Research, Society and Development <p>The Research, Society and Development journal (whose abbreviated title is Res., Soc. Dev.) is a multidisciplinary scientific publication focused on promoting the social, scientific and technological development through the publication of the findings that have occurred in different areas. This is a monthly journal, which publishes various types of manuscript, such as scientific articles, reviews and case teaching in diversified areas of knowledge. The journal receives many contributions in Portuguese, or English or Spanish, (or other language on request) from researchers in the area of Teaching, which allows to evaluate and publish also educational objects.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Ad hoc revisors 2023</h2> <p>We thank all of the more than 325 “ad hoc” reviewers who contributed to this Journal (double-blind peer review) during the year 2023.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Reviewers 2023</a></strong> </p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <p>1) Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>2) Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>3) Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</p> (Ricardo Shitsuka) (Dorlivete Moreira) Sat, 01 Jun 2024 08:05:17 -0300 OJS 60 Anatomy of the canine skull and clinical implications of cranial malformations <p>The skull of dogs is a complex and diverse bony structure that varies widely among breeds, playing essential roles in protecting the brain, supporting facial structures, and facilitating chewing and breathing. However, cranial malformations in dogs are conditions that, in addition to affecting shape, compromise the function of the skull, resulting in various health problems and potentially being incompatible with life. Based on this, this paper aims to describe the anatomy of the canine skull and compare it with the anatomical changes found in some cranial malformations, as well as their clinical implications, through a narrative literature review. Among the important cranial malformations in dogs, brachycephaly, cleft palate, and acrania stand out due to their frequency and/or severity. Brachycephaly is characterized by a shortened and flattened skull, which can lead to respiratory difficulties and other health issues. Cleft palate is characterized by the presence of an opening or fissure in the palate (roof of the mouth), which can affect both the hard and soft palate, resulting in difficulties eating, drinking, and breathing, as well as increasing the risk of infections. Acrania, on the other hand, is a rare but very severe condition in dogs, characterized by the partial or total absence of the cranial bones, resulting in exposure and vulnerability of the brain tissue. Thus, knowledge of normal cranial anatomy is important to understand the magnitude and severity of the clinical implications of each malformation.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Lorena Silva Fionda; Ana Paula de Melo Carvalho; Ana Sofia Justino Feitosa Meletti Barbosa; Isabele Henriques Barbosa de Oliveira; Julia Alves Palomino; Juliana Câncio Batista; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Adriana Lessa de Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Lorena Silva Fionda; Ana Paula de Melo Carvalho; Ana Sofia Justino Feitosa Meletti Barbosa; Isabele Henriques Barbosa de Oliveira; Julia Alves Palomino; Juliana Câncio Batista; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Adriana Lessa de Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomy of the hip joint in cats and the anatomical and clinical implications of dysplasia <p>The hip joint in cats is a ball-and-socket joint formed by the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the pelvis, allowing a wide range of movements essential for the agility and flexibility of felines. However, a common orthopedic condition in cats is hip dysplasia, characterized by a malformation of the hip joint that results in instability and subsequent development of osteoarthritis. Thus, hip dysplasia can have a significant impact on the quality of life of cats, causing chronic pain, reduced mobility, and difficulty performing daily activities. Based on this, this work aims to describe the anatomy of the hip joint in cats, as well as present the anatomical changes and clinical implications of dysplasia for the health of these animals, through a literature review. This condition can be caused by genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors, so early identification and proper management are essential to minimize disease progression and improve the well-being of feline patients. Future studies are needed to better elucidate the etiology, improve diagnostic strategies, and develop more effective therapeutic options for hip dysplasia in cats.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Carla Alessandra Lima do Nascimento; Lorena Bandeira de Andrade Nascimento; Ellen Caroline Lomba Gonçalves; Vitória Azevedo de Jesus; Tatiana Leite Ferreira; Vitória Ferreira Jabur; Luiza Müller de Miranda César; Ana Luiza Hallier; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Carla Alessandra Lima do Nascimento; Lorena Bandeira de Andrade Nascimento; Ellen Caroline Lomba Gonçalves; Vitória Azevedo de Jesus; Tatiana Leite Ferreira; Vitória Ferreira Jabur; Luiza Müller de Miranda César; Ana Luiza Hallier; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of rainfall on cluster production of oil palm accessions in the Brazilian Central Amazon <p>The palm oil production chain is affected by problems such as decline productivity, sazonality (period of the year) and alternation (variation between years) production, which are associated with climatic factors and plants genotype. Among climatic conditions, rainfall is the factor with the greatest influence on the productivity variations. The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of rainfall on the bunches production of 34 oil palm accessions. The experiment was conducted at the Campo Experimental do Rio Urubu - Embrapa Western Amazon, municipality of Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas. The evaluation of bunches production was carried out from the 5th to the 11th year after planting and rainfall data recorded between 2002 and 2011. The production components evaluated were number of bunches (NC), average bunch weight (PMC) and productivity of fresh fruit bunches (CFF). As the plants grew older, there was a reduction in NC and an increase in PMC. The rainfall had a significant influence on the all bunch production components. In years with regular rainfall, according to the region's history, the PMC in the 2nd half of the year is higher than in the 1st. The variation in the volume of precipitation influences the production components but does not change the harvest period. In the pedoclimatic conditions of the Central Amazon, the accessions of Tanzanian origin present a different distribution of annual bunches production than the accessions of the other origins studied.</p> Ronaldo Ribeiro de Morais; Ricardo Lopes; John Paul Mathews Delgado; Raimundo Nonato Vieira da Cunha; Maria do Rosário Lobato Rodrigues; Edson Barcelos da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Ronaldo Ribeiro de Morais; Ricardo Lopes; John Paul Mathews Delgado; Raimundo Nonato Vieira da Cunha; Maria do Rosário Lobato Rodrigues; Edson Barcelos da Silva Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Effects of different doses of bokashi on the production of Lactuca Sativa L. <p>Lettuce (<em>Lactuca sativa</em> L.) is present in the diet of most Brazilians and in the harvest of a large number of agricultural producers, due to its expansiveness and ease of cultivation when compared to other vegetables. In addition to its energetic and nutritional value, it provides accessibility due to its cost and short development cycle, generating a strong economic and social impact. The quality of the soil used symbolizes one of the main factors in production, due to the dependence on this efficiency for the success of the final product, as well as the purity of the seeds used and their germination potential. Bokashi organic fertilizer assumes an essential function, the use of beneficial microorganisms being necessary to keep the soil in balance and generate productivity in seed preparation, in addition to being ecologically profitable because it does not have aggressive properties for the producer; environment and the consumer. The objective of the present work was to analyze the IVE and IE indices from the effects of using the organic compound bokashi at different concentrations on the production of <em>Lactuca sativa</em> L. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse located at the Universidade Estadual de Alagoas - UNEAL Campus I. A completely randomized experimental design (DIC) was used, with five treatments of different bokashi doses (T1- control; T2- 5%; T3- 10%; T4- 15%; T5- 100%). The data were submitted to analysis of variance, with the aid of the SISVAR statistical program, concluding that the use of biofertilizer had a positive effect on the final indices, with relevance to the concentration of 10% and 15%.</p> Stephany Flávia Mendonça de Araújo; Millena Duarte Costa; Jessia Elem Cunha Barbosa; Kézia Caroline Barros da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Stephany Flávia Mendonça de Araújo; Millena Duarte Costa; Jessia Elem Cunha Barbosa; Kézia Caroline Barros da Silva Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Protein enrichment of agroindustrial waste by semi-solid fermentation from Lentinus tigrinus <p>Selection different microorganisms and substrates are important challenges to enable potential waste for animal feed. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate semisolid fermentation (SSF) effects from fungus Lentinus tigrinus on protein enrichment and fibrous fractions degradation in different agro-industrial residues for animal feed. The strains were subcultured for 7 days until visible mycelium growth and subsequently substrates inoculated. Five types of agro-industrial residues were used as substrate: sugarcane bagasse, sisal coproduct, sisal coproduct dry, dry brewery residue and wet brewery residue. Substrate samples without innocuous and after FSS were collected for bromatological analysis in triplicate. The Dry Matter contents did not show great loss rates during the 24-hour period, maintaining a very close value to the initial one in all residues. Protein enrichment was observed in the five types of agro-industrial residues studied using SSF by L. tigrinus, with emphasis on the wet brewery residue, 50%. It was also in this substrate that there was a significant lignin reduction (17%) under the established conditions. All residues from this study can be used as a substrate for protein enrichment and animal feed destined. However, the brewery residue and the sisal coproduct, in the different evaluated forms, stood out.</p> Raquel Guimarães Benevides; Luiz Gustavo Neves Brandão; Matheus Batista dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Raquel Guimarães Benevides; Luiz Gustavo Neves Brandão; Matheus Batista dos Santos Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomy of the canine appendicular skeleton and major limb malformations <p>The limbs of dogs, divided into thoracic and pelvic, are essential for support, locomotion, and impact absorption, each composed of specific bones such as the scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, and fibula. Appendicular bone malformations in dogs are a group of conditions that affect the normal development of the skeleton, potentially leading to a range of health and well-being issues for these animals. Based on this, this work aims to present the anatomy of the canine appendicular skeleton and compare it with the anatomical changes found in the main malformations, as well as their clinical implications, through a literature review. These alterations can be congenital, meaning present from birth, or acquired throughout the animal's life due to environmental, nutritional, or traumatic factors. Among the most common bone malformations in the limbs of dogs are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and patellar luxation. Hip dysplasia is characterized by a malformation of the hip joint, resulting in instability and pain, which can lead to secondary osteoarthritis. Elbow dysplasia involves changes in the humeroradioulnar joints, causing lameness and discomfort. Patellar luxation, on the other hand, is a condition where the patella dislocates from the trochlear groove of the femur, causing pain and lameness. Therefore, early identification of malformations is crucial for proper management and the implementation of therapeutic interventions that can improve function and quality of life for the patients.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Kaiane Amorim Gonçalves Felipe; Maria Eduarda Ferreira de Carvalho Gomes; Daniella Paes de Araujo; Rebecca Souza dos Santos; Caroline de Lima Rasga; Christiane Corrêa de Sá; Julia Alves Palomino; Adriana Trindade Fonseca; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Kaiane Amorim Gonçalves Felipe; Maria Eduarda Ferreira de Carvalho Gomes; Daniella Paes de Araujo; Rebecca Souza dos Santos; Caroline de Lima Rasga; Christiane Corrêa de Sá; Julia Alves Palomino; Adriana Trindade Fonseca; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomical development of the palate in dogs and cats and the occurrence of palatoschisis <p>The palate is the structure that forms the roof of the oral cavity, separating it from the nasal cavity. However, during embryonic development, the palate may not close completely, resulting in an abnormal opening between these cavities. This condition is known as cleft palate or palatoschisis, a congenital malformation that affects several animals, including dogs and cats. Based on this, this work aims to anatomically describe the palate, as well as present the anatomical changes associated with the cleft palate, correlating with the clinical implications of this condition on the health of dogs and cats through a literature review. Although the exact etiology is not yet fully elucidated, it is believed that genetic and environmental factors may play an important role in the development of this condition. Clinical signs of cleft palate in dogs and cats include difficulty nursing, choking, coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, aspiration pneumonia, and poor weight gain. Diagnosis is based on physical examination, with visual inspection of the oral cavity, and can be confirmed through imaging exams such as X-rays and computed tomography. Treatment of cleft palate in dogs and cats generally involves surgical intervention to close the cleft, aiming to restore the separation between the oral and nasal cavities. The prognosis depends on the extent of the cleft, the presence of other associated malformations, and the age of the animal at the time of surgery, but with appropriate treatment and postoperative care, many cats with cleft palate can have a good quality of life.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Kathryn Siqueira dos Santos; Kaio Cezar Vieira da Silva; Renan de Mattos Rodrigues; Viviane Vieira; Luana Rufino Lourenço da Silva; Victória Romano Velardo Pereira; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Adriana Lessa de Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Kathryn Siqueira dos Santos; Kaio Cezar Vieira da Silva; Renan de Mattos Rodrigues; Viviane Vieira; Luana Rufino Lourenço da Silva; Victória Romano Velardo Pereira; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Adriana Lessa de Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Leaf-cutting ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Myrmicinae) in three agrosystems and the attractiveness of a natural bait to Atta laevigata’s biocontrol <p>Leaf-cutting ant species with economic importance are those of the genera: <em>Atta</em> and <em>Acromyrmex</em>. Natural baits with spores of these entomopathogenic fungi can be used in the biological control of pest species. Therefore, the aims of this research, were: 1) inventory the species of leaf-cutting ants in three agroecosystems; 2) evaluate the attractiveness of the natural bait based on orange peel albedo impregnated with a bioinsecticide; 3) compare the amount of baits carried between the different concentrations of the bioinsecticide, and 4) evaluate the difference in the times spent for the first meeting of the bait and beginning of the loading in the direction of the nest by <em>Atta laevigata</em>, in relation to the concentrations of conidia of the bioinsecticide. Active searches were carried out in the anthills to collect adults (“soldiers”) and identify the species. The evaluations of the natural baits occurred in four adult nests of <em>A</em>. <em>laevigata</em>, being offered 2g of baits per repetition. The position of the treatments was changed at each repetition. We found four species: <em>Atta sexdens</em>,<em> Atta laevigata</em>, <em>Acromyrmex rugosus</em> and <em>Acromyrmex balsani</em>. There was a significant difference between the total amount of loaded and unloaded baits, indicating that leaf-cutter ants were attracted by the baits and ignored the presence of <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> conidia. The time for first contact and start of loading, did not differ significantly between treatments, nor between loaded amounts of different treatments. The bait containing the bioinsecticide is attractive to <em>Atta laevigata</em> workers, regardless of the concentration of conidia.</p> Antonio Mendonça dos Santos; Manoel Araécio Uchoa; Isaias de Oliveira; Elisângela de Souza Loureiro; Tamara Santos Ferreira de Farias Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Mendonça dos Santos; Manoel Araécio Uchoa; Isaias de Oliveira; Elisângela de Souza Loureiro; Tamara Santos Ferreira de Farias Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomy of the canine spine and clinical implications of vertebral malformations <p>The canine spine is a vertebral structure composed of cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, providing support, protection to the spinal cord, and flexibility to the body. However, vertebral malformations in dogs are diverse and compromise the normal development of the vertebrae, potentially leading to a range of health and well-being issues for these animals. Based on this, this paper aims to describe the anatomy of the canine spine and compare it with the anatomical changes found in some vertebral malformations, as well as their clinical implications, through a literature review. Among the most important vertebral malformations in dogs, hemivertebra, spina bifida, and Wobbler syndrome stand out. Hemivertebra is a vertebral malformation in which a vertebra develops incompletely or in a wedge shape, resulting in abnormal curvatures of the spine, such as scoliosis or kyphosis. Spina bifida is a congenital defect where the vertebral column does not close completely during embryonic development, leaving an opening that can expose the spinal cord. Wobbler syndrome, on the other hand, is a condition characterized by spinal cord compression in the cervical region, caused by vertebral malformations, leading to ataxia, weakness, and coordination problems. Thus, early identification of malformations is crucial for proper management and the implementation of therapeutic interventions that can improve function and/or quality of life for the patients.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Filomena Stasinlevicius Carbone ; Alice Isabel Vieira Santos Alves; Luiz Henrique Alves Bomfim; Gabriel Alves de Abreu; Daniel Sá de Oliveira; Isabella D'Marcos Calmon Guimarães da Silva; Eduarda Manoela Medeiros da Silva Ferreira; Monique Nascimento Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Filomena Stasinlevicius Carbone ; Alice Isabel Vieira Santos Alves; Luiz Henrique Alves Bomfim; Gabriel Alves de Abreu; Daniel Sá de Oliveira; Isabella D'Marcos Calmon Guimarães da Silva; Eduarda Manoela Medeiros da Silva Ferreira; Monique Nascimento Souza; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomical and ethical perspective of tail docking in dogs <p>Canine caudal vertebrae make up the dog's tail, varying in number and size among breeds, and are fundamental for balance, communication, and emotional expression. Tail docking is a surgical procedure that amputates these vertebrae. However, when performed for aesthetic or cultural reasons, this practice has generated intense debates and significant controversies, raising questions about the justification for its continuation. Based on this, this work aims to describe the anatomy of canine vertebrae and tail docking, highlighting the potential harm that such mutilation can cause to these animals, supported by a literature review. Research indicates that the tail is essential not only for canine communication, allowing dogs to express a range of emotions and intentions, but also plays a crucial role in balance, especially during running and performing agile movements. Therefore, tail removal can significantly interfere with dogs' behavior and ability to express body language, in addition to potentially causing pain, discomfort during the postoperative period, and leading to serious complications such as infections and the development of amputation neuroma, a painful condition that occurs at the amputation stump. Currently, many countries have adopted laws and regulations that restrict or prohibit tail docking in dogs, except when necessary for medical reasons. The growing awareness of animal welfare has led to a change in attitude towards this practice, with more owners opting to keep their dogs' tails natural.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Vera Lúcia Teixeira Ferraz; Ana Luiza Souza Dias; Gabriella da Silva Duarte; Julia Barbosa de Brito; Raphael Espínola David do Nascimento; Reika Sato Procopiak; Yasmin Xavier Lameira; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Vera Lúcia Teixeira Ferraz; Ana Luiza Souza Dias; Gabriella da Silva Duarte; Julia Barbosa de Brito; Raphael Espínola David do Nascimento; Reika Sato Procopiak; Yasmin Xavier Lameira; Renata Vieira Cerqueira Lima; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Enzymatic extract Lentinus tigrinus and Trametes villosa fungi obtained by semi solid fermentation by processing agroindustrial residues for animal feeding <p>Ligninolytic enzymes from differents Basidiomycete fungi on different substrates demonstrate microorganisms biotechnological potential on agro-industrial byproducts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of enzymatic extracts of <em>Lentinus tigrinus</em> and <em>Trametes villosa</em> produced by semi-solid fermentation (SSF) for processing sisal coproduct and sugarcane bagasse. The strains were evaluated for RBBR test to confirm enzymes production and subsequently subcultured for 7 days until visible growth of the mycelium. For the SSF, 48 Erlenmeyers distributed in different treatments were used. The enzymatic extract was obtained and added in BC and CDS for further Bromatological analysis. The cultivation methods used were satisfactory in terms growth fungal and ligninase production from RBBR test. The fungi showed good potential in agro-industrial by-products lignocellulosic reduction. The enzyme synthesis behavior of the fungi was different, demonstrating to be in the initial days for <em>Lentinus tigrinus</em> and at 14 days for <em>Trametes villosa.</em></p> Raquel Guimarães Benevides; Luiz Gustavo Neves Brandão; Matheus Batista dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Raquel Guimarães Benevides; Luiz Gustavo Neves Brandão; Matheus Batista dos Santos Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Hematological findings of canine ehrlichiosis: A case study <p>Canine ehrlichiosis, caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia canis, is an infectious disease transmitted by ticks that affects dogs of all breeds, ages and sexes. Its symptoms can vary from mild to intense, and may even be asymptomatic. Diagnosis is crucial and can be made through clinical signs and hematological findings, with blood counts being an essential tool. This study investigated the hematological findings of ehrlichiosis in five cases of dogs diagnosed with the disease. Changes such as normocytic normochromic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis and pancytopenia were observed, varying according to the stage of the disease. In severe cases, blood transfusions and fluid therapy were necessary for treatment. Discussion of the cases revealed the progression of the disease, from initial cases with subtle symptoms to severe cases with organ failure. Worsening ehrlichiosis has been associated with low platelet counts as the disease progresses, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis. It is concluded that canine ehrlichiosis represents a significant challenge for the health of dogs, and raising awareness among owners about the severity of the disease is essential. Prevention, through educational campaigns and early diagnosis through blood counts, is essential for effective treatment and a favorable prognosis for affected animals.</p> João Pedro Mendonça Bothrel; Laura Aschar Maciel; Luiz Antonio Terra de Oliveira; Letícia Ferreira Costa; Ivana Araújo Copyright (c) 2024 João Pedro Mendonça Bothrel; Laura Aschar Maciel; Luiz Antonio Terra de Oliveira; Letícia Ferreira Costa; Ivana Araújo Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Anatomical development of testicles in dogs and clinical implications of cryptorchidism <p>The testicle of the dog is an oval reproductive gland located in the scrotum, responsible for the production of sperm and sex hormones, such as testosterone. However, in some situations, there is a failure in the descent of one or both testicles into the scrotum during embryonic and fetal development or shortly after birth, characterizing cryptorchidism, which is one of the most common congenital anomalies in dogs. This condition has significant implications for the reproductive health and well-being of affected dogs, as well as presenting challenges for breeding and selection of breeders. Based on this, this work aims to describe the anatomy of the dog's testicle and its development, as well as present the anatomical changes associated with cryptorchidism and the clinical implications of this condition for the health of these animals, through a literature review. Understanding the normal anatomy of the male reproductive system and the changes associated with cryptorchidism is essential for proper diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling. The etiology of cryptorchidism in dogs is multifactorial, involving genetic and environmental components. Additionally, endocrine disorders, maternal factors, exposure to endocrine disruptors, and other environmental influences during gestation can also contribute to the occurrence of this anomaly, which is as frequent as it is concerning in the care of dogs.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; João Victor Narciso da Silva; Juliana Câncio Batista; Maria Gabriela Lima da Cunha; Jéssica Carvalho do Nascimento; Giovanna Garcia Bastos; Luize Lopes Alves Moreira; Rafael Ribeiro Pereira; Roberta Gomes Linhares; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; João Victor Narciso da Silva; Juliana Câncio Batista; Maria Gabriela Lima da Cunha; Jéssica Carvalho do Nascimento; Giovanna Garcia Bastos; Luize Lopes Alves Moreira; Rafael Ribeiro Pereira; Roberta Gomes Linhares; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Dachshund anatomy: The influence of artificial selection on breed deformities <p>The Dachshund breed, popularly known as the "sausage dog," is recognized for its long body and short legs, anatomical characteristics that make it unique among canine breeds. However, these anatomical peculiarities are also associated with a series of deformities and health problems that affect the quality of life of these animals. Based on this, this work aims to describe the anatomy of Dachshunds, as well as list the main anatomical deformities these animals possess, through a literature review, correlating these characteristics with the origin of the breed. It was observed that such deformities are closely related to the history and development of the breed over the centuries. Dachshunds were originally bred in Germany for hunting badgers and other animals that live in underground burrows. To meet this purpose, these dogs were selected based on characteristics such as a long body, short legs, and a narrow chest, which allowed them to enter burrows and move easily in confined spaces. However, this artificial selection, focused on specific characteristics, resulted in significant anatomical changes that have perpetuated over generations, leading to a predisposition to various orthopedic and neurological conditions.</p> Gabriele Barros Mothé; Lucas Dias da Silva; Alexia Gonzo dos Santos; Giovanna Fernandes Barbosa; Luiza da Silva Magalhães; Vivian Rodrigues Celano Vieira; Rayani Patrícia Martins da Silva; Carlos Eduardo Almeida Bizzo; Giovanna Gimenes; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriele Barros Mothé; Lucas Dias da Silva; Alexia Gonzo dos Santos; Giovanna Fernandes Barbosa; Luiza da Silva Magalhães; Vivian Rodrigues Celano Vieira; Rayani Patrícia Martins da Silva; Carlos Eduardo Almeida Bizzo; Giovanna Gimenes; Aguinaldo Francisco Mendes Junior Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Performance of treated barley seeds under short storage periods <p>The objective of the work was to verify the physiological and biochemical performance of barley seeds treated and stored for short periods of time. The cultivars BRS Cauê and BRS Rubi were used, the control and seed treatments Fipronil BRT 250 FS, Baytan FS, Certeza N, Cruiser Opti and Standak Top and storage times of 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, being a three-factorial experiment (2x6x5), in a completely randomized design. Germination, length and dry mass of shoots and roots, enzymatic antioxidant activity of SOD, CAT and APX, lipid peroxidation, quantification of hydrogen peroxide and total soluble sugar content were evaluated. The BRS Rubi cultivar was more sensitive in terms of physiological quality to the seed treatments used, mainly Baytan, and across storage periods. The biochemical performance was affected by the Standak Top treatment for the BRS Cauê cultivar, reducing antioxidant activity, increasing lipid peroxidation and the amount of hydrogen peroxide. Storage of treated barley seeds for a short period of time altered the physiological and biochemical performance of the seeds. The BRS Rubi cultivar is more sensitive to the seed treatments used and storage periods regarding germination. Chemical treatment can reduce germination, shoot and root length and negatively modify the enzymatic response of SOD, CAT and APX. Seed treatment within 14 days can contribute to safer sowing.</p> Cariane Pedroso da Rosa; Angelita Celente Martins; Benhur Schwartz Barbosa; Jessica Mengue Rolim; Jader Tomaschewski Waskow; Emanuela Garbin Martinazzo; Tiago Pedó; Tiago Zanatta Aumonde Copyright (c) 2024 Cariane Pedroso da Rosa; Angelita Celente Martins; Benhur Schwartz Barbosa; Jessica Mengue Rolim; Jader Tomaschewski Waskow; Emanuela Garbin Martinazzo; Tiago Pedó; Tiago Zanatta Aumonde Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Welfare indicators of Jersey heifers raised in semi-confinement and confinement systems with and without homeopathic supply <p>Ruminants, when raised in intensive systems and presented with variables that potentiate stress, can develop behavioral stereotypes. In addition, the diets present less bulky confinement compared to forage diets while cattle consume pasture. These dietary changes, or behavioral factors, can contribute to more confined behavior behavior and when animals use fewer behaviors or factors that can contribute to more reliable behavior behavior. Still, the amount of information on these situations is scarce, so the objective was to evaluate whether a study of inclusion of an animal, in the diet of non-inclusion of a history of animal behavior, can reduce the risk of abnormal behavior, considering two to reduce abnormal behavior patterns rearing system (confinement and semi-confinement) and pre- and post-feeding exams. Fourteen were used in the Face of this, the Jersey breed with 12 months of age, fortresses in two groups of seven each. The study lasted 60 days, with the first 30 days in a semi-confinement system (Jersey with access to pasture) and the last 30 days in confinement. By an observer, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) behavioral data were collected before and after the afternoon feeding. At the end of each stage (days 28, 29 and 30; and days 58, 59 and 60), two or three observers collected heifer behavior three times a day, with each observation lasting 50 minutes. Among the results obtained, vocalization was 66% less likely to occur for the treatment group. The influence system to curl the tongue, being this abnormal behavior more present in the confined system during the experimental period. The system also had under rumination, presenting 77% less chance of occurrence for confined animals. Other behaviors (on sandbanks and licking other animals) were also influenced by the breeding system. With the exception of tongue curl, all other animals kept from the moment, that is, effect before and after feeding. From an observation of the influence of the semi-confined system on the occurrence of natural behavior and as a result of the restriction, suggesting that this system is protected by greater conditions of less comfort, it presents stereotypic results.</p> Aline Luiza do Nascimento; Luisa Nora; Maksuel Gatto de Vitt; Arthur Mocelin Piaia; Charles Marcon Giacomelli; Mario Augusto Torteli; Aleksandro Schafer da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Aline Luiza do Nascimento; Luisa Nora; Maksuel Gatto de Vitt; Arthur Mocelin Piaia; Charles Marcon Giacomelli; Mario Augusto Torteli; Aleksandro Schafer da Silva Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The role of Nurses in the prevention of gestational diabetes in Primary Care <p>Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - GDM, is due to the occurrence of Hyperglycemia, the acumulativo of glucose in the blood of women who are pregnant. This occurrence is due to a defect in the secretion or action of insulin, a hormone that is produced in the pancreatic organ through beta cells. Objective: To understand the strategies used by primary care nurses in the prevention of gestational diabetes. Methodology: Narrative Review, through a descriptive approach and qualitative analysis. Results: identifying the selection of articles from magazines, books, annals and portal, used to compose the textual body. Thus, 3 books of scientific methodology, a consultation in a portal, a collection of an anal and 15 journal articles in the period 2019-2023 were used. Final Considerations: In Primary Care, the nursing professional, has to be qualified and trained to provide nursing care for pregnant women and the fetus, even as the management developed by Primary Care, lacks a greater bond between the professional, the family and the pregnant woman.</p> Antonia Aldeni Miranda Cardoso; Gessica de Oliveira Padilha; Gustavo Pantoja da Costa; Janny Kelly Santos Silva; Jessica Joseli Ribeiro Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Antonia Aldeni Miranda Cardoso; Gessica de Oliveira Padilha; Gustavo Pantoja da Costa; Janny Kelly Santos Silva; Jessica Joseli Ribeiro Ramos Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of diet on adults with autoimmune diseases with systemic lúpus <p>Autoimmune diseases progressively impact the population's quality of life and are considered a factor of public health care. Among the most diverse autoimmune diseases, lupus in its different forms has stood out as a pathology that affects individuals, predominantly affecting women in different life cycles. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, marked by periods of remission and activity, affecting one or more organs and tissues of the body, resulting in inflammation and damage. Risk factors for the disease are related to lifestyle, including issues such as stress, physical activity, diet, among others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of diet on adults with autoimmune diseases with systemic lupus. The methodology was carried out through a literature review based on scientific articles from the last ten years, found in academic sources: Pubmed, Google Scholar, SciELO and CAPES, including articles in Portuguese and English. As final considerations, it is noteworthy that scientific evidence is consistent with the relationship between the influence of nutrition as one of the pillars in disease management, which is one of the main non-pharmacological factors used to maintain adequate nutritional status and prevent possible associated complications. Furthermore, the need for more studies focused on the influence and importance of nutrition for patients with autoimmune diseases is emphasized. </p> Marianna Ferreira Souza de Brito; Simone Gomes Guarino; Paloma Popov Custódio Garcia Copyright (c) 2024 Marianna Ferreira Souza de Brito; Simone Gomes Guarino; Paloma Popov Custódio Garcia Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Consequences of fad diets on public health <p>The discussion about nutrition and health and the abundance of information make it essential to develop skills for making healthy dietary choices. This paper aims to show the influence of fad diets on health and their prominence on social media and other media platforms. It is a literature review based on scientific and bibliographic articles from PUBMED, Google Scholar, and SciELO, using descriptors such as "Fad Diets," "Behavioral Nutrition," "Nutrition Sciences," and "Nutritional Education. The main articles indicate that these diets are popular among women, often due to dissatisfaction with body image. Guidance from a nutritionist is crucial to avoid mental and physical health issues. The study reveals that these diets are ineffective in the long term, with only 15.4% of participants maintaining weight loss after one year. However, most participants rate the short-term results positively. Diets promoted on social media can be harmful, promising quick changes and body transformations to resemble influencers, celebrities, and models. Examples include detox diets, which claim to eliminate toxins and aid in weight loss, and low-calorie diets, recommended for short periods with medical supervision. It is concluded that nutritional guidance is essential to avoid health issues and ensure lasting results.</p> Luis Guilherme Waldino dos Santos; Laura Silveira Carvalho; Maria Claudia da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Luis Guilherme Waldino dos Santos; Laura Silveira Carvalho; Maria Claudia da Silva Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of excess adiposity on the development of insulin resistance <p>Obesity has become a serious global public health problem, affecting an increasingly younger portion of different socioeconomic groups. In addition to being a risk factor for other non-communicable chronic diseases, obesity prevention and weight loss are not straightforward, being associated with physiological processes that hinder weight loss and promote weight gain. Among these processes, a strong presence of insulin resistance is observed, characterized by decreased cellular responses to the insulin hormone, which affects the transport of plasma glucose into cells and reduces its efficiency in glycemic control. This study revealed a consensus among the authors that weight loss can significantly improve insulin sensitivity and other associated metabolic parameters, noting a relationship between excessive carbohydrate consumption and increased fat accumulation, but without presenting a consensus on the best dietary composition aimed at improving insulin sensitivity. Therefore, this review aimed to analyze the influence of excess adiposity on the development of insulin resistance, analyzing the impact of different dietary compositions on improving insulin sensitivity, also investigating how insulin resistance itself impacts fat gain, and outlining strategies for reducing the hormone resistance levels. A literature review was conducted using international articles from the PubMed database, with inclusion criteria of articles published in the last ten years and clinical trials.</p> Marina Mayrink Silva Moura; Yasmin Rocha Ghazaleh; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Mayrink Silva Moura; Yasmin Rocha Ghazaleh; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of dental internship clinical care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic <p>The dental internship allows the student to develop and evaluate their acquired knowledge, through the practical demonstration of motor skills, dexterity and aptitude for working in the oral environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dental internship at the State University of Amazonas through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the procedures performed and to evaluate the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on it. Quantitative data on care and qualitative evaluation of procedures from the dentistry internship of the 9th period of graduation were collected, being carried out in two periods before the COVID-19 pandemic and two periods during the pandemic. The data underwent descriptive and statistical analysis, using the Kruskal-Wallis test, and if there was a statistical difference (p&lt;0.05), the Student-Newman-Keuls test. Statistic difference was observed in the average number of procedures performed per period (p&lt;0.05). During the period without the presence of COVID-19, in the first half of 2019, the average was 54.4 procedures and 39.8 in the second half. In periods pandemic, in the first half of 2020, the average was 4.1 procedures, increasing to 21.7 in the second half. This pattern was seen in the average number of patients treated, reflecting in a decrease in the number of treatments carried out. The procedures considered invalidated remained at low levels and the area of dentistry is the area with the highest demand for care. Concluded that COVID-19 had a major impact on dental education, resulting in lower utilization of undergraduate Dentistry internships.</p> Julia Amanda Rebouças de Moura; Jonas Alves de Oliveira; Odirlei Arruda Malaspina Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Amanda Rebouças de Moura; Jonas Alves de Oliveira; Odirlei Arruda Malaspina Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nursing care in the handling of peripherally inserted central catheters in the neonatal ICU <p>This study addresses the advances in care with the use of technologies in newborn patients hospitalized in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Neonates, who present frailties, instabilities of care on intravenous therapy, private care from the nursing team. The peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC) stands out as an advanced technological tool widely used in neonatology and pediatrics in patients who are in severe condition. Objective: to understand the role of nurses in the care related to the handling of peripherally inserted central catheters in the Neonatal ICU. Methodology: a research method of the Narrative Literature Review type was developed, with a descriptive nature and a qualitative approach. The Virtual Health Library (VHL) of the Ministry of Health was used as a search platform, applying the following filters: Database (LILACS and BDENF - Nursing - Brazil). Results: The following sample was obtained: 16 publications (15 articles and 2 theses) and 3 books on scientific research methodology, totaling 20 publications. Final Considerations: The literature indicated that the nursing professional has an important role in the insertion and maintenance of the PICC in the Neonatal ICU, being responsible for safe practice, aseptic technique, technical-scientific skills and knowledge, constant evaluation of the device, the professional was present in all phases of the procedure.</p> Ana Paula Ferreira Silva; Hayllin Caroline Reis das Neves; Hevely Monik da Costa e Silva; Maize Costa Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Paula Ferreira Silva; Hayllin Caroline Reis das Neves; Hevely Monik da Costa e Silva; Maize Costa Silva Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Analysis of hygienic and sanitary conditions in establishments that sell purified water in electronic fountains in the city of Assú - RN <p>Consumption of water outside of hygienic-sanitary quality standards can cause a high number of illnesses, from mild symptoms such as: diarrhea, nausea, chills, vomiting, fever, to more serious cases such as typhoid fever, hepatitis A and cholera, caused by by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and/or their toxins. Given the increase in demand and commercialization of purified water in electronic fountains in the municipality of Assú, the objective of carrying out this research was to verify the hygienic-sanitary conditions in establishments that sell purified water in electronic fountains in the city of Assú – RN. To carry out this study, we used the application of a Check-list control tool based on Resolution No. 173/2006, which provides for the Technical Regulation of Good Practices for the Industrialization and Commercialization of Natural Mineral Water and Natural Water and the Checklist of Good Practices for the Industrialization and Commercialization of Natural Mineral Water and Natural Water. The results reveal that the establishments compared according to the checklist were not in compliance with the standards established by legislation, in which 90% of the establishments were failed, revealing the poor sanitary quality arising from the fountains analyzed. This indicates that water quality outside legal standards is not suitable for human consumption and may cause harm to the consumer’s health. Finally, greater action is needed from the competent public bodies regarding the supervision of these locations, so that they meet the minimum needs to provide a quality product.</p> Francisco Cesino de Medeiros Júnior; Débora Rayane Frutuoso Guilherme; Mayara da Cunha Cruz; Stephany Kethellyn Alves Xavier; Robson Frutuoso de Brito; Rubens Oliveira Dantas Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Cesino de Medeiros Júnior; Débora Rayane Frutuoso Guilherme; Mayara da Cunha Cruz; Stephany Kethellyn Alves Xavier; Robson Frutuoso de Brito; Rubens Oliveira Dantas Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Advances in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: An integrative review <p>The condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common occurrence in older men, characterized by the benign enlargement of the prostate, which can lead to bothersome urinary symptoms and significantly affect quality of life. BPH is a significant health concern worldwide, affecting the majority of older men to varying degrees. Although not fatal in itself, it can cause serious complications if not properly treated. Treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia aims to alleviate symptoms, improve urinary function, and reduce the risk of associated complications. There are various treatment options available, ranging from non-invasive interventions to more complex surgical procedures, depending on the severity of symptoms and patient preferences. To initiate the review process, a search was conducted in the PubMed electronic database with the aim of identifying studies published in the last 3 years (2021 to 2024) that addressed advances in BPH treatment. The specific MESH descriptors used were "Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia", "Treatment", "Therapeutics", "Drug therapy". These terms were selected to ensure the inclusion of studies addressing different aspects related to BPH treatment, from new therapies to management guidelines and future predictions. The results of this review highlight the effectiveness of non-invasive interventions, such as lifestyle modifications and medication therapies, in improving urinary symptoms and quality of life in patients with mild to moderate BPH.</p> Fernanda Marinho de Souza; Paula Souza Sampaio; Miguel Fontana Pereira; Caio Márcio Coelho Alves Copyright (c) 2024 Fernanda Marinho de Souza; Paula Souza Sampaio; Miguel Fontana Pereira; Caio Márcio Coelho Alves Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Teletriage as a tool for waiting line management in a University Hospital <p>The research is part of a retrospective experience of implementing screening teleconsultations for various medical specialties through the Management Application system for University Hospitals - AGHUx. The objective was to present a study reporting the experience of establishing teletriage in the virtual telemedicine outpatient clinic to reduce the number of patients on the waiting list, for the specialties of pulmonology, cardiology, dermatology, psychiatry and geriatrics. Over the course of 12 months from January to December 2023, 06 waiting lists for medical specialties were “cleaned” with a total of 1,578 patients with a high/very high priority for care, which is why teleconsultation was chosen. During the period, the outpatient specialties selected for this purpose were: Dermatology, Psychiatry, Pulmonology, Cardiology and Geriatrics. Resulting in a total of 608 teleconsultations, including 86 Dermatology, 161 Psychiatry, 117 Pulmonology, 202 Cardiology and 42 Geriatrics. Cardiology 33.2% obtained the highest percentile and the lowest 6.9% was geriatrics. Therefore, the implementation of teletriage is a successful strategy for managing queues in institutions, thus becoming a relevant and supportive factor so that it can contribute to the correct follow-up of the treatment of these patients, an appropriate indication for the highly complex service and thus relieve the system and open new vacancies for first care patients.</p> Lúcia de Fátima Nunes Freitas; Edinaldo Brito dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Lúcia de Fátima Nunes Freitas; Edinaldo Brito dos Santos Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Management of appendiceal neoplasia post-appendectomy case: Case report <p>Introduction: Tumors in the appendix are rare and often underdiagnosed until histopathological examination. Its clinical features resemble acute appendicitis, leading to most emergency diagnoses and urgent appendectomies. Appendiceal malignancies include epithelial and non-epithelial tumors, with mucinous carcinoids being the most common subtype. The objective of this study is to report the case of a patient with cecal appendix cancer. Case Report: A 26-year-old patient arrived at the hospital with typical symptoms of appendicitis. Tests revealed suspected acute appendicitis, leading to an emergency appendectomy. Histopathology revealed low-grade mucinous neoplasm in the appendix (LAMN), without invasion. The patient recovered well after surgery.Methodology: The study consists of a case report of a patient with suspected acute appendicitis whose postoperative histopathology revealed LAMN, without invasion. The report was written with the participant's permission through an Informed Consent Form read and signed by the patient.Discussion: LAMN often resembles acute appendicitis. The anatomopathological analysis is crucial for the diagnosis and imaging exams help with evaluation and staging. MRI is useful for this purpose. Surgeons must be prepared to deal with benign or malignant changes. Conclusion: This case emphasizes the importance of correctly diagnosing and treating cecal appendix cancer, a rare condition that mimics acute appendicitis. Accurate clinical and histopathological evaluation and postoperative follow-up are required. It is recommended for future studies to investigate clinical variations, develop biomarkers and evaluate adjuvant therapies.</p> Camila Zanetti Machado; Eduarda Reis da Rocha Villalba Alvim; Luma Chan Mourão; Thiara de Medeiros Jabor Ferreira; Ana Cristina Soares Hernani Valverde Negreiros; Renan Helio Sens Leal Copyright (c) 2024 Camila Zanetti Machado; Eduarda Reis da Rocha Villalba Alvim; Luma Chan Mourão; Thiara de Medeiros Jabor Ferreira; Ana Cristina Soares Hernani Valverde Negreiros; Renan Helio Sens Leal Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Deep margin elevation: A bibliographic review of fracture adaptation and resistance <p>Subgingival carious lesions can be restored with a deep margin elevation, which is performed with a resin composite, and then rehabilitated through a direct or indirect restoration, however, the limitations of this technique are not yet well specified, so as the material that allows adequate marginal adaptation and resistance to fracture. The objective of this article is to carry out a review of the literature that evaluates the appropriate materials to perform a deep margin lift and that allow adequate marginal adaptation, as well as studies that evaluate fracture resistance. Thus, a search was carried out in the scientific bases of PUBMED, SCOPUS, COCHRANE AND DIALNET, for articles in an interval of no more than 5 years, of which 12 were selected and analyzed in this study. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that resin composites modified with short fibers or hybrid nanofilled composites give good long-term results, although more in vivo studies are needed to give greater reliability to the technique.</p> Eliana Elizabeth Gonzalez Rodas; Victor Ruben Lema Mosquera; Pablo Esteban Tamariz Ordoñez Copyright (c) 2024 Eliana Elizabeth Gonzalez Rodas; Victor Ruben Lema Mosquera; Pablo Esteban Tamariz Ordoñez Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Academic monitoring and its contributions to the teaching-learning process in the Nursing course <p>Academic monitoring improves the student-monitor's orality and interpersonal relations, facilitating access to knowledge through language that is closer and more adapted to the reality of the student being monitored. This study aims to report on the experience, importance and contributions of tutoring in the Semiology/Semiotechnics and Adult Intensive Care Unit subjects in the Hospital Nursing Department. This is a descriptive study of the experience report type, describing the activities developed in an academic monitoring during the period 2022.2 and 2023.1, covering the didactic tools used by the monitor and the perceptions about the teaching-learning process of the situations experienced. Methodological tools were used to improve teaching and make learning meaningful, such as: summaries and mind maps on airway aspiration, bed baths, injury assessment and vital signs, handouts on "anamnesis and physical examination" and "wounds and dressings", and the use of online tools for teaching. This monitoring process brings positive results for academic, interpersonal and professional training, making people feel more secure and confident. Therefore, academic mentoring is fundamental for all the members who take part, from the teachers to those being mentored, in order to expand knowledge, safety and professional and interpersonal relationships, and should be a practice encouraged in higher education institutions.</p> Meiriane Araujo Carneiro; Amanda da Silva Dantas; Nicolli dos Santos Ferreira; Aline Santos Oliveira; Pedro Gabriel Silva de Moura; Nathalia Menezes Dias Copyright (c) 2024 Meiriane Araujo Carneiro; Amanda da Silva Dantas; Nicolli dos Santos Ferreira; Aline Santos Oliveira; Pedro Gabriel Silva de Moura; Nathalia Menezes Dias Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The role of nurses in the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in Primary Care <p>Exclusive Breastfeeding – EBF, when the child in the first six months of life, only has breast milk as a source of nutrition, whether this milk is introduced directly from the breast or expressed, without having to add any liquid or solid substance as a nutritional complement. Breastfeeding promotes immune protection for the child such as antibodies, enzymes and white blood cells, and breast milk has nutritional properties capable of nitriating the baby without. Objective: To describe the role of nursing professionals as advisors and promoters of breastfeeding practices in primary care. Methodology: the study presents a descriptive Narrative Literature Review. Data were collected from the database of the Journal of Research, Society and Development – RSD, Scielo and VHL. Results: analysis of the selection of publications, categorized the studies in chart 1, with identification of the topics number, author and date, title of the publication and the objectives of the studies. The results were 15 publications on consultation in the database. Final considerations: the health professional is the key player to guide the mother in the breastfeeding process, with support for the difficulties that may be generated in this new phase through strategies of effective approaches and interventions in nursing consultations.</p> Kmtlem de Souza Barbosa Dantas Copyright (c) 2024 Kmtlem de Souza Barbosa Dantas Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The overview of the care network for the gender transition process in Brazil from 2008 to 2022 <p>Introduction: The process of gender transition, which has always existed throughout human history, is currently offered through the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) in Brazil to all citizens free of charge. This is due to the understanding that procedure is an essential public health measure for this segment of the population. Beyond surgical, hormonal, or outpatient procedures, it concerns the mental health and integrity of a portion of the Brazilian population. Objective: To quantify the number of procedures and outpatient services provided by the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), as well as their prevalence over the years—from when it began to be offered in 2008 until 2022—and to compare the results according to the macro-regions of the country. Methodology: This is a mixed ecological study conducted through consultation of data from the Outpatient Information System of the Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil (DATASUS). The studied population consisted of all procedures and outpatient services provided to transgender individuals according to temporality and macro-regions. Results: During the period from 2008 to 2022, 85,889 procedures involving the aforementioned population were observed in Brazil. The South and Southeast regions reported a higher number of outpatient services and procedures, in contrast to the North region, which did not present any data during the analyzed period. Conclusion: More scientific productions on this subject are necessary to increase the visibility and interest of health professionals in this topic.</p> Ana Beatriz Estrela Freitas; Arthur da Cruz Leal Rodrigues; Edvaldo Nunes Vanderlei Neto; Thalita Braga Santos; Cristina Aires Brasil Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Beatriz Estrela Freitas; Arthur da Cruz Leal Rodrigues; Edvaldo Nunes Vanderlei Neto; Thalita Braga Santos; Cristina Aires Brasil Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Money versus Happiness: Observational study <p>In recent years, several researchers have turned their attention to unraveling the relationships between money, happiness and mental health. Mental health is part of what sustains people's individual and collective abilities to make decisions, establish relationships and shape the world. The aim of this study was to address questions about money, happiness and mental health. The methodology applied was an observational and cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. For the results obtained, it was questioned how relationships with parents and interpersonal relationships can affect the mental and spiritual development of the participants. It can be seen that taboos such as alcohol and smoking affect individuals less than betrayal or distrust within relationships. Factors such as happy marriages, volunteer work, religion and financial control contribute to the individual's better emotional and mental state. It is concluded that mental, emotional and financial success arises from mentally healthy people.</p> Wagner Rafael da Silva; Luan Souza do Nascimento; Rosylene Machado Pelegrini ; Milena Carla Queiroz da Silva; Thiago Gomes Figueira Copyright (c) 2024 Wagner Rafael da Silva; Luan Souza do Nascimento; Rosylene Machado Pelegrini ; Milena Carla Queiroz da Silva; Thiago Gomes Figueira Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Clinical/nutritional parameters and gestational history of mothers of children living with cleft lip and palate <p>Cleft lip and palate (CLP) originate from different stages of embryonic-fetal development and is associated with a multifactorial etiology, with risk factors in the Genetic-Environmental-Social context. In this study, we focused on the analysis of mothers of children with CLP – attended at a reference dental clinic in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire revealed a sample of 73 patients with CLP, predominantly aged 1-5 years (43.83%, CI 95% 32.41; 55.91), white (72.60%, CI 95% 60.71; 82.08), with maternal age among the 73 mothers interviewed, mostly between 20-35 years old (69.86%, CI 95% 57.85; 79.76), and having completed high school. In the medical/nutritional history, there was no significant relationship with comorbidities (Diabetes Mellitus, Systemic Arterial Hypertension and Dyslipidemia), but through the BMI, it was possible to report the presence of varying degrees of nutritional dysfunctions [malnutrition, overweight and obesity levels]. Most mothers had prenatal care (97.26%, CI 95% 87.85; 100) and, during pregnancy, a considerable frequency of alcohol use, tobacco and illicit drugs was observed, and 36.99% (CI 95% 8.99; 43.06) of the studied mothers had an infection during pregnancy and/or used medication with teratogenic risks. Of note, 72% of mothers underwent through stressful situations during pregnancy, which is a risk factor in the etiology of FLP. As a factor in preventing CLP, most respondents used folic acid during pregnancy. The importance of prospecting risk factors for CLP in the prenatal period and monitoring mothers and newborns are highlighted, due to the multifactorial context of the disease.</p> Malu Labecca Selicani; Beatriz Barraqui Nardo; Lanna Antunes de Faria Lima; Natasha Maganin Amboni; Cláudio Daniel Cerdeira; Roberta Bessa Veloso Silva; Gérsika Bitencourt Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Malu Labecca Selicani; Beatriz Barraqui Nardo; Lanna Antunes de Faria Lima; Natasha Maganin Amboni; Cláudio Daniel Cerdeira; Roberta Bessa Veloso Silva; Gérsika Bitencourt Santos Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Physical activity and quality of life in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis: An integrative review <p>Introduction: In the postmenopausal period, the period after the cessation of menstrual cycles, resulting from ovarian function, the prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures increases according to the period of hormonal disturbance and age. Activities that result in impact are those that most stimulate osteogenesis and thus reduce the loss of bone mass. Objective: To conduct a literature review on physical activity and its impact on the quality of life of post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. Methods: This is an integrative review whose research question was: What are the effects of physical activity on osteoporosis in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis? Results: Studies show positive results related to the practice of physical activity, such as barefoot exercises on a vibrating platform, resistance exercises, strengthening and stretching exercises for the lower limbs, lateral trunk flexors and extensors, and upper limbs, balance exercises, aerobic exercise, among others, as a strategy to improve the quality of life in post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. Conclusion: Studies indicate that regular physical activity, especially resistance and load exercises, plays a fundamental role in minimizing the adverse effects of this phase. Therapeutic modalities such as Pilates and whole-body vibration (WBV) stand out for improving postural balance, strengthening muscles, and increasing bone mineral density, contributing to the prevention of falls and fractures.</p> Vitória Mariana dos Santos Neta; Ana Júlia Aparecida Lacerda; Leandra Karla da Silva Gonçalves; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Vitória Mariana dos Santos Neta; Ana Júlia Aparecida Lacerda; Leandra Karla da Silva Gonçalves; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 A narrative review of the analysis of nanoparticulate systems in the formulation and efficacy of antitumor drugs <p>The treatment of cancer remains a significant challenge in the healthcare field due to the side effects of conventional treatments and the need for more effective therapies. Nanotechnology offers a promising approach to overcome these limitations, with the development of nanoparticles as carriers of antitumor drugs. This article comprehensively reviews the use of nanoparticles in cancer therapy, from the definition of nanotechnology to the potential toxicity of nanoparticles. We discuss the different types of nanoparticles used, such as polymer-based nanoparticles, lipid-based nanoparticles, nanoemulsions, and gold nanoparticles, highlighting their advantages and applications in the delivery of antitumor drugs. Additionally, we explore conventional cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, comparing their efficacy and side effects with nanotechnology-based treatments. Finally, we discuss the efficacy of antitumor drugs of nanotechnological origin and the challenges related to the potential toxicity of nanoparticles. This review provides a comprehensive and updated overview of the role of nanoparticles in cancer therapy, highlighting their potential to improve clinical outcomes and patient quality of life. Thus, the objective of this article is to present a systematic review of the use of nanoparticulate systems as antitumor drugs.</p> Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Mariza Modolon Martins; Mateus da Silva Muniz Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Mariza Modolon Martins; Mateus da Silva Muniz Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nurse's role in care of children with type 1 Diabetes mellitus <p>Type 1 <em>Diabetes Mellitus</em> (DM1), defined as a chronic condition that has been affecting thousands of people, is considered a public health issue. The incidence of this disease is common in children. DM1, which represents 5 to 10% of cases worldwide, reaching 34 million people, can occur at any age. Objective: To describe the role of nurses in the control of DM1 in children, according to the literature. Methodology: Narrative Review of Literature of qualitative and exploratory nature. A literature review was conducted to explore and understand the role of nurses in the care of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Results: 20 articles were identified, selected and generated the construction of the results. A search was conducted in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs), Pubmed/Medline, and Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) databases. The search has spanned the last 5 years. Final Considerations: the nurse's performance in relation to health care makes it possible to act with strategies in relation to emotional support for the child and the family, making the child with DM1 lighter, living a routine, but with quality of life and providing well-being.</p> Letícia Silva da Silva; Darcileia de Sousa Costa; Carla de Cássia de Jesus Silva; Anna Karolyne Gonçalves Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Letícia Silva da Silva; Darcileia de Sousa Costa; Carla de Cássia de Jesus Silva; Anna Karolyne Gonçalves Silva Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Pharmaceutical interventions and care in patients with Diabetes mellitus <p>Objective: To present studies that deal with pharmaceutical services and their effectiveness in treating patients with Diabetes mellitus. Method: Integrative review. Results: It was observed that there are different strategies to improve the quality of pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients, including telemedicine through SMS reminders, telephone calls and applications that provide support for self-care and/or self-management. Conclusion: It is recognized that the pharmaceutical professional is important for health care, through the provision of pharmaceutical services that apply pharmaceutical care as a strategy to promote a better quality of life for diabetic patients.</p> Jéssica Daiane de Melo Maia; Orenzio Soler; Allan Carlos da Silva Tiago Copyright (c) 2024 Jéssica Daiane de Melo Maia; Orenzio Soler; Allan Carlos da Silva Tiago Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Eating disorders in individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder <p>There is no doubt that the number of people suffering from diseases related to human behavior has increased in recent years. Seeking guidance from experts in the field is necessary to avoid complications and lack of adequate treatment. Eating disorders are classified as multifactorial mental disorders and are characterized by unhealthy eating habits and negative attitudes towards food. The study addressed the link between eating disorders (EDs) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through a literature review to understand the chosen topic with a qualitative and objective approach, analyzing references, scientific articles, magazines and published books at an average interval over the last 10 years. The characteristics of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder were highlighted, where it was found that anorexia nervosa has a higher mortality rate, while bulimia nervosa has a lower rate, but brings greater functional impairment. Given the analyses, the main results found point to a relationship between eating disorders and attention deficit, showing that additives, sugar, preservatives can worsen symptoms. Furthermore, it addresses the importance of a balanced diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins as a complementary way to conventional treatment, reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life of these individuals. Our objective is to provide scientific information about the importance of nutrition to improve the quality of life of those suffering from eating disorders (ED) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).</p> Maria Vitória de Lira Bianchini; Nathália Gonçalves Arcoverde; Paloma Popov Custódio Garcia Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Vitória de Lira Bianchini; Nathália Gonçalves Arcoverde; Paloma Popov Custódio Garcia Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Humanization in health: A look at the Radiotherapy <p>In the context of radiotherapy, not only is knowledge necessary, but also humanized practice, between professionals and patients, needs to evolve and receive greater attention. However, there are issues to be analyzed regarding health education in Brazil: are humanization practices being considered in the literature as research for improving radiotherapy treatment? Are technicians being pedagogically prepared to practice humanized care? The objective of the research is to analyze how humanization is being addressed for the development of new research and for the training of technicians and/or technologists in radiotherapy. In order to identify general productions on the topic of humanization in Brazil from 2013 to 2023, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted; using the following combinations: "humanization" and "National Humanization Policy," "humanization" and "health," "humanization" and "nursing," "humanization" and "radiology," "humanization" and "radiotherapy." Considering the small number of works, there is a need to further explore the topic, both in professional training and in research. </p> Renata Hassler Lopes; Rogério Turchetti; Leila Maria Araújo Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Renata Hassler Lopes; Rogério Turchetti; Leila Maria Araújo Santos Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of nutrition for control autoimmune diseases <p>Studies suggest that autoimmune diseases are caused by a lack of control in the immune system and that their development is related to multifactorial factors, such as genetic and environmental. The relationship between nutrition and systemic immune responses has attracted considerable attention as a strategy for controlling autoimmune diseases. In view of the above, this work aimed to verify the effect of nutritional therapy on the control of immunosuppressive chronic inflammations, based on a literature review, academic works, magazines with the work theme and scientific bases such as ScienceDirect, PubMed, MDPI were used, considering articles published between 2009 - 2024, in Portuguese and English, excluding those that prioritized physical exercise, drugs or other treatments that were not related to food and nutrition. The health and proper functioning of the intestinal microbiota, a specific diet that can improve the inflammatory symptoms of immunosuppressive diseases, supplementation with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, C and zinc can bring benefits to immunity and improve the symptoms of the pathology.</p> Manuella Matos Bimbato de Almeida; Thaís Valente Frasson; Camila Melo Araújo de Moura e Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Manuella Matos Bimbato de Almeida; Thaís Valente Frasson; Camila Melo Araújo de Moura e Lima Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Healthcare-related infection and the challenges faced by nurses with regard to control measures: An integrative review <p>Objective: to identify in the literature the difficulties encountered by nurses and investigate coping strategies regarding control measures for Healthcare-Associated Infections. Method: integrative literature review, through articles available in the databases - Public MEDLINE, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Nursing Database, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature and Web of Science written databases in Portuguese, Spanish and English, which were in full, published between the period 2015 and 2020. Publications of the review type, conference summaries, proceedings, editorials, letters and repeated news, review studies, as well as research not available in full and free of charge or that did not answer the research question outlined. Result: 25 articles were found from various parts of the world. The data was organized in a table that allows observing the study code, country of origin, authors, year of publication and categorized results. Conclusion: the reality regarding infection control is complex due to the lack of adherence, effective involvement in the safety culture and infection prevention. Capacity building, training, attendance, awareness raising and the practice of diverse educational interventions can have a positive impact on infection control measures.</p> Nayara Carvalho Oliveira; Carla Daiane Costa Dutra; Raquel Ferreira de Jesus ; Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela Copyright (c) 2024 Nayara Carvalho Oliveira; Carla Daiane Costa Dutra; Raquel Ferreira de Jesus ; Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Study on the impact of Mozart's Sonata K448 on the extinction of fear memory in relation to the environment in female mice without dysbiosis <p>The fear memory is essential for survival, as is its extinction to avoid phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder. The objective of this article is to present results of an investigation into the interference of Mozart's Sonata K448 in the extinction of fear memory to a contextualized aversive environment in female mice. Methodology: for this purpose, 36 female mice of the C57BL/6J lineage were used and randomly divided in three groups: Mozart, Environment, and Control. The animals in the Mozart group were exposed to music from gestation to adulthood, while the other groups were only exposed to ambient sound. Behavioral procedures included music exposure, habituation, sound/shock conditioning training, extinction test, and recall test. Behavioral data were statistically analyzed. Results: the difference in freezing behavior between groups in the recall test (t(9)=0.874; p=0.405) was insignificant. The mean freezing percentage was 13.11% ± 2.26% for the Mozart group and 9.67% ± 3.37% for the Control group. Conclusion: from the results obtained, it’s possible to observe that female mice exposed to Mozart's Sonata K448 compared to the Control group showed no difference in the influence of music on the recall of fear memory. However, the limits of the "Mozart effect" are observed, highlighting the need to consider additional variables such as musical preference and experimental conditions when investigating the therapeutic effects of music.</p> Ana Cláudia Marcelino da Silva; Clarissa Trzesniak; Maria Fernanda Moreira de Melo; Rodolfo Souza Faria Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Cláudia Marcelino da Silva; Clarissa Trzesniak; Maria Fernanda Moreira de Melo; Rodolfo Souza Faria Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Assessment of sleep quality in women undergoing mastectomies after breast cancer <p>Introduction: Breast cancer is tha most common cause of death in the female population, this disease triggers many symptoms resulting from stressful moments. Its treatment has social and emotional consequences, among them, sleep is directly affected due to the entire disease process. Objective: To evaluate the quality of sleep of women with mastectomies after breast cancer. Methodology: The type of study is observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional and quantitative in nature. The inclusion criteria include women undergoing mastectomies after breast cancer aged 18 to 59 years. As exclusion, women with lymphedema, breast reconstruction and cognitive disorders. The clinical and sociodemographic questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Index (PSQI) were applied. Results: Sample of 130 participants. Poor sleep quality prevailed in women aged 41 to 50 years, white race/color, professionally active, who sometimes practice physical activity, and underwent unilateral mastectomy. Regarding the PSQI, 9.2% reported “good” sleep, 46.9% “bad” sleep and 43.8% “sleep disorder”. And the occurrence of sleep disorders is more common in professionally inactive women. Conclusion: The scarcity of studies in the literature was a restrictive factor in the present research. However, knowing that poor sleep quality negatively impacts the lives of these women, more studies in the area are necessary to contribute to scientifically based interventions.</p> Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves; Débora Nunes Rocha; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves; Débora Nunes Rocha; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Sickle beta zero thalassemia and acute chest syndrome in pediatric: Case report <p>The objective of this article is to report the case of a 5-year-old male patient diagnosed with Sickle Beta Zero Thalassemia. An inherited disease that affects the hemoglobin of red blood cells, causing the formation of hemoglobin S (sickle cell) and thalassemia. The presence of "zero" indicates the absence of normal hemoglobin in the blood. This condition leads to the sickle-shaped deformation of red blood cells, making their circulation in blood vessels difficult, generating complications, including acute chest syndrome. It is possible to recognize this rare disease by its clinical presentation and with the help of the laboratory. A diagnosis was established in the patient based on clinical findings such as diagnostic images, complete blood count, peripheral blood smear and hemoglobin electrophoresis and subsequent evaluation by the pediatric hematology specialist. Clinical genetics is increasingly relevant in today's medicine, and it is essential that primary care (PC) professionals become familiar with its concepts. The correct identification of these patients ensures adequate genetic counseling and the implementation of regular clinical controls. This allows for early preventive intervention and addressing health problems before they fully develop.</p> Diego Fernando López Muñoz; Juan Esteban Grisales Domínguez; Nicolás Delgado Garcés; Valeria Llanos Posso; Camilo Arellano Genoy; Olga Patricia Ortiz Corrales Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Fernando López Muñoz; Juan Esteban Grisales Domínguez; Nicolás Delgado Garcés; Valeria Llanos Posso; Camilo Arellano Genoy; Olga Patricia Ortiz Corrales Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Guided endodontic treatment of the upper premolar with calcification in the cervical third: A case report <p>Endodontic treatment in teeth with calcification can be a challenge, which can cause risks to the treatment such as perforations or deviations. The objective of this research was to describe, through a case report, the use of guided endodontics as a complement to access in a tooth with calcification in the cervical third. A 42-year-old female patient, she was referred for endodontic treatment of the right upper premolar. An attempt at conventional endodontic treatment was made, but without success in both canals, and thus an endodontic guide was proposed. This guide was planned and created, followed by access using a 1.3mm diameter cylindrical drill. After the canals were accessed, endodontic treatment was followed with a rotary system and completed in two sessions. The use of the surgical guide proved to be safe for accessing canals with calcification in the cervical third of upper premolars, preventing treatment failures.</p> Walber Maeda; Carlos Henrique Gasparini; Alexandre Luis Bortoloto; Daniel de Almeida Decurcio; Rodrigo Gonçalves Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 Walber Maeda; Carlos Henrique Gasparini; Alexandre Luis Bortoloto; Daniel de Almeida Decurcio; Rodrigo Gonçalves Ribeiro Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nursing care for patients with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CAP) <p>Respiratory diseases can affect children, adults and the elderly, consequently they are causes of morbidity and mortality because they represent about 14% of deaths worldwide, as Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP). Objective: To identify the means of prevention focusing on nursing actions in the prevention, care and care of patients diagnosed with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia. Methodology: presents a Narrative Literature Review, of qualitative nature and descriptive approach. Results: A total of 20 publications were selected from the VHL health platforms, the Research, Society and Development (RSD) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) platform. Results: demonstrated that continuous monitoring is essential for the management of CAP. Final Considerations: The importance of knowing and understanding the nursing diagnoses related to CAP is considered, being fundamental for effective patient care, seeking to prevent complications. In addition, the role of nurses involves health promotion and health education, aiming to improve the quality of life of patients and the general population.</p> Marcellen Wingrids Saraiva Ferreira; Aline Santos da Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Marcellen Wingrids Saraiva Ferreira; Aline Santos da Costa Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Assessment of quality of life and self-esteem of individuals with chronic venous diseases <p>Objective: To evaluate the quality of life and self-esteem of adults and elderly people with chronic venous disease. Methodology<em>: </em>Observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The research was carried out in a philanthropic hospital and in the specialized laboratories Corpore Sano at UNICAP, both located in Recife. In data collection, a socio-clinical-demographic questionnaire, CIVIQ-20 questionnaire and the Rosenberg scale were used. Results: The sample consisted of 23 participants, 69.6% between 41 and 60 years old, 87.0% were female, 43.5% had completed high school. 56.5% had comorbidities and of these, 92.3% had hypertension. We highlight that 47.8% were diagnosed with the disease no more than 5 years ago, 82.6% had both sides of the lower limbs affected, 47.8% with CEAP C2 classification. Regarding the QOL score (CIVIQ-20), the average was 39.5 ± 24.1, the Rosenberg EA score, we found that 43.5 have high EA and 56.5% have medium EA. Conclusion: Given the results, it was observed that individuals with CVD have a medium and high level of EA. Regarding QoL, patients presented an average QoL.</p> Débora Nunes Rocha; Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves ; Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 Débora Nunes Rocha; Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves ; Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Considerations about Baker's cyst <p>Introduction: Baker's cyst, also known as popliteal cyst, is an osteomuscular condition that develops in association with other inflammatory and degenerative diseases, resulting in significant pain. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects of Baker's cyst, building on knowledge based on case reports and knowledge from the literature. Materials and Methods: This is an integrative literature review on the general clinical characteristics of Baker's cyst. The PICO strategy was used to develop the guiding question. In addition, the descriptors "Baker's cyst"; "Popliteal cyst"; "Treatment" were cross-referenced in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Ebscohost, Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. Results and Discussion: The articles showed that the occurrence of Baker's cyst is associated with degenerative and inflammatory joint diseases, and is more prevalent in individuals over the age of 40. The pathophysiological mechanisms for its development were also discussed, as well as the main clinical manifestations and diagnostic methods. Conclusion: Baker's cyst is a benign condition that presents with joint pain, swelling and limited movement. Diagnosis is eminently clinical and complemented by imaging tests. Treatment encompasses analgesia measures that can progress to surgical procedures, depending on the severity of the case.</p> Luan Alvarenga de Almeida Duarte; Enzo Brito Teixeira; Luiz Filipe Faria Barbosa Copyright (c) 2024 Luan Alvarenga de Almeida Duarte; Enzo Brito Teixeira; Luiz Filipe Faria Barbosa Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Effectiveness of Fibrin-Rich Plasma (FRP) in soft tissue healing in oral surgery. Case report <p>Introduction: PRF, a second generation autologous platelet concentration is obtained from the patient's own blood and is widely used to accelerate soft and hard tissue healing. The PRF protocol is based on centrifuging 10 ml of the patient's blood at 3,000 rpm for 10 min. The aim of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of fibrin-rich plasma (FRP) after intraalveolar application following surgical removal of mandibular third molars, based on signs and symptoms. Methodology: The research was a case report with a qualitative approach to analyze the efficacy of PRF after its application after mandibular third molar surgery, and an electronic search was performed in databases such as: Medline, Scielo, ScienceDirect. Articles published between the year 2017 to 2023, in English, Spanish and Portuguese language were used. Clinical case: A 22-year-old female patient came to the dental clinic for extraction of mandibular third molars with painful symptoms. The pieces 3.8 and 4.8 were extracted, using the PRF in piece 4.8 and piece 3.8 as a control. The response to pain, inflammation and healing was evaluated at 7, 15 days and one month. Conclusions: PRF acts as a biomaterial capable of accelerating the healing processes of soft tissues in the oral cavity, has the advantage of being low cost, reducing inflammation and pain.</p> Mario Esteban Calderón Calle; Valeria Alexandra Juela Bravo; Fabiana Valentina Pesantez Ocampo Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Esteban Calderón Calle; Valeria Alexandra Juela Bravo; Fabiana Valentina Pesantez Ocampo Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Lifestyle of students in healthcare programs at the Western Paraná State University <p>Introduction: The constant concern regarding quality of life has prompted the population to seek parameters for disease prevention, thereby arising the need for investigation and the ability to measure elements that characterize an appropriate lifestyle. Objective: To analyze the lifestyle of health area students using the Fantastic Lifestyle Questionnaire (FLQ). Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted. The sample for this study was convenience-based, consisting of students from the fields of Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry, and Medicine, from a public institution who agreed to respond to the questionnaire, without distinction of gender or ethnicity. The FLQ comprises 25 questions exploring nine domains related to the physical, psychological, and social components of lifestyle. Results: The study included 82 students, with 39 (47.6%) from the Physiotherapy program, 19 (23.2%) from Pharmacy, 11 (13.4%) from Nursing, 7 (7.3%) from Dentistry, and 6 (8.5%) from Medicine. The mean age was 22.3 years. The overall classification was "Good and Fair," with no participants scoring in the "Needs Improvement" or "Excellent" categories. The domains requiring the most change are related to Nutrition, Safe Sex, and Anxiety. Conclusion: There is evidence suggesting the need for intervention in the quality of life of health science students through educational programs, as well as implementing means to encourage health promotion and improvement in quality of life.</p> Danieli Neres; Helenara Salvati Bertolossi Moreira; Carmen Lucia Rondon Soares; Simone Domingues Garcia; Cláudia Rejane Lima de Macedo Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Danieli Neres; Helenara Salvati Bertolossi Moreira; Carmen Lucia Rondon Soares; Simone Domingues Garcia; Cláudia Rejane Lima de Macedo Costa Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Overview of viral meningitis in the state of Pernambuco: An epidemiological analysis <p>Meningitis is an infectious disease, characterized by an inflammatory process of the meninges, which are membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, acting to protect the central nervous system. The objective of the present study was to analyze and recognize the panorama of viral hospitalizations in the state of Pernambuco, as well as diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The study is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study. The data presented are notifications of viral meningitis in the state of Pernambuco, from January 2013 to December 2022. The state of Pernambuco recorded 4,670 cases of viral meningitis from 2013 to 2022. Of these, 59.6% were from male, with the most affected cities being: Recife (99.2%) and Limoeiro (0.25%). The most affected age group was 01 to 04 years old (25.9%) with 1,210 cases, followed by the 05 to 09 years old group with 1,187 cases and 40-59 years old with 640 cases. Regarding clinical evolution, a higher percentage cure rate was noted (94.66%). In the literature, there is a Brazilian prevalence of meningitis in males, corroborating the study, and in boys up to 9 years of age, viral meningitis was more common. The data presented here is relevant. Even with the existence of immunization offered free of charge by the Unified Health System for the most common etiological agents of meningitis, cases in Pernambuco continue to occur.</p> Amanda Maria e Silva Coelho; Letícia Novais da Cunha Cavalcanti; Marina Nogueira Araujo; Valber da Silva Maniçoba; Yuri Henrique Onishi; Fellipe Diniz de Souza Lins; João Paulo Fernandes Silva; Julyanne Pereira Lustosa de Carvalho Bouzada Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Maria e Silva Coelho; Letícia Novais da Cunha Cavalcanti; Marina Nogueira Araujo; Valber da Silva Maniçoba; Yuri Henrique Onishi; Fellipe Diniz de Souza Lins; João Paulo Fernandes Silva; Julyanne Pereira Lustosa de Carvalho Bouzada Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The presence of repetitive strain injury, work-related musculoskeletal pain and the stress index in employees of a poultry slaughterhouse <p>High levels of stress harm the quality of life of employees, who tend to have more occupational diseases such as: RSI and WMSDs. This research aimed to observe and quantify the presence of repetitive strain injury (RSI) or work-related musculoskeletal pain (WMSD), and the stress index in employees at a poultry slaughterhouse. To this end, two questionnaires were administered. The sample was made up of 56 employees from a poultry slaughterhouse, located in the Northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul, divided into three groups, G1 kids room with 31 individuals, G2 secondary packaging with 15 employees and G3 administrative sector with 10 employees, of both sexes. Those evaluated present muscle pain and/or discomfort, in generalized areas in both sexes, with different percentages of incidence. It is noteworthy that the offal sector had a higher complaint rate compared to the other sectors evaluated. The wrist, hand, forearm, shoulder, lumbar and dorsal regions were those with the greatest indications of pain and discomfort, in both sexes, however, with greater indications for the female public. Little stress was detected within the evaluated sectors, with high and very high stress levels being more diagnosed in the giblets room.</p> Leandro Mota e Mota ; Ben Hur Soares; Elisabete Sueli Orsatto Soares Copyright (c) 2024 Leandro Mota e Mota ; Ben Hur Soares; Elisabete Sueli Orsatto Soares Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review <p>COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, led to the excessive use of antibiotics worldwide. Despite being ineffective against viruses, antibiotics were widely used to prevent or treat the disease and its associated secondary infections. However, the excessive and inappropriate use of these medications can lead to the development of bacterial resistance, a global health problem that makes antibiotics ineffective against bacterial infections. The most prescribed drug by healthcare professionals during the pandemic was azithromycin, a macrolide widely used for bacterial infections, but in cases of COVID-19, it was indicated to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, resulting in an increase in bacterial resistance to the drug. The central question addressed in this study is: "How did the use of antibiotics to combat COVID-19 influence the increase in bacterial resistance to these medications, and how is this reflected after the end of the pandemic?" This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of the consequences of the excessive use of antibiotics during pandemics similar to COVID-19. This study aims to evaluate the increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics used during the pandemic, especially azithromycin. To reach a conclusion regarding the main question, a detailed literature review method was used, including epidemiological and microbiological analyses, as well as studies detailing the use of azithromycin and its impacts on cases of microbiological resistance.</p> Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Marcelo da Rosa Taciano; Maria Eduarda Medeiros Corrêa; Naiany Tomaz Aguiar; Vinicius Maiato Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Marcelo da Rosa Taciano; Maria Eduarda Medeiros Corrêa; Naiany Tomaz Aguiar; Vinicius Maiato Ramos Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The impact of online pornography on adolescent health <p>This article explores the multiple impacts of online pornography consumption on adolescents, dividing the analysis into three main areas of impact: cerebral, psychological, and behavioral/social. Based on a narrative bibliographic review of publications from the last five years, following the methodology of Green, Johnson, and Adams (2006), the integrative and qualitative analysis encompassed recent studies on the topic. Frequent exposure to pornography is associated with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and risky sexual behaviors. Pornography activates the brain's reward pathway, leading to desensitization and potential dependence. Socially, it perpetuates problematic gender norms and hinders the development of intimacy skills. The final considerations highlight the need for educational strategies and public policies that promote healthy sexuality and positive interpersonal relationships. It is essential that educators, parents, and health professionals address these issues in an informed manner, ensuring a safe environment for adolescent development.</p> Diana Cavalcante Miranda de Assis Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Cavalcante Miranda de Assis Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Child sedation in Dentistry for patients with disabilities <p>Objectives: Given the difficulty and high demand for dental care for children with disabilities, the aim of this review is to analyze the literature regarding the techniques and sedative substances most commonly used and available for managing pediatric dental care. Methodology: For this study, a search was conducted in the databases of Bireme, Scielo, and PubMed using the descriptors "children with disabilities," "conscious sedation," "pediatric dentistry," "conscious sedation," "disabled patients," "sedation," "pediatric dentistry," "children with disabilities" associated with the boolean operator AND. The articles selected for this study were those published between 2015 and 2024 and of greater relevance. Results and Discussion: Overall, based on the analyzed studies, sedation is a technique that yields good results in pediatric patients with disabilities. Nitrous oxide, due to its characteristics, has been suggested as a good alternative to general anesthesia. Among benzodiazepines, midazolam has better pharmacokinetics and acceptance. Conclusion: Treating a child with a disability is challenging, emphasizing the need for knowledge and greater professional readiness among dentists and the involved team.</p> Lucas Mateus do Nascimento; Ricardo Felipe Ferreira da Silva; Viviane Fernandes de Medeiros; Raissa Afonso da Costa; Osvaldo Marques Bezerra Júnior Copyright (c) 2024 Lucas Mateus do Nascimento; Ricardo Felipe Ferreira da Silva; Viviane Fernandes de Medeiros; Raissa Afonso da Costa; Osvaldo Marques Bezerra Júnior Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of the nurse in prenatal during the monitoring of women with gestational diabetes <p>Gestational <em>Diabetes Mellitus</em> is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pathology with the occurrence of intolerance to carbohydrates in the human body whose excess nutrients can cause high levels of glucose in the bloodstream. GDM is considered a public health problem, with a prevalence of 1 to 14% affecting pregnant women and fetuses during the gestation period. This research aims to: Raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, and how early monitoring helps to diagnose possible complications caused by Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy. Methodology: research envolvesse a Bibliographic Review, with a qualitative, descriptive approach, developed through scientific articles and magazines. Results: 36 journals were initially selected and after reading the abstracts, 16 journals were discarded, leaving 20 journals to make up the selection. Final Considerations: The study identified how much Gestational Diabetes brings complications to women and the fetus, making it necessary for prenatal care to be provided early, by a nursing professional, who aims to contribute through guidance and clarification of doubts, seeking early diagnosis of various pathologies, and being directly at the forefront of preventing and treating gestational Diabetes through women's health policies.</p> Idália Costa de Sousa Copyright (c) 2024 Idália Costa de Sousa Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Experiences of family members of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A literature review <p>The objective of the study is to understand the experiences of family members living with children with ASD. This is an narrative review of the literature, which used the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) as databases. Data were collected in November 2023 and the descriptors used were: Family AND Child AND Autism Spectrum Disorder. For the inclusion criteria, the following were used: primary articles, available in full and free of charge, published in the last five years, without language restrictions, that addressed the proposed theme. The results demonstrate that the emotional impact immediately after the diagnosis is significant, leading to intense emotions and adjustments to assimilate the news. Furthermore, a second critical moment was identified, occurring a few years after the diagnosis, characterized by the caregiver's peak crisis, marked by feelings of overload and impotence. Adapting to the new routine, integrating new habits and reorganizing the lifestyle emerged as recurring challenges, especially for mothers, who often play a central role in caring for children with ASD. Furthermore, the difficulty of communication and interaction was identified as an additional aspect present in the families' experiences, generating frustration and making it even more difficult to adapt to daily life with the child with ASD. It is concluded that family members face significant challenges when trying to accept and adapt to the new reality, which includes adjustments in lifestyle, relationships and the search for appropriate treatments.</p> Andressa Cristina Oliboni; Edivete Barandrecht; Daniela Milani; Camila Harmuch Copyright (c) 2024 Andressa Cristina Oliboni; Edivete Barandrecht; Daniela Milani; Camila Harmuch Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Clinical and microbiological profile of infections in patients undergoing general and orthopedic surgery at a teaching hospital in the Northeast <p>Objective: To evaluate the profile of patients affected by SSI in general and orthopedic surgery at a University Hospital in the Northeast. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in the general medicine, orthopedics and traumatology sectors at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, from January 2022 to July 2023. Results: Of 39 patients admitted to the surgical center 20 (51.28%) were male and 19 (48.71%) were female. The age group with the highest incidence of nosocomial infections associated with surgical site infections occurred in patients aged 60 years or less. Regarding topography, 22 (55%) of the patients had SSI - clear and 2 (5%) SSI - unclear. Regarding the sensitivity pattern, 3 (7.5%) pseudomonas aeruginosa sensitive to carbapenems, 2 (5%) Klebsiella pneumoniae sensitive to carbapenems and resistant to 3rd and/or 4th generation cephalosporins were identified. The microorganisms frequently found in the cultures were bacteria, represented by 3 (7.5%) cases of klebsiella pneumoniae, 1 (2.5%) aeromonas hydrophila. 22 (55%) patients were discharged, 5 (12.5%) were hospitalized and 1 (2.5%) died. Discussion: After analyzing the data covered in the study, the main causes that trigger SSI were highlighted, where they could be observed more frequently in the sectors monitored. Conclusion: The present study emphasizes the need for continuous updates for healthcare professionals regarding adequate patient care regarding the management and prevention of SSI.</p> Lara Beatriz Pierote Santos; Paulo Henrique Sousa Alencar Júnior; Sara Machado Miranda Leal Barbosa Copyright (c) 2024 Lara Beatriz Pierote Santos; Paulo Henrique Sousa Alencar Júnior; Sara Machado Miranda Leal Barbosa Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Increased cardiovascular risk in patients with fibromyalgia: An integrative review of the literature <p>Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that affects approximately 5% of the world's population. In addition to the physical and mental impact, fibromyalgia may be associated with an increased cardiovascular risk in these patients. Objective: To evaluate the association between increased cardiovascular risk in patients with fibromyalgia. Methodology: This is an integrative review of the literature, carried out in May 2024, with data collected from the Virtual Health Library. In total, 18 articles were found, of which 4 (n = 4) were selected to compose this study. Results: It was observed that patients with fibromyalgia may have a higher cardiovascular risk when compared to patients without fibromyalgia. The mechanisms that lead to this susceptibility are diverse, such as increased interleukin 6, metabolic and inflammatory changes and increased thrombogenic predisposition. As a result, cardiovascular complications, such as coronary disease, stroke, transient ischemic attack, end up increasing in patients with fibromyalgia, especially in those individuals in whom fibromyalgia is associated with other cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusion: It is important to reinforce knowledge about this association, in order to expand prevention and health education for patients with fibromyalgia. Furthermore, a better understanding of this association broadens the perspective in relation to the systemic outcomes caused by fibromyalgia, which go beyond its classic pain condition.</p> Gabriel Rodrigues de Carvalho Melo; Sarah Maria do Nascimento Britto Neto; Luciene Oliveira Souza ; Márcio Duarte Carvalho Alves; Síntique Laísa da Silva Valença; Wesley Dias Cordeiro; Úrsula Maria Moreira Costa Burgos Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriel Rodrigues de Carvalho Melo; Sarah Maria do Nascimento Britto Neto; Luciene Oliveira Souza ; Márcio Duarte Carvalho Alves; Síntique Laísa da Silva Valença; Wesley Dias Cordeiro; Úrsula Maria Moreira Costa Burgos Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of Nursing in the Family Health Strategy <p>Primary Care or Primary Health Care tend to achieve universal coverage in relation to the health system, as it presents a low-cost practice. Family Health Strategy, as a proposal for the reorganization of the care model, through the implementation of a multidisciplinary team in the Basic Health Units. The work of the team of health professionals accompanies the families inserted in the territory, implementing actions of recovery, rehabilitation of diseases and injuries with a focus on the promotion and prevention of community health. Objective: To analyze the role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the literature. Methodology: Narrative review research of a qualitative nature and exploratory approach. Data collection was carried out on 2 public platforms: Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Results: After the treatment of data collected, 1 empirical category emerged that is part of this result, in which it identifies the textual organization in the period from 2019 to 2024, in which it appears author/year, journal and summary of the results found in 20 journals. Final Considerations: it was established that nurses have a relevant role in what is the responsibility of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) as attributions of planning, management, execution, supervising, evaluating individual or collective actions, nursing care and actions of promotion, prevention and rehabilitation of care in the process of Health and education.</p> Leidiane Monteiro de Aviz; Ana Paula Lima Sousa; Jhulianne da Silva Mescouto; Mirian Tavares da Silva; Vando Filho Brito da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Leidiane Monteiro de Aviz; Ana Paula Lima Sousa; Jhulianne da Silva Mescouto; Mirian Tavares da Silva; Vando Filho Brito da Silva Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Medicinal cannabis in chronic pain management: A narrative literature review <p>Objective: This review aims to examine the current scientific literature on the use of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain, investigating the effects of cannabinoids, their efficacy, safety, mechanisms of action, and therapeutic potential. The goal is to contribute to a better understanding and clinical application of medicinal cannabis as a treatment option for patients with chronic pain. Methodology: A narrative literature review was conducted using data available in databases such as LILACS, PubMed, and BVS, crossing the descriptors "chronic pain," "cannabis," "medicinal cannabis," and "pharmacokinetics" in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Results: The pathophysiology of chronic pain is complex, involving neural and neuroimmune interactions, and is associated with conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Medicinal cannabis, especially CBD, demonstrates analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential, but further research is needed to confirm its efficacy and safety. Conclusion: The complexity of using cannabis compounds in the treatment of chronic pain is evident. Although there are promises regarding THC and CBD, there is still a lack of data on mechanisms, efficacy, and safety. A cautious approach, based on clinical studies and integrated into broader and more individualized treatment strategies, is essential to guide the clinical use of these substances.</p> Hélen Assing; Julia Viana do Nascimento; Paulo André Bardini Lemos Junior; Marilucia de Souza; Alessandra Jonck Felisberto; Yasmim Basílio Henrique; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Hélen Assing; Julia Viana do Nascimento; Paulo André Bardini Lemos Junior; Marilucia de Souza; Alessandra Jonck Felisberto; Yasmim Basílio Henrique; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis associated with Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in the pediatric population: A literature review <p>Introduction: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare inflammatory syndrome that primarily affects children. It can be caused by both genetic mutations and external factors such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The aim of this study is to elucidate the known aspects of this condition and emphasize the need for further studies on diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Methodology: This is an integrative review on EBV-associated HLH. Data was collected from the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), and National Library of Medicine (PubMed) databases, using the descriptors "EBV Infections," "Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis," and "Pediatrics" to address the question formulated through the PICO strategy. Results and Discussion: HLH is divided into primary, which is associated with genetic mutations, and secondary, which depends on triggers such as infections, autoimmunity, and neoplasms. Among secondary HLH, EBV-triggered HLH stands out, which is generally self-limiting like infectious mononucleosis but can lead to an uncontrolled immune response through T cell activation and stimulation of pro-inflammatory factors with systemic repercussions. Fever, associated with abdominal pain and hyperferritinemia, should raise the diagnostic hypothesis. There are treatment protocols, but new drugs are showing good responses according to the literature. Conclusion: EBV-associated HLH is a rare and potentially fatal condition, representing a significant diagnostic challenge. New research is essential for more effective diagnosis, therapy, and improved prognoses.</p> Maíra Guimarães Daher Resende; Luíza Maria de Almeida Sousa; Camila Martins da Silva; Pedro Mendes de Andrade; Thiago Magalhães de Aroeira Salles Copyright (c) 2024 Maíra Guimarães Daher Resende; Luíza Maria de Almeida Sousa; Camila Martins da Silva; Pedro Mendes de Andrade; Thiago Magalhães de Aroeira Salles Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Food consumption and nutritional status of children at a Municipal School in Alfenas/Minas Gerais (MG) <p>Introduction: School plays a crucial role in promoting healthy eating habits during childhood, as problems such as extreme thinness and overweight/obesity are a concern in this age group. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the food consumption and nutritional status of children in a municipal school in Alfenas - Minas Gerais (MG). Methodology: Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out with children aged 8 to 10 years, involving anthropometric assessment, nutritional diagnosis and analysis of the school menu. Results: Of the 105 participants, the majority (65.71%) had adequate nutritional status. However, 4.76% are classified as thin, 14.30% are overweight and 15.23% are obese. The school menu, over five days, partially met the recommendations, with energy variations and deficiencies, especially in vitamin A. Conclusion: The study highlights the need to promote healthy eating habits at school and at home, as nutritional deficiencies can harm the development of children, hypovitaminosis A being an example, which can affect eye health, increase susceptibility to infections and affect the proper growth and development of children (WHO, S.D.). </p> Clarice Helena Barbosa Nazário; Carolina Soares Horta de Souza; Rafaela Bergmann Strada de Oliveira; Sebastião Nilce Souto Filho; Davi Saltarelli de Andrade; Lidiane Paula Ardisson Miranda Copyright (c) 2024 Clarice Helena Barbosa Nazário; Carolina Soares Horta de Souza; Rafaela Bergmann Strada de Oliveira; Sebastião Nilce Souto Filho; Davi Saltarelli de Andrade; Lidiane Paula Ardisson Miranda Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The influence of diet on degenerative diseases in the elderly population <p>This literature review aims to analyze the influence of the impact of lifestyle habits on the increased risk of degenerative disorders, addressing aspects related to aging, dementia and the role of the intestinal microbiota, the influence of diet on these processes. Population aging has been a reality in Brazil, with a significant increase in the elderly population in recent decades. Dementias, such as Alzheimer's disease, represent a global challenge due to their social and economic impact, studies indicate an association between the intestinal microbiota and the development of these neurodegenerative diseases. Diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and management of dementia, with evidence suggesting that certain nutrients, such as vitamins D, E, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, can positively influence cognitive function and slow the progression of the disease. However, many older adults face challenges in obtaining adequate nutrition due to a variety of factors, including dental problems, low income, and depression. Furthermore, supplements such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D, Coenzyme Q10 and creatine have been investigated for their potential neuroprotective effect and ability to reduce oxidative stress, improve cognitive function and slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. However, more research is needed to determine the exact role of these supplements and establish proper usage protocols. In summary, the review highlights the importance of adequate nutrition in promoting brain health and managing dementia, highlighting the need for dietary interventions and supplementation to address the challenges associated with population aging and neurodegenerative diseases.</p> Carla Cristine Pereira Santana; Rubiana de Oliveira Silva; Pollyanna Ayub Ferreira Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Cristine Pereira Santana; Rubiana de Oliveira Silva; Pollyanna Ayub Ferreira Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Adult Intensive Care Unit antimicrobial Stewardship program: An integrative review <p>ICU patients are more likely to acquire health-related infections due to their severe clinical condition and the inappropriate use of antimicrobials, which can lead to increased bacterial resistance. In this context, a strategy for the control of bacterial resistance is Antimicrobial Stewardship defined as coordinated interventions to reduce the inappropriate use of antimicrobials, reduce the development of resistance and reduce costs. Objective: To conduct an integrative review on the application of antimicrobial stewardship to clinical and economic outcomes of adult ICU patients. Methodology: This review adopted the PICo strategy to ask the question "What improvements can the antimicrobial stewardship program bring to adult intensive care units?" The following databases were used: LILACS, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, EMBASE, WEB OF SCIENCE, SCIENCE DIRECT and MEDLINE, with articles published in English between 2018 and 2023. The DeCS and MeSH descriptors were: "Intensive Care Units", "Antimicrobial Stewardship", "Drug Resistance, Bacterial", "Infection Control”. Results: Twelve studies were in agreement with the established inclusion criteria and demonstrated that adherence to the interventions proposed by the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program is associated with a decrease in the time and doses of antibiotic therapy, in addition to stimulating rational use in the ICU. Conclusion: The Stewardship Program for Antimicrobials in adult ICUs brings benefits in reducing bacterial resistance and the use of antimicrobials. Consequently, reducing hospital costs, with the pharmacist being the key player in the strategy for the rational and safe use of antimicrobials.</p> Luana Cristina Maia de Oliveira; Lizzianne Kretli Winkelstroter Eller; Adriano Messias de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Luana Cristina Maia de Oliveira; Lizzianne Kretli Winkelstroter Eller; Adriano Messias de Souza Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 In silico analysis of the protein-protein interaction of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein <p>The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has represented a global challenge with a significant impact on public health since its emergence in 2019. Understanding the interactions between this virus and the human immune system is essential for the development of new strategies more effective therapies and diagnoses. This study aimed to predict epitopes for SARS-CoV-2 T and B cells, as well as evaluate the interaction of the spike protein with other viral proteins, using bioinformatics methods. SARS-CoV-2 protein sequences were collected from UniProt. Epitopes for T cells were predicted in silico using specific HLA alleles from the Bahia population. Epitopes for B cells were predicted using the IEDB server with multiple methods based on amino acid features. Protein-protein interaction was analyzed using the STRING database. The result is 10,671 peptides related to various SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins, including the spike, essential for the infection and pathogenesis of COVID-19. In addition to spike, proteins such as ORF3a, ORF7a, and ORF8 showed significant immunogenic potential. Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that proteases such as TMPRSS2 and TMPRSS11D are crucial for viral entry and are potential therapeutic targets. This study expands the understanding of the molecular interactions of SARS-CoV-2, highlighting new therapeutic targets and clinical complications associated with COVID-19. The results provide valuable insights for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies and improved diagnostics, contributing to the mitigation of the global pandemic.</p> Andressa Souza Marques; Taiane de Macêdo Gondim; Fulvia Soares Campos de Sousa; Antônio Pedro Fróes de Farias; Bruno Silva Andrade; Soraya Castro Trindade; José Tadeu Raynal da Rocha Filho; Roberto Meyer Copyright (c) 2024 Andressa Souza Marques; Taiane de Macêdo Gondim; Fulvia Soares Campos de Sousa; Antônio Pedro Fróes de Farias; Bruno Silva Andrade; Soraya Castro Trindade; José Tadeu Raynal da Rocha Filho; Roberto Meyer Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Ozonized autohemotherapy: Exploring the therapeutic benefits in immune modulation and addressing diseases <p>The general objective of this study is to synthesize the best scientific evidence on the benefits of ozonated autohemotherapy in different clinical contexts, describing its effectiveness and safety. This study is an Integrative Literature Review (RIL). The searches were carried out in the databases Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), PubMed and the Capes periodical portal. The studies analyzed highlight the applicability and versatility of ozone therapy in different medical conditions and contexts. They explore its use in specific medical conditions, such as osteonecrosis, osteoarthrosis and post-radiotherapy tissue necrosis, as well as its application in aesthetics, immunology and treatment of fibrous edema geloid. And, they focus on treating skin conditions. Finally, a study emphasizes the need for legal regulation to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of ozone therapy. These studies collectively reinforce the therapeutic potential and versatility of ozone therapy in diverse healthcare contexts. Through the analysis of existing scientific literature, it was possible to compile data on the effects of ozonized autohemotherapy on the body's immune response and identify the mechanisms through which this therapy can influence immunological activity. Furthermore, the analysis of the clinical results of patients undergoing ozonated autohemotherapy allowed a comparison with control groups that did not receive such intervention, contributing to the determination of the effectiveness of the therapy in different health conditions.</p> Dathiane Caroline Duarte de Oliveira; Diogo Muller Lacerda Copyright (c) 2024 Dathiane Caroline Duarte de Oliveira; Diogo Muller Lacerda Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Assessment of self-esteem in women with mastectomies after breast cancer <p>Objective: To evaluate the self-esteem of women undergoing mastectomies after breast cancer. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The research was carried out using electronic forms posted on applications through social networks. To collect data, an instrument for the sociodemographic and clinical profile of women was used, the Rosenberg Scale to assess self-esteem. Results: The study sample consisted of 55 women aged between 21 and 59 years, 52.7% were married or in a stable relationship, 45.5% completed higher education, 56.4% practiced physical activities and of these, 85 .5% have children, 21.8% are ex-smokers, 76.4% underwent surgery no more than 5 years ago and 70.9% of women used complementary treatment. And finally, we highlight that 36.4% of women underwent physical therapy after surgery. The majority of women assessed had a positive perception regarding all items on the self-esteem scale. Conclusion: After breast cancer, women who underwent mastectomy expressed a moderate to high level of self-esteem. It is extremely important for women to have high AE so that they can be more positive and more confident.</p> Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves; Débora Nunes Rocha; Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 Larissa Milena Santiago dos Santos Gonçalves; Débora Nunes Rocha; Maria Vitoria dos Santos Silva; Marina de Lima Neves Barros; Valéria Conceição Passos de Carvalho; Cláudia Fonsêca de Lima; Érica Patrícia Borba Lira Uchôa; Teresa Cristina da Costa Vieira Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The use of herbal medicines in the treatment of anxiety: A literature review <p>Anxiety is a psychological illness that causes a feeling of suffocation, causing limitations in daily occupations, which can be diagnosed with the help of DSM 5, the diagnostic manual for mental illnesses. In the CNS, neurotransmitters play an essential role in the defensive system that leaves the human being on alert or in expectation, and in anxiety this expectation is extrapolated, thus bringing the sensation of suffocation, mainly in GABA, the main neurotransmitter. The objective of this research was to analyze the herbal medicines of choice most used in the treatment of anxiety and verify forms of consumption, as well as their effectiveness in the treatment. This research was given the work methodology, a literature review in the scientific article model, over a period of 10 years, in the Scielo, Pubmed and Google academic databases. It is concluded that there is a range of herbal medicines, which are of great help in the treatment of anxiety, including plants from Brazil and others from abroad, but they must be used with care and in consultation with a health professional.</p> Beatriz Castro Santana da Silva; Jean Colacite; Layse Fernanda António de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Castro Santana da Silva; Jean Colacite; Layse Fernanda António de Souza Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The use of opioids in oncologic palliative care: A literature review <p>Introduction: pain represents a frequent consequence, both of the cancer pathological process and its treatment. Oncological pain management requires a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, ensuring individualized care and continuous supervision, as the vast majority of patients require opioid use. Objective: to analyze the role of opioids in different strategies for managing oncological pain in palliative care patients. Methodology: this is a integrative literature review. Results: twenty studies were selected for the composition of this study, covering 10 different countries and various methodologies, including cross-sectional studies, randomized trials, cohort studies, and case series. Discussion: pain is a common complaint among oncology patients in palliative care. Clinical protocols recommend opioid use as first-line analgesia in severe cases, with the possibility of adjusting and escalating treatment as needed. Additionally, other drugs are being tested as adjuvants, which may improve the pain management experience. Final considerations: palliative care is essential in cancer management, aiming to improve the quality of life for patients and their families. An integrated and multidisciplinary approach is necessary to manage oncological pain, considering its various impacts. Adjustments in opioid dosage and the use of other medication classes are being investigated to enhance pain relief.</p> Vitória Rodrigues Franco da Rosa; Estela Rezende Pereira; Júnia Flávia Aparecida Pereira Canaan; Larissa Mirelle de Oliveira Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Vitória Rodrigues Franco da Rosa; Estela Rezende Pereira; Júnia Flávia Aparecida Pereira Canaan; Larissa Mirelle de Oliveira Pereira Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Sustainability in healthcare waste: Integrative review <p>This study is a literature review with a qualitative approach and aimed to identify the practices developed by nurses in Health Service Waste Management in the light of sustainability. The management of this waste is defined as all the actions carried out to manage it, and the nurse manager is responsible for its proper functioning, who guides his team. For data collection, the following databases were used: Scielo, LILACS, BDENF, Coleciona SUS and Medline, reaching 12 articles. The results allowed the formation of the following thematic categories: knowledge about disposal of Health Service Waste; proper disposal and sustainability suggestions; and ongoing education on Health Service Waste. It is concluded that it is necessary for health professionals to be trained to dispose of Health Service Waste in all environments that provide health care, according to the needs of the units.</p> Victória Cristina da Silva Oliveira; Tainá Lopes Mariano; Samara Modesto Lamim; Maria de Fátima Pinto Rocha; Marcos José Vilchez David Copyright (c) 2024 Victória Cristina da Silva Oliveira; Tainá Lopes Mariano; Samara Modesto Lamim; Maria de Fátima Pinto Rocha; Marcos José Vilchez David Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The integration of pharmaceutical care in multidisciplinar teams responsable for home care <p>Introduction: In recent years, the growth of various illnesses has been highlighted, resulting in an increase in demand for help from healthcare professionals, leading to overcrowding in healthcare environments. Home care is a sustainable way to care for patients, thus avoiding overcrowding in healthcare environments. Objective: The present study aimed to highlight the role of the pharmacist within home care activities, through the analysis of articles that demonstrate the participation of this health professional in home care. Methodology: The methodology used in the study is systematic review. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of articles was carried out, highlighting the role of the pharmacist in home care carried out in different countries. Results and discussion: The role of the pharmacist in home care carried out in different countries highlights the contribution in different areas, such as pharmacotherapy, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacovigilance and health education. In addition to the notable contribution in the areas mentioned, professionals from other health areas and patients demonstrated satisfaction with the pharmacist's assistance in home care. Conclusion: The integration of the pharmacist in home care appears to be positive due to the benefits in the treatment of patients, such as more effective and safe medication treatment, due to the pharmacist's contribution in relation to medications and non-pharmacological guidance.</p> Bernardo da Silva Guimarães; Layse Fernanda Antônio de Souza ; Jean Colacite Copyright (c) 2024 Bernardo da Silva Guimarães; Layse Fernanda Antônio de Souza ; Jean Colacite Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Relationship between congenital alterations observed in congenital Zika virus infection syndrome <p>Introduction: Zika virus (ZIKV) infection is a serious public health issue, linked to rapid spread and microcephaly, causing severe neurological damage, especially if contracted during pregnancy. Transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, Zika increases the risk of congenital complications such as cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Genetic factors may influence the severity of the infection. Despite gaps in knowledge, the link between ZIKV and microcephaly is clear, emphasizing the need for early diagnosis and rigorous monitoring. Methodology: This study analyzed suspected cases of Zika Congenital Syndrome (ZCS) in Brazil from 2017 to 2022, using data from RESP-Microcephaly. A quantitative approach was used to compare characteristics such as congenital alterations, gestational age, sex, birth weight, and regional prevalence. The data, derived from DataSUS Tabnet, are anonymous and public. The study provides insights into the distribution and temporal characteristics of ZCS in the country, with five figures illustrating the analyses. Results: A total of 8,490 suspected cases of ZCS were analyzed. There was a continuous decrease in notifications over the years, with 2017 registering the highest number. Microcephaly was the most common congenital alteration (74.07%). Notifications predominated in the third trimester, with a higher incidence in males. The Southeast and Northeast regions had more cases, proportionally to the population. Notifications decreased over the period, with occasional increases in some regions and years. Discussion: The Zika virus caused an increase in microcephaly in Brazil. The country launched RESP-Microcephaly to monitor ZCS. There has been a reduction in cases since 2017, linked to policies combating Aedes mosquitoes. The majority of cases occur in the third trimester, predominantly in boys. The research provides insights for future interventions in maternal and child health. Conclusion: The Zika virus epidemic is concerning, especially in regions with limited resources. ZCS, caused by Zika, leads to serious consequences such as microcephaly and other congenital anomalies, with a difficult diagnosis and no specific treatment. Future studies are needed for prevention and diagnosis, including preventing vertical transmission and identifying biomarkers for early interventions.</p> João Pedro Alves Portilho Dornelas; Daniela dos Santos Nogueira; Gabriel Ferraz Caetano; Iago Dutra Cirino Oliveira; Isabela Goulart Peçanha Vieira; Marcos Gabriel Bastos Sereno; Maria Eduarda de Souza Longue; Pedro Carneiro Tomaz; Polyana da Silva Caçador; Caroline Mello Pimentel Schuabb Copyright (c) 2024 João Pedro Alves Portilho Dornelas; Daniela dos Santos Nogueira; Gabriel Ferraz Caetano; Iago Dutra Cirino Oliveira; Isabela Goulart Peçanha Vieira; Marcos Gabriel Bastos Sereno; Maria Eduarda de Souza Longue; Pedro Carneiro Tomaz; Polyana da Silva Caçador; Caroline Mello Pimentel Schuabb Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Use of culinary preparations as adjuvant in the treatment and prevention of depression and anxiety <p>Considering the exponential increase in depressive and anxiety disorders in recent decades, it is possible to investigate the impact of adequate nutrition as a promising strategy in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression. Understanding the interconnection between food, mental health and emotional well-being, the present study aim to explore the relationship between eating patterns, specific nutrients and symptoms of anxiety and depression, elucidating the role of professional nutritionists in changing eating habits and prescription adequate diet. Thus, this is an experiment to understand the perceptions and eating practices of individuals diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Food preparations were selected that had, as their main ingredients, foods rich in nutrients and/or hormone precursor substances that act in mood regulation. Experimental articles and cross-sectional articles published between 2010 and 2024, in Portuguese and English, were also selected, relating the use of nutrients and specific food substances and the mitigation of depressive and anxiety symptoms on the ‘Scielo’ platforms; ‘EBSCOhost’; 'CAPES' and 'UniCEUB Publications' using the descriptors 'depression', 'depression' 'anxiety', 'anxiety', 'intestinal dysbiosis', 'dysbiosis', 'gut brain axis', 'nutrients ', 'nutrients', associated with the Boolean operators AND and OR. From the result, it was observed the importance of adequate nutrition for good communication of the intestine-brain axis, as well as the contribution of the professional nutritionist to this type of treatment. relate the effect of micronutrients such as B vitamins, calcium and magnesium on the synthesis of psychoactive hormones and their effect on physical and mental well-being.</p> Esther Assante Lampert; Maria Eduarda Ferreira Leite; Camila Melo Araújo de Moura e Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Esther Assante Lampert; Maria Eduarda Ferreira Leite; Camila Melo Araújo de Moura e Lima Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Educational product focusing on sexual education for schoolchildren: Experience report <p>Introduction: Sexuality education is a global concern as it affects everyone's health and well-being. Objectives: To present the structuring of an educational product about children's sexual education, guiding students to recognize their bodies, limits and consent to prevent sexual abuse. Methodology: The development was based on the CTM3 Method: Product design (C); Theoretical Framework (T) and Methodological Framework (M3) based on 3 theories, Transactional Analysis through the Ego States inherent to the human personality, Multisensoriality and Neurolinguistic Programming. The educational product consisted of a roulette wheel with images simulating situations in which children indicate with signs whether they are safe, require attention or are unacceptable. It was used as an anchor using the little monsters of permission. This creation was part of health promotion actions, on the topic of sexual education, where in addition to the educational product created, it addressed body changes, identifying limits, touch through the touch traffic light and educational roulette developed at school linked to the Child Health I module of the Physiotherapy Course. Results and Discussion: During the use of the educational product, a positive impact was noticed, as the students seemed comfortable and interested in the discussion. It was noticed that through the product created it was possible to work on a theme in a respectful and sensitive way. Final Considerations: It is observed that the inclusion of targeted games as an elaborate educational product increases health education actions in general, as it allows knowledge to be realized in a playful and interactive way.</p> Catharina Isis Santos de Melo; Allana Shirley Gomes da Silva; Geovana Carla Silva Souza; Flavyelle Farias Santos Maranhão Lima; Nathalie Maria Oliveira Marinho; Monnique Machado Cirilo de Oliveira; Clarissa Cotrim dos Anjos Vasconcelos Copyright (c) 2024 Catharina Isis Santos de Melo; Allana Shirley Gomes da Silva; Geovana Carla Silva Souza; Flavyelle Farias Santos Maranhão Lima; Nathalie Maria Oliveira Marinho; Monnique Machado Cirilo de Oliveira; Clarissa Cotrim dos Anjos Vasconcelos Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of the vaccination schedule and the impact of fake news on adherence <p>The article addresses the history of vaccinations in Brazil, from the creation of the National Immunization Program to the challenges currently faced related to the dissemination of fake news. Objective: To analyze the damage caused to public health by the dissemination and sharing of untrue information in the media and how this can bring to light new outbreaks of diseases that have already been eradicated. Methodology: This article consists of an integrative review and analysis of articles. To compose the study, scientific productions that dealt with the topic in question were selected, with the same bias, for this it was necessary to search for articles published over a period of five years, in Portuguese and with the use of health descriptors: vaccination, immunization, public health and misinformation. Results: 61 published articles were found, the articles were read and analyzed, leaving 11 that fit the research theme. Final considerations: Given the facts presented, it is clear that fake news and conspiracy theories shared on social media are seen as a major challenge to be faced in technological society, as it has a great potential to negatively influence the favor of non-vaccination.</p> Natasha Freires dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Natasha Freires dos Santos Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nanomagnetism in early diagnosis and treatment of cancer: A narrative review <p>This review presents an analysis of nanomagnetism in the treatment and cure of cancer. The primary objective of this study was to investigate how magnetic nanoparticles can be optimized to maximize efficiency and safety in tumor treatment, while minimizing the side effects associated with conventional therapies. To achieve this, the study set forth the following detailed objectives: to discuss cancer, nanotechnology, and nanomagnetism; to examine nanomagnetism in cancer diagnosis; to investigate the mechanism of action of nanoparticles; to analyze advancements and challenges in clinical research; and to compare the efficacy and safety of these therapies with conventional ones. The methodology employed included a review of relevant literature and an evaluation of data from secondary sources. The study's findings indicated effective concentration of treatments in tumor tissue with minimized damage to healthy cells, concluding that magnetic nanoparticles hold significant promise for revolutionizing oncological treatments. The final considerations emphasize the importance of continuing research on long-term safety, multidisciplinary collaboration, and clinical regulation, which are crucial for expanding understanding and fostering future advances in clinical application.</p> Carolina Cardoso Santos; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Isabelle Almeida de Sousa Cunha; Jaqueline Lopes; Mirella Silva Rocha Copyright (c) 2024 Carolina Cardoso Santos; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira; Isabelle Almeida de Sousa Cunha; Jaqueline Lopes; Mirella Silva Rocha Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Spiritual well-being and quality of life of Medical students from a Federal University during the Covid-19 pandemic <p>Objective: To correlate spirituality/religiosity and quality of life within the university atmosphere of a Brazilian medical school. Methodology: Cross-sectional and observational study with 176 medical students from the Faculdade de Medicina do Mucuri at the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri in 2020. The data collection instruments were: a sociodemographic questionnaire; the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) to assess spiritual, religious and existential well-being; and the World Health Organization Quality of Life bref (WHOQOL-bref) to assess students' quality of life. Data were analyzed according to descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's correlation. Results: The students had moderate spiritual and existential well-being and high religious well-being. The quality of life assessment showed satisfaction in the psychological and environmental domains and high satisfaction in the physical, social and general domains. Conclusion: In the medical course, students encounter challenging situations that shape them for the future, but everyone carries their own set of beliefs, meanings of life and certainties and this affects their quality of life and spiritual well-being. The pandemic period is an important interfering factor in the data in this study.</p> Andressa Pitanga Serafim da Silva; Beatriz Joia Tabai; Marcos Túlio Pereira Carvalho; Tâmaro Chagas Mendes; Thiago Lorentz Pinto Copyright (c) 2024 Andressa Pitanga Serafim da Silva; Beatriz Joia Tabai; Marcos Túlio Pereira Carvalho; Tâmaro Chagas Mendes; Thiago Lorentz Pinto Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Assessment of the need for palliative care in an intensive care unit <p>Introduction: As the population ages, the need for palliative care (PC) increases and aggressive intensive care must transition to PC. Many studies have shown numerous benefits of the palliative approach in the intensive care unit (ICU), such as decreased admissions, reduced length of stay, better symptom management, and increased satisfaction with end-of-life care. Objectives: To evaluate how many patients admitted to the ICU meet the criteria for PC and to determine how many of these patients were evaluated and what actions were taken. Materials and Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional and observational study was carried out by collecting data from the electronic medical records of all patients who were hospitalized in the Adult ICU of the Dr. José de Carvalho Florence Municipal Hospital, between February and March 2022. Patients eligible for PC were defined as those with age greater than or equal to 80 years, need for performing tracheostomy or gastrostomy and/or presence of life-threatening underlying conditions. Results: A total of 209 new hospitalizations were analyzed, of which 43.5% were indicated for PC evaluation. Only 14.4% of the patients with indication received palliative evaluation. The main approach taken was the decision not to have cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Conclusion: The palliative approach in the ICU is extremely challenging and requires more robust studies for its consistency, however, with the results of this study we emphasize the importance of strengthening Palliative Care within the Intensive Care Unit.</p> Maria Teresa Santos Oliveira; Maysa Alves Rodrigues Brandão Rangel; Alessandra Santos Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Teresa Santos Oliveira; Maysa Alves Rodrigues Brandão Rangel; Alessandra Santos Vieira Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Analysis of eating disorders developed after bariatric surgery <p>The treatment of obesity is linked to reducing the risks of associated comorbidities, and also relies on psychological aspects, whether there is motivation and whether the patient is willing to try to change their lifestyle. Bariatric surgery, also known as stomach reduction. Objective: to elucidate the psychological impacts generated in patients undergoing this procedure, as well as the care needed before and after surgery. Methodology: the study was carried out through a bibliographic literature review. Scientific documents and official documents from National Health Organizations were used and works published in the last ten years (2014-2024) were selected, with the exception of two articles, one from 2004 and the other from 1984, which were relevant to the study, in Portuguese languages and English. The databases searched were SCIELO, PUBMED, VHL, MEDLINE and SBCBM. Discussion: emphasize the importance of long-term follow-up after bariatric surgery, highlighting the need to maintain support and ongoing treatment to help patients adopt a new post-surgery lifestyle. Final considerations: There is a relationship between weight regain and the occurrence of eating disorders in the bariatric population, even with a positive response in anxiety and depression, reducing the incidence of these disorders after surgery, emotional and eating issues were cited as main predictors of weight regain.</p> Ana Flávia de Freitas Souza; Júlia Drumond Rodrigues Lourenço; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Flávia de Freitas Souza; Júlia Drumond Rodrigues Lourenço; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Grafts, bone substitutes, bioactive mediators for bone regeneration: An updated review <p>Objectives: To provide clinicians with an updated on bone grafts, biomaterial substitutes and bioactive mediators for bone regeneration techniques. Materials and Methods: A narrative review in English was conducted, prioritizing publications from the last five years. Research was carried out on databases, complemented by manual searches in relevant journals. Results: Autologous grafts showed the greatest bone gain but were associated with complications. Platelet-rich materials showed no complications, either individually or in combination. However, further research is needed on growth factors, cellular therapy, and 3D-printed scaffolds to enhance efficacy and safety in guided bone regeneration. Conclusions: The ongoing search for the optimal material is evident. Surgeon skill and flap management influence bone regeneration. Future research should focus on optimizing techniques considering individual clinical variations.</p> Jessica Tamara Avila Narváez; Sebastián Mateo Mora Cajilima; Cristina Paola Carpio Cedillo Copyright (c) 2024 Jessica Tamara Avila Narváez; Sebastián Mateo Mora Cajilima; Cristina Paola Carpio Cedillo Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The development of Metabolic Syndrome in patients with late onset Hypogonadism <p>Introduction: The reduction in serum testosterone levels with age can be associated with an increase in body fat and a worsening of endocrine-metabolic parameters, culminating in metabolic syndrome and hypogonadism. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects of metabolic syndrome resulting from late onset hypogonadism, building on knowledge based on case reports and knowledge based on the literature. Materials and Methods: This is an integrative literature review on the general clinical characteristics of metabolic syndrome induced by reduced testosterone levels. The PICO strategy was used to develop the guiding question. In addition, the descriptors "Metabolic Syndrome"; "Late Hypogonadism"; "Gonadal Disorders" were cross-referenced in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Ebscohost, Google Scholar and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases. Results and Discussion: A significant proportion of the articles showed that there is an association between low testosterone levels, characteristic of late-onset hypogonadism, and the development of metabolic syndrome, especially in patients aged between 30 and 50. The management of the combination of these endocrine conditions must be planned and individualized in order to offer the best prognosis for the patient. Conclusion: The bidirectionality between the pathophysiological mechanisms of the diseases is extremely important for an integrative understanding of them, as well as the aspects that involve therapy, and is fundamental for patients to receive the best care.</p> Júlia Paiva Lounine; Julia Alvim Aguiar; Noeme Rocha Pereira Campos; Larissa Ferreira Carvalho Silva ; Thiago Barroso Ferreira Lima Brito Campos; Hugo Nacif da Costa Valle; Laura Rodrigues Haddad; José Pedro Gomes de Faria Tavares; Luiz Eduardo Alencar de Souza; Diogo Almeida Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Júlia Paiva Lounine; Julia Alvim Aguiar; Noeme Rocha Pereira Campos; Larissa Ferreira Carvalho Silva ; Thiago Barroso Ferreira Lima Brito Campos; Hugo Nacif da Costa Valle; Laura Rodrigues Haddad; José Pedro Gomes de Faria Tavares; Luiz Eduardo Alencar de Souza; Diogo Almeida Martins Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The emerging use of Ozempic in the treatment of obesity <p>The study "The Emerging Use of Ozempic® in Obesity Treatment" analyzes the efficacy and safety of semaglutide (Ozempic®), originally approved for type 2 diabetes, in the treatment of obesity. The objective is to review clinical studies to inform clinical practice about the benefits of the medication for weight loss. The methodology includes the review of studies from the SUSTAIN and STEP programs, which investigated semaglutide in different populations, including people with and without type 2 diabetes. The SUSTAIN studies demonstrated significant reductions in blood glucose and HbA1c levels, along with a favorable safety profile. The STEP program showed that semaglutide resulted in an average weight loss between 14.9% and 17.4% after 68 weeks of treatment. The conclusion highlights that semaglutide not only promotes significant weight loss but also improves health parameters such as glycemic control, prevention of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack in people with cardiovascular diseases, and lipid profile, being a promising option in the management of obesity. Medical supervision is essential, given the need for monitoring side effects and dosage adjustments.</p> Evelyn de Oliveira de Maria; Loren Stefani Santos Pereira; Miriã da Silva Felacio; Remaz Sameh Ibrahim Shillo Copyright (c) 2024 Evelyn de Oliveira de Maria; Loren Stefani Santos Pereira; Miriã da Silva Felacio; Remaz Sameh Ibrahim Shillo Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The therapeutic approach of cervix câncer in pregnant womans: Literature review <p>It is delimited as cancer during pregnancy, those detected from the first weeks to 12 months of the puerperium, based on the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy, which are related to hormonal changes. The therapy, which has not yet been precisely defined for cases of gynecological cancer, generates uncertainty in the medical team and psychological damage to the patient, who experiences the duality between fear of the diagnosis and hesitation about motherhood. Therefore, investigating strategies to adequately conduct the treatment of these patients will ensure an improvement in the prognosis and maternal and fetal well-being. The objective of the present work is to list and evaluate the therapeutic alternatives that are indicated for women who suffer from cervical cancer during pregnancy in its various periods. This study is a systematic literature review, based on studies found on the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and PubMed platforms. Articles up to 10 years old were part of the verification present in this study (2013-2023). The words will be used: pregnancy, cervical cancer, treatment and prognosis. It is expected to obtain as a result a classification of conducts, based on the best prognosis of the disease, development of the fetus and maintenance of the pregnancy in order to avoid maternal-fetal complications.</p> Giulia Carvalho Siniscalchi; Letícia Lencione Penha; Julia dos Reis Copyright (c) 2024 Giulia Carvalho Siniscalchi; Letícia Lencione Penha; Julia dos Reis Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Oral dentures and quality of life related to Parkinson disease: An integrative review <p>Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition affecting millions of elderly people, causing tooth loss and difficulties in oral hygiene. These complications increase the incidence of cavities and periodontal diseases. Oral rehabilitation with dentures is crucial to restore masticatory function and improve the quality of life for these patients. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of oral rehabilitation on the quality of life of edentulous older patients with Parkinson's. An integrative review was prepared following the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), based on the research's guiding question: "What is the impact of rehabilitation with complete dentures on the quality of life of older patients with Parkinson's?". The PICO search strategy was set up (P=patient, I=intervention, C=control and O =outcome) and the descriptors that guided the search were obtained from the health sciences descriptors of the virtual health library (DeCSbvs) and the headings of medical subjects (MeSH Pubmed). We used the Pubmed/Medline, BVS, CINAHL, EMBASE, SCOPUS and Web of Science databases, in the last 10 years (between June 2012 and June 2022), presenting title and abstract in English. Used the selection process of the articles occurred according to the three steps of the Prisma Flow Diagram: Step 1: Articles selected through critical and reflective reading by title and summary; Step 2: Articles read in full and included in the review only related to the research theme and Step 3: Selection of articles according to the pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. As results, from 42 initial studies were included two studies. Conclusions: there is a lack of studies in the field of quality of life related to dentures in patients with Parkinson disease.</p> Monira Samaan Kallás; Kaio Heide Sampaio Nóbrega; Isabel dos Santos Figueiredo; Giovanna Boff Padilha ; Luciana de Rezende Pinto Copyright (c) 2024 Monira Samaan Kallás; Kaio Heide Sampaio Nóbrega; Isabel dos Santos Figueiredo; Giovanna Boff Padilha ; Luciana de Rezende Pinto Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The speech-language pathology in oral dysfunctions in term newborns <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0cm 35.4pt;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">Identify the main oral dysfunctions in full-term newborns and to describe the main speech therapy strategies for successful breastfeeding in full-term newborns admitted to the Rooming-in <span style="color: #212529; background: white;">Care</span></span> <span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">unit of a public hospital in the state health network of Salvador-Ba. Methodology: Cross-sectional intervention study carried out between December 2023 and February 2024. The three stages consisted of: evaluation by the Tongue Test using the tongue frenulum protocol proposed by Martinelli; evaluation of the dyads: non-nutritive sucking of the newborns, the breasts of the puerperal women and breastfeeding to identify other oral dysfunctions; the third was the speech therapy intervention. The variables were analysed quantitatively using Microsoft Excel. Results: 17 oral dysfunctions were found in 40 dyads of puerperal women and newborns. The main oral dysfunctions were: difficulty in maintaining the grip, followed by reduced oral opening, altered lingual frenulum and delayed sucking/debil reflex, with a predominance of males. The main strategies were oral sensory motor stimulation, non-nutritive stimulation and minimal gustatory stimulation, which resulted in exclusive breastfeeding for both sexes, 85.7% for females and 73% for males. The speech therapy intervention was effective in treating oral dysfunctions and promoting exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusion: Speech therapists are qualified to treat oral dysfunctions, and speech therapy intervention is effective in a short period of time, as evidenced by an average of 2 to 3 consultations per newborn, and it was possible to promote hospital discharge and establish exclusive breastfeeding from the first consultation.</span></p> Samantha Sena e Pinto; Melissa Araujo Duarte; Jorge Luís Motta dos Anjos Copyright (c) 2024 Samantha Sena e Pinto; Melissa Araujo Duarte; Jorge Luís Motta dos Anjos Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer's: A literature review <p>This article investigates the possible relationship between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and periodontal disease (PD), two prevalent conditions that predominantly affect the elderly population. The objective was to examine and evaluate the association between these diseases, considering recent epidemiological and clinical studies. The methodology involved a literature review using databases such as PubMed, Scielo, and Cochrane Library, with a scope defined between the years 2013 and 2023. Studies that explored the relationships between AD and PD were included, while multiple or non-aligned studies with the objectives were excluded. The results indicate a strong link between PD and AD, evidenced by the presence of chronic inflammation and sharing of pro-inflammatory mediators in both conditions. Additionally, an association between PD and cognitive decline in patients with AD was observed, suggesting a possible role of oral health in the progression of the neurodegenerative disease. It is concluded that understanding this connection has important implications for clinical practice, highlighting the need for therapeutic and preventive interventions aimed at oral health as an integral part of AD management in elderly populations.</p> Gabriela Letícia Facchini; Vitor Schweigert Bona Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriela Letícia Facchini; Vitor Schweigert Bona Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The implication of social media in food introduction and childhood <p>The introduction of food is a physiological milestone in the lives of babies, it influences food choice and the formation of future healthy eating habits, in addition, it suffers various influences from the external environment, such as advertising and media outlets. Therefore, as a result, food insecurities are generated during this early access to social media, resulting in the development of chronic non-communicable diseases and an increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the implications of social media in food introduction and in childhood. The work was a literature review, which consulted the Scielo, VHL Portal, Pubmed, EBSCO, LILACS databases, government health websites and Capes Periodical Portal from the last 13 years. When observing that the media influences children's eating habits, using different devices, such as social media to induce the consumption of ultra-processed foods provided. As a result, studies have shown that the dissemination of high-calorie and low-nutrient foods has contributed to an obesogenic environment. Childhood obesity can lead to chronic non-communicable diseases, such as high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, among others that can appear in childhood, adolescence or even adulthood.</p> Maria Eduarda Tramontini Dias dos Reis; Maria Clara Ribeiro dos Reis; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Tramontini Dias dos Reis; Maria Clara Ribeiro dos Reis; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Effects of naringin/β-cyclodextrin complexed gel associated with therapeutic ultrasound on biomarkers of oxidative stress after musculoskeletal injury in rats <p>Phonophoresis is presented as a strategy to increase the permeability of body tissues and consequently enhance the activity of the antioxidant defense system. In this perspective, this study aimed to verify the effects of the naringin/β-cyclodextrin complexed gel associated with therapeutic ultrasound on oxidative biomarkers after musculoskeletal injury in rats. This is a laboratory study with a quantitative approach. Adult male Wistar rats were equally distributed into five different groups (n=40): control, muscle injury, naringin/β-cyclodextrin complexed gel, therapeutic ultrasound, and therapeutic ultrasound associated with the naringin/β-cyclodextrin complexed gel. The gastrocnemius muscle was injured with mechanical impact. Treatment was applied at intervals of 2, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours after injury. Lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase activity, and catalase activity were evaluated. The UTP + NAR group showed a statistically significant reduction in MDA levels (1.16 ± 0.16 nmolMDA/mg protein vs 7.22 ± 0.42 nmolMDA/mg protein; p&lt;0.05), SOD activity (0.04 ± 0.01 SOD/mg protein vs 0.79 ± 0.09 U/mg protein; p&lt;0.05), and CAT activity (0.006 ± 0.001 CAT/mg protein vs 0.622 ± 0.032 U/mg protein; p&lt;0.05) when compared to the untreated group. There was no statistically significant difference between the UTP + NAR and NAR groups in all variables analyzed. These results suggest that the use of the naringin/β-cyclodextrin complexed gel associated with therapeutic ultrasound after musculoskeletal injury is effective in attenuating lipid peroxidation and enhancing the antioxidant system.</p> Caroline Bomfim Lemos Santana; Davi Santana Sousa; Joyce Izabel de Góis Costa; Diego Alves Lima; Evaleide Diniz de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 Caroline Bomfim Lemos Santana; Davi Santana Sousa; Joyce Izabel de Góis Costa; Diego Alves Lima; Evaleide Diniz de Oliveira Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of knowledge of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among Medical students at the University of Vassouras-RJ <p>Objective: To investigate medical students' knowledge about HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Methodology: An analysis was carried out with the answers of 290 students from the University of Vassouras, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, enrolled in the periods from the first to the twelfth. The answers were collected during the second academic period of 2023, through an electronic form with 12 questions, made available via Google Forms, accompanied by a Free and Informed Consent Form. The project was previously submitted to Plataforma Brasil and to the institutional ethics committee, obtaining approval under opinion 5.966.511. Results: Analyzing the performance according to the academic cycle, in the basic cycle of the 127 participants, 62.2% of them had &lt;50% of correct answers. The clinical cycle with 133 answers presented 66.91% with a correct level of less than 50%. Of the 30 participants in the internship, 66.67% got &lt;50% right. Conclusion: From the above, it is possible to observe that most of the answers by specific groups obtained a yield of less than 50% of correct answers. In view of this, it is evident that there is a need to implement additional measures to address the identified gaps, such as the inclusion of specific classes on PrEP in the mandatory curriculum of medical school, as well as the regular holding of voluntary events to reinforce the importance and consolidate knowledge on the subject. However, due to the scarcity of studies in this area, it is challenging to determine an ideal success rate. Therefore, it is hoped that this study can guide the development of strategies to improve students' knowledge about PrEPs.</p> Thales Montela Marins; Leandro Henrique Varella Silva; Bianca Fófano da Rocha Siqueira; Jonh Eisenhoer Batista Alacrino Filho; Maria Júlia Mellere Giurisatto; Vinicius Martins de Menezes Copyright (c) 2024 Thales Montela Marins; Leandro Henrique Varella Silva; Bianca Fófano da Rocha Siqueira; Jonh Eisenhoer Batista Alacrino Filho; Maria Júlia Mellere Giurisatto; Vinicius Martins de Menezes Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The nutitional importance in the prevention of childhood obesity <p>Childhood obesity has been on the rise in the last three decades, resulting in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is essential that there are urgent measures for prevention in the first years of life. The objective of this research was to identify the most common factors that lead to the increase in childhood obesity, highlighting its causes, diagnoses and treatments. The study is a bibliographic and integrative review, it is a type of review that aims to provide the synthesis of knowledge presented in scientific studies, where the results can be integrated and applied in practice. The prevalence of excess weight among Brazilian children has reached alarming figures, around 2 in every 10 Brazilian children, under 5 years old and around 3 in 10, aged between 5 and 9 years old, were overweight in 2019. Foods such as ultra-processed foods are easily accessible, being the villains like fast foods and others, obesity is a risk factor and can progress to morbid obesity, going far beyond childhood.</p> Maria Silva Macedo; Thais Abelardo Palmeiras; Nicolle Lopes de Lima; Edilane Teixeira Castelo Branco ; Débora Marla Marques França; Francisca Marta Nascimento de Oliveira Freitas; Ana Rita Gaia Machado Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Silva Macedo; Thais Abelardo Palmeiras; Nicolle Lopes de Lima; Edilane Teixeira Castelo Branco ; Débora Marla Marques França; Francisca Marta Nascimento de Oliveira Freitas; Ana Rita Gaia Machado Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of social and psychological impacts on leprosy treatment: A longitudinal study <p>Leprosy, also known as "leprosy," has ancient roots and is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. Despite being an ancient disease, leprosy is still a public health problem in Brazil. The history of leprosy in the country is marked by compulsory isolation in leprosariums. This disease is infectious and contagious, mainly affecting the peripheral nerves, resulting in several disabilities. It manifests itself in several ways and can be transmitted through contact with untreated patients or through respiratory secretions. The diagnosis is made clinically, and treatment involves polychemotherapy, including Rifampicin, Dapsone and Clofazimine. Medications can cause side effects such as skin rashes. The National Leprosy Control Plan (PNCH) aims to expand early diagnosis and treatment, reducing disabilities and transmission. This study is based on nursing consultations, collecting data from patients who completed treatment. The assistance of the nursing team is important in treating patients with leprosy, describing the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients diagnosed with leprosy. Leprosy is a global public health concern, with high prevalence rates in countries such as India, Brazil and Indonesia. Clinical forms range from tuberculoid to lepromatous, with indeterminate leprosy as the initial form.</p> Ana Luisa Moreira Duarte; Cynthia Tavares Santos; Pedro Henrique Peres Roriz Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Luisa Moreira Duarte; Cynthia Tavares Santos; Pedro Henrique Peres Roriz Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The connection between intestinal health and autism, exploring the importance of intestinal microbiota in the manifestation of autistic symptoms and possible nutritional interventions <p>Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex condition that affects social communication and behavior, resulting from a combination of genetic, environmental, immunological, neurological, and gastrointestinal factors. In recent years, research has focused on better understanding these risk factors and their relationship to the development of ASD. The link between gut microbiota and autism has been widely studied, highlighting the importance of diet in the health of individuals with autism. Eating problems are common in this population, reinforcing the need for adequate nutritional support from an early age to promote a better quality of life. This study aims to investigate how gut microbiota interferes in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its possible nutritional interventions aimed at reducing the symptoms present in ASD through a literature review. The present study was based on a literature review on the topic and utilized the following databases: Google Scholar, PUBMED, and BIREME. National and international scientific articles in Portuguese and English published between 2013 and 2024 were analyzed. The results of this literature review highlight the significant influence of gut microbiota on symptom management in children with autism, where dysregulation of the microbiome and chronic inflammation worsen autistic symptoms. A multidisciplinary approach that includes nutritional intervention and family support is essential to improve the quality of life for autistic children, promoting their overall development and autonomy.</p> Mariana Hammes Agnes; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Copyright (c) 2024 Mariana Hammes Agnes; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The use of salivary biomarkers to monitor metabolic changes caused by physical exercise - A literature review <p>Introduction: Saliva is crucial for oral health, reflecting overall health due to its complex composition. With easy collection and a rich source of clinical information, saliva is promising for investigating physiological responses to exercise. Objective: To analyze the potential and limitations of salivary markers in monitoring biochemical changes induced by physical exercise. Methods: This literature review used databases like SciELO, PubMed, and Google Scholar with the keywords: "biomarkers," "saliva," "monitoring," and "physical exercise." A total of 272 studies were found. Inclusion criteria were: addressing the guiding question; original research and/or systematic reviews from the last 14 years; published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; and having significant results. Ten studies were selected. Results: Salivary biomarkers were effective in assessing immune and endocrine status, monitoring oxidative stress and muscle damage, identifying sports concussions, and evaluating recovery methods' efficiency. Quantitative differences were observed between genders. The collection technique is simple, safe, inexpensive, and non-invasive but requires rigorous methodology and individual athlete analysis. Conclusion: Saliva is a rich source of biomarkers reflecting physiological responses to exercise, despite limitations like individual variability and the need for personalized monitoring.</p> Artur Miranda Campos; Gabriela Vitória Aparecida Marques Costa ; Giovana Braga Lopes ; Ester Martins França Rodrigues; Giovanni Bonfioli Martins de Castro Copyright (c) 2024 Artur Miranda Campos; Gabriela Vitória Aparecida Marques Costa ; Giovana Braga Lopes ; Ester Martins França Rodrigues; Giovanni Bonfioli Martins de Castro Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Microbiota profile associated with neonatal sepsis in reference maternity in State of Pará, Amazon, Brazil <p>Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome that affects neonates due to the transmission/colonization of microbial agents during pregnancy or childbirth, unregulated development of the microbiota of the skin and gastrointestinal tract or through exposure to catheters during hospitalization. To determine the pathogenic profile implicated in neonatal sepsis and its sensitivity/resistance to antimicrobials. The study analyzed 803 medical records of neonates born between 2020 and 2022 at the reference maternity hospital in the State of Pará, Amazon, Brazil. They had a clinical diagnosis of sepsis with positive blood cultures. The prevalence of the disease was 13.77%, death 18.80% and lethality 19.95%. <em>Staphylococcus epidermidis</em> was the most frequent (56.29%) and was resistant to oxacillin and clindamycin. <em>Klebsiella pneumoniae</em> was observed in 36.57% of the cases and associated with death, it proved to be multiresistant to Ampicillin, Cefepime, Ceftazidime, Cefuroxime and Ceftriaxone. Sensitivity was observed for Meropenem, Amikacin and Imipenem. Conclusion: Estimating the prevalence of circulating microbial profiles that cause neonatal sepsis, as well as their resistance/sensitivity, was of paramount importance to support strategies that improve timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, avoiding the empirical and indiscriminate use of antibiotics.</p> Erick Sena Santos ; Bianca Evelyn Piedade Sena; Salma Brito Saraty Copyright (c) 2024 Erick Sena Santos ; Bianca Evelyn Piedade Sena; Salma Brito Saraty Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of the knowledge of the population of Passa Quatro - MG about Human Papillomavirus (HPV), regarding prophylaxis and clinical manifestation <p>Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) are epitheliotropic viruses that lead to the development of lesions ranging from anogenital warts to neoplasms, depending on the type of virus involved. Among the most common types are HPV 6 and 11, which are low-risk and generally associated with the emergence of condyloma acuminatum, and HPV 16 and 18, which are high-risk and commonly associated with the development of precursor cancer lesions. Objective: to analyze the degree of knowledge of the population of Passa Quatro- MG about the virus, seeking to evaluate what is know about the prophylaxis and possible clinical manifestations of the infection. Method: application of a questionnaire remotely through the Google Forms platform, to people over the age of 18. Results: levels of knowledge about the topic were high, with women presenting rates of more than 70% in all questions asked in the survey, while in the age group, although in all of them more than half claim to know what was asked, the indices were lower among those from 18 to 29 years. As far as vaccination is concerned, the majority of respondents claimed to be aware of the existence of the HPV vaccine, with rates exceeding 66.7%. Conclusion: it was found that in the gender variable, the female group presents more knowledge, while in the age range, 18 to 29 years presents the lowest rate. As regards shooling and income, the data proved insufficient for assertive analysis.</p> Helena Santos Mota; Fernanda Sant Ana de Siqueira e Oliveira; Cleber Frigi Bissoli Copyright (c) 2024 Helena Santos Mota; Fernanda Sant Ana de Siqueira e Oliveira; Cleber Frigi Bissoli Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The relationship between bariatric surgery and mental disorders: An analysis <p>Objective: To describe the relationship between bariatric surgery and mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative and narrative literature review conducted on academic databases including SciELO, PubMed, and Google Scholar, aiming to find recent studies and documents on the relationship between bariatric surgery and mental disorders. Results and Discussion: Bariatric surgery is effective, but it carries risks and complications, potentially causing rapid and drastic changes in the body and life of patients, who often struggle with mental disorders both before and after the procedure. The complex interaction between obesity, mental disorders, and bariatric surgery underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in treating these patients. Conclusion: Understanding this complex relationship is essential to optimize clinical outcomes and postoperative quality of life. A comprehensive approach, considering physical, emotional, and psychological aspects, is fundamental to treatment. Ongoing research and innovative interventions are necessary to improve the care and outcomes of patients undergoing bariatric surgery.</p> Beatriz Carvalho Rotella; Marcela Raffoul Domingos Guimarães Xavier; Jorge Tostes Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Carvalho Rotella; Marcela Raffoul Domingos Guimarães Xavier; Jorge Tostes Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Updates on non-pharmacological treatment for chronic pain management: A literature review <p>Introduction: Chronic pain is characterized by the persistence of nociceptive stimulation, which loses its physiological purpose and remains after healing or in the absence of disease. Some factors are associated with its occurrence, such as age, so that, in the coming years, an increase in the prevalence of chronic pain is expected. Thus, in view of the potential harm caused by the use of medications, it is extremely necessary to search for non-pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of such pain and, in this sense, this work aims to analyze such alternatives, as well as their effects and the effectiveness of each one of them. Methodology: This is an integrative review about non-pharmacological treatment in the management of chronic pain. Data from the Virtual Health Library (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and National Library of Medicine (PubMed) databases were used, from the intersection of the descriptors “chronic pain”, “musculoskeletal pain”, “Mindfulness” and “cognitive-behavioral therapy”, to answer the question formulated through the PICO strategy. Results and Discussion: The prevalence, costs, absenteeism and reduced productivity are consequences of chronic pain that made it a public health problem. For the most part, the use of drugs is the treatment of choice, resulting in an epidemic of opioid dependence. However, the positive results for alternative treatments, such as mindfulness therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, physical activity, laser therapy and acupuncture, demonstrate the possibility of complementing or replacing pharmacological treatment. Conclusion: The chronicity of pain generates consequences and negative feelings. Therefore, more studies are needed on non-pharmacological treatments so that patients have effective and safe alternatives to treat and live with pain.</p> Maria Fernanda Caselato Martins de Andrade; Paulo José Oliveira Cortez Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Fernanda Caselato Martins de Andrade; Paulo José Oliveira Cortez Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Updates on aspects of Gossipiboma: An integrative literature review <p>The term gossypiboma refers to a surgical complication due to the unintentional forgetting of surgical material, such as compresses or gauze, in the body cavity post-procedure. The incidence is higher in the abdominal cavity, pelvis and chest, especially in gynecological surgeries, such as cesarean sections. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the cases of gossypiboma described in the literature regarding epidemiological aspects, clinical picture, main sites of involvement, diagnostic tests, complications and forms of prevention. Methodology: This is an integrative review that used data from the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Elsevier, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and National Library of Medicine (PubMed) databases, and crossed the descriptors "Gossipiboma ", "Epidemiology", "Treatment" and "Complications". Results: A total of 20 cases were addressed, with a greater incidence being observed in women. Emergency procedures confirmed to be a risk factor. The clinical picture was nonspecific, varying depending on where the material was forgotten. Perforations and fistulas were observed complications. Discussion: Computed tomography was the most used method for diagnosing gossypibomas, although there is no pathognomonic finding in any method. The formation of fistulas is associated with the aseptic process and the residence time of the material. The average time to diagnosis was 9.5 years, similar to other studies analyzed. Conclusion: Gossipibomas correspond to a medical error subject to medico-legal penalties. Counting and the use of radiopaque gauze are essential, since diagnosis is difficult due to the nonspecific clinical picture.</p> Pietro Ghattas Bou Karim Lopes; José Henrique Gomes Torres Copyright (c) 2024 Pietro Ghattas Bou Karim Lopes; José Henrique Gomes Torres Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Postoperative nausea and vomiting: Literature review <p>The term postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is commonly used to describe nausea and/or vomiting in the post-anesthesia recovery room (PACU) or within the immediate 24-hour postoperative period. It is characterized as a multifactorial adverse response to anesthesia and surgical operation that is feared by patients, usually classified as worse than postoperative pain. This study aimed to provide the most up-to-date information regarding the pathophysiology, risk factors, prophylaxis, and treatment of PONV, based on scientific evidence and the latest guidelines. The presented research refers to a narrative review of the literature. Searches were conducted in journals indexed in the PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases. Additionally, a search was made in books of significant importance in the field of Anesthesiology. Although not yet fully elucidated, some pathophysiological pathways of PONV are already well described. Regarding risk factors, the literature establishes some factors such as female sex, non-smoker status, history of PONV, and opioid use in surgery, in addition to other factors that are discussed. Prophylaxis and treatment are based on the guideline released in 2020 by Gan and colleagues. PONV carries a negative impact on patient well-being. Thus, PONV constitutes a complication with high impact and prevalence, despite advances in science regarding the topic. It is the physician's role to be aware of the risks in order to avoid such complication.</p> Márcio Duarte Carvalho Alves; Marcos Cauã Sena de Andrade; Leandro Mota Coutinho Inácio de Souza; Vítor Andrade de Oliveira; Fernando Sobral Felizola Freire; Rodrigo Medeiros Resende; Antônio Gabriel Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Márcio Duarte Carvalho Alves; Marcos Cauã Sena de Andrade; Leandro Mota Coutinho Inácio de Souza; Vítor Andrade de Oliveira; Fernando Sobral Felizola Freire; Rodrigo Medeiros Resende; Antônio Gabriel Santos Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Physiotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: An integrative review <p>Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder, characterized by difficulty in communication and social interaction, stereotypical behaviors, as well as motor and sensory restrictions, which cause important impacts on the daily lives of children diagnosed with ASD. Objective: This study aimed to address the main treatments for ASD exposed in the literature and add information about this so that physiotherapists, on an individual basis, can develop the appropriate treatment plan for each child. Methodology: It consists of a non-systematic integrative bibliographic review, regarding physiotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of ASD. In this review, articles were selected between the years 2019 and 2024, in the electronic databases PUBMED, SCIELO and PEDro, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Results: A total of 7 articles were selected covering the physiotherapeutic resources used in the treatment of Autism, such as hydrotherapy, hippotherapy, aerobic activity, postural and multimodal sensorimotor training. All studies showed significant improvements in cognition, postural stability, gait and sensitivity, offering a better quality of life for the child. Conclusion: Through this study, it was possible to demonstrate the importance of physiotherapists in treating children with ASD, due to the wide variety of resources they can use.</p> Caroline Larissa Sousa Rodrigues ; Gabriela Olivia Netto; Micaele Oliveira Gama; Rafaela Stefane Silva; Cleyton Oliveira de Andrade; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Caroline Larissa Sousa Rodrigues ; Gabriela Olivia Netto; Micaele Oliveira Gama; Rafaela Stefane Silva; Cleyton Oliveira de Andrade; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The effectiveness of the most consumed dietary supplements by exercisers and athletes seeking performance <p>Introduction: Sports dietary supplements promote improvement in physical activity by providing nutrients. In pursuit of overall body development, the sports supplements market has been growing in popularity, leading to increased consumption and consequently, hindering the reliability of available information about supplements. The use of supplements without scientific evidence and in an abusive manner can lead to harm to individuals. Objective: To analyze the efficacy of dietary supplements aimed at enhancing performance. Methodology: Literature review using scientific articles and legal documents published from 2013 to 2024, utilizing databases and websites such as EBSCO, PubMed, Ministry of Health, ANVISA, and the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine and Exercise. Results and conclusion: The most commonly used supplements by athletes and exercisers are creatine, whey protein, BCAA, glutamine, and maltodextrin. However, users' knowledge about the correct use of these supplements is limited, and professionals in the field lack sufficient specialization. Therefore, further investigation is necessary to better understand the consumption of these supplements.</p> Artur Mendes Paraiso Carvalho; Priscila Gonçalves de Souza Zopelari Tavares; Ana Cristina Castro Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Artur Mendes Paraiso Carvalho; Priscila Gonçalves de Souza Zopelari Tavares; Ana Cristina Castro Pereira Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Analysis of 500 cardiovascular surgeries in Parnaíba: Results and implications <p>Objective: This study aims to analyze the outcomes of 500 cardiovascular surgeries performed in Parnaíba, focusing on success rates, complications, and clinical implications. Methodology: The research was conducted through a retrospective analysis of medical records from patients who underwent cardiovascular surgeries at the Parnaíba Hospital between January 2018 and April 2024. Results: The results indicate a high success rate and highlight areas for clinical practice improvement. Conclusion: The conclusions of this study provide support for improving health policies aimed at prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Parnaíba. Furthermore, this epidemiological survey contributes to the development of strategies targeted at specific risk groups, promoting improved quality of life and reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in the studied community.</p> Reinaldo da Silva Bezerra; Rian da Silva Bezerra; Dénis Miguel Rodrigues de Oliveira; Ilvanete Tavares Beltrão; Augusto César Beltrão da Silva; Renata Paula Lima Beltrão; Daniela Machado Bezerra Copyright (c) 2024 Reinaldo da Silva Bezerra; Rian da Silva Bezerra; Dénis Miguel Rodrigues de Oliveira; Ilvanete Tavares Beltrão; Augusto César Beltrão da Silva; Renata Paula Lima Beltrão; Daniela Machado Bezerra Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) in clinical practice: Integrative review on aesthetic approaches, complications and regulatory aspects <p>The use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in aesthetic clinical practice has been the subject of growing interest and debate, due to its applicability in facial rejuvenation procedures and correction of bone defects. Recognized for its durability, biocompatibility, and versatility. PMMA is often used for facial filler and orofacial harmonization. However, concerns regarding complications and regulations have also arisen. In this sense, the objective of this study was to conduct an integrative review of the literature in order to comprehensively analyze the applications, complications and regulatory aspects of PMMA in aesthetic clinical practice. To achieve this purpose, the databases of Google Scholar, LILACS and SciELO were consulted, covering the period from 2018 to 2024. Throughout the review, several types of studies were identified, including narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and observational studies. PMMA has been widely used in the aesthetic sphere, due to its properties of biocompatibility, mechanical stability and absence of toxicity, color, taste and odor. This compound has been shown to be used in several areas of aesthetic medicine, such as transplants and prostheses, ophthalmology, dentistry and aesthetic tissue correction. However, serious complications associated with its use have also been observed, such as fat embolism, hypercalcemia, chronic kidney disease, and formation of granulomas and nodules, resulting in edema, erythema, lymphedema, and tissue necrosis. In addition, regulatory concerns were identified, including the lack of standardization of procedures and the absence of clear guidelines for the use of PMMA in clinical practice in the field of aesthetics.</p> Elydiane Lopes Martins; Paula Alessandra Kock; Paola Fernanda Fedatto Copyright (c) 2024 Elydiane Lopes Martins; Paula Alessandra Kock; Paola Fernanda Fedatto Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Resin coating, an alternative in dentinal sealing techniques: A literature review <p>Resin coating is a dentin sealing technique, used in a wide branch of dentistry. This technique was invented in Japan in the early 1990s by doctors who were experts in adhesive systems, which have had great evolution over the years. However, having a wide spectrum of adhesive systems, in the resin coating technique the self-etch adhesive is recommended. After countless investigations, it was possible to discover the existence of a new zone that improves adhesion, called the acid-base resistant zone (ABR), which is created by the penetration of the monomer into the dentin and thanks to the chemical bond with the smear particles. dentin, it must be considered that this is only produced thanks to self-etching adhesive systems. This technique has also helped in different areas of dentistry and not only in dental surgery, such as endodontics, prosthodontics, and even a new thin film system has been developed, to be able to have a better result in indirect restorations and so that they do not interfere. because of its thickness.</p> Jhonatan Sebastián Villacis Manosalvas; Omar Ricardo Alvarado Jimenez Copyright (c) 2024 Jhonatan Sebastián Villacis Manosalvas; Omar Ricardo Alvarado Jimenez Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Education and diversity in the context of public schools in Manaus <p>Currently, education within the context of adversity is still a challenge for public schools, in this sense, the general objective of this study is to investigate education and diversity in the context of public schools in Manaus. And its specific objectives are: Analyze the existence or not of policies on diversity in public high schools in Manaus; highlight the practice of LGBTQIA+ inclusion policies within the school context; verify whether teachers received any training on gender identity and sexuality during their academic and professional training period. Methodology, this is field research. The study showed that teachers have difficulty putting LGBTQIA+ inclusion policies into practice within the school context, making it clear from their statements that the educational system in the state of Amazonas lacks training and information on ways to debate issues related to gender identity and sexuality in the school environment, without encountering conflicts, mainly coming from the students' family nucleus. However, even without this necessary support to enable the deepening of themes in the school space, some teachers demonstrate that they work on the issue of gender identity and sexual diversity in some way, thus maintaining the inclusion of students. However, some reported that they did not feel comfortable dealing with these contents, for them these are complicated topics to work on in the classroom, and that they would feel more comfortable if they had training to work on this topic.</p> Regilson Gomes Guedes Copyright (c) 2024 Regilson Gomes Guedes Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Educational Product: endorsement of a site as a platform for environmental education, dissemination and social articulation <p>This article is the second part of the evaluation carried out by teaching specialization students on the website developed as an Educational Product (PE) of the professional doctorate in science teaching at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) in 2024, comprising part of the book: Pedagogical Practices - Innovative Approaches and Methodologies, by the publisher Inovar. This excerpt is a complement not presented in the book. Since, the first part was dedicated to the analysis of the quantitative data of the thesis and, for the present article, we will pay attention to the qualitative data, with the objective of presenting results of the discursive evaluation, of the first evaluators of the website as an Educational Product. As a methodology, we used a brief description of the discursive data, where we have the narratives of these evaluators, in their perceptions about the website, data resulting from the questionnaire created in Google Forms and applied as a non-scored task, in the discipline in Management in Technical Professional Education (Management in EPT) in the specialization course in Teaching for Professional Technological Education - DocEPT. The theoretical references that support us are Hernández and Ventura; Saviani; Zanotto and Rose; Guimarães; Freire and Morin; Almeida and Grubisich; Anjos, Rôças; Pereira, authors in the teaching area; curriculum and projects, directing us towards analysis and discussion.</p> Sílvia Cristina de Souza Trajano; Fábio Médice Júnior; Giovana da Silva Cardoso; Letícia Piedade de Medeiros; Patrícia Maria Pereira do Nascimento; Valéria da Silva Lima; Alexandre Maia do Bomfim Copyright (c) 2024 Sílvia Cristina de Souza Trajano; Fábio Médice Júnior; Giovana da Silva Cardoso; Letícia Piedade de Medeiros; Patrícia Maria Pereira do Nascimento; Valéria da Silva Lima; Alexandre Maia do Bomfim Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Applicability of the Google Analytics tool to assist in strategic marketing decision-making: A case study in a company from Piauí <p>The use of Web Analytics tools has become crucial for understanding information about user behavior, evaluating website performance, optimizing marketing campaigns, and enhancing business decision-making based on data provided by these tools. However, the complexity of these tools and the lack of specialized technical knowledge often prevent companies from fully exploiting their technological potential. This study aims to explore the applicability of Web Analytics tools, particularly Google Analytics 4 (GA4), for strategic marketing decision-making. The WACIC methodology was applied, which structures data collection, information analysis, strategy definition, and application to achieve KPIs, indicators that assist in measuring the organization's objectives. Data was collected over a 45-day period from the website of a beauty company in Piauí. Through the available platform insights, a digital situation analysis and application of the WACIC method were carried out. The results show that using GA4 made it possible to collect detailed data on users, sessions, page views, and events, providing useful information for strategic adjustments. The analysis concluded that, despite technical and regulatory obstacles, the effective integration of Web Analytics tools can significantly increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and user experience, becoming a valuable resource for companies seeking to enhance their competitiveness in the digital market.</p> Italo Silva Meireles; Rodrigo Augusto Rocha Souza Baluz Copyright (c) 2024 Italo Silva Meireles; Rodrigo Augusto Rocha Souza Baluz Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Africanities through North American and Brazilian Afro-diasporic cultural productions and their Multiliteracies: A proposal for a Didactic Sequence for Teaching the English Language <p>This article aims at presenting a proposal for a Didactic Sequence (DS) for English Language Teaching. In which it highlights Africanities through North American and Brazilian Afro-diasporic cultural productions. Although English language teaching is mandatory, according to Brazilian legislation. On the other hand, it still remains a privilege. Hence, we spark this discussion on how the teaching of modern foreign languages can contribute to greater inclusion of minority populations. In general, we focus on disadvantaged communities. Thus, it aims for greater versatility, contextualized with the students' reality. As a result, we intend to promote more meaningful learning for the black population, which can be crossed by other social markers, such as gender, sexuality or class. As well as, the relevance of this work lies in the possibility of promoting the accessibility of the English language, which ensures social justice. The experience presented was applied in a public school in the municipal education network of Fortaleza. Furthermore, in this context, we applied a DS. Besides that, it relates the English language with other cultural manifestations such as: hip-hop, capoeira, samba de roda, etc. As a result, it was possible to perceive an opening of dialogue about the teaching of modern foreign languages. We also connect its relationship with minority ethnic productions in the USA and Brazil. From then on, It was also possible to notice that DS contributes to the learning of the English language in socially disadvantaged communities.</p> Clauber Nascimento de Sousa; José Olímpio Ferreira Neto Copyright (c) 2024 Clauber Nascimento de Sousa; José Olímpio Ferreira Neto Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Relationships between neuroscience and Physics teaching in the brazilian context: A systematic review <p>A branch that is still little explored in the field of research in education is neuroscience. This area of research aims to understand how the process of acquiring and using knowledge occurs through the study of neural mechanisms. In this study, we intend to analyze the potential of the theoretical-methodological framework of neuroscience for education as a new path for research in Physics teaching, as it reveals interesting and innovative possibilities for investigating old problems known in the area. In this sense, we find ourselves faced with the following research problem: what are the contributions of interface research between cognitive neuroscience and Physics teaching? To this end, the proposal is to investigate how these relationships are approached in the Brazilian context based on a systematic literature review, covering the last 10 years. The research returned the following main results: i) the inclusion of neurosciences in the initial training curricula of Physics teachers; ii) the relationships between Piaget's theory and Cognitive neuroscience in Physics teaching; iii) dissemination of what has been produced in terms of research on neuroscience and Physics teaching; and, also, iv) an interdisciplinary approach to teaching Physics. It is expected that this study will seek to understand how the teaching-learning process develops at a neurological level with the aim of improving teaching practice and that the fruits of this investigation will encourage the development of future projects.</p> Daniela Vanessa Arndt; Roberta Chiesa Bartelmebs; Tiago Venturi Copyright (c) 2024 Daniela Vanessa Arndt; Roberta Chiesa Bartelmebs; Tiago Venturi Mon, 24 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Alcohol consumption patterns among riverside populations in an Amazonian region of Brazil <p>Alcohol consumption has been attributed to different meanings and contexts over the years. Studying this behavior is important due to the impact this substance can have on social levels and the development of diseases with significant implications for public health. Focusing on the riverside population reveals difficulties in accessing health education, making them vulnerable to the risk of abusive alcohol and drug use. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between alcohol exposure and dependence among riverside dwellers of the Bailique Archipelago (AP) and to correlate the observed consumption patterns with their sociodemographic characteristics. The study was a retrospective, descriptive survey conducted in 2020, using a questionnaire with socioeconomic variables along with the AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders test. The results demonstrated that the most vulnerable population for abusive use are men, of black ethnicity, married, and with children. Regarding economic variables, those with lower income and fewer years of education showed a higher risk of addiction. Religion emerged as a protective factor against abusive use. Ultimately, it is evident that the harmful use of alcohol results in health, economic, and social losses for individuals. Therefore, health education is recommended to reduce the risks of abusive consumption in this vulnerable population.</p> Ana Júlia Mauri Delli Colli; Vitória Sereno Silva; Giovanna Villar dos Santos; Ana Beatriz Reis Aranha ; Elizabeth Regina de Melo Cabral Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Júlia Mauri Delli Colli; Vitória Sereno Silva; Giovanna Villar dos Santos; Ana Beatriz Reis Aranha ; Elizabeth Regina de Melo Cabral Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of Cu, Si, and Ni and thermal parameters of solidification on the mechanical properties and microstructure in Al-based hypoeutectic alloys <p>The objective of the work is to carry out an experimental investigation of the effects of solutes on the microstructure and mechanical properties in the upward unidirectional solidification of hypoeutectic binary aluminum alloys under transient heat extraction conditions. As well as generating empirical mathematical models to contribute to the development of solidification processes and their products. Using a quantitative, experimental, and laboratory methodology, cooling curves were plotted, which allowed for the determination of thermal parameters such as cooling rate, solidification speed, thermal gradient, and local solidification time. The Al-Cu alloy has higher thermal conductivity; therefore, it presented superior experimental results of thermal parameters when compared to the Al-Si and Al-Ni alloys. Experimental laws of microstructural development were also determined, associating dendritic spacing with the positions of thermocouples, microhardness and modulus of elasticity. Thus, the dependence of microhardness on primary dendritic spacings and on solutes is inferred. On the other hand, the spacing between the primary arms apparently does not affect the modulus of elasticity. Nevertheless, there was a considerable increase in the modulus of elasticity values with the Al-5 wt.% Ni alloy, around 120% over the Al-5 wt.% Cu alloy and 18% over the Al-5 wt.% Si.</p> Paulo Felipe Júnior; Alexandre Furtado Ferreira; Roberto Carlos Sales; Wysllan Jefferson Lima Garção ; Luís Antônio de Souza Baptista ; Dener Martins dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Paulo Felipe Júnior; Alexandre Furtado Ferreira; Roberto Carlos Sales; Wysllan Jefferson Lima Garção ; Luís Antônio de Souza Baptista ; Dener Martins dos Santos Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Industry 4.0 as a facilitator for the inclusion of PwDs: a conceptual proposal <p>Although access to the market for people with special needs (PwDs) is guaranteed by law, through the process of inclusion and quotas, large gaps are observed between what is recommended by legislation, what would be the theory and the practical reality involving the process of inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market. The present work aims to value the culture of the presence of people with disabilities in the job market in order to confirm the importance of implementing a continuous learning process within companies and provide an integration process that can be relevant so that everyone can have opportunities to stand out in the market in which it operates, regardless of its physical, motor and intellectual needs where providing inclusion becomes the responsibility not only of governments, companies, but also of society as a whole where the existing processes in industry 4.0 can be this facilitator. The methodologies used were descriptive and bibliographical research, in order to develop a concept to allow for a better inclusion process involving society and organizations.</p> Marcos de Oliveira Morais; Filipe Coelho Alves Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos de Oliveira Morais; Filipe Coelho Alves Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Sustainable fashion management: Behrens Secondhand Space <p>This study looked at Espaço Behrens, a luxury thrift store, focusing on its development over time in aspects such as financial management, marketing strategies, operational quality and social and environmental responsibility initiatives. In the operational sphere, Espaço Behrens adopted quality tools and directed efforts towards developing its online presence, investing in an intuitive website, digital marketing strategies and partnerships with influencers. Espaço Behrens' community outreach project was highlighted as a comprehensive initiative, aimed at extending the company's benefits beyond the commercial aspect. The pursuit of social and environmental responsibility, combined with solid financial commitment, highlights Espaço Behrens as an agent of positive change in the community. The marketing and quality development of Espaço Behrens reflects remarkable progress in building a strong brand in the second-hand luxury fashion market. The general objective of the topic covered was to analyze the quality standard of services provided by Second Hand and the application of marketing. And the methodology is characterized as a community extension project, with qualitative methodology. The company has adopted innovative strategies, exclusive collaborations, and sustainable practices to consolidate its position as an innovative luxury thrift store aligned with the expectations of the modern consumer. The work provides a comprehensive overview of Espaço Behrens, highlighting its commitment to operational excellence, marketing innovation, financial integrity and social responsibility, elements that contribute to the company's success and positive impact on the second-hand luxury fashion trade scene.</p> Vanessa Natiely Côrrea Cardoso; Thaynná Henriques Duarte; Arthur Lau Martins; Andreza de Jesus Dutra Silva ; João Henrique Brandenburguer Hoppe; Gustavo de Paiva Silva; Anderson de Oliveira Ribeiro; Adriana Lau da Silva Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Vanessa Natiely Côrrea Cardoso; Thaynná Henriques Duarte; Arthur Lau Martins; Andreza de Jesus Dutra Silva ; João Henrique Brandenburguer Hoppe; Gustavo de Paiva Silva; Anderson de Oliveira Ribeiro; Adriana Lau da Silva Martins Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Planning and execution of sustainable practices on construction sites <p>This article addresses sustainability in the Brazilian construction industry, focusing on waste management and sustainable practices. The general objective of this project is to evaluate the applicability of strategic environmental management planning in a construction company located in Barra do Piraí - State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). environmental aspects, as well as reducing resource consumption as essential measures to promote sustainability in the construction sector. The research was carried out through a case study and the methodology adopted was qualitative and observational for data collection. the need to implement sustainable practices on construction sites to promote benefits such as: acquisition of certifications, national recognition, reduction of environmental and social impacts. As a result of the assessment of environmental impacts, the physical environment showed non-conformities for the air and this is due to. noise pollution and poor air quality, and for the biotic environment it was observed that 75% of the evaluated items presented non-conformities for the interference of the construction site related to local fauna and flora, in addition to the local ecosystem. A study of the PDCA cycle for the Biotic environment was necessary as suggestions to be adopted to increase compliance and a SWOT analysis was carried out to highlight strengths and weaknesses. The main weakness is the final disposal of waste and the strong point is the planned infrastructure of the construction site.</p> Rachel Gomes dos Santos; Caio Cesar Gomes Prudente Pereira; João Henrique Brandenburguer Hoppe; Gustavo de Paiva Silva; Anderson de Oliveira Ribeiro; Adriana Lau da Silva Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Rachel Gomes dos Santos; Caio Cesar Gomes Prudente Pereira; João Henrique Brandenburguer Hoppe; Gustavo de Paiva Silva; Anderson de Oliveira Ribeiro; Adriana Lau da Silva Martins Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 An approach to Magneto-Rheological Fluids and their technological applications <p>The objective of this work is to present documents published in the literature on magnetorheological fluids (FMRs), reports from 3 multinational companies operating in the (FMRs) market, pointing out: consumption by countries, abundantly, segments by type, by sector, CAGR (a of the ways most used by the market to analyze the potential return on an investment), and the potential in financial terms that this market aims to achieve by 2031. Magnetorheological fluids are materials belonging to the Materials Science class, and classified as Intelligent Matters and Composites. Generally they are arranged in paste form, with oil or water, magnetic particles that have an average diameter of several micrometers. The (FMR) can be reversibly controlled by a magnetic field and has the ability to change its state from liquid to semi-solid in milliseconds, making it attractive for technological applications. Starting from Rabinow (1947), several authors have been developing studies in the field of (FMRs) in the various areas of engineering, medicine and robotics in an integrated manner, including researchers who have synthesized magnetorheological fluids in external and internal laboratories (Universities), and presented recent advances for future commercial applications. Data collection for this work is based on qualitative, documentary research with narrative review. The world market for magnetorheological fluids has been very prominent over the last decade, with negative points being: high investment cost in relation to other fluids, scarcity of raw materials, lack of technical knowledge on the part of the consumer in relation to the advanced properties of the material consumer for technological applications.</p> Karine Fortunato Silva Barbosa Copyright (c) 2024 Karine Fortunato Silva Barbosa Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Ultrasonic control of aquatic macrophytes in reservoirs: An integrated review <p>The excessive proliferation of cyanobacteria and aquatic macrophytes in water reservoirs has been a concern for governments, energy companies managing hydroelectric and thermal power plants, and local populations. These aquatic organisms, when overabundant, negatively impact the management of water for public supply and energy generation, obstructing intake systems and damaging water treatment stations. Ultrasound emerges as a potential technique for controlling these organisms. The aim of this study was to perform an integrative review by selecting articles published between 2020 and 2024, focusing on the efficacy and ecological implications of ultrasonic control on these aquatic populations. The methodology involved searching scientific databases, selecting 14 articles out of a total of 42, based on their relevance to the theme of ultrasonic control and its practical applicability. The results indicate that ultrasonic frequencies of 20 kHz collapsed gas vacuoles in these aquatic organisms within 40 seconds of exposure, demonstrating the potential application of this technique in controlling these organisms, although it is necessary to adjust the intensity according to the specific environmental conditions of the reservoir and the biology of the target organisms. However, exposure to ultrasound can release toxins, affect non-target organisms, and alter the aquatic community structure, resulting in negative impacts such as hypoxia and fish death. It highlights the need to adopt an adaptive model to adjust ultrasound parameters and integrate them with other management practices. The study emphasizes the importance of conducting laboratory-scale tests and continuous monitoring to optimize efficacy and minimize environmental risks. Future development of more efficient and less invasive ultrasonic transducers is also recommended, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration to promote more sustainable reservoir management.</p> Daniel de Morais Sobral; Christian Matheus Barbosa de Menezes; Gleice Paula de Araújo; Leonildo Pereira Pedrosa Junior; Bruno Augusto Cabral Roque; Leonardo Bandeira dos Santos; Mohand Benachour; Valdemir Alexandre dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel de Morais Sobral; Christian Matheus Barbosa de Menezes; Gleice Paula de Araújo; Leonildo Pereira Pedrosa Junior; Bruno Augusto Cabral Roque; Leonardo Bandeira dos Santos; Mohand Benachour; Valdemir Alexandre dos Santos Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 From law to practice: Analyzing regulatory challenges in the context of Brazilians commercial pharmacies <p>In the world of commercial pharmacies, the intersection between legislation and daily practice is a constant challenge. While laws and regulations aim to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products, the enforcement of these regulations often presents obstacles in the commercial environment. This study aims to analyze the regulatory challenges faced by Brazilian commercial pharmacies. The methodological approach in the development of this study was integrative literature review, a method that allows the integration of knowledge through a methodical and rigorous process. Thus, 17 articles were selected as the basis for the production of this integrative review. Regulations require pharmacies to meet a series of technical, structural, and safety criteria, which can be challenging for commercial establishments. Therefore, the need to comply with all legal requirements, as well as to stay updated with the constant changes in regulations, makes the process of regularizing commercial pharmacies a complex task that demands constant attention and care from those responsible for the establishment. In conclusion, the process of regulating commercial pharmacies in Brazil is inherently complex and challenging, requiring a continuous commitment to regulatory compliance, education of professionals, and adaptation to legislative changes. Overcoming these challenges is crucial to ensure patient safety and the effectiveness of pharmaceutical services, promoting ethical and quality practice in the sector.</p> Alexandre Alves Maciel; Anna Thalita Nunes de Barros; Maysa Boaventura Oliveira; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandre Alves Maciel; Anna Thalita Nunes de Barros; Maysa Boaventura Oliveira; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of diet on mental health and cognitive performance – a literature review <p>Understanding the relationship between food choices and mental health has gained prominence in a global context marked by increasing challenges such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This study investigated this connection, examining how diet impacts not only physical health but also mental health. Thus, the aim of this work was to demonstrate the relationship between diet and mental health, focusing on the role of nutrients in promoting psychological well-being and enhancing cognitive performance. This study is a literature review and sought to synthesize and analyze previous research on the influence of diet on mental health and cognitive performance. The approach is exploratory and aims to consolidate evidence to enrich understanding of the topic. The methodology adopted consists of a systematic literature review, with a comprehensive analysis of studies published in scientific databases such as SCIELO, PUBMED and SCIENCE DIRECT. The research prioritized scientific articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that address the relationship between diet, lifestyle, mental health, and cognitive performance. The critical analysis of these studies contributes to achieving the proposed objectives, providing a comprehensive and updated view of the field. Studies, in general, demonstrate that diets rich in saturated fats and sugar can impair brain performance, altering the functioning of the hippocampus and compromising functions such as memory and learning. Furthermore, it shows how proper nutrition is directly linked to the prevention of mental health disorders and brain functioning.</p> Pedro Henrique Gadelha de Araújo; Arthur Oliveira Duarte; Maria Cláudia da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Henrique Gadelha de Araújo; Arthur Oliveira Duarte; Maria Cláudia da Silva Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Application of botulinum toxin in the treatment of sialorrhea: Review and clinical perspectives <p>Sialorrhea is a condition defined by excessive saliva production that considerably influences the quality of life of affected patients, especially those with neurological disorders. The general objective of the work is to analyze the efficacy, safety and applicability of botulinum toxin in the treatment of sialorrhea. The present study was developed through a narrative review, using scientific articles available in Portuguese published in the last six years, with free access and available in the Google Scholar and Scielo databases. Hypersalivation is considered a change when it lasts after four years of age, which can cause skin lesions, facilitate suffocation due to aspiration, in addition to interfering with the socialization of the affected individual. Based on this, there is a need for intervention, where botulinum toxin alters salivary production through muscle weakening when applied to the salivary glands. From the study, the use of botulinum toxin appears to be effective and safe as a therapeutic method, standing out compared to other treatment methods that can cause side effects and are considered invasive. Therefore, its clinical application must be based on careful and individual assessments, so that there are no adverse effects and satisfactory results.</p> Laura Mesquita Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Mesquita Rodrigues Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Sciences in Early Education: A systematic review of productions aligned with the Base Nacional Comum Curricular <p>This article presents a systematic review that aimed to map the articulations between academic productions published in the proceedings from 2019 to 2023 of the National Meeting of Research in Science Education (ENPEC) and in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), in the period from 2018 to 2023, with the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) with regard to fields of experience in Early Childhood Education. The study problem is: what alignments can be found between science education experiences carried out in Early Childhood Education and the BNCC propositions about fields of experience? A qualitative content analysis of these productions was used, after 82% of those published in ENPEC and 80% in BDTD were discarded because they focused on themes that are not directly related to the focus of this review. The thirty-two productions analyzed indicate that it is possible to draw alignments and articulations of methodological propositions with BNCC's fields of experience. The results indicate that the BNCC's alignments with the fields of experience are more evident: "Listening, Speaking, Thought and Imagination" and "Spaces, Times, Quantities, Relations and Transformations". pedagogical strategies that provide opportunities for children to take a leading role and spaces and experiences that mobilize children to think, speak and question.</p> Joice Siqueira Teixeira Castro; Ângela Maria Hartmann; Márcio André Rodrigues Martins Copyright (c) 2024 Joice Siqueira Teixeira Castro; Ângela Maria Hartmann; Márcio André Rodrigues Martins Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Lip repositioning as a gingival smile treatment: Narrative literature review <p>The gingival smile is a non-pathological condition where there is excessive exposure of the gingiva greater than 4 mm that impairs the aesthetics of two patients. It is a multifactorial condition, therefore making a correct diagnosis is essential to determine a correct treatment plan. Lip repositioning surgery is a technique that we see being implemented for the treatment of gingival sores that consists of removing a piece of mucosa from the vestibule, thus achieving a piece between the union of the mucogenic and apical lining of the upper lip muscles, curing this shape or vestibule and reducing excessive gingival exposure. The objective of this article is to understand the advances and considerations that must be taken into consideration in the implementation of the lip repositioning technique as a treatment for gum disease. Methodology: a literature review was carried out over the last 5 years by means of electronic search in the databases Science direct, Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar. Results: were included 22 scientific articles in which we observe the etiology, advantages and how the technique evolved over time. Conclusion: It is a widely used technique because it is minimally invasive, presents fewer postoperative complications, faster recovery and can be used in combination with other surgical or non-surgical techniques; More long-term studies are necessary, because there is also a high risk of recurrence.</p> Nicole Adriana Juela Corte; Valentina Martinez Peraza Copyright (c) 2024 Nicole Adriana Juela Corte; Valentina Martinez Peraza Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The impact of digital platforms on dietary patterns: An analysis of the literature <p>Excessive use of digital media can significantly impact the food conduct of young people and adults, bringing negative consequences to the food and mental state of individuals. The aim of this study is to find out how digital platforms influence the dietary pattern of young people and adults. An integrative literature review was performed on the impact of digital platforms on the eating pattern associated with the predominant eating behavior in the PubMed and Google Academic data references. National and international studies were selected published from 2010 to 2024, in English and Portuguese. Boolean operators “food behavior” and “social media” were also used to sum up and cross the terms related to food behavior, food standard, digital media and social networks. The verified studies sought to evaluate the repercussion of the use of digital platforms, acting positively or negatively, taking into account food aspects and behavioral conduct at different levels. It is noteworthy that other consequences of the use of digital platforms in the food standard were denoted, such as image distortion and body perception. Instagram runs among the most accessed tools. Therefore, the aesthetic issue of a fervent interference in the behavior of body perception in women and the standards imposed by society is emphasized. It is essential to emphasize the relevance of the discussion about the food standard and the entry to digital means in contemporary society, encompassing all social classes, in particular, in the group of women.</p> Karoline Cristina Mariano Marques; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Copyright (c) 2024 Karoline Cristina Mariano Marques; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of binge eating during and after Ramadan <p>Eating behavior has changed significantly over the years, as evidenced by the presence of eating disorders in today's society, such as Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Furthermore, with globalization, religious rites have been affected, such as Ramadan, which can be associated with episodes of binge eating. This study aimed to analyze binge eating during and after Ramadan. The methodology was based on original publications published between 2014 and 2024 to analyze the food consumption of Ramadan practitioners, as well as the circadian differences during this 40-day period and the main determinants of binge eating disorder. From this, the narrative literature review included 79 articles. The databases used were Google Scholar, EBSCO host, SciELO, and PUBMED. After analyzing the articles, exclusion criteria were established, consisting of articles that deviated from the topic, had no relation to fasting or Ramadan, or were outside the expected date range. In conclusion, it was understood that Binge Eating Disorder is not present during the period of religious fasting and that the course and implications of Ramadan depend on the lifestyle of each participating individual.</p> Enzo Marino Damando Fujichima; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Copyright (c) 2024 Enzo Marino Damando Fujichima; Simone Gonçalves de Almeida Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Acute kidney injury in felines: etiology, diagnosis and prevention <p>In small animal veterinary clinics, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in felines is a common illness. Kidney disease affects one in every three cats over twelve years of age, being one of the biggest causes of death in this species. ARF is a clinical syndrome caused by kidney damage, characterized by an increase in serum concentrations of urea and creatinine, causing the animal to present a series of clinical signs, such as inappetence, vomiting and stomatitis, which can even lead to death. Therefore, it is important for the veterinarian to identify and apply the protocol that best suits a patient with ARF. In the case of felines, ARF becomes even more worrying, due to the anatomical particularities of the species. In this sense, the aim of this work is to review the literature on the causes that lead to this disorder, point out the clinical signs of this disease and highlight some prevention guidelines for ARF in cats.</p> Luanda Ferreira Cipriano; Isis Alexandra Pincella Tinoco; Paulo César Leão Eliam; Camille Moreira Bergamo Barros; Dreyd Rodrigues Medeiros; Antônio Carlos Paes ; Daniela Carrilho da Silva Morgado Copyright (c) 2024 Luanda Ferreira Cipriano; Isis Alexandra Pincella Tinoco; Paulo César Leão Eliam; Camille Moreira Bergamo Barros; Dreyd Rodrigues Medeiros; Antônio Carlos Paes ; Daniela Carrilho da Silva Morgado Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Nutritional therapy as a strategy for food selectivity in autistic children <p>Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a human neurodevelopmental disorder that causes impairment in communication and social interaction. Individuals with ASD present repetitive and restrictive behavior patterns, with repercussions in the area of nutrition, since food selectivity and the presence of gastrointestinal problems are recurrent among sufferers. This literature review aimed to analyze food selectivity and disorders or changes in the sensory process in children with ASD. Studies in English and Portuguese from the SCIELO, CAPES, APA, EBSCO host International Journals databases were used. After analyzing studies that report on the habits and nutritional status of children who developed food selectivity or refusal, it was found that nutritional therapy has been an effective strategy in the treatment of food selectivity in autistic children. It was found that to date, there is no diet therapy implemented. The different characteristics of the disorder in terms of behavior and sensory aspects require an individualized look and respect for each case in a unique and particular way. Scientific literature has shown, in relation to food, that the three most striking aspects are: selectivity, refusal and indiscipline.</p> Nara Mendes Bonfim; Liliani Dourado de Jesus; Maria Cláudia da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Nara Mendes Bonfim; Liliani Dourado de Jesus; Maria Cláudia da Silva Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Intestinal microbiota and its relationship with obesity – A literature review <p>Due to its complexity and the fact that it develops several diseases in humans, obesity must be recognized and treated as an illness. Its development may be related to the imbalance of the intestinal microbiota, where a disorder occurs in the microbiota due to the imbalance of bacterial colonization, with harmful bacteria predominant over the beneficial ones, relevant in the diagnosis of various diseases. The objective of this study was to review the findings about the relationship between the intestinal microbiota and obesity, analyzing possible changes in the microbiome of obese people. To prepare the work, files such as: scientific articles, legal documents, and magazines were used, predominantly in the database: Google Scholar, Scielo, Pubmed. Therefore, it may have a different composition in eutrophic and obese humans, as it helps and contributes to metabolism in general, playing an important role in converting food into nutrients and energy. The intestinal microbiota has been the focus of several studies that link the participation of intestinal bacteria in energy metabolism and the development of obesity. Some data prove that the arrangements of the intestinal microbiota are different in eutrophic and obese individuals; given this fact, it is believed that it participates in the process of overweight and obesity.</p> Ana Carolina Fuão Lobo Flório; Maria Cláudia da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Carolina Fuão Lobo Flório; Maria Cláudia da Silva Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Excessive social media use and suicide in adolescents: Worst side of the coin <p>In recent years, a significant increase in suicide cases among adolescents has been seen. At the same time, social networks use has grown, especially among the younger population. This review examined the association of excessive social media use and suicide among adolescents. A bibliographic search of articles, published between 2019 and 2023, was conducted in Pubmed and Science Direct databases using the descriptors “(Social media) AND (suicide) AND (adolescents)” and 26 eligible articles were included. The present study observed that even though social networks facilitates adolescents' access to psychological help, excessive use is related to an increase in psychiatric comorbidities and can influence suicide through various mechanisms such as cyberbullying, cybervictimization, stimulation of self-mutilation and the publication of videos or images depicting lethal means of suicide.</p> Nathalia Alves da Silva; Luana Cariello de Sá Queiroz Rocha; Gabriela Braga Cabrera Mano; Vitória Chaves Sampaio; Matheus Correa Felix; Fabricyo de Faria Esposito Dias; Letícia Rocha Macambira Albuquerque; Pedro Sales Pereira Gondim; Leandro Freitas Oliveira; Júlio César Claudino dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 Nathalia Alves da Silva; Luana Cariello de Sá Queiroz Rocha; Gabriela Braga Cabrera Mano; Vitória Chaves Sampaio; Matheus Correa Felix; Fabricyo de Faria Esposito Dias; Letícia Rocha Macambira Albuquerque; Pedro Sales Pereira Gondim; Leandro Freitas Oliveira; Júlio César Claudino dos Santos Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Toward an epistemology of criminalistics: Deconstructing some foundational myths <p>The definition of the nature of criminalistics and forensic science, as well as its principles and postulates, has been the subject of intense debate in international literature. The aim of this work was to analyze some concepts widely accepted in national literature related to the definition of the basic principles of criminalistics and/or forensic science. In the first part of the article, a survey was made of the principles of forensic science and/or criminalistics found in national and international literature. In the second part, the historical consolidation of the principles of criminalistics adopted in Brazil was analyzed. In the third part, the principles consolidated in the national community of forensic scientists were confronted with international discussions on the nature of forensic science and the basic concepts of science and scientific investigation. The international community tends to define forensic science as a science that shares many of the rigorous procedures derived from natural sciences, but which also presents its own postulates and methodologies. Among them, the historical reconstruction of the criminal event, based on rigorous analysis of the traces. Conversely, the principles commonly accepted by the forensic scientist community in Brazil present some important conceptual inconsistencies, as they are based on traditional and empirical knowledge, passed from generation to generation (Cunha, 1987). Thus, certain concepts consolidated in the Brazilian forensic science community seem to go against classical definitions in the field of science. Reviewing these concepts is essential, as ideas are associated with practices and worldviews.</p> Alexandre Giovanelli Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandre Giovanelli Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Consumer regulation and protection: Exploring the effectiveness of consumer protection laws and policies in the context of over-indebtedness during the pandemic <p>This article's main focus is the investigation into over-indebtedness in Brazil due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology used to carry out this study is a qualitative documentary and reflective study, which generated a substantial impact on the economy not only in Brazil, but in the World, directly impacting the financial situation of individuals. In Brazilian territory, this repercussion was manifested through a significant increase in consumer debt, a direct result of the economic difficulties imposed by the pandemic scenario and leading consumers to default on financial institutions. Consumer over-indebtedness is a social and economic phenomenon that occurs when an individual, acting in good faith, accumulates debts to such an extent that they become unable to pay them within their economic capacity, without compromising their existential minimum. This concept covers not only present debts, but also future ones, excluding, however, those contracted with the tax authorities. Over-indebtedness is a problem that affects not only consumers and their families, but also the economy as a whole, as it reduces consumption capacity and can lead to exclusion from the credit market, being a complex challenge that requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving education, legislation and public policies focused on consumer protection and the promotion of more responsible credit.</p> Larissa Rodrigues Bezerra; Mainardo Filho Paes da Silva; Samira dos Santos Machado Copyright (c) 2024 Larissa Rodrigues Bezerra; Mainardo Filho Paes da Silva; Samira dos Santos Machado Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in chronic non-communicable diseases <p style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0cm 35.45pt;"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">Nutrigenomics is a multidisciplinary scientific field that studies the interactions between diet, nutrients, genes, and how these interactions influence health and relate to chronic non-communicable diseases. Nutrigenetics, in turn, is the study focused on analyzing individual genetic variations and how they lead to changes in a person's immune response, affecting the absorption and metabolism of nutrients. Therefore, the objective of this work is to report the importance of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in relation to chronic non-communicable diseases, bringing knowledge on this topic. This work is a literature review consulting the SCIELO, PERIÓDICO CAPES and GOOGLE ACADÊMICO databases over the last 10 years. Overweight and obesity are considered important risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases and are associated with increased intake of industrialized and ultra-processed foods, which can lead to significant changes in people's diet. Therefore, research also suggests that certain bioactive food ingredients have the potential to influence key cellular and molecular events that prevent cancer. Bioactive ingredients have the ability to prevent lipid oxidation and have antioxidant principles, which are claimed to play an extremely important role. Prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.</span></p> Ana Luísa Gama Salviano; Matheus Peixoto Bezerra; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Luísa Gama Salviano; Matheus Peixoto Bezerra; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Scoping review of resin cements modified by antimicrobial agents: Effects of incorporation <p>The purpose of this scoping review was to assess the modification effects of resin cements on antimicrobial capacity, mechanical properties, and conversion degree. Researches in the Embase, PubMed, SCOPUS, Cochrane library and Web of Science databases were enriched with manual searches, between May and June 2020, using the keywords “antibacterial resin cement” NOT “adhesive” NOT “ionomer”. The criteria included articles written in English, in vitro studies assessing resin cements with the incorporation of antimicrobial agents, describing conversion degree and/or mechanical properties, and/or effect of the antimicrobial agents, and articles indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. A total of 100 articles were found, of which 11 were selected by title and/or abstract, according to the inclusion criteria. From the 7 articles selected for full reading, 3 articles remained in this scoping review. These had high variability in materials and methods, making it difficult to perform the data statistical analysis; thus, a descriptive analysis was performed. There is a need for a resinous adhesive cementing agent with antimicrobial action since the bacteria infiltration at the adhesive interface is directly related to secondary dental caries with reduced longevity and survival of prosthetic treatments.</p> Simone Kreve; Izabela Ferreira; Andréa Cândido dos Reis Copyright (c) 2024 Simone Kreve; Izabela Ferreira; Andréa Cândido dos Reis Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Effects of early mobilization in patients on invasive mechanical ventilation admitted to the adult Intensive Care Unit: An integrative review <p>Early mobilization in mechanically ventilated patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is essential to prevent complications, promote faster recovery and reduce mechanical ventilation time. This study aimed to analyze the effects of this practice on adult ICU patients. Searches were carried out in the PEDro, PubMed and SciELO databases, using specific descriptors. Inclusion criteria included free full texts, clinical trials and articles published in the last 10 years. Studies that did not answer the research question were excluded. The search resulted in 25 articles, 05 of which were included in the analysis. The results showed that early mobilization offers significant benefits, such as improved patient mobility, better short- and long-term functional recovery, reduced complications and shorter mechanical ventilation times. The enhanced rehabilitation intervention was associated with specific benefits in terms of early mobilization, physical activity levels and mental health, compared to standard ICU care. The comparison between the groups emphasized the importance of implementing specific strategies to improve the outcomes of critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation. In summary, the studies reviewed show the effectiveness of early mobilization in improving the outcomes and care of ICU patients on mechanical ventilation. The practice promotes better clinical and functional outcomes, highlighting the need for its expansion to benefit a greater number of critically ill patients.</p> Amanda Paula Couto Silva; Maria Clara Leandro Oliveira; Suzane de Faria Rodrigues; Cleyton Oliveira de Andrade; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Copyright (c) 2024 Amanda Paula Couto Silva; Maria Clara Leandro Oliveira; Suzane de Faria Rodrigues; Cleyton Oliveira de Andrade; Kelly Aline Rodrigues Costa Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Investigating the intersections of vulnerability detection and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in healthcare, a scoping review protocol for Remote Patient Monitoring <p>Due to the rapid and ubiquitous development and acceptance of IoT, healthcare providers have changed their locational settings from solely based in clinics to extend more broadly into the reach of patients’ domestic homes. This IoMT focus extends to various medical devices and applications within the healthcare domain, such as any form of smartphones, surveillance cameras, wearable sensors, and actuators, that hold the capability to access IoT technologies. The aim of this scoping review has two important objectives. The first is to understand the best approaches towards acquisition and refinement of data in favour of an optimised cyber security posture for remote patient monitoring. The second is to understand how best to detect cyberattacks and vulnerabilities in Medical IoTs using automated reasoning. The review will be carried out according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) scoping review methodology. The key information sources are Springer Link, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, SCOPUS, and ACM databases. The search is limited to studies written in English. The initial step in the review uses keywords and index terms to identify literature from the selected database information sources. The second step then takes the identified elements and searches each of the databases. The third step involves a search of the references to determine literature inclusion using a full-text screening process. Medical IoT devices, specifically designed for patient monitoring and diagnosis, excel in their ability to collect, transfer, and interact with real-time data. It focuses on intersections between IoMTs, cyberattacks and vulnerabilities, knowledge graph detection, and automated reasoning.</p> Kulsoom S. Bughio; David M. Cook; Afaq Shah Copyright (c) 2024 Kulsoom S. Bughio; David M. Cook; Afaq Shah Thu, 20 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The importance of nutritional therapy in the healing process of burn patients <p>The skin plays an extremely important role as a barrier and protection for humans and, when suffering an injury such as a burn, it must receive appropriate care. A burn represents a trauma that results in extreme damage, both physiological and metabolic, to the patient. After identifying the degree of injury suffered by the skin and carrying out a nutritional risk assessment, according to the severity of the burn found, it is possible to choose the best nutritional therapy to be applied. The objective of this study was to analyze nutritional therapy in the healing phase of burn patients and how it can help in the evolution of the patients' condition. A bibliographical research was carried out using databases, using scientific articles from the last 30 years. Among the results, it was shown how the inflammatory events that occur in the burned patient's body are a crucial part of the recovery process, but lead the patient's body to enter a state of intensified catabolism, a condition in which the body begins to break down. their own energy reserves to face the crisis. This hypercatabolism can have long-lasting and potentially harmful effects on the patient's body if not properly managed. To combat hypercatabolism and help the body recover, the patient must consume a significantly greater amount of calories and proteins than would normally be necessary, as well as micronutrients, such as zinc and selenium, which are compromised in cases of burns.</p> Ana Cristina Álvaro Ayres da Fonseca; Melissa Fernandes; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Cristina Álvaro Ayres da Fonseca; Melissa Fernandes; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The evolution of community pharmacy and the importance of pharmaceutical services today <p>The objective of this article is to highlight the main functions of the pharmacist in community pharmacies and the barriers encountered in carrying out the activities necessary to dispense medicines in a safe and effective manner. The present study followed the Literature Review methodology, of an integrative type and with a qualitative approach, the following databases were used: Scielo, Lilacs and Medline. The evolution of community pharmacy took place in relation to how it came to be seen, nowadays this establishment has become of great importance combined with the actions of the pharmacist to dispense medicines in a safe and effective way, reducing self-medication rates and improving each time more information to the population about their disease and its pharmacological treatment. But to do this, the pharmacist needs to have specific knowledge to always improve the safety of individual instructions carried out in the community pharmacy and thus contribute to improving the patient's quality of life.</p> Pedro Lucas Aguiar da Costa; Cristiane Gomes Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Lucas Aguiar da Costa; Cristiane Gomes Lima Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 The impact of intermitente fasting on people with diabetes <p>The objective of the present work was to evaluate the impact of intermittent fasting on people with type 2 diabetes. The type of study addressed is a integrative review, which analyzes the results presented in human case studies collected in the PubMED, Googledocs databases, Ebsco, among others. The following descriptors were used: intermittent fasting, diabetes, obesity, intermittent fasting in diabetes, intermittent fasting, diabetes, obesity, intermittent fasting in diabetes. Articles published in the last 10 years were included and around 23 references were consulted. Intermittent fasting (IF) has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, resulting in reduced body weight, improved glycemic control and possibly improved disease control. Although studies are limited, there is preliminary evidence suggesting benefits in reducing weight and improving blood glucose levels. However, long-term studies are needed to fully evaluate the benefits and risks of this approach.</p> Maria Eduarda Barbosa Faria; Gustavo Antonio Bezerra Cabral; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Barbosa Faria; Gustavo Antonio Bezerra Cabral; Daniela de Araújo Medeiros Dias Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Biochemical laboratory changes after isotretinoin administration <p>Acne is a chronic and multifactorial disease involving inflammation of the pilosebaceous units. For moderate to severe forms of acne that do not respond to conventional therapy, oral isotretinoin is the most indicated therapy by dermatologists. A retinoid compound derived from vitamin A, highly effective in acne treatment, acts on the main causes implicated in its pathogenesis. However, some laboratory alterations may be observed with its use. This study aimed to identify laboratory alterations that may occur in the lipid profile (TG and TC) and liver function (ALT and AST) in acne patients undergoing isotretinoin treatment. It is an integrative literature review based on scientific articles indexed in the MEDLINE/PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS databases over the last five years, using the keywords "acne" and "isotretinoin". The prevalence of laboratory abnormalities related to isotretinoin use revealed variations among studies, however, predominantly, there was an increase in levels of the analytes TG, TC, ALT, and AST. Additionally, a discrepancy was observed in the recommendation of monitoring frequency among the evaluated authors. Most studies indicated that the alterations in the analytes in question were mild, transient, and reversible in nature, often normalizing after treatment completion. Overall, the studies suggest that frequent monitoring may be more relevant for overweight patients or those with specific risk factors, while reduced frequency may be appropriate for most patients, given the low occurrence of clinically significant alterations.</p> Carmelita Benigna Scussel; Jennifer Ribeiro de Franca ; Paola Fernanda Fedatto Copyright (c) 2024 Carmelita Benigna Scussel; Jennifer Ribeiro de Franca ; Paola Fernanda Fedatto Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of spirituality in adult patients diagnosed with cancer and undergoing cancer treatments <p>There is increasing research on the influence of spirituality on the lives of patients undergoing cancer treatment. Spirituality is an important dimension of human life, aiding patients in their search for the sacred, helping them face their prognosis, and improving their quality of life. This study aims to identify the real influences of strengthening and spiritual support for adult patients diagnosed with cancer and undergoing cancer treatments, as reported in the literature. By fully recognizing these influences, we can provide progressively more individualized care and assistance to these individuals. This is a systematic literature review on the influence of spirituality in adult patients undergoing cancer treatments. The review includes articles from the LILACS, MEDLINE, and PubMed databases in Portuguese and English, published between 2016 and 2021. Thirteen relevant studies were selected for this review. Most of these articles discussed the correlation between spirituality and the acceptance of prognosis and quality of life, with only one study diverging from these findings. The influence of spirituality in the biopsychosocial process of patients diagnosed with cancer is evident, contributing to their fight against the disease. Understanding this topic is particularly important for healthcare professionals, especially the nursing team, who provide direct and continuous care to patients.</p> Beatriz Miranda das Neves; Lilian Marcela Santana Pinho; Camila Pain da Silva; Carlos Antonio Couto Lima Copyright (c) 2024 Beatriz Miranda das Neves; Lilian Marcela Santana Pinho; Camila Pain da Silva; Carlos Antonio Couto Lima Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Pharmacy in the context of Urgency and Emergency Mobile Care <p>Understanding the terms urgency and emergency is essential for effective clinical decisions. Urgency refers to situations that require quick but not immediate attention, whereas emergency implies an imminent threat to life that requires immediate intervention. This study reviews the literature on the role of the pharmacist in the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) and other mobile health services, highlighting how these professionals contribute to the safety and effectiveness of patient care in critical situations. In this context, the presence of a pharmacist is fundamentally important in the support structure for patients, particularly in the analysis of medical prescriptions to ensure patient safety and treatment effectiveness. Recognizing the relevance of the pharmacist in healthcare, the research covers considerations about the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU); Pharmaceutical Care through best practices in health services; the Collegiate Board Resolution (RDC No. 44 of August 17, 2009); and the provision of pharmaceutical services in urgent and emergency dynamics. This research was conducted using information from a bibliographic review, encompassing books, scientific articles, and journals. As results and discussions, the research considered 10 articles published between 2016-2023, which were relevant in discussing the proposed objective regarding the role of the pharmacist in the context of SAMU and other mobile health services. It was concluded that studies on the role of pharmacists are still shallow in the Brazilian literature. However, it was observed that when this professional is available in health service care, the population is better supported, highlighting a good quality of life.</p> Vanessa Cesca Vieira; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Vanessa Cesca Vieira; Gustavo José Vasco Pereira Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Evaluation of periodic budget eatring dosorder pre and post barriatric <p>Nutrigenomics is a multidisciplinary area of science that studies the interaction of diet and nutrients, along with an Obesity is a disease characterized by fat gain, in na amount that afeccts the health of individuals, resulting in chages in metabolismo and respiratory problems. Our country is in 5th place in the world ranking, with apprroximately 60 milion overweight anda 22 million obese. The objective of study was evaluate binge eating disorder present among obese patients in the pre-and post-bariatric periods. Resarch was carried out on articles, books, and health pre-and post-bariatric patients. Between the Years 2010 to 2023, at research sites BIREME and SCIELO.The DeSC descriptors for the search corresponded to: eating disorder in obese patients, bariatric surgery, obesity, binge eating, anxiety. In the research results, it was possible to notice that the highest incidence of binge eating before and after bariatric surgery was among women and in the average age group of 40 years. Multidisciplinary monitoring both before and after surgery is extremely important. We emphasize that pre-operatively there is a need for weight loss to meet the requirements for surgery. Reinforcing that long post-operative follow-up is also extremely important, as there is a significant percentage of weight regain up to two years after surgery. In the current scenario, we have the enormous importance of trying to combat obesity cases in the world.</p> Paula Silva Martins; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Copyright (c) 2024 Paula Silva Martins; Dayanne da Costa Maynard Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Lifestyle of Medical students and mental illness: A systematic review protocol <p>Lifestyle plays a crucial role in determining certain mental and medical conditions. The aim of this article is to present a protocol to evaluate, based on scientific evidence from the literature, the association between medical students' lifestyle and mental illness during their undergraduate studies. Review method: the protocol for this study was developed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines for systematic review protocols and will be registered in the PROSPERO database. The search will be conducted in the following databases: Scopus, EMBASE, SciELO, and MEDLINE via PubMed. Grey literature will also be included in the search. Two independent and blind reviewers will participate in the selection of studies. The quality of the evidence will be assessed using the instruments proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The quantitative analysis of the included studies will be represented by a meta-analysis; however, if this is not feasible, the data will be presented through a descriptive analysis. The systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on etiology and risk can provide valuable information for health professionals and policymakers, clarifying disease risk factors and identifying areas where other factors, besides direct interventions with therapy and treatment, can influence health outcomes. Final considerations: Identifying the relationship between lifestyle and triggering factors of mental illness is essential to guide the implementation and development of alternatives to improve the lifestyle of students.</p> Jemima de Oliveira Souza Flach; Renata Alessandra Evangelista; Alexandre de Assis Bueno Copyright (c) 2024 Jemima de Oliveira Souza Flach; Renata Alessandra Evangelista; Alexandre de Assis Bueno Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Educational software: Alternative resources for Building thinking in the classroom <p>Currently, the computer represents an essential tool in companies and schools, as a means of information, communication, knowledge production and, mainly, work. The school begins to modernize itself, seeking to be in tune with the emergence of new technologies that are in force. It cannot be left out of technological progress, lest it run the risk of becoming outdated for future generations. The computer is a resource in the teaching and learning process, which favors the construction of a more attractive curriculum for students, aiming to facilitate the construction of learners' knowledge. The present study aims to highlight the importance of software as alternative resources in the construction of thinking in the classroom. Therefore, the following question is presented: - what is the role of software in education and how do they work in the classroom? The methodology is based on a bibliographical review, whose theoretical framework consists mainly of the thinking of several authors with vast knowledge on the subject in question. In short, it is believed that educational software facilitates, both the formation and construction of knowledge and the act of thinking of students in the classroom, as an enriching means of teaching-learning.</p> Moacir de Souza Júnior; Ana Caroline de Vasconcelos Araújo Arnaud; João Arnaud Diniz Neto; Neide Rafael Alves Braga; Waldenice Maria Mendonça Pereira; Leila Melo Cajazeira; Maria do Socorro Furtado Silva Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 Moacir de Souza Júnior; Ana Caroline de Vasconcelos Araújo Arnaud; João Arnaud Diniz Neto; Neide Rafael Alves Braga; Waldenice Maria Mendonça Pereira; Leila Melo Cajazeira; Maria do Socorro Furtado Silva Silveira Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 A brief essay on the avoidance of the aversive control and the bad connotations related to its use <p>An aversive stimulus can be defined as one in which the emission of a response that promotes its removal, prevention or postponement is strengthened or when its presentation decreases the probability of emission of a given response. Behavioral interventions that employ these manipulations are widely questioned and sometimes classified as bad. The “bad” connotation for aversive control arises from the possible harm to the individual or to society, however, such harm may not occur or may also be identified in positive reinforcement. Therefore, the present manuscript consists of a reflective essay that discusses the concept of aversive control and its functional definition based on experimentation and its ethical use in the practice of behavior analysts. It is understood that the use of aversive control, as well as the use of positive reinforcement, must always be based on a careful evaluation by the behavior analyst and this evaluation must be based on experimentation.</p> André Connor de Méo Luiz; André Marques Choinski; Guilherme Alcântara Ramos; Myenne Mieko Ayres Tsutsumi; Julia Röcker dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 André Connor de Méo Luiz; André Marques Choinski; Guilherme Alcântara Ramos; Myenne Mieko Ayres Tsutsumi; Julia Röcker dos Santos Thu, 06 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Educational Policies for Professional Education and Technology (EPT) in Brazil and Bahia: Historical notes <p>This article aims to analyze, in a panoramic way, the trajectory of educational policies for professional education in Brazil, as well as to point out the perspectives of this type of education in the State of Bahia. For that, we adopted as methodological procedures the qualitative research, of bibliographic and documentary character. Regarding the bibliographical review, we resorted to the studies by Azevedo (2004), Saviani (2007), Shiroma; Coan (2012), Castro (2020), among others; among the documentary sources, we used the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, nº 9394/1996 and, at a regional level, the Guidelines for cost analysis in Professional Education (2012), Professional Education of Bahia and Identity Territories: volumes I (2012) and II (2014), Bahia Professional Education Forum Report (2011), Bahia State Professional Education Yearbook and Professional Education Booklet (2018), among others. By observing the analyzed aspects, we highlight the need for joint action by all segments of society in order to minimize the distance between legal provisions and everyday school life.</p> Luciana Canário Mendes; Clauber Teixeira da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Luciana Canário Mendes; Clauber Teixeira da Silva Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Malaria in Mozambique: From perceptions to registration of cases of the disease in the Govuro district - an (un) avoidable reality? <p>Malaria remains a public health concern in Mozambique. In 2015, it accounted for 29% of all hospital deaths and 42% of deaths in children under 5 years old. Understanding the factors behind malaria cases has been subject to debate in various fields of knowledge. However, there is a critical gap in information related to social and cultural factors, where the perceptions that social actors have about malaria are not part of a priority research agenda. Taking this scenario into account, the present study aimed to describe the perceptions that social actors from Govuro, in the province of Inhambane, have about malaria and how these influence the registration of cases of this disease. The data collection consisted of open interviews with 25 research subjects selected intentionally and for convenience. The methodology used was a qualitative approach based on phenomenology. The results show that malaria is perceived by social actors as it is institutionally conveyed. However, due to economic and social realities as well as the belief that malaria is inevitable, there is a lack of consistency between how it is perceived and how action is taken to address it, hence the registration of cases of this disease.</p> Sónia Cintura; Carlos Arnaldo Copyright (c) 2024 Sónia Cintura; Carlos Arnaldo Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Influence of grandparents on the school process of grandchildren in a catholic school <p>It is understood that grandparents play a fundamental role in the lives of their grandchildren and living together can be pleasant for both with a strong legacy for generations. They are often seen as important figures in every way, including in relation to school learning, motivating and supporting school-age grandchildren, from getting them to school and helping them with homework. The main objective of our research was to describe the influence of grandparent-grandchild interaction in the educational context. This is a social survey that was carried out in a private school of the Catholic confession of grades I and II in the city of Salvador, Bahia, with 15 participants, 05 nuns, 05 specialists and 05 employees of the administrative and support team. We opted for the exploratory qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews. The results were organized in two main axes: profile of grandchildren and grandparents enrolled in the school context and the data resulting from the interviews were organized in the following themes: presence of grandparents: institutional issues and activities; influence of grandparents in the school process of their grandchildren. We conclude with the investigation that grandparents work on school tasks and influence the school performance.</p> Maria das Graças Fonseca dos Santos; Elaine Pedreira Rabinovich; Rosa Maria da Motta Azambuja Copyright (c) 2024 Maria das Graças Fonseca dos Santos; Elaine Pedreira Rabinovich; Rosa Maria da Motta Azambuja Mon, 10 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Unraveling the socioeconomic challenges of producers in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais: an investigation on access to rural credit <p>This study aims to analyze the socioeconomic profile of producers in Patos de Minas and evaluate access to Rural Credit in the region. The research used primary information obtained through questionnaires applied to producers throughout 2022. Data analysis was performed using the statistical software StataMP 17. The results reveal that most of the producers have a high level of education and are in an advanced age group. With regard to Rural Credit, almost all producers in the region are beneficiaries of this policy, which is essentially aimed at investments and funding. These findings highlight the relevance of Rural Credit as a crucial tool for sustaining and developing agricultural activities in the region, providing the necessary resources for improvements and innovations in rural properties. In addition, the high level of education of producers suggests a potential for the adoption of more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices. However, the advanced age of producers may indicate the need for policies aimed at family succession and the attraction of young people to rural activity, ensuring the continuity of the agricultural sector in the region.</p> Domingos Isaias Maia Amorim; Nayara Júnia de Souza Bontempo Copyright (c) 2024 Domingos Isaias Maia Amorim; Nayara Júnia de Souza Bontempo Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Uberization and employment relationship: An analysis of flexibility and social protection <p>The history of human labor has been marked by transformations influenced by the evolution of the means of production and social demands. In Brazil, the rise in unemployment has led many to become informal workers, especially transportation and delivery apps. This article aims to analyze the impact of uberization on the definition of the employment relationship, focusing on the requirements of the employment relationship and the situation of app drivers, considering the possible paths of labor regulation. The methodology used to carry out this study is documentary, qualitative and reflective research. The study examines Brazilian labor legislation, which defines the employment relationship on the basis of personality, non-occurrence, remuneration and legal subordination. Uberization, characterized by flexibilization and deregulation, presents regulatory and economic challenges. Case law shows divergences in the interpretation of the employment relationship between drivers and digital platforms, with decisions both in favor and against recognizing this relationship. This decision could redefine labor legislation in the face of new forms of work. While uberization offers employment alternatives, it also poses risks of job insecurity. A balanced approach that protects workers' rights while reaping the benefits of technological innovation is essential.</p> Lana Larissa Ribeiro Jorge Américo Copyright (c) 2024 Lana Larissa Ribeiro Jorge Américo Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 Database of areas of interest for characterizing the population vulnerable to hydrogeomorphological processes in Brazil: A proposal for the Demographic Census <p>Every year, more people are affected by disasters caused by hydrological and geomorphological process in Brazil. Climate change scenarios point to a worsening of this situation, mainly affecting the most vulnerable population. In order to obtain representative statistical data and vulnerability indicators to support different risk management strategies, we present a preliminary census cartographic database for the whole of Brazil: the Areas of Operational Interest (AOIs) for hydrogeomorphological risk. The AOIs are a territorial grid used exclusively to activate specific questions in the Census questionnaire, based on a spatially controlled opening. A total of 12,726 AIOs were produced throughout Brazil, with an area to be covered by the census collection of 620.9 km², which corresponds to approximately 1.2% of Brazil's urban areas. The vast majority of AIOs occur on land that is highly vulnerable to dangerous hydrological processes (263.51km²) and landslides (113.75km²). 1,546,176 geocoded address records were identified in the National Register of Addresses for Statistical Purposes (CNEFE), the vast majority (84%) of which are private households. These households correspond to 1.4% of all census private households in Brazil in 2022. It is hoped that specific census information on the vulnerability of the population in AIOs will support priority actions in the social and economic spheres for the implementation of regional public policies that promote harm reduction throughout the country.</p> João Paulo de Carvalho Araújo; Felipe Leitão Copyright (c) 2024 João Paulo de Carvalho Araújo; Felipe Leitão Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300 A study of investor perceptions regarding the pricing of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) <p>The rapid growth of blockchain technology, alongside the rise of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has significantly influenced the financial market, giving birth to new investment opportunities, including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This study aims to investigate the key factors influencing the pricing of NFTs and the impact of investor subjectivity on this process. Through an extensive literature review and qualitative research involving active NFT investors, the study reveals that emotional factors such as speculation and euphoria significantly impact NFT pricing, highlighting the short-term volatility of the market. Cognitive biases like Fear of Missing Out and loss aversion are also prevalent among investors, although experienced investors generally manage to avoid acting on these biases. The study further identifies that despite the speculative nature of NFTs, investors strive for rational and objective analysis, focusing on risk-return asymmetry and market reception. However, opinions on the solidity of NFTs as long-term investments are divided, indicating a significant uncertainty regarding their viability for long-term holding.</p> Brenno Yves Damasceno Morais; Rodrigo Augusto Rocha Souza Baluz Copyright (c) 2024 Brenno Yves Damasceno Morais; Rodrigo Augusto Rocha Souza Baluz Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0300