Reanatomization of anterior teeth with composite resin: case report




Diastema; Esthetics; Dental veneers.


Dental diastema is a space or absence of contact between two consecutive teeth, which may represent an aesthetic embarrassment for the patient when smiling.  For the aesthetic resolution of diastema some factors should be evaluated as, age of the patient, dental structure conservation, reversibility of treatment, cost and longevity. For closing diastema, for a long time, the clinical alternatives were the use of orthodontics and fixed prostheses. Currently, with composite resins, it is possible to reproduce natural characteristics of the teeth with a direct, reversible restorative technique, without the wear of healthy dental structure, with affordable cost, able to provide satisfactory aesthetic results. The aim of this study is to report a case of a patient diagnosed with inter incisor diastema and to present a literature review. Patient, male, 70 years old, was attended at oral clinic of Ingá University Center - Uningá, complaining about the aesthetics of his smile. Clinically, was observed the presence of a diastema between upper incisor, fracture of incisal edge of central incisors and poor dental positioning. A reverse planning of the case was carried out through diagnostic waxing. With aid of a silicone guide, the diastema was closed through reanatomizations in composite resin. After the proposed treatment, was possible to obtain a satisfactory aesthetic in the patient's smile. The closure of diastema, with the use of composite resins was able to provide a better contour to the teeth, closing the spaces present, resulting in an aesthetic and pleasant smile.


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How to Cite

BALASSA , B. da S. .; SILVA, I. D. da .; ZECZKOWSKI , M.; MANETTI , L. P. . Reanatomization of anterior teeth with composite resin: case report. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. e32891210962, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i12.10962. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences