Assessment of pediatric employees' and residents' degree of knowledge on the 9th step of a Baby-Friendly Hospital in Teaching Maternity in Aracaju/SE




Ninth step; Pacifier use; Covid-19.


Introduction: The use of teats, pacifiers and bottles, when not used to stimulate the baby's suction maturation, contributes to early weaning. Objective: To assess the degree of knowledge of pediatric employees and residents in a teaching maternity hospital on the 9th step of the "Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding". Methodology: Cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive research. The study universe consisted of 51 professionals from the Intermediate Unit of Neonatal Care of a Teaching Maternity in Aracaju/SE. Data collection was obtained through a questionnaire, validated by WHO, from the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, specifically the ninth step which refers to the non-use of pacifiers. Results: The 9th Step has been observed to be known by 60.4% of professionals. There is no relationship between the fact that the employee is a mother and the variables related to the use and knowledge of the ninth step. Regarding the offer of some oral habit instruments, 64.0% of the participants stated they do, while 57.1% claimed that the habit instrument interferes with breastfeeding training. The aim of using a pacifier, according to 70% of the professionals, is to soothe the baby. In addition, 81.6% stated that the habit of offering pacifiers already existed or arose with the impossibility of permanent monitoring of the mother due to the new Coronavirus pandemic. Conclusion: In conclusion, the collaborators are aware of Step 9 however, this awareness is not represented in practice.


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How to Cite

BARRETO, C. R. M. S. .; LOPES, I. M. D. . Assessment of pediatric employees’ and residents’ degree of knowledge on the 9th step of a Baby-Friendly Hospital in Teaching Maternity in Aracaju/SE. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 17, p. e254101724932, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i17.24932. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Health Sciences