Dialogical positions in a Whatsapp group regarding the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19





WhatsApp conversations; Discursive positions; Dialogic analysis.


The objective of this article is to analyze the established discourses in conversations among members of WhatsApp group “Academia Saudável” (Healthy Academy), having as central issue the controversy of the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine medicines in the treatment of Covid-19. For the analysis, the concepts of concrete utterance, responsible act, alien and authorial discourse, field of communication and discourse genres of Bakhtin's Dialogical Theory of Language and the Circle were summoned. The results demonstrate that each individual of the group has a prominent role in guaranteeing the conversation theme through his/her discursive positionings favorable or not to the use of these drugs in the fight against the new coronavirus.

Author Biographies

José Anchieta de Oliveira Bentes, State University of Pará

He has a post-doctorate in education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2013), a doctorate in Special Education (UFSCAR/2010), a master's degree in Letters - Linguistics (UFPA/1998), specialization in applied Linguistics to the teaching-learning of Portuguese ( UFPA/1993) and graduation in Letters (UFPA/1991). Adjunct Professor at the University of the State of Pará; works in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGED) - Master's in the line of research on Cultural Knowledge and Education in the Amazon. Member of the Study Group on Language and Educational Practices in the Amazon (GELPEA). Fields of action: inclusive education; youth and adult education; Dialogical studies of discourse in school and non-school practices.

Rita de Nazareth Souza Bentes, State University of Pará

PhD by the Postgraduate Program in Philology and Portuguese Language at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences - FFLCH-USP (2020)-DINTER (USP and UEPA). Master in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN (2007) and Full Licentiate in Letters from the Federal University of Pará (1991). Participant in the Research Projects: "Literacy, teaching, memory: the dialogic theory of discourse (2014-2017) and "Argumentation, teaching, memory: for a dialogic theory of language" (2019-current) linked to the Applied Linguistics Research Line to Portuguese from the Discourse Study Group at USP (GEDUSP), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Maria Inês Batista Campos (DLCV-USP), at the University of São Paulo. Language and Literature - DLLT/CCSE/UEPA and Member of the Study Group on Languages ​​and Educational Practices of Amazônia-GELPEA, of the State University of Pará-UEPA, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Cristiane Dominiqui Vieira Burlamaqui and Prof. Me Helen do Socorro Rodrigues Dias, participant in Research Line 1: Alterity Studies: Critical Difference and Interculturality and Research Line 4: Language and Literacy Teaching Practices, working in the area of ​​Applied Studies in Portuguese Language Teaching for Su rdos, Teaching Learning of Portuguese/Libras, Dialogical Theory of Language with a focus on studies of verbal-visual utterance in didactic-pedagogical materials for deaf education.

Helen do Socorro Rodrigues Dias, State University of Pará

Doctoral student in Education at the University of the State of Pará (PPGED/UEPA). She holds a Master's Degree in Teaching in Science and Mathematics Education from the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Education-IEMCI / UFPA (2019). Coordinator of the Study Group on Languages and Educational Practices of Amazônia-GELPEA (CNPQ/UEPA), member of the research line: studies of alterity: difference and critical interculturality. Class II teacher at the State Department of Education of Pará, working at the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional - APAE/Belém. Specialist in Special Education from the perspective of inclusion by Faculdade Integrada Ipiranga (2014). Specialist in Educational Informatics from Faculdade Integrada Ipiranga (2012). Graduated in Full Degree in Biology from the State University of Vale do Acaraú (2011)

Josane Daniela Freitas Pinto, State University of Pará

Graduated in Letters with English from the Catholic University of Salvador (1991). Specialized in Teaching Planning from the Faculty of Education (1993) and specialization in English from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais(1996), Master's Degree in Literature and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2000). PhD in Letters from the University of São Paulo (USP) (2020). She is currently an assistant professor at the University of the State of Pará. She is an undergraduate professor, working on the course Letras-Língua Inglesa. She has experience in the following subjects: English Language, English Literature, Literary Theory, Morphosyntax, Semantics, Teaching Practice, Instrumental English for the Administration, Medicine and Secretarial courses. She participates in the Study Group on Languages and Educational Practices in the Amazon (GELPEA), and is a member of line 5: Discourse Studies. She participates in the USP Discourse Study Group (GEDUSP).


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How to Cite

BENTES, J. A. de O. .; BENTES, R. de N. S. .; DIAS, H. do S. R. .; PINTO, J. D. F. . Dialogical positions in a Whatsapp group regarding the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 11, p. e263101119608, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i11.19608. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/19608. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences