Creation and validation of an application for child pain assessment




Pain measurement; Kids; Child health; Mobile apps; Biomedical technology.


Child pain management is complex due to children's communication limitations and has its starting point in an adequate pain assessment, however there is a range of pain assessment scales and professionals in difficulty in choosing the appropriate tool. Objective: build and validate an application for pain assessment in children based on the study of the available scales. Methodology: This is a descriptive study of experimental development. The research was carried out in the following stages: application development, validation by experts and data analysis. An exploratory review was carried out on the scales of pain assessment in children to support the application. The development of the application was carried out in partnership with a computing professional in order to provide a   friendly interface. Professional health specialists (doctors, nurses and physiotherapists) through a pre-established questionnaire containing information about the academic and professional training of the validators, and about the items to be validated carried out the validation. Results: For data analysis, the content validity index (CVI) was used, being considered valid when the item obtained CVI> 0.8. The experts have validated the application with a CVI of 1.0. Conclusion: The positive evaluation of the application demonstrates that it is a valid tool   and with good acceptance by health professionals involved in the care of pain in children and that, the incorporation of new technologies can optimize and facilitate the use of scales in the evaluation of pain in children.


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How to Cite

CÓRDOVA JÚNIOR, V. A. .; SAVINO NETO, S. .; CABRAL, D. S. .; CHERMONT, A. G. .; TRINDADE, C. B. dos S. . Creation and validation of an application for child pain assessment . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e529101017721, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.17721. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.



Health Sciences