Dental avulsion management by emergency professionals and efficacy of education




Tooth injuries; First aid; Tooth avulsion; Health education.


This intervention study evaluated knowledge of first responders regarding the emergency clinical protocol in cases of dental avulsions and impact of an informative campaign. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate effect of provided information on knowledge among emergency service professionals regarding the management of avulsion of teeth: before campaign (T0) and after campaign (T1). Participants were invited to attend the dental trauma awareness campaign that was carried out by the researchers. The campaign addressed main doubts and difficulties regarding emergency dental trauma care. Data were statistically analyzed (p <0.05). There was significant increasing in the knowledge of professionals regarding the possibility (from 74% to 88%) and ability (5% to 32%) of first responders perform tooth replantation; about the ideal time to perform the replantation (from 30% to 59%); about the correct handling (from 52% to 85%) and the need for cleaning (from 60% to 79%) of an avulsed tooth for replantation. It can be concluded there is a lack of knowledge of emergency service professionals about tooth avulsion management. The strong message is the importance not only of identifying the lack of knowledge of the professionals about tooth injuries, but also perform the education that can significantly improve the professional knowledge.


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How to Cite

SANTINONI, C. dos S. .; GONÇALVES, G. S. Y. .; SANTOS, B. A. dos .; JOÃO, S. A. R. O. .; MARSICANO, J. A. .; PRADO, R. L. do .; MORI, G. G. . Dental avulsion management by emergency professionals and efficacy of education. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e42210414393, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.14393. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Health Sciences