Analysis of the integration of industry 4.0 and circular economy to consolidate the concept of remanufacturing 4.0: a bibliometric study
Industry 4.0; Remanufacturing; Remanufacturing 4.0; Circular economy.Abstract
Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy are emerging topics that have been gaining deep interest in the academic world. These are two independent fields of research, which when researched together can be considered interconnected, contributing to facilitate the understanding that industry 4.0 and circular economy can be worked together. The study presented in this article describes the evolution of scientific publications and traces the bibliometric profile found in the literature. The research method was the bibliometric study in order to recognize which are the most latent actions and strategies in the study through the integration of keywords that relate remanufacturing with industry 4.0 and/or circular economy. The VOSviewer software was used for grouping and hierarchical grouping of keywords and areas. The results of this article show the increase in the number of publications that interrelate Remanufacturing and Industry 4.0, between 2019 and 2021 there was a growth of 66.6% and that the main tools of Industry 4.0 in building a Remanufacturing 4.0 are: Internet of Things, Big Data and Additive Manufacturing.
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