Home waste management plan-HWM proposed manual for home care in São Luis City, Maranhão State, Brazil





Health services waste; Waste management plan; Home care.


Residues from Home Health Services (RSSD) are all residues generated by users assisted in their homes, and even in small quantities, they are particularly important given the inadequate destination they receive. The objective of the study is to present a propositional manual for the implementation of the Home Health Service Management Plan (PGRSSD) for the RSSD generated in the health care of users attended in the homes of São Luís-MA. The methodology used quantified and identified the types of RSSD generated in home care to 113 patients, registered in the Best at Home Program of the Municipal Health Secretariat-SEMUS, and classify them according to the dangerousness and risks in handling, which involves since the generation stage until the final destination. The methodological assessment instruments were based on RDC 222/2018 and CONAMA resolutions 357/2005 and 358/2005 and Regulatory Norm NR 32 - Health and Safety at Work in Health Services. The results showed the importance of segregation and the appropriate final destination of these residues to avoid the direct risk to the teams that carry out the procedures, to the patients and to the companions. The manual with instructions for managing the RSSD was prepared with suggestions for a proposal for a PGRSSD.

Author Biographies

Joelma Veras da Silva, Universidade Federal Pará

Master in construction processes and urban environmental sanitation (2019) by the Federal University of Pará -UFPA, with a dissertation in the research line of waste management of health services. She is an Agricultural Engineer from the State University of Maranhão (2006) and graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Maranhão (2004).
Acted as Superintendent of primary health care in the state- SES (2018), analyst and environmental consultant (2015) - Emphasis on environmental consultancy - Has experience in the field of Agronomy, with emphasis on environmental expertise. E Coordinated the advisory of strategic goals of the Municipal Health Secretariat - SEMUS (2019-2020).
Specialization in collective health (2005), in Health and safety engineering by Centro Universitário do Maranhão (2015). She has an MBA in Project and Business Management in Oil and Gas from FVG-ISAN / MA (2009) and a Postgraduate Degree in Occupational Safety Engineering (2015) and Environmental Engineering from Centro Universitário do Maranhão (2008).

Risete Maria Queiroz Leão Braga, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Pará (1988); master's degree in Soil Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1995); specialization in Expertise, Auditing and Environmental Management from Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (2008) and doctorate in geology from the Institute of Geoscience of the Federal University of Pará (2010). She was a member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus of CST Environmental Management and professor of courses in Civil Engineering and Technology in Environmental Management at Faculdade Ideal (FACI). She is currently a professor at the Federal University of Pará-ITEC Technology Institute-Faculty of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. She has experience in the field of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management, with an emphasis on Environmental Geotechnics, working mainly on the following themes: soil mechanics, solid waste, environmental impact, environmental geotechnics and pollutant transport. Member of the research groups Mineralogy and Geochemistry Applied to GMGA-UFPA and Nucleus of Research Applied to Regional Development-NUPAD-UEP.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. V. da; BRAGA, R. M. Q. L. . Home waste management plan-HWM proposed manual for home care in São Luis City, Maranhão State, Brazil. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e7810413599, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.13599. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/13599. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences