Disciplinary view of the environmental education practice and its dissociation with non-formal teaching spaces: a discourse analysis of higher education students





Environmental management; Urban green parks; Environmental perception; Urban planning.


This research analyzed the perception of 42 higher education students about Environmental Education (EE) activities in environmental management and explored spontaneous conceptions about an urban green park. Data were obtained in 2016 through a questionnaire based on the Free Word-Association Test methodology and analyzed by the Collective Subject Discourse. In the students conception, the importance of EE as a process of environmental management is imperative, being seen as an instrument or tool for raising awareness among the population. As a management instrument, EE seems to assume a technical and disciplining character, and as a tool to raise awareness among the population, it reflects the utilitarian model of society, favorable to the principles of a conservative EE. The association test showed that the studied urban green park was represented mainly by the words “degradation” and “natural,” showing dichotomous and biologizing trends. The results indicate the need to adopt activities that allow transposing the experiences presented by the students. It will contribute to the construction of a more critical, emancipatory EE that is really focused on the complex environmental agenda.

Author Biographies

Rosilda Mara Mussury, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Professor at Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados-UNIGRAN from 1994 to 2006, having assumed in 2004 the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and that same year founded the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings. Currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Grande Dourados. Accredited professor since 2007 in the Postgraduate Program at the Master's and Doctoral level in Entomology and Biodiversity Conservation and in 2011 in the Bioprospection Program acting in research guidance. She co-supervises Master and Doctoral students in Plant Production at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Vice-director of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences from 2011 to 2015. Coordinated the Master's Program in General Biology/Bioprospection from August 2015 to June 2016. Extension Coordinator at UFGD (06/2016-12/2018). She has experience in Botany, with an emphasis on Morphology, Plant Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Floral Biology and insect-plant relationship. Tutor of the PET Ciêncas Biológicas group at UFGD with MEC/SESU/CAPES scholarship, from 2009 to 2016. Pro-Dean of Community and Student Affairs (PROAE) 01/2019-06/2019).

Giovana Graminha Pinheiro, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Bachelor in Environmental Management from the Federal University of Grande Dourados at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences. Master's student in Biosystem at the Federal University of Southern Bahia. Researcher in the areas of Social and Environmental Planning and Management.

Giani Lopes Bergamo Missirian, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul

He holds a Degree in Pedagogy, a Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences, a Master's Degree in Ecology and Conservation and the title of Specialist in Teaching Biological Sciences granted by the Regional Council of Biology - 1st. Region. She is a professor of Higher Education at Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados (UNIGRAN) in the area of Science Teaching Methodology and Supervised Internship. She has experience in the field of Education (Teaching Science and Biology) and Environmental Education.

André Luis Corrêa, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

I have a degree in Full Licentiate in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2007), a Master's degree (2010) in Education for Science from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho and a PhD (2015) in Education for Science from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho. Acting mainly on the following topics: life, evolution, initial training, teaching and learning, History and Philosophy of Biology, Information and Communication Technologies and the Teaching of Science and Educational Technology. He did a sandwich doctoral internship at The Open University, funded by CAPES, in the city of Milton Keynes-United Kingdom, between 10/06/2013 and 03/31/2014. He has been a visiting professor at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC), in Ilhéus-BA, since April 2016.

Adriana Kazue Takako, Federal University of the South of Bahia

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos (1999), Master's degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2002) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho ( 2008). He has experience in the area of Zoology, with an emphasis on Ichthyology, working mainly on the following topics: phylogeny, biogeography, cytogenetics, systematics, population genetics, taxonomy. Work has been done on the identification of fish fauna, with an emphasis on the Paraguaçu River Basin (BA) and the Tocantins-Araguaia Basin. He specifically studied taxa of the family Loricariidae (Hypoptopomatinae) in Mestrado and the family Prochilodontidae (Doutorado). Currently she is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Sul da Bahia (UFSB) at the Center for Training in Techno-Science and Innovation.

Peolla Paula Stein, Federal University of the South of Bahia

Professor at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) at the Center for Training in Technosciences and Innovation (CFTCI). In management, she is the Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Urban Environmental Engineering (PPGEAU). Doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Development and Environment at the State University of Santa Cruz (PRODEMA/UESC). She holds a master's degree in Transport Engineering from the University of São Paulo (EESC / USP) in the area of Transport System Planning and Operation (2013). Graduated in Logistics and Transport (2010) and Administration (2017). She worked at Grupo Tectran-Systra, a consulting company in the areas of Transport Engineering. She was a postgraduate professor at the Keynes Institute and Graduate Institute. She was Substitute Professor of Technical Education and Graduation at CEFET-MG. She conducts research on active mobility, environmental psychology and participation in urban planning.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, E. M. de .; MUSSURY, R. M. .; PINHEIRO, G. G.; MISSIRIAN, G. L. B. .; CORRÊA, A. L.; TAKAKO, A. K. .; STEIN, P. P. . Disciplinary view of the environmental education practice and its dissociation with non-formal teaching spaces: a discourse analysis of higher education students. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. e44311526343, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i5.26343. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/26343. Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Education Sciences