking to promote the best treatment and encouraging new studies to be conducted in this area.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Naira Milena Sabbi; Suzane Virtuoso; Ana Paula Barth of Photobiomodulation in pain associated with Burning Mouth Syndrome: A systematic review2025-01-27T13:37:47-03:00Aylla de Lima Lealayllaleal@gmail.comAlmira Oliveira Pereiraoliveirapereiraalmira@gmail.comLais Karuline Silva Costalaiskaruline@hotmail.comSerena de Oliveira Guimarães Passosserenadeog@gmail.comJuliana Monteiro AzevedoJscmonteiro@uefs.brValéria Souza Freitasvsfreitas@uefs.brMichelle Miranda Lopes Falcã<p>Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of low-level laser in reducing pain associated with Burning Mouth Syndrome. Method A systematic review was carried out, analyzing randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that compared the use of low-level laser with another treatment strategy to reduce pain in patients with BMS. The studies were selected through search in the databases PubMed (including Medline), Scopus, Embase, SciELO, Web of Science, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS) and Cochrane until November 30, 2022, and updated on October 30, 2023. Results Eight RCTs which included 183 study participants and 150 controls were identified. The studies showed a higher percentage of women affected by BMS in relation to men. The predilection sites were the tongue, buccal mucosa and lip. Individuals irradiated with the laser showed improvement at the end of the intervention. Conclusion The use of low-level laser can be a therapeutic option for controlling the painful symptoms caused by BMS, as well as, indirectly, the associated emotional aspects. However, according to the diversity of photobiomodulation protocols found, new studies need to be developed to standardize laser therapy parameters for BMS and, thus, evaluate the control of painful symptoms longitudinally.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Aylla de Lima Leal; Almira Oliveira Pereira; Lais Karuline Silva Costa; Serena de Oliveira Guimarães Passos; Juliana Monteiro Azevedo; Valéria Souza Freitas; Michelle Miranda Lopes Falcão profile of rheumatic fever in pediatric patients in the State of Bahia2024-11-02T07:51:26-03:00Sygrid Haehnerhaehnersh@hotmail.comSofia Pereira Figueiredosofigueiredo18@gmail.comMariana Oliveira<p>Rheumatic fever is a late complication in predisposed individuals as an immune response to tonsillitis, mainly caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. The disease develops due to an autoimmune reaction of the host's immune system against streptococcus, resulting in chronic valve and joint lesions. The diagnosis is made using the Jones criteria, including major and minor signs and evidence of previous streptococcal infection. Treatment involves prophylaxis with benzathine penicillin G in the acute phase to prevent chronicity and the development of rheumatic fever, treatment for carditis or arthritis consists of controlling symptoms with corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery in severe cases. Therefore, this cross-sectional study aims to determine the epidemiological profile of pediatric patients with rheumatic fever in Bahia in the last 10 years, observing how epidemiology could determine the target population for public health policies. The study searched the Mortality Information System of the Unified Health System's Information Technology Department, where the variables municipality of care, care regime, color/race, age group, and sex were analyzed. The quantitative profile and outline of the most affected population favor creating public policies and targeting budgets that allow for prevention and improvement in the service of this target group.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sygrid Haehner; Sofia Pereira Figueiredo; Mariana Oliveira Silva in Dengue cases in São Paulo from 2023 to 2025: An epidemiological analysis2025-02-02T20:41:20-03:00Ítalo Carneiro de Oliveiraitalotim7@gmail.comThais Gisele Bastos Gonç de Oliveira Hortéliovictor.hortelio@gmail.comHelton Zheus Azevedo Motaheltonmota87@gmail.comLucas Cerviño de Carvalholukscervino@gmail.comMaria Inez de Santanams.biomedica@gmail.comCarlos Rita Barreiro Chavesanaritaempreendedora@gmail.comAndréa Aparecida de Almeida Duarteenf.andreaalmeida01@gmail.comIsabela Formiga<p>The objective of this article is to present an analysis of the increase in dengue cases in the state of São Paulo between 2023 and 2025, investigating epidemiological trends and the factors that contributed to the growth in disease incidence.Dengue, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, continues to pose a major public health challenge in Brazil, exacerbated by urbanization, poor sanitation, and rising temperatures. The research indicates a significant rise in cases, especially in areas with higher population density, such as the capital and Greater São Paulo. The introduction of the dengue vaccine into the Unified Health System (SUS) in 2023 marked an important step forward, but vector control remains essential. The article also discusses preventive actions, including the management of mosquito breeding sites and community mobilization. It concludes that the combination of preventive measures, vaccination, and active public engagement is crucial for containing the disease and improving public health in the country.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ítalo Carneiro de Oliveira; Thais Gisele Bastos Gonçalves; Victor de Oliveira Hortélio; Helton Zheus Azevedo Mota; Lucas Cerviño de Carvalho; Maria Inez de Santana; Carlos Lopatiuk; Ana Rita Barreiro Chaves; Andréa Aparecida de Almeida Duarte; Isabela Formiga Nogueira communication and pulmonary hypertension in a hematologic patient2025-01-27T06:49:43-03:00Renata Peixoto Abrão Gonrenataabraogon@gmail.comVitória Rossetti Moreira dos Santosvivirossetti_@outlook.comDara Ramires Lemesdaramires.lemes@gmail.comDiogo Stradiotto<p>Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) is a congenital malformation classified into four types: secundum, primum, venous sinus, and coronary sinus, with the first being the most prevalent and the focus of this investigation. The diagnosis of this condition is of fundamental importance due to its potential complications, which can be exacerbated when associated with other comorbidities such as sickle cell anemia and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), which deserve special consideration, especially if the treatment involves cardiotoxic agents. The objective of this descriptive study is to emphasize the complexity of the clinical approach to congenital heart diseases and hematologic disorders through a case report accompanied by a relevant literature review. Based on the analysis of a unique case, using data obtained from the electronic medical record, the report highlights a 57-year-old white female patient, married and with a domestic occupation, seeking medical assistance due to symptoms of post-exercise dyspnea and persistent fatigue. The patient was on second-line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), using Dasatinib for 5 months. A transthoracic echocardiogram was performed, revealing the presence of ASD and consequent pulmonary hypertension (PH), which may have been exacerbated by the use of the chemotherapeutic agent, considering that PH is a known adverse effect of the medication as described in the literature. The conclusion of this study reinforces the importance of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and personalized approach for early diagnosis, in order to optimize therapy accurately and ensure the patient's quality of life.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Renata Peixoto Abrão Gon; Vitória Rossetti Moreira dos Santos; Dara Ramires Lemes; Diogo Stradiotto factors for chronic kidney disease in Medical students from the Central-West region2025-02-18T21:25:10-03:00Gabriel Cerqueira Santosgcgsb@gmail.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comGuilherme Fontes de Sousa Skaf Abdalaguilhermefssa@gmail.comRicardo Silva Freire ricardosfreire23@gmail.comCarolina Moura Almeidacarolinamoura.a30@gmail.comDanilo Borges de Sousadanilo.borges@live.comLuciana da Ressureição<p>Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has a high morbidity and mortality rate worldwide, with a prevalence of 7.2% in individuals over 30 years old and between 28 to 46% in individuals over 64 years old. In this sense, the disease presents as asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic in its early stages and becomes evident in advanced stages. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to evaluate the factors that contribute to the development of this comorbidity, considering its multifactorial nature. The objective of the present study is to identify the prevalence of risk factors for CKD in medical students.. This is a cross-sectional observational study of unmatched samples. The study was initiated in 2020, with the collection of initial data, and concluded with a new data collection in 2022. The data were collected through standardized online and in-person questionnaires, containing 11 variables. The study population consisted of medical students from PUC-GO from modules 1 to 8 in the years 2020 and 2022, using convenience sampling. A total of 482 medical students were included in the study. In this way, the following factors were analyzed: age, ethnicity, sex, smoking, body mass index (BMI), arterial hypertension (AH), diabetes mellitus (DM), dyslipidemia, high-protein diet, family history of CKD, and family history of non-communicable chronic diseases. In this regard, there was no significant reduction in the risk factors with the advancement in the medical course. There are possible causes for this, such as increased study workload, limited availability of time for self-care and healthy practices in daily life, and students' vulnerability to smoking and alcohol consumption, as the majority of students are young and may be influenced by their environment.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriel Cerqueira Santos; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Guilherme Fontes de Sousa Skaf Abdala; Ricardo Silva Freire ; Carolina Moura Almeida; Danilo Borges de Sousa; Luciana da Ressureição Santos of pharmaceutical care in the municipality of Rio Maria, State of Pará, Brazil2025-02-20T06:53:15-03:00Allankardson Gomes Britoalkbrito@gmail.comBruno Wesley Bezerra Costawesleybcosta8@gmail.comOrenzio<p>Objective: to present information and data on the demographic, socioeconomic, epidemiological, governance and pharmaceutical services management characteristics of the municipality of Rio Maria, Pará. Methodology: This is an exploratory, descriptive and analytical study, retrospective for the years 2020 and 2023. Results: Rio Maria has an estimated population of 18,384 inhabitants. It has a GDP per capita of R$ 33,055.36. HDI-M of 0.638. Infant Mortality Rate of 11.36 deaths per thousand births in 2023. Regarding the institutionalization of pharmaceutical services, there are three pharmacists working in the municipality. There are no pharmacists working in the Basic Health Units and in the Central Pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Assistance is included in the Municipal Health Plan, the Annual Health Program, the Budget Guidelines Law, the Annual Budget Law, the Multi-Year Plan and in the reporting to the Municipal Health Council. The techniques of governance, management by results and strategic planning are not applied in the Pharmaceutical Assistance Coordination. Regarding technical-managerial and technical-assistance actions, it is clear that there is no notification of complaints or adverse events to medications to the Health Surveillance Notification System or to report the occurrence of adverse events related to medications or vaccines, among other points. Conclusion: There are problems to be overcome in the implementation and implementation of Pharmaceutical Assistance regarding the dimensions of human resources, governance, planning, management, structure, organization, sectoral policies, technical-managerial actions and technical-assistance actions.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Allankardson Gomes Brito; Bruno Wesley Bezerra Costa; Orenzio Soler of screen time instrument content in childhood2024-12-17T13:52:50-03:00Matheus Francoyícia Rodrigues Alves Bispoleticia.bispo@usp.brBeatriz de Almeida Pinella Piresbeatriz.pires@uniso.brIzabelly Cristina Silveira Camargoizabelly.camargo@uniso.brNicolly de Assis Gomesnicolly.gomes@uniso.brPatrícia Pupin Mandrá<p>Purpose: To revalidate the content of the “Screen Time in Childhood” (STC) instrument. Methodology: The STC instrument contained 24 questions (nine in the first part and 15 in the second part) and was evaluated by five judges with experience in child development and development of structured instruments. Using an evaluation script, different questions related to clarity, cohesion, filling items, forms of response, suitability for the target audience and aesthetic aspect were analyzed. The calculation of the Content Validity Index (CVI) was used to evaluate agreement between judges and the data were analyzed quantitatively (absolute frequency and simple percentage) and qualitatively (content analysis). Results: Among the judges, the majority were speech therapists (80%), graduated between 2003 and 2020, with master's (60%) and doctorate (40%) degrees, all of whom (100%) had experience in clinical care for children. The results indicated CVI values of 1.0 (100%) in all evaluated items. New questions were proposed (six in total) and response formats (inclusion of the “sometimes” option), accepted by the authors. After validation, the current instrument has 30 questions (nine in the first part and 21 in the second part). Conclusion: The STC showed positive results in its content revalidation, indicating that it is a valid instrument for checking screen time in childhood, and can be used by professionals working in the area of child development.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Matheus Francoy Alpes; Letícia Rodrigues Alves Bispo; Beatriz de Almeida Pinella Pires; Izabelly Cristina Silveira Camargo; Nicolly de Assis Gomes; Patrícia Pupin Mandrá to standardize the first puncture in Morbid Obesity Surgery, according to anthropometry2025-02-18T06:12:25-03:00Cesar Bernardo Ortiz Villavicenciocesarbernardortizv@hotmail.comMiguel Mateo Sarmiento Alvarezmateo_sarmiento@live.comSantiago Fernando Velez LoaizaSantiagovelezloaiza@hotmail.comJaime Andres Neira VerdugaJaime_neiraverduga@hotmail.comLorena Ribeiro Teixeira Gouveiadralorenartg@gmail.comGabrielle Vaz de Azevedo Davidgabi.david13@gmail.comGuilherme Lemos Cotta<p>The objective is to identify the best point for the first puncture, seek to systematize the operation for morbid obesity,and evaluate the anatomical repairs and anthropometric data. In methodology, a prospective, longitudinal quantitative observational study was carried out for 2 years in obese patients with the same surgeon in hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, previously studied and released by a multidisciplinary team. All patients were submitted and asked for informed consent. Patients were selected with a grade III obesity body mass index, included in a questionnaire, with specific data, and measured by the same surgeon. The main and analyzed data were sex, age, BMI, anthropometric measurements such as xiphoid measurement, assessment of the Charpy angle in degrees, and distance from the umbilical scar to the possible puncture. These data were statistically analyzed to identify the best choice for the first puncture or placement of the first trocar. All patients underwent general anesthesia, in the supine position, with legs closed, and using the same technique, intending to visualize and manipulate the hiatus. Anthropometric study and BMI are important data before minimally invasive bariatric surgery, they become important in deciding the placement of the first chamber trocar for better visualization of the upper abdomen, facilitating the surgeon's work. This standardization according to anthropometry helps and facilitates the management of minimally invasive surgery.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cesar Bernardo Ortiz Villavicencio; Miguel Mateo Sarmiento Alvarez; Santiago Fernando Velez Loaiza; Jaime Andres Neira Verduga; Lorena Ribeiro Teixeira Gouveia; Gabrielle Vaz de Azevedo David; Guilherme Lemos Cotta Pereira challenges in classifying the vulnerabilities of the Yanomami territory: A stage in the workforce sizing methodology 2025-02-18T13:47:13-03:00Júlio César deéia Olivio Silvaandreia.silva@saú Pereira Lelo Novara Monclarcarlanovaramonclar@gmail.comTárcia Millene de Almeida Costa Abreu de Henrique da Silva<p>This study aims to present the challenges experienced in the selection of epidemiological indicators to classify vulnerabilities in the health territories of the Yanomami people. This is a descriptive study, an experience report, focusing on the analysis and selection of specific indicators that made it possible to diagnose the health conditions of these population groups and local health needs. It represents one of the stages in the development of the proposed methodology for planning and sizing the multidisciplinary workforce for indigenous health, with the participation of workers and managers from the Yanomami Special Indigenous Health District, the Secretariat of Indigenous Health and the Secretariat of Labor and Health Education Management. Six epidemiological indicators were identified and selected: infant mortality in children under one year of age and nutritional deficit in children under five years of age, taking into account the reliability, potential and availability of information from official sources. Vulnerabilities were classified based on the simple arithmetic average between each indicator, with scores ranging from one to three being assigned among the 67 health establishments in the territory, resulting in three levels of vulnerability classification: high, very high, very high.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Júlio César de Moraes; Andréia Olivio Silva; Elisabet Pereira Lelo Nascimento; Carla Novara Monclar; Tárcia Millene de Almeida Costa Barreto; Daiane Abreu de Oliveira; Alysson Henrique da Silva Figueiredo analysis and antimicrobial activity of Cymbopogon citratus essential oil and hydrosol against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa2025-01-28T18:34:39-03:00Fazila Arde Saidefazilaasaide538@gmail.comGraciano Salomão Diquealfredosalomaodique@gmail.comAlice Manjatealimanjate28@gmail.comSancho Pedro<p>Background: Natural therapeutic agents, such as Cymbopogon citratus essential oil, have gained prominence for their potential antimicrobial properties. This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil and hydrolate of Cymbopogon against clinically relevant strains of Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Methods. Essential oil was extracted using the steam distillation method with a Clevenger apparatus, and prepared in three concentrations (50, 75 and 100%) using Dimethyl Sulfoxide. Component quantification was performed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique, employing discs impregnated with essential oil. Pure cultures of microorganisms, including Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans isolated from Leukorrhea samples, were utilized. The Welch Test was applied to analyze potential differences in inhibition zones of microorganisms in response to essential oil at different concentrations. Results: The essential oil exhibited a yield of 0.98%, with a yellow coloration, clear appearance, and pH of 5.65. Major compounds identified through gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry included Beta Myrcene, 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Ethanol, 2-(3,3-dimethylcyclohexylidene)-, (Z), (1R)-2,6,6-Trimethylbicyclo [3.1.1] hept-2-ene, Isoneral, and Isogeranial. Antimicrobial activity was observed against all three tested species, where the complete inhibition of C. albicans growth was observed with an inhibitory concentration of 50%. However, the hydrosol exhibited modest antibacterial activity against the tested strains. Statistically significant differences in inhibition diameters were observed for the different studied concentrations (p<0.05). Conclusion: The C. citratus essential oil possesses effective antimicrobial activity, proposing a potential antimicrobial alternative. Therefore, the importance of future investigations to explore its therapeutic applicability is underscored.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fazila Arde Saide; Graciano Cumaquela; Alfredo Salomão Dique; Alice Manjate; Sancho Pedro Xavier mortality rate of elderly people admitted to the emergency room of a university hospital in Western Paraná, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and undergoing mechanical ventilation2025-02-10T18:43:58-03:00Gustavo Abramovechtgustavoabramovecht@gmail.comJuliana Hering Genskejuliana.genske@unioeste.brBruno Hering Genskebruno.genske21@icloud.comBruna Paludo Ferreirab_paludo@hotmail.comRodrigo Daniel Genskerodrigo.genske@unioeste.brEduarda Gelinski de Oliveiragelinskieduarda3@gmail.comAlessandra Cristina Fuchterfuchterale@gmail.comGiovana Panassol de<p>This study aimed to analyze the mortality of elderly people admitted to the emergency room of a university hospital in Western Paraná, admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). This is an observational, retrospective and quantitative study, carried out based on the analysis of medical records of patients aged 60 or over, hospitalized between January and December 2023. Demographic, clinical and hospital outcome data were collected. Statistical analysis used the chi-square test, with a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05). The final sample included 1,569 patients, with a predominance of males (55%) and a mean age of 73 years. The majority (79.9%) were admitted to the ICU, and 33.8% required IMV. The overall mortality rate was 28.4%, being significantly higher among patients who used IMV (64.6%) and among those admitted to the ICU (24.1%). The average length of stay was 10.4 days. It is concluded that the need for ICU and IMV was associated with a higher mortality rate in hospitalized elderly people. The high vulnerability of this population reinforces the importance of management strategies that reduce complications and optimize intensive care.</p>2025-02-19T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gustavo Abramovecht; Juliana Hering Genske; Bruno Hering Genske; Bruna Paludo Ferreira; Rodrigo Daniel Genske; Eduarda Gelinski de Oliveira; Alessandra Cristina Fuchter; Giovana Panassol de Souza of patients with Alzheimer's Disease on the therapeutic use of cannabis-based medicines2025-02-17T13:15:03-03:00Fernanda Silva Coutinho fernanda_silvacoutinho@hotmail.comJoão Paulo Félix Ferreirainfelixrex@gmail.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comJailson Antônio da Luz Júniorjailsonjunior097@gmail.comRicardo Silva Freirericardosfreire23@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@gmail.comGraziela Torres<p>The use of cannabis as a medicinal treatment dates back to the firsts civilizations that used it in several deseases.. Currently, cannabis is used in the treatment of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and it´s therapeutic use. To assess if whether patients affected by Alzheimer's disease are able to notice improvements in the symptoms of the disease after starting treatment with cannabis-based medication. This is an observational cross-sectional study carried out with a quantitative approach. The results revealed that 58.8% of the participants were male, and it also covered several age groups, with emphasis on ages between 50 and 85 years. Among the participants, 29.9% were widowed and 58% had been through University Education. Approximately 58.8% of the participants used cannabis-based medication less than a year ago, under medical prescription and in conjunction with other medications. The main benefits reported by participants were improvements in memory and appetite, followed by improvement in concentration and sleep. These results suggest a systemic effect of cannabis-based drugs on the body, with emphasis on improvements in memory and appetite. It is important to highlight that in 76.5% of cases, cannabis therapy was performed in conjunction with conventional treatments. Research on the therapeutic effects of cannabis is at an early stage, but it shows promising results in the treatment of conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease. Cannabis therapy has been shown to be safe and effective, especially when combined with traditional treatments. In addition, it is important to emphasize that the use of these drugs should ideally be prescribed by experienced professionals, taking into account the individual benefits and risks of each patient. The use of cannabidiol as a complementary therapy shows promise, but more accessibility to the cost of drugs and more research is still needed so that more people can effectively benefit from these resources.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fernanda Silva Coutinho ; João Paulo Félix Ferreira; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Jailson Antônio da Luz Júnior; Ricardo Silva Freire; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Graziela Torres Blanch removal of maxillary osteolipoma through Le Fort I osteotomy: Case report and literature review 2025-02-01T07:35:41-03:00Ana Caroline Cavalcante do Nascimentocaroliine1516@gmail.comFarah Essguí Orellana Martínezfarahorell@gmail.comVinicius Fernandes Cavalcanteviniciusfernandescavalcante@gmail.comEduardo da Cunha Queirozeduardoqueirozhuwc@gmail.comMário Rogério Lima Paula Negreiros Nunes Alvesananegreirosnunes@gmail.comEduardo Costa Studart<p>Osteolipomas consist of a metaplastic variation of lipoma, which are considered very rare when presented in an intraosseous location in the head and neck region. They usually present as a painless, slow-growing mass that, when properly diagnosed and treated, have a satisfactory prognosis and low recurrence rates. This paper aims to report the case of a 49-year-old female patient, who attended the clinic complaining of a painless lesion in the maxilla, discovered through a panoramic radiograph performed for orthodontic documentation purposes. Imaging exams showed a well-defined irregular mass, moderately calcified with a heterogeneous appearance, projecting from the inner cortex of the anterior wall of the left maxilla into the ipsilateral maxillary sinus, with its central portion hypodense and surrounded by tissue of greater hyperdensity. After performing an incisional biopsy and obtaining a pathological result of osteolipoma, resection of the lesion was scheduled in a hospital setting using the Le Fort I osteotomy technique. The material was again sent for histopathological analysis, confirming the previous diagnosis. Under 12 months of postoperative follow-up, the patient showed no complaints or clinical and radiographic signs of lesion recurrence. The correct prior diagnosis is significant for choosing the best approach for the definitive treatment of lesions. The use of Le Fort I osteotomy not only allowed direct visualization of the involved area, facilitating complete removal of the lesion, but also avoided unnecessary destruction of the maxilla structure.</p>2025-02-17T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Caroline Cavalcante do Nascimento; Farah Essguí Orellana Martínez; Vinicius Fernandes Cavalcante; Eduardo da Cunha Queiroz; Mário Rogério Lima Mota; Ana Paula Negreiros Nunes Alves; Eduardo Costa Studart Soares impact on treatment adherence and the physician-patient relationship in telemonitoring consultations: Integrative review2025-02-11T17:39:48-03:00Jailson Antônio da Luz Júniorjailsonjunior097@gmail.comBrenda de Oliveira Melobrenda.oliveira640@gmail.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comAna Beatriz Ferro de Meloanabiaferrodemelo@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@hotmail.comJoão Paulo Félix Ferreira<p>Objective: To identify, in the scientific literature, the limits and possibilities of telemonitoring consultations in the doctor-patient relationship and their impacts on treatment adherence in medical consultations conducted through telemedicine systems. Methods: This is an integrative literature review, including articles published between 2014 and 2022 in Portuguese, English, and Spanish languages, with full-text availability. Bibliographic research was conducted in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and PubMed (MEDLINE) databases, using Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCs): Treatment adherence, Doctor-patient relationship, and Telemonitoring, with combinations using the Boolean operator "AND." Results: 36 articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, of which 22 were related to the benefits found in telemonitoring consultations, and 18 presented difficulties encountered in this same mode of consultation. Conclusion: Telemedicine is gaining increasing prominence in the doctor-patient relationship, offering benefits to both parties. However, there are obstacles to be overcome with the primary goal of increasing treatment adherence.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jailson Antônio da Luz Júnior; Brenda de Oliveira Melo; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Ana Beatriz Ferro de Melo; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; João Paulo Félix Ferreira and Religiousity in Public Mental Health Policies: The challenges to completeness care2025-02-13T17:50:32-03:00Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comCarlos Eduardo Macedo Regocarloseduardo.mac@hotmail.comJailson Antônio da Luz Júniorjailsonjunior097@gmail.comBrenda de Oliveira Melobrenda.oliveira640@gmail.comAna Beatriz Ferro de Meloanabiaferrodemelo@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@hotmail.comCarolina Teles<p>In Brazil, the religious dimension has always been a striking characteristic of its population. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2022, 76% of Brazilians said they follow some religion, exceeding the global average of 67%. The concept of health, expanded by the WHO in the 1940s, began to include physical, mental and social well-being. This study aims to analyze how religious practices influence mental health care within the context of the SUS. A bibliographic review was carried out in databases such as Scielo, LILACS and VHL, using the descriptors "Mental Health", "Religion and Medicine" and "Integrality in Health". Articles from the last ten years were included and those with methodologies with low scientific rigor were exclude. The study identified a great diversity in religious practices in the treatment of mental imbalances in Brazil, such as prayer, spiritual counseling and religious rituals. However, some religious groups resist the integration of conventional mental health approaches, prioritizing spiritual methods. Lack of effective communication between healthcare professionals and religious leaders contributes to barriers to collaboration. To improve mental health care in the SUS, it is necessary to train mental health professionals, raise awareness in the community through public education and create spaces for interreligious and interdisciplinary dialogue. Clear ethical guidelines are also essential to respectfully and effectively integrate religious practices into mental health care, balancing Brazil's cultural and religious diversity.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Carlos Eduardo Macedo Rego; Jailson Antônio da Luz Júnior; Brenda de Oliveira Melo; Ana Beatriz Ferro de Melo; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Carolina Teles Lemos of the effect caused by rapid disjunction with Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE), im the alveolar bone in molar regions: In sílico2024-12-17T20:37:31-03:00Jéssica Alves Duartejessicaduarte95@hotmail.comEmilly Alves da Silvadraemillyalves@gmail.comNilton Costanltncst41@gmail.comDanila Bezerra de Mouradradanilabmoura@gmail.comAlexandre Rodrigues da Ponteale_rp100@hotmail.comWanderson Roberto Azevedo dos Santoswandersongrfc@hotmail.comAndressa Nascimento Lira da Pontelira_dessa@hotmail.comJosé Robert Santos de<p>Objective: To determine the effect caused on the alveolar bone in the molar region by rapid disjunction with MARPE. Methodology: The present research was developed with the objective of evaluating the effect caused on the alveolar bone in molar regions by rapid disjunction with MARPE, in silico, and in a documentary research from a direct source (tomography) and with the support of narrative review. The research was carried out by the specialization course in orthodontics of the Faculty of the Midwest of São Paulo (FACOP) – Maceió nucleus. Results: After the analysis of the three cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, it was possible to verify the decrease in alveolar bone thickness in the vestibular region of molars. Conclusion: From this in silico study, it can be concluded that the orthodontic effect of the rapid maxillary expansion produced by MARPE stimulated a reduction in the alveolar bone in the upper molar region. It is likely that, after the retention period, the dimensions evaluated in this study will be different, since there is bone remodeling after the active phase of maxillary disjunction has ended.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jéssica Alves Duarte; Emilly Alves da Silva; Nilton Costa; Danila Bezerra de Moura; Alexandre Rodrigues da Ponte; Wanderson Roberto Azevedo dos Santos; Andressa Nascimento Lira da Ponte; José Robert Santos de Souza of the gait speed of elderly people with sarcopenia in the south of Minas Gerais2025-02-22T20:51:38-03:00Arthur Henriques Libério Rocha Gomesgliberio51@gmail.comBárbara Bianca Melo Toledobarbarabmtoledo@hotmail.comMateus Elias Sant’Anna Ferreira Ribeiromateuseliassfr@gmail.comEli Ávila de Souza<p>Introduction: Sarcopenia is a progressive and generalized musculoskeletal disorder, related to the reduction of muscle mass and functional capacity, in which gait speed is a means for assessing its severity. Objectives: To evaluate the gait speed of elderly sarcopenic patients and compare with results in the literature. Materials and methods: Study carried out at the orthopedics laboratory at Santa Casa de Alfenas and at the human performance laboratory at the physiotherapy clinic at the Federal University of Alfenas. Inclusion criteria: over 60 years old, SARC-F suggestive of sarcopenia and indicative handgrip test, without comorbidities. Sociodemographic, gait speed, and ethical procedures were evaluated. Results: 20 elderly people were selected, 30% obese, predominantly female; all had reduced gait speed. The sedentary, obese and with incomplete foundation presented lower gait speed. Discussion: The SARC-F questionnaire assesses the decline in muscle function, is easy to measure and mainly detects severe cases, with low sensitivity and high specificity. The handgrip test assesses muscle strength, indicating sarcopenia at values below the reference. Together, they indicate sarcopenia and are sufficient for intervention in clinical practice, however, the given study suggests the assessment of complementary gait speed, due to its easy measurement, ability to assess the physical performance of the elderly and predisposition to functional decline. Conclusion: All those included in the study demonstrated reduced gait efficiency. The groups with overweight, sedentary and incomplete fundamentals adopted a lower gait speed.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Arthur Henriques Silva; Gabriel Libério Rocha Gomes; Bárbara Bianca Melo Toledo; Mateus Elias Sant’Anna Ferreira Ribeiro; Eli Ávila de Souza Junior of pulmonary function and diaphragmatic thickness after upper abdominal surgery in patients hospitalized at the university hospital of Western Paraná2025-02-19T07:12:49-03:00Karoline Bonettibonetti.29@gmail.comHellen Gonçalves Rosahellengoncalvesrosa@gmail.comAna Luiza Beraldoanaaberaldo@hotmail.comCarlos Eduardo de<p>The aim of this study was to investigate and compare diaphragmatic thickness (DE) and pulmonary function in postoperative (PO) patients after upper abdominal surgery compared to healthy individuals. This is a comparative cross-sectional pilot study carried out in a university hospital, with 30 participants divided into two groups: 15 patients in the postoperative period of upper abdominal surgery and 15 healthy individuals. PE was assessed by bedside ultrasound and lung function by spirometry, considering forced vital capacity (FVC), diaphragmatic fraction and proportion of muscle activation. The results showed that PE during inspiration was significantly lower in the PO group (p 0,0417). FVC was also lower in surgical patients (p 0,0012), impairing lung function. However, diaphragm muscle activation was higher in the PO group (p 0,0448), providing compensation for the loss of muscle thickness. The diaphragmatic fraction showed no statistically significant difference between the groups. It is concluded that after upper abdominal surgery there is a greater recruitment of motor units as a strategy to maintain ventilation. Ultrasound proved to be a useful tool for assessing diaphragmatic dysfunction in the postoperative period and can help monitor these patients.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Karoline Bonetti; Hellen Gonçalves Rosa; Ana Luiza Beraldo; Carlos Eduardo de Albuquerque between polypharmacy and mental health in the elderly: A systematic review2025-02-11T07:14:31-03:00Ana Vitória de Souzaanavisouza30@gmail.comGeovanna Borges Ribeiro Garciagibrg.123@gmail.comMaria Eduarda Paiva<p>Introduction: Polypharmacy, defined as the concomitant use of multiple medications, is common among older adults due to the presence of multiple comorbidities. Objective: To analyze the relationship between polypharmacy and mental health in older adults, focusing on the development or worsening of disorders such as depression and cognitive decline. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted in the CAPES, BVS, and SciELO databases, considering articles published between 2019 and 2024 in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, with open access and full-text availability. Studies including elderly individuals (≥ 60 years) addressing the influence of polypharmacy on mental health were selected. Exclusion criteria encompassed articles that did not directly address this relationship, were inaccessible, or were published before 2019. Results: Of the 12 studies analyzed, 10 indicated a negative correlation between polypharmacy and mental health, highlighting increased depressive symptoms. However, some studies suggested potential benefits, such as protection against cognitive decline when polypharmacy is adequately managed. Conclusion: Inadequate polypharmacy management can exacerbate mental disorders and impair the quality of life of older adults. Further research is needed to explore its impacts, considering both risks and potential benefits.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Vitória de Souza; Geovanna Borges Ribeiro Garcia; Maria Eduarda Paiva Marcacini behaviors, attitudes and practices in professional Odontologists 2025-02-20T06:55:37-03:00Joselyn Milena Mora Guevarajoselynmorag18@gmail.comJennifer Gabriela Ríos Jiménezgabyrios15_@hotmail.comCamila Alejandra Valverdecamilavalverde1999@gmail.comMaría Esthela Litardo Ochoamariaesthelalitardo@gmail.comValeria del Rosío Siguencia<p>The aim of this study was to examine the behaviors, attitudes and bioethical practices of dental professionals, to detect deficiencies in their training and in the application of ethical principles, and to propose strategies to strengthen ethics in the practice of the profession. The research was carried out by means of a narrative review of the literature, compiling information from databases such as Scielo, Google Scholar, PubMed and Dialnet. Articles published between 2002 and 2024 in English and Spanish were included, with search terms related to bioethics in dentistry. The results showed that, although dental students show a positive attitude toward biosafety, there are deficiencies in the teaching of this discipline, which affects their ability to face ethical dilemmas. In addition, the use of social networks in dentistry has generated problems related to informed consent and patient privacy. The importance of empathy and communication in the professional-patient relationship is also highlighted. The study concludes that it is urgent to strengthen training in bioethics, to integrate theoretical and practical teaching in academic programs and to establish clear regulations on dental advertising and the use of social networks, in order to guarantee ethical practice focused on the patient's wellbeing.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Joselyn Milena Mora Guevara; Jennifer Gabriela Ríos Jiménez; Camila Alejandra Valverde; María Esthela Litardo Ochoa; Valeria del Rosío Siguencia Cruz therapeutic effects and applicability of the use of Cannabidiol in patients with Alzheimer's disease2025-02-18T13:47:14-03:00Fernanda Silva Coutinhofernanda_silvacoutinho@gmail.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comTaís Garcia Rocharocha.g.tais@gmail.comDanilo Borges de Sousadanilo.borges@live.comRicardo Silva Freire ricardosfreire23@gmail.comGabriel Cerqueira Santosgcgsb@gmail.comGraziela Torres<p>Cannabis has been studied for its therapeutic potential, especially in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, due to the neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of cannabinoids. The endocannabinoid system, which includes CB1 and CB2 receptors, plays a crucial role in regulating physiological and behavioral functions. The objective of this research is to better understand the ability of cannabinoids to modulate this excitotoxic pathway, positioning them as potential therapeutic agents that can offer protection against the degenerative effects of AD.. The review followed ethical resolution no. 466/2012, using public domain data and was carried out in the MEDLINE/PubMed databases between January and March 2024. 52 articles were selected, of which 5 met the inclusion criteria, focusing on studies published between 2018 and 2024. These studies indicated that CBD has a positive impact on the treatment of the disease, helping to modulate pathological mechanisms and improving cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Among the approaches studied, cannabis was effective in relieving symptoms such as agitation and behavioral disorders, as well as benefits in rigidity and cognitive scores. CBD has shown protective effects against oxidative stress, and molecular modeling has suggested that compounds from Cannabis sativa may interact with therapeutic targets for Alzheimer's disease. Despite the positive results, the review highlights the need for more research and overcoming legal barriers to ensure the effectiveness and safety of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of Alzheimer's.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fernanda Silva Coutinho; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Taís Garcia Rocha; Danilo Borges de Sousa; Ricardo Silva Freire ; Gabriel Cerqueira Santos; Graziela Torres Blanch disease: General scenario and future perspective2025-02-20T16:44:07-03:00Yasmi Dias Teran Maiguayasmi_maigua@hotmail.comMaria Aparecida<p>Moyamoya disease is considered rare and its origin is still unknown, but there is a genetic condition associated with the RNF213 gene related to the disease. However, Asian ethnicity, especially Japanese, is more affected by the disease. The objective of this review was to analyze Moyamoya disease, comorbidities associated with the disease, diagnostic methods, treatments and challenges faced by those with the disease. An integrative review of scientific articles consulted from databases such as the Virtual Health Library (VHL) - BIREME - PAHO - WHO and Medical Publications (PubMed) - via the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and some websites related to the disease in the last 23 years was used as methodology. After consulting the databases, 18 articles were selected, 6 about the disease, associated comorbidities and diagnosis, 6 about treatments, 3 about factors that influence treatment and 3 about life expectancy and quality of life, many of which are case reports. Referring to a rare and serious disease, there is a need for further studies related to MMD, since this disease is often associated with other rare and serious comorbidities, and requires surgical and multidisciplinary treatment for the patient to have a better quality of life and life expectancy. There is much to be explored regarding MMD to improve quality of life, considering that it is an incurable disease to this day with very limited treatment alternatives.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Yasmi Dias Teran Maigua; Maria Aparecida Nicoletti between sexual dysfunction and quality of life in patients with Diabetes Mellitus2025-01-29T06:38:08-03:00Suelen Cristalino Bonfimbonfim1789@gmail.comPedro Luiz Florentino Rossinpedrorossin678104@gmail.comFrancisco Júlio Barbosa Lima Filhojuliofilho72@gmail.comNathalia Araujo dos Santosnathaliaaraujost23@gmail.comCleson Oliveira de<p>In recent years, in addition to the characteristic obstacles of Diabetes Mellitus, a new problem has been associated with this disease, sexual dysfunction. As a result, this study aimed to analyze the prevalence and effects of sexual dysfunction in adults diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. For this, a search was carried out in the PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS and EMBASE databases. From the definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 32 results were selected from the 415 articles found to form the collection of this review, which portray the pathophysiology, prevalence and impacts of this disease on patients' quality of life. Diabetes Mellitus is responsible for sexual disorders due to the microvascular complications it causes. Furthermore, treatment for this health problem is hampered by the stigma of seeking treatment for sexual disorders, which leads to neglecting the search for help. Therefore, it is clear that multidisciplinary and intersectoral approaches must be carried out, such as the destigmatization of this issue in the social environment and preventive care measures for diabetic patients, as well as early screening of these patients with sexual disorders.</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Suelen Cristalino Bonfim; Pedro Luiz Florentino Rossin; Francisco Júlio Barbosa Lima Filho; Nathalia Araujo dos Santos; Cleson Oliveira de Moura of Oral Health in oncologic patients attended in a Dental School in the Countryside of Pernambuco 2025-01-29T17:35:10-03:00Dannykelly Hevile Milena de Moura Silva Maria Tenório da Silva Fernanda de Jesus da Silva de Siqueira Brasiliano Caroline Oliveira Henriques MendesAmandacohm@gmail.comBreno Augusto Lima deão Pedro de Almeida Santosjoaopedrohas35@gmail.comGabrielle Helena Monte Rodrigues<p>The oncologic treatment causes adverse effects on patients, including oral changes, which negatively impact the qualit of life. Other factors that affect the oral condition of individuals are sociodemographic conditions and late referral for dental treatment. Objective: To identify the sociodemographic profile and to evaluate the selfperception of oral health of cancer patients treated at a dental school clinic. Method: This is a cross-sectional study with descriptive analysis, carried out through the application of na oral health perception questionnaire, followed by na intraoral clinical examination. The population was composed of cancer patients referred to initiate the dental treatment between May and July 2023. Absolute and percentage frequencies were calculated for the descriptive categorical variables. The Fisher’s Exact test was used to evaluate the association between two categorical variables, considering 5% of significance level. Results: Data from 36 participants were recorded. Males had a higher prevalence (58.3%); 61% were over 61 years old, 27.8% were illiterate and 64.9% had a family income between R$ 1,000.00 and R$ 3,000.00. Only 11.1% responded that they would look for a dentist if they felt any discomfort in their mouth, highlighting the lack of information regarding the need for dental follow-up since the initial diagnosis. Conclusion: Even in the face of oral changes resulting from antineoplastic therapy, many patients still do not have a self-perception of oral health and the importance of being monitored by a dental surgeon.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dannykelly Hevile Silva; Denise Milena de Moura Silva ; Ingryd Maria Tenório da Silva ; Clenya Fernanda de Jesus da Silva ; Bruna de Siqueira Brasiliano ; Amanda Caroline Oliveira Henriques Mendes; Breno Augusto Lima de Melo; João Pedro de Almeida Santos; Gabrielle Helena Monte Rodrigues bio stimulators in orofacial Harmonization: A narrative review of the literature2025-02-12T17:01:53-03:00Pamela Caroline dos Santospamelacaroline06@gmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>One of the areas that has stood out the most is orofacial harmonization, which seeks to balance the proportions of the face and promote a more youthful appearance. To combat the effects of time and restore youth, harmonization offers a variety of treatments, including collagen biostimulators. These substances stimulate the natural production of collagen, promoting a lifting effect and improving skin quality. Among the main collagen biostimulators used, the following stand out: calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA), poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), polycaprolactone (PCL), platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and fibrin-rich plasma (PRF) and polydioxanone threads (PDO). The objective of this research is to conceptualize and present the main biostimulators found in the aesthetic market for orofacial harmonization. In conclusion, it was possible to observe that there is a wide variety of collagen biostimulators on the market, with different forms of application, cost, techniques and with different treatment objectives. The professional must be qualified and have mastery of the procedures he will perform, because even though it is a procedure considered safe, its adverse effects are mainly linked to poor placement of the product. In addition, collagen biostimulation focuses on preventing aging, which results not only in resolving the patient's complaint, but also brings an improvement in the patient's facial health.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Pamela Caroline dos Santos; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka acid in skin texturization: A narrative literature review2025-02-12T16:59:52-03:00Gabriele de Souza TrindadeDra.gabrieletrindade@gmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is widely used in orofacial harmonization for skin texturization. Its application in chemical peels promotes deep exfoliation, improving wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation. The aim of this narrative literature review is to present the use of TCA in skin texturization. This research is a narrative literature review, following the specifications of Rother (2007). Data collection was conducted in the PubMed, LILACS, and Scielo databases, using the following search terms: "Face," "Trichloroacetic Acid," and "Skin Abnormalities." Concentrations range from 10-35%, selected according to the patient's skin condition. TCA offers a short recovery time and can be combined with other treatments for more comprehensive results. However, it is essential to follow specific care guidelines, such as avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen, to ensure safety and effectiveness.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriele de Souza Trindade; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka threads and neocollagenesis in the periorbital region: A narrative review of the literature2025-02-12T16:56:19-03:00Vanessa Balbino Libardidravanessalibardi@gmail.comNicola Felipe Lopez Bempensantenicolafelipeb@outlook.comRafael Pioltinerpioltine@hotmail.comRegina Ranieriregina.ranieri@hotmail.comRaphaella Guimarãesraphaella.guimaraes@hotmail.comDaniella Pilon<p>Polydioxanone (PDO) threads have gained popularity in facial aesthetics due to their ability to promote a lifting effect and stimulate neocollagenesis. In the periorbital region, where the skin is more delicate and signs of aging are more pronounced, these threads present a less invasive alternative compared to traditional surgical techniques. This narrative review of the literature aims to explore the efficacy and safety of PDO threads in the periorbital region, focusing on collagen production stimulation, aesthetic outcomes, and possible adverse effects. Through the analysis of various clinical studies and case reports, significant improvements in skin firmness and reduction of fine wrinkles were observed, with a low incidence of serious complications. However, there is still a lack of long-term data regarding the effects of PDO threads, especially in the periorbital region. Thus, further investigation is needed to confirm the durability of results and the safety of the procedure. It is concluded that, although promising, PDO threads require more scientific research to be fully understood in their periorbital application.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Vanessa Balbino Libardi; Nicola Felipe Lopez Bempensante; Rafael Pioltine; Regina Ranieri; Raphaella Guimarães; Daniella Pilon Muknicka economic impacts of Patient Blood Management (PBM): A narrative review2025-01-28T10:24:36-03:00Márcio Duarte Carvalho Lima Alves Elizabeth Oliveira dos Bezerra deé Carlos de Araújo Juniorjosecarlosaraujoj@hotmail.comGilson de Andrade Acciolygilsonaccioly2020@gmail.comCarla Emanuelly dos Anjos Lima Silvacarlaemanuelly99@hotmail.comLorena Fonseca Santos<p>Over the years, allogeneic blood transfusion has become one of the most common medical practices worldwide. Over the years, allogeneic blood transfusion has become one of the most common medical practices worldwide. Unfortunately, it has often been prescribed in a deliberate and unnecessary manner. Transfusions carry risks and increase costs, and should only be used when clinically indicated. The aim of the present study was to clarify, through a narrative review, the potential positive effects that Patient Blood Management (PBM) can bring to healthcare economics, whether in the private or public sector. Thus, it is divided into three pillars: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. PBM demonstrates economically significant outcomes by effectively reducing overall hospital costs and those related to blood transfusions, decreasing length of stay, and improving patient safety. Therefore, the present study aimed to clarify the potential positive effects that PBM can bring to healthcare economics by gathering data from the PubMed and LILACS databases.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Márcio Duarte Carvalho Alves; Suely Lima Alves Fontes; Ana Elizabeth Oliveira dos Santos; Victoria Bezerra de Lima; José Carlos de Araújo Junior; Gilson de Andrade Accioly; Carla Emanuelly dos Anjos Lima Silva; Lorena Fonseca Santos Vieira dyskinesia and its influence on painful shoulder syndromes: a narrative review2025-02-07T06:36:55-03:00Maurício Dalamaria Jú<p>This study aims to investigate whether this condition can be considered a predictive factor for the development of such syndromes, contributing to more effective prevention and rehabilitation strategies. This research analyzed the relationship between scapular dyskinesis and painful shoulder conditions, such as impingement syndrome. Dyskinesis, characterized by the irregular displacement of the scapula during humeral movement, may contribute to biomechanical alterations and potential structural damage. Its clinical evaluation includes static and dynamic inspection, allowing for the identification of dysfunctional patterns that guide rehabilitation strategies, such as muscle strengthening and stretching. A review of studies published between 1990 and 2024 indicated that, although dyskinesis may represent a risk factor for impingement syndrome, its presence is not definitive, as it may also result from mechanical adaptations to preexisting pain. Therefore, the clinical approach should consider both its influence on dysfunction development and its role as an adaptive response. This research theoretically contributes to a broader understanding of scapular dyskinesis and, in practice, provides insights to enhance professional assessment and intervention. It is concluded that early identification and appropriate rehabilitation are essential to minimize the impacts of dyskinesis and optimize shoulder functionality.</p>2025-02-13T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Maurício Dalamaria Júnior sepsis in the emergency room: A bibliographic review2025-01-29T18:56:31-03:00Daniele Peres da Silvanieleperes@gmail.comAndrea Helena Érnica<p>The research addresses the management of pediatric sepsis in emergency rooms and the importance of implementing evidence-based protocols for early identification and appropriate treatment of this critical condition. The objective was to analyze how the adoption of standardized guidelines influences the reduction of mortality and morbidity rates in children affected by sepsis. The methodology adopted consisted of a qualitative and narrative literature review, with critical analysis of studies, clinical guidelines and relevant scientific articles extracted from qualified academic databases. The main results highlight that the systematic application of protocols, involving early administration of antibiotics, goal-guided volume replacement and continuous monitoring, significantly improves clinical outcomes, reducing mortality and associated complications. In addition, tools such as prognostic scores, triage algorithms and electronic alerts contribute to the rapid recognition of sepsis, while continuous training of health teams is essential for the effectiveness of these interventions. The conclusion indicates that the standardization of pediatric sepsis management, combined with professional training and the use of support technologies, represents an efficient strategy to optimize care in emergency rooms, ensuring a reduction in complications and an improvement in survival rates.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Daniele Peres da Silva; Andrea Helena Érnica Bisol of the epidemiological profile of pertussis in the municipality of Maringá and metropolitan region, state of Paraná (PR), Brazil, from 2007 to 2024 2025-01-30T09:11:40-03:00Daysa Amadeidaysaamadei@gmail.comDiana Zolet Bergonzinidianazoletb@gmail.comLilian Zolet<p>Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of confirmed cases of pertussis in the metropolitan region of Maringá between 2007 and 2024. Methods: The research was based on data from the National System of Injuries and Notifications (SINAN) to extract epidemiological data and structure the descriptive quantitative study. Results: A total of 222 cases of pertussis were reported. Children under 1 year of age, female, and white are the most affected. Regarding the evolution of these cases, it was found that among the 222 cases, 214 were cured of the disease, 2 deaths were recorded in 2014, and 6 records were considered blank/Ign in the system, having the highest underreporting rate in 2024. Regarding the geographic distribution, among the 26 municipalities analyzed, Maringá had the highest record (55.40%). Conclusions: The findings of this study are in line with other national studies, corroborating that whooping cough is a public health problem, as it shows the increasing number of confirmed cases since 2012, with a peak of 56 cases in 2024. The results indicate the importance of reflecting on public health strategies and actions. It is important to note that whooping cough can be prevented through vaccination. The goal established by the Ministry of Health for whooping cough vaccination coverage is 95%, but this goal has not been achieved. That said, it is important to monitor vaccination coverage rates to promote prevention strategies, early diagnosis, and disease management.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Daysa Amadei; Diana Zolet Bergonzini; Lilian Zolet Bergonzini to diagnosis and treatment of oroantral communication and fistula: Literature review 2025-01-28T07:11:57-03:00Veronica Cristina Kuczmarski Gerhardveronica.gerhard@edu.unipar.brAlana Zenilda Thomaz SachtAlana.218410@edu.unipar.brAna Caroline Tomasini Pascoalana.pascoal@edu.unipar.brAna Claudia Barradas SebastiãoAnacbarradas@gmail.comIzadora Franceschet Fariasizadora.farias@edu.unipar.brPedro Henrique Cristino de<p>Oroantral Communication (OAC) is the opening between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity. Oroantral Fistula (OAF) develops when the OAC does not close spontaneously, remains manifest, and is epithelialized. Removal of maxillary molars occasionally results in communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. If the maxillary sinus is extensively pneumatized, if there is little or no bone between the roots of the teeth and the maxillary sinus, and if the roots of the teeth are widely divergent, it is common for a bony portion of the sinus floor to be removed with the tooth or for a communication to be created even if the bone is not removed along with the tooth. If this problem occurs, appropriate measures are necessary to prevent a variety of sequelae. The two most worrisome sequelae are (1) postoperative sinusitis and (2) chronic oroantral fistula formation. The probability of these two problems occurring is related to the size of the oroantral communication and the conduct after exposure of the sinus. The present study aims to gather data from scientific articles in order to clarify the etiology, prevention and treatment of oroantral communication. For this literature review, national and international articles were searched in the Scielo, PubMed, Scopus, Lilacs and Google Scholar databases.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Veronica Cristina Kuczmarski Gerhard; Alana Zenilda Thomaz Sacht; Ana Caroline Tomasini Pascoal; Ana Claudia Barradas Sebastião; Izadora Franceschet Farias; Pedro Henrique Cristino de Sousa surgical-interventional cleavage in cardiovascular medicine: A brazilian health care system analysis2025-01-28T17:02:57-03:00Gabriel Kaleb Martinskalebmed2000@gmail.comMaria Rayane Félix Pacíficorayanefp.r@hotmail.comMaria Eduarda Dantas de Souza Reisdudamedarquivos2@gmail.comKarina de Jesus do Nascimentoka.nascimento1609@gmail.comLouise Pereira de Moraes Vieiralouisedmoraes@gmail.comAndré Gonçalves Martins Karolliny<p>This study aims to compare in-hospital mortality, costs, and length of stay between traditional cardiovascular surgery and interventional cardiology in SUS (2009–2023), evaluate temporal trends in technological substitution, and quantify long-term effects using risk-adjusted models. An ecological design analyzed aggregated data from 2,303,648 procedures. ARIMA models and negative binomial regression adjusted temporal trends and mortality risk. Results revealed accelerated technological substitution (-1.27% annual decline in surgeries; p < 0.001), with initial mortality advantage for interventional procedures (RR = 0.43; 95% CI: 0.11–0.76). However, synthetic projections showed benefit inversion by 2023 (+72.38 excess deaths), linked to an inverse learning curve for interventions (+0.83% mortality per 1% volume increase; p < 0.001). Cost savings (R$5,524/case) and shorter hospitalization (-5.07 days) coexisted with rising complexity in surgical cohorts, increasing baseline mortality risk by 0.59% annually (p < 0.001). The study concludes that technological substitution in SUS achieved economic efficiency but requires parallel investments in training and risk stratification for clinical sustainability.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriel Kaleb Martins; Maria Rayane Félix Pacífico; Maria Eduarda Dantas de Souza Reis; Karina de Jesus do Nascimento; Louise Pereira de Moraes Vieira; André Gonçalves Martins Santos; Emilly Karolliny Santos importance of rational use of antibiotics in reducing environmental and public health impacts: A critical review2025-02-11T11:40:28-03:00Laura Santos Baltazarlaurasbaltazar3@gmail.comNáira da Silva<p>The consumption of antibiotics in human and animal health has increased significantly over the years, leading to irrational use and the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This study aims to investigate the impact of antibiotic resistance on the environment and public health through a narrative review of articles and reports published between 2014 and 2024. Searches were conducted using different databases and the search terms were "drug contamination," "water contamination," "medical waste," "drug resistance," "antibiotics," "rational use of medicines," and "environment," and different databases were used. The results show that animal excretions and inappropriate disposal of antibiotics have facilitated the spread of resistance genes through contamination of rivers and water sources, and consumption of contaminated meat and food. This has affected public health through the ineffectiveness of antibiotics and increased mortality from infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Rational use of antibiotics combined with health education is essential to prevent irrational use and inappropriate disposal of antibiotics. These approaches can help reduce the impact on public health and the environment.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Laura Santos Baltazar; Náira da Silva Campos of nutrition and supplementation in the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: A narrative review 2025-01-27T17:29:15-03:00Sâmela Loiola Dourado Nery sameladourado@gmail.comGerson de Souza Santosenf.gerson@hotmail.comCamila Dourado Franca Jatobácamila-franca2.0@hotmail.comAnielle Lucena de Quentalanielle.lucenaq@gmail.comGabriel Franco Silva Douradogarrastazufranco@gmail.comIsadora de Lima Douradoisadourado7@hotmail.comAline de Souza<p>This study aimed to synthesize the most recent evidence on the relationship between nutrition and osteoporosis in postmenopause, highlighting the effectiveness of nutritional interventions and supplementation. It seeks to provide a comprehensive view, identify knowledge gaps, and guide future research and clinical practices. A narrative review of the recent scientific literature on the effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women was conducted, also considering the combination of these interventions with physical activities. The results indicated that calcium and vitamin D supplementation presented significant benefits, not only in maintaining bone mineral density but also in reducing the risk of fractures, especially when combined with physical exercises focused on improving muscle strength and balance. Practices such as yoga and functional training proved effective in reducing the risk of falls. It is concluded that calcium and vitamin D supplementation, combined with physical exercise programs, represents an effective approach in preventing fractures and strengthening bones in postmenopausal women. However, it is essential to personalize treatment, and continued research on the impact of nutrition in this population is crucial to optimize bone health care.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sâmela Loiola Dourado Nery ; Gerson de Souza Santos; Camila Dourado Franca Jatobá; Anielle Lucena de Quental; Gabriel Franco Silva Dourado; Isadora de Lima Dourado; Aline de Souza Carvalho evaluation of patients on the first and fourth day after chest drainage2025-02-13T17:51:07-03:00Giovana Panassol de Souzagii.panassol@gmail.comAlessandra Cristina Fuchterfuchterale@gmail.comGustavo Abramovechtgustavoabramovecht@gmail.comJuliana Hering Genskejuliana.genske@unioeste.brRodrigo Daniel<p>The study aimed to evaluate the influence of chest drainage on the respiratory and motor functionality of patients over the days, analyzing possible deficits associated with the procedure. For this purpose, a prospective longitudinal study with a quantitative approach was conducted, including patients admitted to the University Hospital of Western Paraná, who underwent closed chest drainage. The sample consisted of 12 patients, who were evaluated at two moments: in the first 24 hours after insertion of the drain and on the fourth day of hospitalization. The variables analyzed included respiratory muscle strength (PIMAX and PEMAX), hand grip strength, shoulder range of motion (goniometry), thoracic mobility (cirtometry) and pain perception (VAS). The results showed that, although there was no statistically significant difference in respiratory muscle strength, dynamometry and goniometry over the days, the values remained below the normative references. Pain showed a significant reduction (p=0.01) between assessments, and thoracic mobility showed a significant improvement in cirtometry (p=0.02), indicating an increase in lung expansion. It is concluded that thoracic drainage impacts respiratory and motor function, with a reduction in muscle strength and range of motion. Despite the lack of statistical significance in some variables, the differences in relation to the reference values suggest the need for early physiotherapy monitoring. The study highlights the importance of future investigations on the subject.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Giovana Panassol de Souza; Alessandra Cristina Fuchter; Gustavo Abramovecht; Juliana Hering Genske; Rodrigo Daniel Genske D: Mechanisms and Challenges of a Pandemic2025-02-01T20:22:18-03:00Ana Cecília Amâncio Vieiraceciamancio02@gmail.comAnna Luiza Menezes Ribeiroanna.menezesr@gmail.comBeatriz Eler de Limabeatriz.elerlima@hotmail.comThyago José Arruda<p>Vitamin D is an essential pro-hormone that plays a critical role in human health, aiding the immune response through the absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, phosphate and magnesium. It also contributes to the inhibition of TH1 and stimulation of T cells, key components in the body's defense. The objective is to explain mechanisms, in addition to listing the impact that this vitamin has not only on the development of the human body, but also against various diseases, avoiding a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency and its consequences. This study reviewed articles published between 2010 and 2023, selecting those which provided the most significant contributions. Evidence indicates that adequate vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 76% and the risk of developing certain types of cancer by 66%, as well as being beneficial in cases of severe covid-19 and other diseases. Obese people often have lower levels of vitamin D, complicated by polymorphisms in receptors that can affect the absorption of the vitamin. This study aims to highlight the effectiveness of vitamin D in disease prevention and warns of the global deficiency of this vitamin. We conclude that awareness strategies and targeted interventions are essential, especially for those in at-risk groups, to reduce the persistent pandemic of vitamin D deficiency worldwide.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Cecília Amâncio Vieira; Anna Luiza Menezes Ribeiro; Beatriz Eler de Lima; Thyago José Arruda Pacheco profile of tuberculosis in the five brazilian macroregions: A retrospective analysis of the disease from 2015 to 20192025-02-12T17:05:29-03:00Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comCarlos Eduardo Macedo Regocarloseduardo.mac@hotmail.comJailson Antônio da Luz Júniorjailsonjunior097@gmail.comBrenda de Oliveira Melobrenda.oliveira640@gmail.comAna Beatriz Ferro de Meloanabiaferrodemelo@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@hotmail.comEdna Joana Claudio<p>To analyze the epidemiological profile of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the five macro-regions of Brazil from 2015 to 2019. Specific objectives include describing the proportional frequency of cases per year, comparing regional differences, and identifying possible associations with socio-environmental factors. This is a retrospective, cross-sectional, and quantitative study based on tuberculosis records from the Brazilian Ministry of Health's DataSUS system, specifically from the SINAN Net database, covering the years 2015 to 2019. Data were filtered by region and socio-environmental variables, including government beneficiaries, immigrants, alcoholism, and drug use. Statistical analysis was performed using Epi Info 7.0, with a significance level of p < 0.05.Between 2015 and 2019, 452,308 tuberculosis cases were recorded in Brazil. Alcoholism was the most significant socio-environmental factor associated with tuberculosis, especially in the Northeast, where it accounted for over 55% of cases. In the Southeast, drug use was also highly correlated with tuberculosis cases. The North region presented a higher disease frequency, while the Center-West had the lowest incidence. No statistically significant association was found between socio-environmental factors and tuberculosis occurrence. Tuberculosis remains a significant public health issue in Brazil, with its highest prevalence in the North region. Although socio-environmental factors such as alcoholism and drug use were predominant among cases, their statistical association with tuberculosis was not confirmed. Further research is needed to understand the persistent factors contributing to the disease's high incidence.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Carlos Eduardo Macedo Rego; Jailson Antônio da Luz Júnior; Brenda de Oliveira Melo; Ana Beatriz Ferro de Melo; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Edna Joana Claudio Manrique different aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorder in girls in childhood and adolescence: A literature review2025-02-19T07:12:59-03:00Erine Souza Aguiaraguiarerine@gmail.comDaniel Garcia da Gama Alvesdaniel.gdgalves@aluno.uepa.brLarissa Lina Takehanalinatakehana@hotmail.comKaylane Fernanda Costa de Melokaylanefernandacosta@gmail.comLeonardo da Cunha Andradeleonardo.cunhandrade@gmail.comJennifer Ferreira dos Santosjenniferferreiradossantos193@gmail.comPatrícia Regina Bastos<p>Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in communication, social interaction, and repetitive or restricted behaviors. Diagnosis can occur as early as the first year of life, but autistic girls often receive a late diagnosis due to symptoms that differ from the expected patterns. This is because diagnostic instruments, based on the DSM-5, have a male bias, making it difficult to identify ASD in girls and impacting their psychosocial development. The study aims to identify the particularities of ASD in girls and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years. This study, an integrative review, analyzed the particularities of ASD in girls and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years, considering articles published between 2020 and 2024 in the BVS, Cochrane, PUBMED, and SciELO databases. Nine articles were selected, following the PRISMA flowchart. A striking characteristic of female ASD is “camouflage,” a strategy that allows girls to mask behaviors and adapt to social norms. Although it facilitates interaction, this practice is exhausting, harms mental health and delays diagnosis. Studies show that girls with ASD have greater social attention and more adjusted behaviors in childhood, but develop difficulties such as anxiety and less eye contact. Brain differences have also been identified, such as slower reduction of gray matter and lower presence of ASD biomarkers, suggesting protective mechanisms in females. These findings reinforce that autism manifests itself differently between the sexes, and a diagnostic model based on males can lead to underdiagnosis and lack of adequate support for autistic girls.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Erine Souza Aguiar; Daniel Garcia da Gama Alves; Larissa Lina Takehana; Kaylane Fernanda Costa de Melo; Leonardo da Cunha Andrade; Jennifer Ferreira dos Santos; Patrícia Regina Bastos Neder epidemiological profile of spinal cord injury in a rehabilitation center in Teresina, Piauí2025-02-10T15:31:33-03:00Laura Ravena Veloso Silvalauravena89@gmail.comKalyna Alves Pereskalynaaperes@hotmail.comNoélia Maria de Sousa Lealkalynaaperes@hotmail.comAlice Lima Rosa Mendesalice_lima_@hotmail.comSuely Moura Melo suelymelo6@gmail.comAndressa Mayara Bastos Abreu Borgesandressa_mayara@hotmail.comLeonardo Halley Carvalho<p>The objective of this study was to evaluate the causes and etiologies of injuries, identify the clinical and demographic profile of patients, and compare the clinical evolution of different types of injuries. For this purpose, a cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative design was carried out through the analysis of medical records of patients treated at a Rehabilitation Center in Teresina-PI in the period between November 2023 and February 2024. Aspects such as clinical profile and sociodemographic variables, such as gender, race, marital status, and age group, were collected from the medical records. A total of 51 cases were analyzed in the capital of Piauí. The prevalence was of male individuals aged 18 to 30 years old. It was also observed that traumatic injury was the most prevalent in the sample, with 45 cases. It was possible to note that there was a variation in the level of the injury, with 18 cases at the cervical level, 13 at the lumbar level, and 20 at the thoracic level. Regarding urinary incontinence, it was noted that most patients presented this condition upon admission. Furthermore, the main mechanism of spinal cord injury in the patients analyzed was through traffic accidents, followed by spinal cord injury caused by gunshot wounds. It was concluded that in the sample analyzed, there was a higher prevalence of injury at the thoracic level, accompanied by urinary incontinence upon admission, and the main cause was traumatic (traffic accidents).</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Laura Ravena Veloso Silva; Kalyna Alves Peres; Noélia Maria de Sousa Leal; Alice Lima Rosa Mendes; Suely Moura Melo ; Andressa Mayara Bastos Abreu Borges; Leonardo Halley Carvalho Pimentel products for medicinal purposes in Brazil: A pharmaceutical and sanitary overview from 2020 to 20242025-02-14T12:16:47-03:00Elaine Moura Ferreirae.laine1996@hotmail.comMárcia<p>Objectives: To provide an overview of Cannabis Products for medicinal purposes (CP) in Brazil, focusing on technical and regulatory aspects and problems that have been detected in the national market from 2020 to 2024. Methodology: This study employed a descriptive approach, involving searches on the official website of the Brazilian regulatory agency (Anvisa) to gather information on regular and irregular CP. Results and Discussion: A total of 19 companies, located in the central-west, southeast, and south regions of Brazil, were authorized to manufacture or import CP. Of these companies, six engage in national production using imported inputs, while the others import final products from countries such as Canada, the United States, Switzerland, Colombia, and Uruguay. A total of 56 products were collected, which consisted of oral solutions of standardized or isolated cannabidiol (CBD) in various concentrations (17.18 to 200 mg/mL). The analysis of 29 sanitation inspection reports revealed irregularities in companies and products, primarily related to online commerce. The suspension and banning of advertising were frequent precautionary measures. Conclusion: In recent years, Brazil has made progress in regulating CP, facilitating access to CBD solutions. The role of Health Surveillance is relevant to ensure CP with quality and patient safety. As the development and standardization of Cannabis-based products continue to advance, several sectors can expect future challenges.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Elaine Moura Ferreira; Márcia Lombardo and validation of an instrument to assess the risk of suicide in Emergency and Psychosocial Care services2025-02-18T06:12:35-03:00Andréa Cristina Inês Lemos Coelho Ribeiromariaineslcr@hotmail.comDerica Karoly Evarista Nonato Macedo Vianaágella Thaysa Bier de Sousanagella@usp.brFrancine Bom Conselho Peixoto Pereira<p>This article aimed to build and validate a protocol to be inserted into software to assess suicide risk, being a methodological development study carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the content was validated, through 5 judges, who were experts who work in teaching and research in the area of mental health and suicidology. After validating the content (protocol), the second stage was carried out, which consisted of the construction of the software by IT professionals. In the third stage, the software was validated in terms of applicability and usability. The study invited 19 participants, 17 professionals who work in the health network (urgency/emergency and mental health) of a municipality located in the north of the Minas Gerais triangle and two experts in the Information Technology (IT) field, who evaluated the interface and usability criteria. To validate all stages, participants used the Likert scale. The instrument obtained 80% agreement from judges regarding content, appearance, and consistency for assessing the risk of suicide in Emergency and Psychosocial Care services.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andréa Cristina Alves; Maria Inês Lemos Coelho Ribeiro; Derica Karoly Evarista Almeida; Hiran Nonato Macedo Ferreira; Karine Viana Ferreira; Nágella Thaysa Bier de Sousa; Francine Bom Conselho Peixoto Pereira Moura stenosis: factors that interfere with the evaluation of severity by the Doppler echocardiographic method - review article2025-02-20T06:55:45-03:00Vanessa Bernardo Nunes Leprevanessa.bernardonunes@gmail.comGabriel Doreto<p>The importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of Aortic Stenosis (AS) is consensual in cardiology, seeking to prevent the high morbidity and mortality of this disease. Although diagnostic tests are widely available, several factors can interfere with the correct classification of the severity of the disease. Therefore, echocardiographic parameters are part of a critical step to ensure optimal results. Objective: To describe the main factors that interfere in the assessment of the severity of aortic stenosis by diagnostic methods, mainly echocardiography. Methodology: Data processing was performed by gathering the main journals related to the health area, with keywords related to the main theme (aortic stenosis) and subsequent selection of 80 articles for analysis and construction of this review article. Results: The review exposes the various limitations in the assessment of the severity of aortic stenosis, namely: factors related to anatomy, technical issues, hemodynamic variables and/or patient comorbidities.Conclusions: Knowledge of possible diagnostic limitations is essential for specialists in the field, thus allowing a more critical analysis of echocardiogram results, as well as providing the physician with the opportunity to extend the investigation in cases of complementary exams that disagree with the history and clinical examination.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Vanessa Bernardo Nunes Lepre; Gabriel Doreto Rodrigues and religiosity as a mechanism to aid the prognosis of cancer patients: Literature review2025-02-18T21:25:06-03:00Danilo Borges de Sousadanilo.borges@live.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@gmail.comGabriel Cerqueira Santosgcgsb@gmail.comRicardo Silva Freire ricardosfreire23@gmail.comTaís Garcia Rocharocha.g.tais@gmail.comCarolina Teles<p>As life expectancy increases, the number of people with diseases related to aging increases, with cancer being one of the main causes of death in the world. The diagnosis of cancer causes emotional suffering and impacts the quality of life, altering the patient's body, appearance and habits. Cancer treatment requires holistic care that includes prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. In addition to conventional therapies, unconventional alternatives, such as religiosity and spirituality, have been recognized as helpful, especially in patients undergoing palliative care. Spirituality involves a connection to something greater and a purpose in life, while religiosity refers to religious practice. The objective of the present study is to present a review of the literature which investigates the impacts of spirituality and religiosity on cancer patients. The research used the PICO strategy and was carried out in the PubMed, VHL, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane databases. After selecting the articles, 15 studies were analyzed, which showed that religiosity and spirituality have a positive impact on quality of life, increasing physical and mental well-being, self-esteem and helping to accept the disease. However, some patients deny spirituality, which can worsen emotional health and increase concern about the disease. Integrating these dimensions into patient care is essential to promote a holistic approach that promotes well-being during treatment.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Danilo Borges de Sousa; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Gabriel Cerqueira Santos; Ricardo Silva Freire ; Taís Garcia Rocha; Carolina Teles Lemos of using cannabidiol in the treatment of motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: A systematic review2025-02-18T06:12:24-03:00Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@hotmail.comEduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comRicardo Silva Freirericardosfreire23@gmail.comFernanda Silva Coutinhofernanda_silvacoutinho@gmail.comJoão Paulo Félix Ferreirainfelixrex@gmail.comDanilo Borges de Sousadanilo.borges@live.comGraziela Torres<p>Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative condition, common in people over 65 years of age, characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, which results in a decrease in dopamine in the brain. Conventional treatments, such as dopamine administration, have limited effectiveness over time, which can cause tardive dyskinesia. Seeking new therapeutic options, cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), have been investigated due to their potential to modulate several biological pathways, including the reduction of motor and non-motor symptoms, in addition to combating inflammation and oxidative stress. This study aimed to carry out a Systematic Literature Review, which evaluated the effects of CBD on the motor and non-motor symptoms of PD, following the PRISMA protocol. Articles were searched in English, Portuguese and Spanish in the PubMed and Lilacs databases until 2023. The studies revealed varied results: some indicated benefits in pain control and quality of life, but also pointed out adverse effects such as drowsiness and dizziness. The effectiveness of CBD in improving motor symptoms has been inconsistent, and the combination with THC has had a negative impact on cognition in some patients. Studies suggest that CBD may be useful in treating the non-motor symptoms of PD, but more rigorous research with larger samples is needed to confirm its long-term impact and determine which patients would benefit most from this therapy.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Ricardo Silva Freire; Fernanda Silva Coutinho; João Paulo Félix Ferreira; Danilo Borges de Sousa; Graziela Torres Blanch digital transformation: Implementation of a dashboard for advanced management in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)2025-02-17T13:32:53-03:00Thalles Magno Freire de Souzathallesmfs2014@gmail.comLaís Pereira de Eider Lira Netorobertoeider1@gmail.comHélio Roberto Hé<p>Faced with the challenging scenario of Intensive Care Units (ICUs), where seriously ill patients require highly specific care, the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for improving processes and effective data management stands out. In this context, the problems lie in the potential difficulties in managing Electronic Health Records (EHRs), indicators, protocols, communication and resources. This reality highlights the relevance of this research in the international context, highlighting Brazil's delay in innovations in the area of health. Furthermore, there is a need for alignment with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of harmonizing the theme with organizational strategic planning, updating efficiency, safety, quality and results in critical environments. of health. The main objective of this research was to develop a control panel that would integrate indicators for advanced management in the ICU of a private hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, accredited by the National Accreditation Organization (ONA). This research will adopt a quantitative and qualitative approach, characterized as applied, with descriptive and explanatory objectives. Methods include action research. The result made it possible to analyze the data from the neonatal, adult and pediatric ICUs for 24 months (2023 and 2024) on the dashboard, and to draw up a replicability plan. This progress represented a substantial milestone in the hospital's digital transformation, with the aim of improving the effectiveness and quality of healthcare, as well as enabling implementation in other hospitals.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Thalles Magno Freire de Souza; Laís Pereira de Oliveira; Roberto Eider Lira Neto; Hélio Roberto Hékis care management in primary health care: An experience report2025-02-03T07:32:34-03:00Antonio Carlos Farias de Andrade Filhocarlosandradefgo@gmail.comSônia Ávila Cavalcantesonniaavilla@gmail.comLucas Eliel Beserra Mouralucas.eliel_bm@hotmail.comKarla Maryana Lima Loiola Weynemaryloiolaweyne@gmail.comJocileide Sales<p>The aim of this article is to report the results of the training experience lived by medical students at the Unichristus University Center. The aim was to identify problem situations with establish priorities using epidemiological criteria in Primary Health Care Units (UAPS) in the municipality of Fortaleza. This project was divided into three stages. Firstly, a Primary Health Care Management Workshop was held with professionals from the Municipal Health Department, teachers and students. Among the issues raised by the working groups, one of the most prevalent was Low Adherence to Prenatal Care. In the second stage, under the guidance of the UAPS preceptors, it was decided that the intervention activities would take place with the Community Health Agents (ACSs). A form was drawn up to identify and solve the problems encountered at the UAPS. In addition, a class on prenatal care, pregnancy and contraception was held for the ACSs. Finally, was talked to the management team of the Unit about the health indicators of the equipment in question and the demands of users, as well as the services provided by the multi-professional team and the results achieved. In the final stage of the activity, the results of the interventions were discussed at a meeting at the Faculty. It is possible to say that, in addition to the rich learning from the four months of care at the UAPS, taking part in this training experience has enabled a greater appropriation of knowledge relating to the National Primary Care Policy, seeking to identify demands and plan interventional actions in health, with reference to local and national indicators.</p>2025-02-17T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Antonio Carlos Farias de Andrade Filho; Sônia Ávila Cavalcante; Lucas Eliel Beserra Moura; Karla Maryana Lima Loiola Weyne; Jocileide Sales Campos of periodontal disease: Literature review2025-02-12T06:40:47-03:00Celso Augusto Paula da<p>Introduction: Periodontal disease is an inflammatory infection that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth, including gums, periodontal ligaments, and alveolar bone. It is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults and is associated with various systemic conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential for periodontal disease management, allowing interventions to prevent this disease progression. Objective: This study aims to gather relevant current information on the diagnosis of periodontal disease. Methodology: A literature review was conducted to collect data on the topic from PubMed and Google Scholar between 2000 and 2025. Results: The main evidence indicates that periodontal probing is one of the primary diagnostic methods alongside clinical evaluation. Technological advancements, including tomography, biological markers, and especially the classification of periodontal diseases with the identification of risk factors, complement each other to provide a more comprehensive diagnosis, developing effective strategies for treatment prevention.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Celso Augusto Paula da Cunha that support the high prevalence of tuberculosis in the northern region of Brazil: An epidemiological analysis from 2015 to 20202025-02-12T06:40:34-03:00Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelhoeduardoccoe@gmail.comCarlos Eduardo Macedo Regocarloseduardo.mac@hotmail.comJailson Antônio da Luz Júniorjailsonjunior097@gmail.comBrenda de Oliveira Melobrenda.oliveira640@gmail.comAna Beatriz Ferro de Meloanabiaferrodemelo@gmail.comPedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borgespeedrogaabriel@hotmail.comEdna Joana Claudio<p>Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which mainly affects the lungs and is transmitted through oral secretions. The disease, although often asymptomatic, is indicated by a persistent cough. Historically, TB dates back to ancient civilizations and arrived in Brazil with colonization. The disease continues to be one of the main causes of death from bacterial infections in the world and its situation has been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic and social vulnerability. The research aimed to analyze factors that support the high prevalence of tuberculosis in the northern region of Brazil. The study in the North of Brazil analyzed TB records from 2015 to 2020, using data from DataSUS. The research was quantitative and identified factors such as diabetes, smoking, alcoholism and age group, correlating them with the prevalence of the disease. It was shown that Brazil registered 540,370 cases, with 2019 standing out for the highest number of infections. In the North region, Pará had the highest number of cases, while Amazonas had the highest prevalence rate. Factors such as smoking and alcoholism were shown to be the main risks for the development of TB, with a higher incidence among men and people aged 25 to 34 years. The study reinforces the high prevalence of the disease in the North region and the urgent need for control and prevention measures, highlighting tuberculosis as a serious public health problem in Brazil.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eduardo Chaves Ferreira Coelho; Carlos Eduardo Macedo Rego; Jailson Antônio da Luz Júnior; Brenda de Oliveira Melo; Ana Beatriz Ferro de Melo; Pedro Gabriel de Lima Carneiro Borges; Edna Joana Claudio Manrique Communication management tools for the organization of the Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) care line 2025-02-14T06:21:10-03:00Cláudia Heidtmann<p>Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, requiring quick and well-structured responses to address it. Objective: to develop and implement communication management tools to optimize the organization of the stroke care line, aiming at improving clinical outcomes, care efficiency, cost reduction, and strengthening interdisciplinary work. Methodology: the study was conducted using exploratory methods, supported by the assumptions of cross-sectional action research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, analyzing indicators such as response time in care, clinical outcomes, and quality of interdisciplinary communication. Results: the centralization of information in the application will minimize errors related to communication and facilitate clinical decision-making, aligning with national and international patient safety guidelines. Conclusion: the integration promoted by the application aims to improve the quality of interdisciplinary work, contributing to the continuity of care, from the acute phase to rehabilitation.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cláudia Heidtmann Dias´S Witnesses and Blood Transfusion: Current ethical implications2025-02-08T21:24:38-03:00Melyssa Versiani Bastosmelyssaversiani@gmail.comAna Laura Souza do Altíssimoanaaltissimo7l@gmail.comAndiara Gomes de Limaandimedlima@gmail.comCarolina Abreu Neivacarolabreuneiva@gmail.comGiovana Nahass Querubino Guimarães Fonsecagiovananahass@gmail.comLuana Lagares Stahlberg luanalagares2004@gmail.comRaquel Motta de Oliveiraraquel.pisqui@gmail.comSofia Barbosa Lealsofibleal@gmail.comMaria Isabel de Oliveira e Britto<p>Introduction: Ethical and bioethical issues are addressed when discussing the refusal of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) to accept blood transfusions. The debate involves fundamental principles such as autonomy and beneficence. The article aimed to evaluate the positive and negative aspects related to medical decision-making in transfusing blood to Jehovah's Witness patients in cases of imminent risk of death. Methods: Integrative review is based on scientific articles from the Lilacs, Pubmed, and Scielo databases all with free access. Academic books, legal regulations, and relevant court decisions were also analyzed. Results: According to the Code of Medical Ethics, physicians are prohibited from proceeding with treatment without obtaining informed consent from the patient or a legal representative, except in cases where there is an imminent risk of death. The physician must still perform alternative treatments that are authorized by the patient to avoid death, not directly resorting to non-consensual intervention. Discussion: The refusal to transfuse blood is rooted in the religious beliefs of the JWs, as they consider it a violation of divine commandments. The physician should respect the informed decision of the patient but should consider the implications of this choice on the individual’s life. Recently this issue was discussed by the Superior Federal Court (STF), which decided in favor of religious freedom. Conclusion: Faced with this dilemma, it is essential to expand the available therapeutic arsenal and strengthen the dialogue of doctors with Jehovah’s Witness patients, ensuring that their beliefs are respected without compromising the quality of care received.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Melyssa Versiani Bastos; Ana Laura Souza do Altíssimo; Andiara Gomes de Lima; Carolina Abreu Neiva; Giovana Nahass Querubino Guimarães Fonseca; Luana Lagares Stahlberg ; Raquel Motta de Oliveira; Sofia Barbosa Leal; Maria Isabel de Oliveira e Britto Villalobos status and its association with the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms in palliative care 2025-02-11T19:14:11-03:00Vitor Brito Rochavitorbrito.nutri@gmail.comMaura Karina Amaral de Souzamaurapilatti@gmail.comDaianna Lima da<p>Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status and its association with the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms in palliative care (PC) patients. Methodology: An analytical cross-sectional study conducted between May and September 2023. Socioeconomic, demographic, clinical history, and anthropometric data were collected. Descriptive analysis was performed, presented in absolute and relative frequencies for categorical variables. For continuous variables, the mean and standard deviation or the median and interquartile range were used. Normality deviations were checked using the Shapiro-Wilk test. One-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied. Fisher's Exact test was also performed. A 5% significance level was used for all tests. Results: Upon evaluating 55 patients in palliative care, no significant associations were found between nutritional status and the incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms. However, a higher prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms was observed in the underweight group. Among the gastrointestinal symptoms, the most prevalent were: presence of intestinal gas 52.7% (n=29), flatulence 47.2% (n=26), discomfort from gas 44.6% (n=21), and abdominal distension 34.5% (n=19). Underweight was found in 45.4% (n=25) and eutrophy in 38.1% (n=21) of the patients. The lowest means for weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and arm circumference adequacy (AC) were found in the underweight group (p<0.001). Conclusion: The nutritional status of patients in palliative care was not associated with the occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms.</p>2025-02-21T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Vitor Brito Rocha; Maura Karina Amaral de Souza; Daianna Lima da Mata in filling out the tuberculosis notification form among indigenous people in Rondônia2025-02-12T06:40:37-03:00Gisele Aparecida Soares Cunha de Souzagisele.souza.unir@gmail.comLetícia do Nascimento Sarabia Vieiraleticiaelhke123@gmail.comRafaele Oliveira Bonfimrafaelebonfim@usp.brNathalia Halax Orfã<p>Introduction: Notification of tuberculosis is essential for epidemiological surveillance, especially among vulnerable populations such as Indigenous people. Objective: To assess the incompleteness of TB notification among Indigenous people in Rondônia - Brazil. Method: A descriptive epidemiological study with a quantitative approach, based on tuberculosis records stratified by age group (child, adolescent, adult, and elderly) in the Notifiable Diseases Information System from 2008 to 2020 and incompleteness was assessed using percentage variation. Results: 305 TB cases were analyzed. Among the mandatory variables, two were more than 50% incomplete in all age groups: sensitivity test (75.43%) and transfer destination (100%). Among the essential variables, there was an incompleteness between 20% and 50% in the 6th month of sputum smear microscopy and the occupation variable. Conclusion: Incompleteness was predominated among the variables entered after 2014 and the essential variables were identified as crucial for epidemiological calculations and the organization of case management.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gisele Aparecida Soares Cunha de Souza; Letícia do Nascimento Sarabia Vieira; Rafaele Oliveira Bonfim; Nathalia Halax Orfão syndrome in patients living with HIV/AIDS followed up at a tertiary hospital in Ceará2025-02-13T18:14:35-03:00Virna Costa dos Santosvirna-cs@hotmail.comJosé Roberto Gomes Francilino Filhorobertofrancilinof@gmail.comAmanda Almeida Victor Almeida<p>Introduction: There is a growing number of Patients Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) over 50 years of age, who require good viral control and prevention and management of chronic diseases, such as Metabolic Syndrome (MS). Objective: To evaluate the risk factors for MS in PLWHA. Methods: This is an observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study with a cohort of PLWHA followed in a tertiary hospital. Results: The study involved 195 patients. Of these, 71 had MS and 124 did not. Of the patients with MS, the majority had a high Body Mass Index (BMI): 54.9%, uncontrolled blood pressure: 69%, alterations in HDL: 90% of men, 95.2% of women, Triglycerides: 62% and Glycemia: 85%. The value of Viral Load and CD4 was irrelevant, the majority were undetectable: 83.1% and with CD4>350: 87.1%. Conclusion: In general, high BMI, dyslipidemia and worse glycemic control were the most contributing factors to MS in this sample.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Virna Costa dos Santos; José Roberto Gomes Francilino Filho; Amanda Almeida Lima; Luan Victor Almeida Lima of technology in Dentistry and Bioethics: Ethical implications and technological advances2025-02-15T06:36:59-03:00Josselyn Fernanda Riofrio Idrobojossyriofrio97@gmail.comErika Cristina Castro Espinozacristina.castroe@hotmail.comDennis Stalin Ramón Villadennis.ramon94@gmail.comValeria del Rosio Siguencia<p>Technology has greatly transformed the practice of dentistry, bringing innovations that improve diagnosis, treatment and patient management. The aim of this article is to analyze technological advances in modern dentistry and their ethical implications, using the fundamental principles of bioethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice. The aim is to provide a framework for responsible and equitable clinical practice, promoting an ethical integration of technologies in dentistry. The study is of a narrative type, based on the collection, analysis and critique of bibliographic data obtained from various academic platforms such as MEDLINE, Google Scholar, PubMed, Wiley, Lilacs and Scielo, in addition to journals, theses and books. The search also included the review of the bibliography referenced in the selected documents. The conclusion of the article highlights that the use of advanced technologies in dentistry represents an opportunity to transform dental care. However, it also requires an ethical commitment on the part of practitioners to ensure that these innovations benefit all patients. Integrating bioethical principles into daily practice is essential to ensure that new technologies respect patients' rights, promoting more accessible and equitable dental care.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Josselyn Fernanda Riofrio Idrobo; Erika Cristina Castro Espinoza; Dennis Stalin Ramón Villa; Valeria del Rosio Siguencia Cruz of catheter-related bloodstream infection in patients of an intensive care unit in a large hospital in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil2025-02-13T06:09:41-03:00Soraya Eliana Santos de Assissorayaassis33@gmail.comEduarda Rayssa da Silva Costaeduardarayssacosta@gmail.comNáira Aparecida Soares Santosnairasoares@live.comRavive Barbosa Freire Silvãoravivesp@gmail.comPaloma Dias Duartepalomaduarte1981@gmail.comAna Cláudia Fonseca de Carvalho<p>Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with Primary Bloodstream Infection (BSI) in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), in addition to verifying the clinical outcome and describing the microbiological profile. Method: Epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative study, with retrospective analysis of data collected by the Hospital Infection Control Service (SCIH) between January 2021 and December 2023, through active surveillance. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained from electronic medical records, organized and analyzed with Microsoft Excel 2011. Results: The prevalence of BSI was 0.31%, with high mortality (79.49%) and a mean stay of 29.16 days. Men were the most affected (59.02%), with a mean age of 60.9 years. The predominant comorbidities were systemic arterial hypertension (27.49%) and diabetes mellitus (19.61%). The central venous catheter (CVC) was the most commonly used catheter (67.21%), with the jugular vein being the main insertion site (47.06%). Microbiological analysis showed a predominance of Gram-negative microorganisms, with emphasis on Klebsiella pneumoniae (39.34%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (19.67%) and Acinetobacter baumannii (11.01%). Conclusion: This study provides information on the epidemiological profile of CLABSI in ICUs, highlighting the need to strengthen prevention and control strategies. Identifying the main microorganisms associated with CVC use, as well as their risk factors, can guide specific actions to reduce the prevalence and mortality rate of this infection in critical health care settings.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Soraya Eliana Santos de Assis; Eduarda Rayssa da Silva Costa; Náira Aparecida Soares Santos; Ravive Barbosa Freire Silvão; Paloma Dias Duarte; Ana Cláudia Fonseca de Souza; Nayara Carvalho Oliveira analysis and statistical modeling of clinical data in patients with heart failure2025-02-16T16:59:08-03:00Dorival Mantovanidorival.mantovani@usp.brLaura Maria de Araújo Pereiralauramariabiomedicina@gmail.comNel Cione Gomes Cherollin de Lima Pereiralayza_cherollin@hotmail.comMarfran José Cunha Urtigamarfranjose@gmail.comTalyta Valeria Siqueira do Monte Guedestalyta.valeria@gmail.comJosé Guedes da Silva Jú<p>Heart failure is one of the leading causes of global mortality, requiring effective strategies for prevention and treatment. This study aims to conduct an exploratory analysis of 299 patients with heart failure and investigate the influence of different clinical variables through statistical modeling. Statistical models, including linear and logistic regression, were applied to assess the impact of variables such as age, serum creatinine, serum sodium, hypertension, anemia, and smoking on ejection fraction (stroke volume) and patient mortality. The results indicated that serum sodium levels significantly influence ejection fraction, while age, serum creatinine, and ejection fraction showed a statistically significant relationship with mortality risk. The findings of this study are consistent with previous literature, emphasizing the importance of laboratory biomarkers in the prognostic evaluation of heart failure. Identifying these factors can contribute to clinical decision-making and the development of more targeted therapeutic approaches, ultimately improving survival and quality of life for affected patients.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Dorival Mantovani; Laura Maria de Araújo Pereira; Nel Cione Gomes Soares; Layza Cherollin de Lima Pereira; Marfran José Cunha Urtiga; Talyta Valeria Siqueira do Monte Guedes; José Guedes da Silva Júnior profile of patients with liver cancer treated at a tertiary center: A cross-sectional study2025-02-16T16:59:08-03:00Viviane Mendonç dos Santos<p>Objective: To outline the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with liver cancer treated at a tertiary health center. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, which collected, in a non-probabilistic way, data from the medical records of patients treated at the Hospital de Clínicas, Passo Fundo - RS, between January 2011 and December 2020. The findings were categorized into data from identification and sociodemographic data, health characteristics, hospital case outcome and liver cancer outcome. Results: Of the 117 patients, 65% were men. A total of 91% were white, aged 68 ± 14 years. Of the liver tumors, 40% corresponded to liver metastases, while among the primary neoplasms, hepatocellular carcinoma was responsible for 86% of the diagnoses. Of the diagnoses of hepatocellular carcinoma, there was a predominance of males, with 80% of cases aged 71 ± 9.5 years. Of the risk factors associated with neoplasia, alcoholic cirrhosis was the most prevalent (52%), being mainly related to males. Conclusion: Liver cancer is more prevalent in men with a mean age of 68 years. Of the liver cancers, hepatocellular carcinoma has the highest prevalence, with a clinical profile well outlined in the literature, affecting mainly men over 70 years of age with liver cirrhosis associated with excessive alcohol intake and infection with hepatitis C and B viruses. Part of the etiological components and risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma are preventable and avoidable.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Viviane Mendonça; Renata dos Santos Rabello; Fernando Fornari of the Covid-19 pandemic on cases of bacterial meningitis in the State of São Paulo, Brazil2025-02-20T09:06:20-03:00Marcos Fernando Sobrinhomarcos.fernando.sobrinho@gmail.comMatheus Janeck Araujomathjaneck@hotmail.comTatiane Ferreira<p>Considering that both bacterial meningitis and Covid-19 are respiratory transmitted and that the Covid-19 pandemic led most countries to implement containment measures, such as social distancing and the use of masks, the objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on the epidemiological profile of bacterial meningitis in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. A survey of meningitis cases was carried out in the database of the Department of Information Technology of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), through Tabnet, to obtain the profile of the cases and to construct a historical series from 2017 to 2022. Subsequently, the ARIMA statistical model was applied to forecast the time series and compare it with real data. In the state of São Paulo, 8.346 cases of bacterial meningitis were reported during this period, of which 50.5% had unspecified etiology, 22.6% were pneumococcal meningitis, and 20.4% were meningococcal meningitis associated or not with meningococcemia. There was a significant decrease in meningitis cases in 2020 and 2021, coinciding with the most restrictive period of Covid-19 containment measures in the national and global scenario and an increase in cases at the end of 2021, when these measures became less restrictive, corroborating the impact that these measures had on the epidemiology of bacterial meningitis. Constant monitoring of bacterial meningitis cases allows not only to predict a future epidemiological scenario but also to guide the adoption of strategies to control the disease.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Marcos Fernando Sobrinho; Matheus Janeck Araujo; Tatiane Ferreira Petroni Diversity Index (IDIVERSA) has a new Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) strategy: Perspectives and challenges2025-01-27T17:29:15-03:00Cristiano Melo Reinaldocristianoreinaldo9@gmail.comFrancisco Roberto<p>This research aims to analyze whether IDIVERSA influences the disclosure of ESG information by regulated and non-regulated companies in [B]3. Specifically, it addresses the discussion of Agency Theory as one of the main monitoring tools for regulating conflicts of interest and presents some inferences about IDIVERSA's contribution to ESG and corporate governance of companies. The research is descriptive, quantitative, and documentary, and the population is made up of companies listed on [B]3 SA, consisting of 80 companies. The results showed that, unlike other existing indexes, this index works with a grouping thesis by considering the two socially marginalized groups, and this should help to induce ESG practices in the market and attract more investments. The research offers important contributions to the discussion related to gender and racial diversity that promote significant social, environmental and governance (ESG) disclosures by providing new evidence from companies listed on [B]3, which from the perspective of Agency Theory, are concerned with reputational and image risks and meeting the demand of investors concerned with sustainability, inclusion and diversity issues.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cristiano Melo Reinaldo; Francisco Roberto Pinto in the city of Manaus: An analysis of lethal violence in the largest capital of the Brazilian Legal Amazon2025-01-24T21:50:08-03:00Reginaldo Gomes de Françareginaldofrnca22@gmail.comGedean de Souza Cruzgsc0684@gmail.comWayne Paiva Valewaynepaiva.wv@gmail.comDaniel Maciel de Abreudanielmacielabreu@gmail.comErnandes Herculano Saraivaehs.advogado@gmail.comRogério Moreira CostaSD.ROGERIO.MOREIRA21@GMAIL.COMCriscyanne Andrade de Oliveiracris.oliveiraa@gmail.comVando Alves de Souzavandoalvesdesouza1@gmail.comKlensgeis Willians Lima Alecrimklensgeis@gmail.comEllen de Moraes e<p>The article “Homicides in the City of Manaus: An Analysis of Lethal Violence in the Largest Capital of the Brazilian Legal Amazon” investigates the dynamics of homicides in Manaus, contextualizing lethal violence from socioeconomic, territorial, and institutional perspectives. Based on the research, we highlight that homicide is the ultimate expression of violence, often linked to social inequalities and the absence of effective public policies. Brazil leads in absolute homicide numbers, with rates significantly higher than the global average, especially among Black youth and residents of peripheral areas. Therefore, the aim of this article is to analyze homicide rates in the city of Manaus/AM. The research adopts an exploratory quantitative approach, using data from the Integrated Public Security System (SISP) and a bibliographic review. The results indicate that between 2023 and 2024, the number of homicides decreased from 1,408 to 1,084, with reductions also observed in cases of robbery followed by death (latrocínio) and bodily injury resulting in death. On the other hand, femicides increased, highlighting the need for policies to protect women. No cases of torture resulting in death were recorded in 2024. The northern and eastern zones of the city have the highest homicide rates, reflecting socioeconomic and structural disparities. The integration of the Integrated Police Districts (DIPs) with the Community Interactive Company (CICOM) has contributed to faster and more effective responses.</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Reginaldo Gomes de França; Gedean de Souza Cruz; Wayne Paiva Vale; Daniel Maciel de Abreu; Ernandes Herculano Saraiva; Rogério Moreira Costa; Criscyanne Andrade de Oliveira; Vando Alves de Souza; Klensgeis Willians Lima Alecrim; Ellen de Moraes e Silva between literary literacy and the arts in the early years: Reflections and teaching practices2025-02-10T18:39:43-03:00Emerson Andion Souza Soaresandionemerson@gmail.comDébora do Socorro da Silva Gaspardebora.gaspar@iemci.ufpa.brThamires Fernanda C. de O. Vasconcelosthamires.oliveira@iemci.ufpa<p>This paper aims to show how literacy and literacy are fundamental in basic education. While literacy focuses on decoding, literacy allows students to understand the meaning of texts within a social context. Literature is a powerful tool for developing reading and writing skills, helping students to appropriate language and express their ideas. In a class with a 3rd grade class, the legend of Curupira was explored, connecting it to environmental preservation. The collective reading of the legend and creative activities, such as drawings and comic strips, were proposed to stimulate reflection on the importance of nature. The activity provided a space for students to express their understanding and promote a meaningful connection with their experiences, highlighting the importance of orality and Amazonian literature in the educational context.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Emerson Andion Souza Soares; Débora do Socorro da Silva Gaspar; Thamires Fernanda C. de O. Vasconcelos disorder as a social and educational phenomenon2025-01-31T06:31:39-03:00Apostolos Kelestina<p>Conduct Disorder is a complex psychiatric disorder that significantly impacts the lives of individuals, their families, and the broader community. The purpose of this paper is to present a detailed presentation of conduct disorder, with a particular focus on the social and environmental dimensions of the phenomenon. Special attention is given to comorbidity and interventions that can be applied in various settings, such as the family, school, and community. Furthermore, integrating sociological perspectives is highlighted, emphasizing the relationship between the disorder and social factors such as family dynamics, educational environments, and social inequalities. Strategies for early intervention, school-based programs, and therapeutic approaches are discussed as essential in addressing the disorder effectively. The paper underscores the significance of collaborative efforts among mental health professionals, educators, and families to foster social cohesion and enhance mental health outcomes. By framing Conduct Disorder as a multidimensional and sociocultural phenomenon, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of its implications and developing comprehensive treatment strategies.</p>2025-02-09T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Apostolos Katsikas; Krystalenia Kelestina Armeni Diagnoses for institutionalized elderly: A scoping review2025-02-06T12:02:42-03:00Juliane de Fátima Santos Antunesjuliane.unifesp@gmail.comMeiry Fernanda Okuno Pintomf.pinto@unifesp.brErika Christiane Marocco Duranerikacmduran@gmail.comPaula Cristina Pereira da<p>Objective: To map the existing literature on the topic, identify and present the main nursing diagnoses for elderly residents in long-term care facilities, using the NANDA-International (2021-2023) nursing classification. Method: A five-step scoping review: identifying the research question; identifying relevant studies to ensure the scope and purpose of the review; screening studies according to predefined criteria; mapping the data; comparing, summarizing and reporting the results, developed based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews and the Joanna Briggs Institute. The search was conducted from December 2021 to December 2022 in four databases. Results: 41 articles were included in the review, totaling 78 main Nursing Diagnoses with NANDA-I taxonomy. The most evident domains with the highest number of diagnoses found were: Domain 1. Health Promotion; Domain 2. Nutrition; Domain 3. Elimination and Exchange; Domain 4. Activity/Rest; Domain 5. Perception/Cognition; Domain 11. Safety/Protection; Domain 12. Comfort. Conclusion: This scoping review mapped the existing literature on nursing diagnoses in elderly residents of long-term care facilities, identifying the main diagnoses with the NANDA-I nursing classification, with the most prevalent being in the domains: Health Promotion, Nutrition, Elimination and Exchange, Activity/Rest, Perception/Cognition, Safety/Protection and Comfort, which points to specific care for this population, and may help to improve nursing care, the practical application of the Nursing Process and personalized care.</p>2025-02-17T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Juliane de Fátima Santos Antunes; Meiry Fernanda Okuno Pinto; Erika Christiane Marocco Duran; Paula Cristina Pereira da Costa evaluations of technologies used in health organizations: Integrative review2025-01-31T13:23:04-03:00Francisco Luciano Cavalcanti Filholucianocavalcanti16@hotmail.comCybelle Façanha Barreto Medeiros<p>Objective: To map the main economic evaluations of technology used in health organizations. Method: This is an integrative review, with 6 stages (Souza et al, 2010) with research in the databases, with articles published between 2018 and November 19, 2022. Studies with health economic evaluations (HEE) with economic indicators of results and costs of interventions from the perspective of health organizations. Studies with no economic data, without comparative economic analyses, literature reviews, articles with unavailable texts, opinions and decisions of government bodies were excluded. Results: At the end of the selection, 13 studies were considered in this review, a small amount of HEE and an incidence in economically developed countries can be seen. Discussion: The articles present relevant data, however it is necessary to evolve with the use of the concepts of the criteria of the types of HEE, an effective methodology needs to observe the perspective of the study, its time horizon and the costs and results related to the decision makers from that perspective. Final considerations: It is essential to include in the next HEE indicators valued with human resources, indirect costs, length of stay and better mapping and detailing of costs from the perspective of health organizations.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Luciano Cavalcanti Filho; Cybelle Façanha Barreto Medeiros Linard colonization and adverse outcomes in pregnant women: A systematic review 2025-02-13T06:07:09-03:00Fabrícia Almeida Fernandes Santanafateledom@gmail.comLucas Miranda Marqueslmirandamarques@gmail.comJéssica Bomfim de<p>This study aimed to review the literature on Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma colonization in pregnant women and its association with obstetric and neonatal complications. The systematic review followed the PRISMA guidelines, including studies published between 2014 and 2024 in the PUBMED/MEDLINE, WPRIM, LILACS, and IBECS databases. A total of 60 publications investigating the presence of M. hominis, M. genitalium, U. urealyticum, and U. parvum and their relationship with adverse obstetric outcomes and neonatal complications were selected. The results indicated that Mycoplasma colonization in pregnant women varies according to the studied population, the type of sample collected, and the diagnostic methodology used. Many studies found a positive association between Mollicutes colonization and preterm birth, miscarriage, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Ureaplasma spp. was the most frequently detected species, being associated with intrauterine inflammation and prematurity. The presence of these microorganisms in amniotic fluid and placenta was correlated with adverse neonatal outcomes, including respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Although evidence suggests a potential pathogenic role of Mycoplasma in pregnancy, the heterogeneity of studies prevents definitive conclusions regarding its isolated influence or in combination with other microorganisms on pregnancy outcomes. Prospective studies are needed to analyze Mycoplasma colonization within the context of the gestational vaginal microbiome, considering epidemiological and clinical factors to better understand its impact on pregnancy.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fabrícia Almeida Fernandes Santana; Lucas Miranda Marques; Jéssica Bomfim de Almeida perspectives in Infectious Endocarditis: A bibliographic review2025-02-19T07:12:52-03:00Valentina Cortes<p>Infective Endocarditis (IE) remains a serious public health problem due to its high morbidity and mortality. Its clinical management is usually dependent on observational studies because of the scarcity of wellconducted randomized clinical trials. Aim: Highlight the aspects of pathophysiology, diagnosis, prevention and new updates on treatment and therapies that change the course of the disease, as well as identify gaps that require additional research. Methodology: Narrative review composed of articles published in the last 20 years (41 studies were found), as well as the 2023 European Cardiology Guideline and the 2020 Update of the Brazilian Guidelines for Valvular Heart Disease. Results: The diagnosis is increasingly refined through the Modified Duke Criteria, modernization of new microbiological and imaging methods. As for complications, the most prevalent and with epidemiological importance are highlighted. The treatment involves the eradication of infection with the use of antibiotics and surgery may be necessary in some cases, especially if there are complications. It is important that patients with a history of IE or specific heart conditions are closely monitored and receive appropriate guidance about preventive care. Conclusion: IE continues to be challenging and riveting, with the need for a multidisciplinary approach. More robust studies with good evidence are essential, resulting in more assertive approach.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Valentina Cortes Vieira use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in root perforations2025-02-18T21:25:06-03:00Karyna Malosto de Oliveira Valentekakamalosto@gmail.comMônica Parentoni<p>Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has emerged as a material of choice in the treatment of root perforations, owing to its biocompatible properties and ability to promote the regeneration of selected tissues. Its field of use has been enhanced by new studies, research, and discussions. By investigating the efficacy of MTA and its alternatives in root perforations, the theoretical support is strengthened, thereby improving endodontic practices. The aim of this study was to analyze the use of MTA in the available literature concerning cases of root perforations. This research utilized a literature review across databases such as PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar, covering articles published between January 2014 and December 2024. MTA demonstrated high success rates in sealing root perforations, in addition to promoting proper placement and minimizing the risk of bacterial contamination. Its capacity to induce the formation of mineralized tissue and stimulate the reinforcement of periradicular tissues has been widely confirmed in clinical and experimental studies. MTA demonstrated excellent biocompatibility, as it reduces local inflammation and supports the recovery of the periodontium around the perforation area. Its use has also been effective in various types of perforations, whether small or large, in both conventional treatments and more complex situations, such as large perforations. Thus, it is concluded that the scientific literature reinforces the significance of MTA as an excellent material in the treatment of root perforations, contributing to the evolution of endodontic practices and the improvement of clinical outcomes.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Karyna Malosto de Oliveira Valente; Mônica Parentoni Passos farm to industry: An overview of tomatoes, lycopene's health benefits, and the sustainable valorization of by-products2025-02-11T17:35:28-03:00Rosa Maria de Brito Steckelbergrosagoianesia2@gmail.comEdemilson Cardoso da Conceiçã<p>This study aims to review the current knowledge on tomatoes and carotenoids, particularly lycopene, highlighting their health benefits and the sustainable utilization of by-products from the tomato processing industry. Belonging to the Solanaceae family, the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most consumed vegetables worldwide, appreciated both fresh and in processed products. The tomato industry generates a large volume of waste, and improper management can cause environmental issues, besides leading to the loss of valuable bioactive compounds such as lycopene. Lycopene possesses high antioxidant capacity, and its consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Innovative and sustainable extraction methods, including the use of green solvents and technologies such as supercritical fluid, ultrasound-assisted, and other emerging techniques, are being explored to optimize the valorization of these by-products, contributing to the circular economy and sustainability. Further research is needed to overcome current challenges and promote solutions for reducing environmental impacts, achieving efficient and sustainable extraction, lowering costs, and improving the scalability of extraction technologies to obtain high-value products for various applications.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rosa Maria de Brito Steckelberg; Edemilson Cardoso da Conceição, invisibility, experience and identity of High School students in Brazil: State of knowledge2025-02-12T06:40:41-03:00Beatriz Pinto Vianabeatrizviana2323@gmail.comViviane Inês<p>Accounting for about one-sixth of Brazil's population, young people have been a recurring concern for academics since the early 21st century. In 2022, 12.7 million individuals aged 15 to 19 were neither studying nor working, with the primary cause of school dropout being a lack of interest in studies. As individuals capable of assigning their own meanings and belonging to a diverse group, it is essential to examine the reasons behind this disengagement. The objective of this work is to examine the pluralities of academic writings on youth, particularly in the school context, discussing the subjectivity, invisibility, experience, and identity of high school students. The reviewed works reveal young people's dissatisfaction with common school practices, such as conservative ideals some teachers tend to propagate, hegemony, lack of recognition of the different social classes’ students belong to, and their consideration in activities and evaluations. Some young people report attending high school only out of obligation or to facilitate entering the job market, with no desire to pursue further academic life due to the expectation that negative experiences will persist. The study emphasizes the urgent need for changes in schools' modus operandi and the adoption of more inclusive, democratic, and youth-sensitive practices.</p>2025-02-22T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Beatriz Pinto Viana; Viviane Inês Weschenfelder acupuncture in musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials2025-02-07T14:23:49-03:00Ana Beatriz Balã Gabrielli Vassãopatriciavassao@gmail.comMirian Bonifaciomirian.bonifacio@unifesp.brHomero Garcia-Mottahomero.gmotta@outlook.comBeatriz Mendes Credidiob.credidio@unifesp.brGiovanna Caroline Aparecida do Valegica.vale@hotmail.comAdriane Marie Angri Burekadriane.burek@unifesp.brAna Cláudia Rennó<p>Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are typically characterized by pain (often persistent) and limitations in mobility, decrease in the level of functioning and reduction in the quality of life and alternative therapeutical interventions have been studied to manage symptomatology such as laser in acupuncture points (LA). The aim of this study is to systematically review the literature of the use of LA in MSDs in pain and functional capacity. PubMed and EMBASE were systematically searched using the following terms: low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and acupuncture and ten randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that used LA in MSDs were selected. All the studies used the near-infrared PBMT irradiation, with an energy per point from 1J to 72J, power from 30 mW to 400 mW, number of sessions from 4 to 24 and application at acupuncture points according to each MSDs. Most studies have shown a significant decrease in pain and symptoms, and an increase of functionality, strength, and mobility after treatment with LA. This review demonstrates that LA produced positive effects in pain and functionality of patients with MSDs, although the evidence does not determine an effective dosage window for LA, the possible range of application adjusted and designed to fit specific musculoskeletal conditions.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Beatriz Balão; Patricia Gabrielli Vassão; Mirian Bonifacio; Homero Garcia-Motta; Beatriz Mendes Credidio; Giovanna Caroline Aparecida do Vale; Adriane Marie Angri Burek; Ana Cláudia Rennó pancreatectomy: A literature review 2025-01-31T06:28:42-03:00Luana Maria Ramalho Castro Siqueiraluanacastrosiqueiraa@gmail.comNicole Mota Picanç Alexandre Diniz Oliveiracaiodiniz2004@gmail.comIvanka Távora Veras de Matos ivankaveras@hotmail.comJosé de Ribamar Barroso Jucá Netojuca.netoo4@gmail.comRaul Sancho de Carvalho Rocharaulrocha18@gmail.comLetícia Fernandes de Deus Moreiraleticiadedeusmoreira@gmail.comThiago Menezes de Souzathiago.menezes@rocketmail.comGleydson César de Oliveira<p>Introduction: Pancreatectomy is the surgical procedure considered the first line of choice for refractory chronic pancreatitis, locoregional metastases and benign and malignant neoplasms, and may vary anatomically in its proposal, between central, distal or total pancreatectomy. Methodology: The current study is a narrative review, with a time limitation for the last 5 years (2019-2024) which resulted in 780 articles, of which 59 were used as a source of information. Discussion: Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is a surgical procedure indicated to treat, mainly, pancreatic endocrine neoplasms, especially NEM1, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms, insulinomas and mucinous cystic neoplasms. The indication for the procedure is prior to preoperative classifications, for example, the tumor and splenic vein relationship that assesses the extent of the relationship between scale I to IV variables. In addition, the possibility of the approach being total, distal or central, being previously known in 6 stages among the different techniques. The main complications are pancreatic fistula, hemorrhage, endocrine insufficiency, site infection, sepsis and deep vein thrombosis, which may be in increased prevalence due to the risk factors of advanced age, fatty infiltration of the pancreas, pre-existing diabetes mellitus and use of previous anticoagulants. Conclusion: Laparoscopic pancreatectomy is a minimally invasive surgical technique with extensive advances in reducing complication events, in addition to successive improvements in the assessment of benefits due to reduced risks.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Luana Maria Ramalho Castro Siqueira; Nicole Mota Picanço; Caio Alexandre Diniz Oliveira; Ivanka Távora Veras de Matos ; José de Ribamar Barroso Jucá Neto; Raul Sancho de Carvalho Rocha; Letícia Fernandes de Deus Moreira; Thiago Menezes de Souza; Gleydson César de Oliveira Borges and rehabilitation of common injuries in cyclists2025-02-01T13:46:29-03:00Iuri Silva Lobo iurelob.12@gmail.comGlauber Conceição dos Santosglauber_santtos@hotmail.comSimone Maria Evangelista Sallessimonemsalles@gmail.comLuana Araújo dos<p>Introduction: With the increasing practice of cycling, both as a sport and as a means of transportation, a higher prevalence of activity-related injuries has been observed. Objective: This article aims to review the literature on the role of physical therapy in preventing and rehabilitating common injuries among cyclists. Methods: A narrative literature review was conducted by searching the PubMed, SciELO, and PEDro databases for studies published between 2000 and 2024. Results: Physical therapy interventions, including bicycle posture adjustments, muscle strengthening exercises, and rehabilitation strategies, proved effective in preventing and rehabilitating injuries, significantly contributing to health promotion and improved cycling performance. Conclusion: It is concluded that physical therapy offers personalized and evidence-based approaches, reducing the incidence of injuries. However, further studies are needed to enhance preventive and rehabilitation practices specific to cyclists.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Iuri Silva Lobo ; Glauber Conceição dos Santos; Simone Maria Evangelista Salles; Luana Araújo dos Reis effectiveness of the Pilates method in pregnant women2025-02-01T13:46:29-03:00Jessica Souza Santossouuzajess8@gmail.comLuana Araújo dos<p>Introduction: The practice of physical exercise during pregnancy is recommended by health organizations such as the WHO, with Pilates gaining increasing prominence. Objective: This article reviews the literature on the effectiveness of the Pilates method in pregnant women, focusing on its musculoskeletal benefits, respiratory control, and emotional aspects. Materials and Methods: The methodology consisted of a non-systematic review of articles published between 2010 and 2021, selected from databases such as Google Scholar and SciELO, using descriptors related to physiotherapy, Pilates, and pregnancy. Results: The results indicate that Pilates contributes to core muscle strengthening, relieving lower back pain and improving flexibility and balance. Additionally, respiratory control during exercises helps with relaxation and preparation for childbirth, while psychological benefits include reduced anxiety and stress. The practice also enhances sleep quality, which is essential for the overall well-being of pregnant women. Conclusion: It is concluded that Pilates, when performed under professional supervision, is a safe and effective tool for promoting a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy. Its positive effects on musculature, pain management, and mental health make it a recommended practice during prenatal care, with benefits extending into the postpartum period. Further studies are suggested to consolidate the existing evidence and explore long-term effects.</p>2025-02-08T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jessica Souza Santos; Luana Araújo dos Reis and nutritional approach to feline obesity: Literature review2025-01-24T16:25:04-03:00Larissa Bansemer Camillo Matiaslaribansemer@gmail.comAguinaldo Francisco Mendes<p>Obesity is a multifactorial and chronic nutritional disease that is a growing condition in domestic cats, characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat and is often associated with a series of comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and joint diseases, which compromise the health and well-being of animals. This article aims to show a narrative review of updated literature on feline obesity. The importance of this study lies in the need to promote a thorough assessment of the body state of felines, based on the analysis of the body mass index and the observation of clinical signs, such as motor difficulties and metabolic disorders. This careful evaluation is essential to identify factors predisposing to obesity, such as sedentary lifestyle, overeating, and hormonal disorders, including endocrine dysfunctions, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's syndrome, which can aggravate the condition. From a nutritional point of view, therapeutic intervention promotes gradual and safe weight loss, using hypocaloric and balanced diets that preserve muscle mass. The control of caloric intake, associated with a specific eating plan and frequent monitoring, is essential for the treatment's success. The importance of this integrated approach, which combines clinical evaluation and personalized nutritional intervention, is to contribute to effectively controlling feline obesity, improving the quality of life of animals, and reducing the risks of associated comorbidities.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Larissa Bansemer Camillo Matias; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior analysis of mindfulness in the mental health of women with mood disorders2025-02-04T16:05:35-03:00José Humberto Alvesjhfisioterapeuta@gmail.comLetícia Caetano Messias Ruzzi<p>The purpose of this study is to explore the usefulness of mindfulness in the treatment of mood disorders in women, examining its clinical advantages, the available evidence and possible directions for future research and interventions based on integrated mental health practices. A scientometric analysis of articles (2020-2024) was carried out in the Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed databases, with careful selection and analysis of relevant metadata using VOSviewer software. A steady growth in research was identified until 2022, followed by a slowdown in subsequent years. The co-authorship network revealed seven main clusters, with renowned authors, highlighting interdisciplinary and international collaboration, led by countries such as the United States and England. Keyword analysis pointed to central themes such as “emotional regulation”, “cognitive therapy” and “self-compassion”, indicating that these are consolidated and widely studied topics in the field in question. These themes represent the pillars of knowledge or the main focus of current scientific production. We conclude that the field has made significant progress, but still lacks greater representation from developing countries. These results highlight the importance of mindfulness as an evidence-based therapeutic approach and point to the need to expand international collaborations and diversify the contexts of application.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 José Humberto Alves; Letícia Caetano Messias ; Andrea Ruzzi Pereira of racial bias in the use of facial recognition applied to access control: A critical analysis 2025-01-30T18:02:05-03:00Alexandre Mundim de Oliveiraalexandremundimdeoliveira@gmail.comHugo Xavier Rodriguesrx.oguh@gmail.comAlexandre Solon Neryanery@unb.brFábio Lúcio Lopes de Mendonçafabio.mendonca@redes.unb.brLuiz Antonio Ribeiro<p>Racial bias has been a persistent issue in facial recognition technologies, particularly within access control applications. This study aims to examine the widespread adoption of these technologies in the machine learning era, highlighting their integration into information security, cybersecurity, and data privacy frameworks. Despite their growing prevalence, the underlying datasets and algorithms frequently exhibit significant biases, disproportionately impacting individuals from marginalized racial groups. Through an extensive literature review, this research identifies critical gaps and proposes 14 targeted recommendations aimed at mitigating racial bias in facial recognition systems. These recommendations encompass diversifying training datasets, enhancing algorithmic transparency, and incorporating multidisciplinary teams to ensure ethical decision-making. The findings underscore the potential to improve both the equity and accuracy of these technologies, paving the way for more reliable and inclusive applications. By implementing the proposed measures, stakeholders can address ethical concerns, reduce discriminatory outcomes, and enhance public trust in the adoption of facial recognition for sensitive access control contexts. This critical analysis provides a roadmap for advancing fairness and accountability in artificial intelligence, fostering transformative impacts in the field.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Alexandre Mundim de Oliveira; Hugo Xavier Rodrigues; Alexandre Solon Nery; Fábio Lúcio Lopes de Mendonça; Luiz Antonio Ribeiro Junior Integrative review on the implications of vertical transmission in a human host 2025-02-01T20:22:49-03:00Hellyângela Maria da Silva Chaveshellyangela.chaves@ufpe.brKayllane Kelssiney da Silvakayllane.silva@ufpe.brMaria Renata da Silva Santosrenata.ssantos2@ufpe.brAna Lisa do Vale<p>The Oropouche virus is an emerging arbovirus, although not recent, that typically causes mild symptoms similar to dengue, such as headaches, muscle pain, nausea, and rashes. However, in 2024, there were reported cases of Oropouche fever in Brazil where the virus was transmitted during pregnancy, resulting in fetal death and a miscarriage in the state of Pernambuco. It is important to note that not only fetal death may be associated with this infection, but also potential neurological effects, analogous to those caused by Zika virus infection. This integrative review aimed to gather information on vertical transmission in cases of Oropouche virus infection and synthesize data still under investigation in Brazil. The materials for this research were obtained from the PubMed and BVS databases using the descriptors “Oropouche Virus” and “Vertical Transmission,” focusing on articles in English or Portuguese from 2015 to 2025. This review found no specific studies addressing the implications of vertical transmission of the Oropouche virus during pregnancy, highlighting the need for further research on this topic, as the occurrence of such cases in the country raises health concerns. Thus, the significance of virology studies is evident, as they can help analyze the consequences of this disease and prevent potential epidemics like that of Zika.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hellyângela Maria da Silva Chaves; Kayllane Kelssiney da Silva; Maria Renata da Silva Santos; Ana Lisa do Vale Gomes of manual therapy in improving pain and range of motion in patients with low back pain2025-02-04T16:05:35-03:00Andréia Nascimentoália de Castro Araújo dos<p>Introduction: Low back pain is a prevalent and debilitating condition that affects individuals’ quality of life. Classified as either specific or non-specific, low back pain can have mechanical, inflammatory, or psychosocial origins. Manual therapy, which includes manipulation and mobilization techniques, has been studied as an effective approach for treating this condition. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of manual therapy in the treatment of low back pain, focusing on pain relief and improvement in range of motion. Materials and Methods: A narrative literature review was conducted, with searches in electronic databases such as PubMed, BVS, SCIELO, and PEDro. Studies published in the last five years on the application of manual therapy for low back pain were included. Data analysis followed a descriptive qualitative approach, organizing the findings into thematic categories. Results: The review revealed that manual therapy, including spinal manipulation and joint mobilization techniques, is effective in reducing low back pain and improving range of motion. Techniques such as myofascial stretching were also associated with improvements in function and mobility. The integration of these techniques with interventions such as physical exercise and patient education enhances the outcomes. Final Considerations: Manual therapy emerges as an effective approach for managing low back pain, providing significant benefits in pain reduction and functional improvement. A multidisciplinary approach, incorporating psychosocial factors and integrated strategies, is essential to optimize results and promote long-term functional recovery.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andréia Nascimento Santana; Itália de Castro Sampaio; Luana Araújo dos Reis of soy isoflavone intake as a component of migraine therapy: Narrative review2025-02-15T19:44:25-03:00Ana Carolina de Castro Silva Mendesacm.nutri222@gmail.comÁlvaro Magalhães Cavalcante<p>The present study aims to identify the possible effects of soy isoflavone in migraine therapy in adult patients. To understand the state of the art on the topic, we opted for a bibliographical survey, however, as there was a lack of work, a narrative review was carried out without a time frame, using the PubMed, Medline and LILACS databases, in addition to searching through Google Scholar, using the association between the descriptors “Isoflavonas”, “Isoflavones”, “Soy isoflavone”, “Enxaqueca”, “Migraine”, “Migraine disorders”, including only studies in Portuguese, English and Spanish, with full texts available and which address the effects of isoflavones on migraines and their impacts on the health of adults. Only two epidemiological studies were found that investigated the direct association between the consumption of soy isoflavones and the repercussions on the symptoms of the disease. The other results were from articles that cited isoflavone as one of the food components with potential benefit for the clinical condition caused by migraine and its consequences on the patient's quality of life. Furthermore, an association was made between these effects promoted by isoflavone in the body and its usefulness in some mechanisms related to migraine. The scarcity of studies on the direct relationship between isoflavone consumption and its action on migraine symptoms made it difficult to write this work robustly, but also reinforced the novelty of this topic, worthy of further studies.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Carolina de Castro Silva Mendes; Álvaro Magalhães Cavalcante Pereira and advantages of implementing electronic dental records: A literature review2025-01-11T10:15:10-03:00Francisco Filipe Carvalho da Silvafifilipequimica@hotmail.comChiara Santabaya Colares Firmianochiarascf@gmail.comEmmanuel Arraes de Alencar Jú<p>With the advancement of technology and innovation in various areas of health, including Dentistry, electronic medical records have emerged. They have expanded due to their ease, validity and reliability, being useful at both the public and private levels. This study sought to conduct a literature review on the use of electronic medical records in Dentistry, addressing their advantages, disadvantages and the main current evidence. Methodology: To this end, we searched the scientific literature, the PUBMED and Lilacs databases and the CAPES journal portal, reading a total of 88 articles in full and using 17 references to extract information for this study, including articles, monographs, theses and reference websites. Literature review: The literature has emphasized the use of electronic medical records showing its usefulness and are also important at the public health level and even for judicial authorities in the case of criminal and civil proceedings. In the dental field, it is important to make it clear that the development of electronic medical records for oral health requires adaptations when compared to standard medical records, requiring the incorporation of certain specialties, both for clinical, management and research purposes. This literature review indicated that the use of electronic medical records in Dentistry has been growing in Brazil and worldwide. It was found that their use has been applied in both public and private sectors, in the clinical and management areas, where in the last ten years there have been investments especially by the federal government in the SUS, with the emergence and implementation of e-SUS in several basic health units.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Francisco Filipe Carvalho da Silva; Chiara Santabaya Colares Firmiano; Emmanuel Arraes de Alencar Júnior implications in orthodontic practice: A literature review2025-02-18T06:12:29-03:00Priscila Elizabeth Patiño Ortízpri20.9707@gmail.comKevin Lenin Lalangui Felicitakevin.lalangui@gmail.comKarla Teresita Segovia Sigü del Rosío Sigüencia<p>The objective of this article is to present an analysis of the scientific literature on the application of bioethical principles in the practice of orthodontics, as well as the trends and challenges faced by orthodontists today. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on the correction of malocclusions to improve both masticatory function and facial aesthetics. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry focused on correcting malocclusions to improve both chewing function and facial aesthetics. However, the adoption of new technologies and the growing demand for aesthetic treatments pose ethical challenges in orthodontic practice. Through a descriptive methodology, continuous training in bioethics and the development of public policies are key to facing emerging challenges. Integrating bioethics into orthodontics ensures respect for patient rights and clinical excellence. Professional responsibility and the promotion of equity in access to orthodontic care are becoming relevant in the face of technological transformations and current aesthetic demands.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Priscila Elizabeth Patiño Ortíz; Kevin Lenin Lalangui Felicita; Karla Teresita Segovia Sigüenza; Valeria del Rosío Sigüencia Cruz’s use in obstetrics by gestational risk category: An integrative review 2025-02-20T18:35:17-03:00Gabrielle Cristinne Alves Azevedogabrielleazevedo.farma@gmail.comFlávia Stella Rego Furtado Cutrim da França Furtadodanielle_franca@hotmail.comJayane Santos Lima<p>This study aimed to identify if the medications used in obstetrics meet the Food and Drug Administration - FDA risk categories. This is an integrative review, in which searches were carried out in the PubMed, SciELO, and Cochrane databases using descriptors. To select publications, the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses - PRISMA were followed. 61 articles were identified, 6 of which were duplicates and were excluded, as well as another 34, discarded after reading the titles and abstracts and 15 after reading in full. Therefore, 6 articles were selected for the study by the proposed objective. In this integrative review, it was observed that pregnant women used different pharmacological classes, so the prescription of potentially harmful medications to pregnant women was not uncommon. Even so, the importance of risk-benefit assessment for the pregnant woman and the fetus, considering that it is possible to face situations in which administering vital treatments for certain chronic conditions may present significant benefits in detriment of the risk.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabrielle Cristinne Alves Azevedo; Flávia Stella Rego Furtado Cutrim da Silva; Danielle França Furtado; Jayane Santos Lima Reis look at textual production in elementary education II: The mode of teaching writing in state public schools in the city of Manaus2025-02-21T06:38:12-03:00Débora Vieira Marialvesdebora26vieira@hotmail.comMarcos Antonio Evangelistamarcosevangelista500@hotmail.comMaria Miriam Evangelista Rodriguesmariamiriam202@gmail.comAna Maria da Silva Gama Barbosaanabarbosa_sud@hotmail.comPatricia de Almeida Silva RepolhoPatricia.aaca@gmail.comFrancilei dos Santos Pessoafrancitrabalhoz.n@gmail.comAuricélia da Silva Vieiraaurys_sv@hotmail.comRaimunda Ferreira Alvesrai.fandrade@hotmail.comRoberta Abdias Matosrobertamatos2080@gmail.comAntônio Souza Anselmo<p>The objective of this study is to contribute to the Portuguese Language and Literature Courses at public and private universities, these courses responsible for a significant part of the training of Basic Education teachers in the state and with society in general, since the work is focused on Textual Linguistics, in an attempt to observe whether what the official documents predict for textual production are being fulfilled. The aim is to understand how curricular proposals related to Text Linguistics are being applied in classrooms. The methodology used is bibliographical research, based on authors such as Marcuschi, Proença Filho and Eni Orlandi, to theoretically support the study. In the final considerations, the study highlights the challenges that still exist, such as the need for continued training for teachers and the contextualization of content in the social environment of schools. However, it is noteworthy that investing in the valorization of Text Linguistics can favor a more meaningful, communicative and liberating education, which stimulates the development of students' linguistic skills.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Débora Vieira Marialves; Marcos Antonio Evangelista; Maria Miriam Evangelista Rodrigues; Ana Maria da Silva Gama Barbosa; Patricia de Almeida Silva Repolho; Francilei dos Santos Pessoa; Auricélia da Silva Vieira; Raimunda Ferreira Alves; Roberta Abdias Matos; Antônio Souza Anselmo school garden as a pedagogical resource in practical Environmental Education classes2025-02-02T13:47:58-03:00Maria da Conceição Freitas Mouraceicaomoura@hotmail.comPâmela Karla Costa da Silvapamkcs@gmail.comIsmar Rodrigues Agostinhoismaragostinho@hotmail.comBruna Calígia de Freitas<p>As an educational and pedagogical tool, the school garden enables the integration of enriching information for students, especially in the context of Environmental Education, which is essential in forming students who are aware of current environmental protection issues and quality of life. This research aimed to implement a school garden as a pedagogical tool for practical Environmental Education classes with students in the 1st year of the technical course in Environment. The study was developed at the Professor Francisco de Assis Pedrosa State Center for Professional Education (CEEP) in Mossoró/RN in April 2024, with the cultivation of vegetables such as coriander, lettuce, and chives. Initially, the land was cleared, followed by the preparation of the beds, fertilization, and planting. The organic fertilizers used were eggshell powder, coffee grounds, manure, leaf litter, and bone meal. With the development of the practical Environmental Education classes, it was possible to observe the student's performance throughout the construction and development of the garden. The students observed, questioned, and suggested improvements in the management and cultivation of vegetables and also sought ways to work on sustainability beyond the school environment, thus adding positive results to the environment. Therefore, the student's performance, creativity, and knowledge regarding developing and managing the vegetable garden were remarkable. The work showed that this pedagogical tool enables the relationship between teaching and learning of students in issues related to the environment since the practical classes effectively assimilated the students with the subject of Environmental Education.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Maria da Conceição Freitas Moura; Pâmela Karla Costa da Silva; Ismar Rodrigues Agostinho; Bruna Calígia de Freitas Nogueira analysis from the perspective of Statistical Literacy2025-01-31T06:28:35-03:00Ana Julya Fernandes de Almeidaanajulyaf852@gmail.comEduarda de Oliveira Soareseo8791297@gmail.comNatália Lins Marianolinsnatalia021@gmail.comMárcio Antoniassimarcioantoniassi@gmail.comMarcia Inês Schabarum Mikuskamat.mikuska@gmail.comFrancielle Goulartátima Aparecida da Silva Elisabette Brisola Brito<p>Considering the growing importance of statistical literacy in a world filled with information, this study aims to analyze the perceptions of a group of Future Researchers (FR) regarding their knowledge of graphical elements and the context in which they are embedded. From this perspective, a mixed-method approach (quantitative and qualitative-descriptive) was adopted, using data collected through an online questionnaire in 2021, with 171 validated responses. Investing in pedagogical strategies that integrate theory and scientific practice fosters situations that stimulate and develop critical thinking and data analysis. The findings indicate that most participants demonstrated an adequate understanding of basic graphical elements; however, only about 30% established a connection with the presented context. This suggests that such practices enhance the development of Statistical Literacy.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ana Julya Fernandes de Almeida; Eduarda de Oliveira Soares; Natália Lins Mariano; Márcio Antoniassi; Marcia Inês Schabarum Mikuska; Francielle Goulart Pereira; Fátima Aparecida da Silva Dias; Maria Elisabette Brisola Brito Prado to the content of cell organelles with and without the use of the teaching resource “models”: Comparative analysis of the learning constructed by High School students2025-01-22T06:35:30-03:00Ravena Maria da Luz de Sousa Silvaravenamaria93@gmail.comOdivette Maria Soares<p>Cytology is the branch of Biology dedicated to the study of cells. The existing difficulties in understanding the contents of this area are notorious. This process can be facilitated with the use of didactic resources, such as models, as they allow a better visualization of the studied structures and make the content more tangible. From this, the present work aimed to compare how high school students learn about cellular organelle content based on the use and non-use of models. The research took place with a qualitative approach, with the participation of two third grade high school classes, in a public state school in the municipality of São Francisco do Piauí/PI. It was verified that the use of the model provided a greater understanding of the cellular organelles content, in addition to being efficient for the motivation of the students, which can make the classes more dynamic and stimulating. With this, one can see the importance of using this didactic resource in the teaching and learning process.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ravena Maria da Luz de Sousa Silva; Odivette Maria Soares Felix of the game “Who am I Immunologically?” as a teaching strategy in Immunology2025-02-05T13:36:28-03:00César Augusto Pereira Moraes Berbel Moraes Santosísa Silva Amorim Henrique Nascimento dos Cerqueira Ribeiro Cunha<p>The incorporation of active and varied methodologies represents a playful and engaging strategy that enhances the learning process. The integration of games in education not only stimulates critical thinking but also cultivates analytical and argumentative skills among students. Particularly within the domain of immunology, a discipline that delves into the intricacies of the immune system, games can serve as a powerful tool to elucidate complex concepts and ignite students' enthusiasm. This study proposes the development of a card game aimed at innovating the learning process in immunology, making it more interactive and meaningful. Consequently, the development of the educational game "Who am I immune?" was conceived as a pedagogical tool to facilitate comprehension of the immune system, with the goal of utilizing it as a means to enhance the assimilation of content taught and provide a dynamic approach to teaching the subject, rendering learning more inclusive, enjoyable, and effective. An additional benefit of this methodology is its flexibility to adapt the game's content to meet the individual needs and experiences of students, thus enabling a contextualized and meaningful learning experience.</p>2025-02-20T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 César Augusto Pereira Ramos; Emilly Moraes Berbel Moraes Berbel; Fabiana Santos Amorim; Heloísa Andrade; Kailane Silva Santos; Laura Amorim Silva; Pedro Henrique Nascimento dos Santos; Pedro Cerqueira Almeida; Vanessa Ribeiro Pires; Clarissa Cunha Santana and advances in pedagogical practice: Methods and resources in the teaching of Mathematics in Higher Education2025-02-13T06:09:35-03:00Rosangela Luçolirlucoli@gmail.comRosa Maria da Motta<p>This article investigates the limits and advances in the pedagogical practice of mathematics teaching in higher education, based on qualitative research carried out in a university center in Santa Catarina. The objective of the study was to understand teachers' perceptions about the challenges of teaching mathematics and to identify advances in the supply of pedagogical and technological resources. The methodology adopted was qualitative, with semi-structured interviews applied to professors with a bachelor’s degree in administration and accounting sciences, whose data were analyzed according to Bardin's content analysis approach. The results reveal that the main challenges of students include deficiencies in basic mathematical content, difficulties in interpretation and mathematical anxiety. The teachers, on the other hand, highlight the need for continuous pedagogical improvement, adaptation to different learning profiles and the search for more dynamic didactic strategies. Regarding advances, the provisions are a greater use of educational technologies and a growing appreciation of active methodologies, without mention of pedagogical or didactic advances. In the debate with the authors, Zabalza, Masetto, Valdeleón, Acosta and Ramírez, Chevellard, Shulmann, Hill. Ball and Schiling, Carrillo-Yañez, Climent et al., it is concluded that the professionalization of teaching and the systematization of practices are essential to overcome the challenges and improve the quality of mathematics teaching.</p>2025-02-24T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rosangela Luçoli; Rosa Maria da Motta Azambuja and barriers to blood donation among university students: An integrative review protocol2025-02-13T06:07:06-03:00Vivian Menezes Ribeiro<p>Objective: To explore and synthesize the existing scientific evidence regarding the key motivators and barriers that impact university students’ decisions to donate blood. Introduction: Although blood donation is essential for public health, donation rates often do not meet the necessary demand. College students are a potential group for donation campaigns because they are young and healthy. Understanding the factors that influence this population to donate blood can contribute to more effective blood collection and retention strategies. Inclusion criteria: The research question that will guide the inclusion of studies was constructed by the PCC strategy, where P- population (students), C-concept (factors that influence blood donation) and C-context (higher education environments): “What are the barriers and motivations for donating blood among students in higher education settings?” Methods: An integrative literature review will be carried out according to the steps described by Souza, 2010. A search will be carried out in a database in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and in PubMed as these are the databases which concentrate a higher degree of indexing of health periodicals. Two independent reviewers will select the studies by title and abstract using the blind on tool in the Rayyan software. The full texts of the included articles will be read and analyzed and data will be extracted using a specific form. Results: Results will be interpreted in light of the literature review and discussed in relation to existing theories on blood donation behavior and health communication.</p>2025-02-25T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Vivian Menezes Irineu; Eduarda Ribeiro Cassemiro of red mombin fruits (Spondia purpurea L.) subjected to mechanical damage 2025-01-22T16:09:12-03:00Maria Aparecidaônio Odair Santosaodairsan@gmail.comClaudio Alves<p>The labor shortage in the cultivation of rubber trees is a problem for the economic development of the crop. Harvesting mechanization can boost cultivation. However, for a machine design, it is necessary to know the resistance of the fruit to mechanical damage. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of mechanized harvesting by evaluating the effect of mechanical damage applied to the fruits in the laboratory and the fruit detachment force evaluated in the field. A sample of fruits was released in free fall, at heights of 1.0 and 1.3 meters, onto three surfaces (bubble wrap, ceramic floor (without protection) and air cushion). These samples were then stored at room conditions and analyzed periodically for 5 days. The following parameters were evaluated: longitudinal and transverse diameters, loss of fresh mass, mechanical damage, incidence of rot and fruit detachment force. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, followed by the Tukey test to compare the means of fresh mass loss. The results demonstrated that the bubble wrap and air cushion surfaces reduced the damage caused by impacts. It was observed that the detachment force decreased with the increase in the ripening stage. The results demonstrated that the seriguela fruit subjected to mechanical damage presented a low incidence of rot and good quality maintenance, presenting promising characteristics for mechanical harvesting.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Maria Aparecida Lima; Antônio Odair Santos; Claudio Alves Moreira and Evaluation of Public Policies for promoting physical activity in older adults: A scoping review protocol2025-02-16T06:53:45-03:00Brandon Ricardo Orozco Mena Mabel Mancera Soto<p>Objective: To synthesize the knowledge on the implementation and evaluation of public policies aimed at promoting physical activity among older adults in community settings. Method: A scoping review protocol developed using the five-stage methodology by Arksey and O'Malley. A systematic search will be conducted across eight databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, LILACS, La Referencia) using MeSH terms and natural language related to the research question. Articles published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish that meet the selection criteria will be included. No restrictions will be applied regarding publication date or geographic location. Results: The results will be presented descriptively through data extraction from each document included. A synthesis of the findings will be conducted using both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Conclusion: This protocol will serve as a guide for developing a scoping review that enables a critical synthesis of the literature on the implementation and evaluation of public policies aimed at promoting physical activity among older adults.</p>2025-02-23T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Brandon Ricardo Orozco Moreno; Beatriz Mena Bejarano; Erica Mabel Mancera Soto of the potability of water from fountains in the Núcleo Velha Marabá, in the Municipality of Marabá, State of Pará, Brazil2025-02-13T06:09:37-03:00Adriana Rodrigues da Alves Lira Kluck da Silvalubyakluck.arq@gmail.comMaria da Conceição Rabelo<p>The growing demand for water, driven by changes in consumption patterns, population explosion and economic growth, makes it essential to analyze the quality of this vital resource. This study aims to evaluate the physical-chemical and microbiological quality of the water used in three public fountains located in the Núcleo Velha Marabá, in the neighborhoods of Centro and Francisco Coelho (Cabelo Seco), in Marabá - PA, in order to analyze whether they meet the potability standards required by current legislation. The physical-chemical analyses revealed variations in the parameters at all points, with emphasis on the high presence of ammonia at point 2 (Fountain at NEI Deodoro Mendonça School), indicating pollution by nearby sewage. Nitrate concentrations above the established limits were also observed, mainly at the same point, suggesting sewage contamination. In the microbiological analysis, total coliforms were detected at points 1 (Fountain at Praça Francisco Coelho) and 2 (Fountain at Hospital Materno Infantil), not meeting the established standards. The concentration of nitrates above the limit established by the current Ordinance was found in the three samples analyzed, indicating possible contamination by sewage discharge, in addition to indicating remote pollution, since nitrates are end products of nitrogen oxidation. The quality of the water in the fountains analyzed in Velha Marabá is compromised by sewage contamination, evidenced by the presence of ammonia, nitrates and coliforms. This reinforces the need for monitoring, adequate treatment and public policies to ensure the population's water security.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Adriana Rodrigues da Silva; Adriane Alves Lira Sirqueira; Lubyanka Kluck da Silva; Maria da Conceição Rabelo Gomes innovations for wastewater treatment: The Chemical Engineer’s role in Public Health 2025-01-15T15:58:23-03:00Elizete Maria da Silvaília Eduarda Corrêa<p>The objective was to investigate sustainable technological alternatives for wastewater treatment, as well as the role of chemical engineers in this sector, aiming to contribute to the development of reflections on the topic. This is an integrative review of the literature through advanced search in the PubMed database. The search term sustainable alternatives for the treatment of water resources was used with the filters full text, free, publications from 2022, in any language, available free of charge and in full and that responded to the objective of this study. 12 articles were selected for full reading followed by semantic analysis. Regarding the methodologies used in the preparation of the articles analyzed, it was found that the most used was review research, followed by experimental research and case study. It was also found that the majority of the material analyzed was published in journals aimed at professionals with environmental interests, presenting informative and relevant content for the area. Sustainable technological alternatives for wastewater treatment include nanotechnological approaches, microalgae systems, direct osmosis, absorption, electrolytic cells, use of bioreactors and water reuse technologies. Regarding the role of the chemical engineer in facing the challenges of sanitation in Brazil, it was found that it is fundamental in managing solutions to this problem. Future studies can perform a more comprehensive analysis to provide greater consistency to the current findings.</p>2025-02-17T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Elizete Maria da Silva Moreira; Lília Eduarda Corrêa Braga of abrasive wear resistance properties by using specific minerals as components of the abrasive solution in the fixed rotating ball test2024-12-09T16:54:38-03:00Gustavo Evangelista da Silvagustavoe.silva67@gmail.comJosé Gedael Fagundes Júniorgedael.fagundes@unesp.brFlavio Luiz<p>Industrial sectors, in partnership with universities, have studied abrasive wear. This study aims to analyze the action of wear on equipment surfaces, by measuring parameters such as area, diameter, and worn volume, resulting in the determination of the wear coefficient. Experimental laboratory research was carried out, in which three abrasive minerals were used: gneiss, iron ore waste, and silicon carbide. The materials underwent comminution and sieving, collecting the 400-mash pass-through. The wear tests were carried out on ASTM A-36 steel specimens, prepared at the Technological Center (CTec) of the State University of Minas Gerais, João Monlevade campus (UEMG-João Monlevade). Four wear tests were defined, with sliding distances: 25, 50, and 100 meters. The equipment used combined normal force with load C to evaluate abrasive wear. During the tests, the abrasive slurries were applied drop by drop to the contact area between the test specimens and the fixed sphere. The results showed that iron ore waste and gneiss showed increasing variation in wear coefficient, with different rates. There was an increase in the wear coefficient in silicon carbide tests, but in the last test, there was a reduction. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the equipment developed to simulate abrasive wear, providing important data on the factors that influence wear and the achievement of a permanent wear regime.</p>2025-02-07T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gustavo Evangelista da Silva; José Gedael Fagundes Júnior; Flavio Luiz Costa monitoring in reservoirs on open source geospatial platforms: Case study – public water supply sources in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP)2025-02-03T15:06:38-03:00Fernando Yogifyogi@hotmail.comFabio Noel<p>The efficient management of water resources is a global challenge that demands innovative approaches to monitoring water quality. This objective study explores the application of Google Earth Engine (GEE) to monitor chlorophyll-a in dams operated by Sabesp, using images from the Sentinel-2 satellite. It was estimated using the OC2_490 algorithm and the Tri-band index (TBDO) in eutrophic environments. The results showed seasonal variations, influenced by climatic factors and human activities. The methodology used enabled a detailed analysis of variations in chlorophyll-a, essential for evaluating phytoplankton dynamics in dams. Although some representations present missing data, others provided robust information, revealing seasonal patterns, with notable peaks in chlorophyll-a in June, possibly related to algal blooms. The GEE platform, with its cloud processing capability, has been declared an effective tool for large-scale continuous water quality monitoring.</p>2025-02-14T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fernando Yogi; Fabio Noel Stanganini of activated carbon for adsorption and removal of impurities in fuel ethanol stored in stationary A36 carbon steel tanks2025-02-20T06:53:14-03:00Rafael Viana Alonsorafaelzlonso22@gmail.comVanessa Lima dos Santos Teixeiravanessalimadyda@gmail.comGrasielli Correa de Oliveiragrasiellimt@gmail.comRozilaine Aparecida Pelegrine Gomes de do Espírito Santo Alessandro<p>The storage of sugar-energy production is an important factor in the logistics of biofuel distribution, from the storage of products in the agroindustry to sale to the final consumer, where possible environmental impacts must be observed, as well as the quality of the product to be made available by gas stations. Waste from these processes can be the result of corrosive processes that end up accumulating over time inside these fuel tanks, altering the quality of the biofuel. Another factor considered is the economic value, that is, the financial impact due to biofuel contamination and the reduction in the effective mass of the tanks. In view of this, the evaluation of impurity removal processes, which contribute to the oxidation of fuel hydrated ethyl alcohol storage tanks, and the separation of accumulated waste not only contribute to the detection and control of changes caused in the physical-chemical specifications of the fuel, but are also of great importance in terms of environmental and economic impacts. The present research aims to verify the deviations from the standardized conformity experienced by hydrated ethanol while stored and in order to reduce the amount of material to be discarded, after separating the contaminants that promote changes in the quality of the product, deviating from legal specifications and applications. Using materials such as activated carbon, which are low cost and easy to use, it is expected to reduce the volume of product to be discarded and guarantee the quality of the recovered ethyl alcohol, adjusting it so that it meets the specifications of current legislation and is ready to be sold.</p>2025-02-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rafael Viana Alonso; Vanessa Lima dos Santos Teixeira; Grasielli Correa de Oliveira; Rozilaine Aparecida Pelegrine Gomes de Faria; Josias do Espírito Santo Coringa; Deiver Alessandro Teixeira of trace organic contaminants (TrOcs) on the medicinal leaves of Eugenia uniflora L. from urban and forest-preserved areas2025-02-08T07:04:53-03:00Gabriel Sardinho Greggiogabrielgreggio@usp.brRenata Colomborenatacolomb@gmail.comMarcelo Marucci Pereira Tangerinamarcelomptang@gmail.comLuciana Sayuri Tahiraluciana.tahira@sp.senai.brLeonardo Dias<p>The organic pollutants promote significant risks to both human health and environmental sustainability. These compounds have seen a dramatic increase in diversity and quantity, infiltrating bodies of water, marine environments, and living organisms. Some factors contribute to pollutant emissions, such as road traffic and industrial activities and it leads to a spatiotemporal variability. Between the organic pollutants, Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs), which comprise a diverse range of industrial chemicals, pharmaceutical residues, and pesticides, are also gaining attention for their toxic effects on aquatic organisms and plants. Thus, this investigation aimed to evaluate the occurrence of TrOCs deposited in Eugenia uniflora leaves from urban areas and preserved forests during the four seasons of the year. Experimental, laboratory research, of a quantitative nature, was carried out. The identification of emerging trace organic contaminants was analyzed by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Gas chromatography - Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). This analysis allowed us to identify TrOCs and some of them related to endocrine disorders. These TrOCs differed depending on the region and season of the year in which the leaves were collected, and they were present even in plants cultivated in preserved forests.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriel Sardinho Greggio; Renata Colombo; Marcelo Marucci Pereira Tangerina; Luciana Sayuri Tahira; Leonardo Dias Meireles; Miriam Sannomiya