Immunotherapy as cancer treatment and the role of nursing




Immunotherapy; Cancer; Neoplasms; Nursing.


Objective: The objective of this work was to describe the techniques and applications of immunotherapy, how they interact with tumors and the perspectives and benefits of these new therapies for patients, presenting the different forms of treatment against cancer, identifying the consequences, verifying the production scientific about immunotherapy with the purpose of demonstrating the efficacy for the treatment of cancer, presenting the advantages of the therapies used and the advances in the discoveries of new therapeutic methods, and pointing out the role of nursing in immunotherapy. Methodology: This is an integrative review with descriptive analysis, which has been considered, nowadays, a very important tool in the elaboration of studies in the health field. Results: General information on the 11 articles included in this integrative review is described. All results were interpreted and synthesized, by comparing the data shown in the analysis of the articles to the theoretical framework. Conclusion: Immunotherapy is a treatment for cancer in development. There are some important points to be reviewed about the role of nursing in the treatment of different types of tumors. Because of their combination or the order of treatment involved, they are very broad and must have more than one protection route different from existing treatments and determine an ideal schedule.


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How to Cite

FONTOURA, B. A. .; CAIXETA, E. de S. .; SILVA, L. de S. .; SILVA, R. G. C. da .; PEREIRA, V. C. B. .; PASSOS, M. A. N. . Immunotherapy as cancer treatment and the role of nursing. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e38710615902, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.15902. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences