The prospects of happiness in the digital age: the brazilian case




Happiness; Internet; Individuation; Network society; Mass self-communication.


The main objective of this article is to investigate the impact of new information and communication technologies on human and social relations, with regard to the feeling of happiness and subjective well-being. In other words, we try to demonstrate, as a working hypothesis, that there is a close relationship between the new social mediations and the establishment of a more autonomous culture and, therefore, of well-being, which is in the genesis of the Network Society in this Digital Age. Social networks are a digital platform that enables and enhances mass self-communication, sociability, whose practice tends to establish a culture linked to autonomy and empowerment, creating the process of individuation. The data analyzed in our research show that people who are more connected to the network tend to be happier, nurturing a feeling of greater freedom and autonomy. The empirical basis of this article is the seventh wave of the World Values Survey (WVS, 2017-2020), a quantitative survey type survey, which we will use to demonstrate our argument.

Author Biographies

Honor de Almeida Neto, Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Professor Honor de Almeida Neto is a Post-Doctor in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion Feevale (2020), Doctor (2004) and Master (1999) in Social Work at PUCRS. Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion, Human Development and Society/ULBRA. It is part of the Research Line "Human Development and Society". Its main publication is: -ALMEIDA NETO, Honor de.; SANTOS, ER. The price of the ball: process of training children at Sport Club Internacional in the context of network football. Education and Contemporary Culture, v. 14, p. 64-82, 2017. E-mail:
Assignments: Literature review, methodology, data analysis.

Everton Rodrigo Santos, Universidade FEEVALE

Professor Everton Rodrigo Santos is a Post-Doctor in Political Science (2013), Doctor (2005) and Master (1996) in Political Science at UFRGS. Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion at Universidade Feevale. He is a member of the World Values Research Group (WVS). He is a Consultant and Evaluator at the Ministry of Education CAPES. Its main publication is: -SANTOS, E. R.; BAQUERO, M. Social capital and public policies in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre: comparing Novo Hamburgo and Estância Velha. Public Opinion, v. 21, p. 431-461, 2015. E-mail:
Assignments: Literature review, methodology, data analysis.

Henrique Carlos de Oliveira Castro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Professor Henrique Carlos de Oliveira Castro, is a Doctor and Master in Political Science - UFRGS. Professor at PPG in Political Science and at the Department of Economics and IR at UFRGS. Principal Researcher of the World Values Survey (WVS) and National Director in Brazil. Researcher and visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame (USA), at the École des hautes études en science sociales (Paris, France), and at the University of Michigan (USA) and at the Private Technical University of Loja (Ecuador). Its main publication is: - CASTRO, Henrique Carlos de Oliveira de. Comparative Political Culture: Democracy and Economic Changes: Brazil, Argentina and Chile. 1. ed. Brasília: Verbena, 2014. E-mail:
Assignments: Literature review, methodology, data analysis.

José Antônio Ribeiro de Moura, FEEVALE UNIVERSITY

Finally, Professor José Antônio Ribeiro de Moura has a degree in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration of São Paulo (1990), Specialization in Business Economics FAAP (1991), Specialization in Distance Learning Implementation and Management, from UFF (2013), Specialization in Public Management from Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (2017) and Masters in Administration from Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (2001). Doctoral student at PPG Diversity and Inclusion at Feevale University. Professor of Higher Education at Feevale of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences. Its main publication is: MOURA, J.A.R.; SANTOS, E.R.; BAQUERO PEDRUZZI, Development Policies and Democracy in Brazil: a study from 1995 to 2010. Annals of the International Congress Inovamundi-Universidade Feevale; Novo Hamburgo/RS, pg. 2348, 2020. E-mail:
Assignments: Literature review.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA NETO, H. de .; SANTOS, E. R. .; CASTRO, H. C. de O. .; MOURA, J. A. R. de . The prospects of happiness in the digital age: the brazilian case. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 16, p. e95101623518, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i16.23518. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Human and Social Sciences