Cooperativism as a factor in potenting sustainable development in rural amazon communities: the case of an agricultural cooperative in Rio Preto da Eva - Amazonas




Development; Cooperativism; Sustainability.


In recent years, the term sustainable development has entered the vocabulary of the most distinct areas of society, from universities, business circles and even the complex financial market. Controversies aside, the understanding is unanimous that the development of societies involves the interrelation of various social aspects, which need to equate economic expansion together with social inclusion and environmental preservation, directing their results to deliver a better quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of cooperativism on local sustainable development in a rural community in the interior of Amazonas. Interviews were carried out in the community with participants of the cooperative and members who did not participate in it. In the light of four dimensions of sustainability, it was possible to identify the influence of cooperativism on the sustainable development of the community, presenting the most significant points and discussing the role of this form of organization in facing the challenges and opportunities of the Amazon region.

Author Biographies

Johnny Markos Guedes Ramos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Company administrator. Professional experience of more than 16 years in strategic planning and management of human resources; Quality; Process engineering; Logistics and distribution; conducting and managing projects; development, implementation of management strategies, policies and practices, human resources, quality systems, organization, methods and processes in large international companies, regional medium-sized companies and small local companies. As a consultant, he worked in the area of ​​entrepreneurship and business development in improvement projects in organizations of different segments and sizes. He has been a consultant and speaker at companies, universities and corporate education institutions since 2010, in the areas of administration, human resources, organization and process, entrepreneurship and finance. In recent years, he has developed entrepreneurial training processes with riverside communities in the state of Amazonas, along the banks of the Rio Negro, Rio Madeira, Rio Uatumã and Rio Solimões. Work that has contributed for producers to improve their production processes and access to markets. He also develops work with community associations and osc`s with the purpose of advising and consulting, covering the areas of documents and management processes in general. Participates in the process of implementing the general law on micro-enterprises and in the process of structuring the general municipal law to support economic development and support small and micro-enterprises, with consultancies aimed at creating and implementing the entrepreneur's room, the local development agent, the management committee and public policies to support and promote small businesses

Francimara Souza da Costa, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

PhD in Social and Environmental Sciences - UFPA, specialist in Public Policies, Sustainable Development and Traditional Communities of the Amazon - INPA/UEA, with a degree in Agronomy - UFAM. She is an adjunct professor at the undergraduate level at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences-FCA / UFAM and a postgraduate professor at the Environmental Science Programs: PPGCA / UFAM, PPGCTRA / UFAM and PPGCASA / UFAM. At graduation, she teaches courses in the area of rural socioeconomics and in research and extension, working on projects in the areas of agroecology, organic production, bioeconomy, rural development and socio-environmental sustainability.

Therezinha de Jesus Pinto Fraxe, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

He holds a degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Amazonas (1987), a master's degree in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará (1998) and a PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará (2002). She is currently an ad hoc consultant at the Federal University of Amazonas and a full professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, thematic coordinator of the Socioeconomics area at the Acariquara Institute. She has experience in Agronomy, with emphasis on Sociology and Anthropology, working mainly on the following topics: family farming, sustainability, agroforestry systems, Amazon. She holds the position of Vice-Rector of the Federal University of Amazonas-UFAM.

Jozane Lima Santiago, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Amazonas (1999), Master in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (2004) and PhD in Environmental Sciences and sustainability in the Amazon from the Center for Environmental Sciences / UFAM (2017). She is a professor at the Federal University of Amazonas and is currently the coordinator of the Socioeconomics Center at the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences. She has experience in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences, with emphasis on Social Organization of Rural Communities, working mainly on the following topics: family farming, agroecology, Amazonian communities, food security, fairs, cooperativism and rural extension.

Vinícius Verona Carvalho Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

He is currently a doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability in the Amazon. Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of São João del Rei (2015) and Master in Fisheries Sciences in the Tropics from the Federal University of Amazonas (2018). He works mainly on the topics: fishing landings, dynamics of wetlands, remote sensing, geoprocessing, statistical methods in geography. He is currently a researcher at the Socio-Environmental Laboratory at the Federal University of Amazonas where he develops teaching, research and extension activities.


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How to Cite

RAMOS, J. M. G.; COSTA, F. S. da; FRAXE, T. de J. P.; SANTIAGO, J. L.; GONÇALVES, V. V. C. Cooperativism as a factor in potenting sustainable development in rural amazon communities: the case of an agricultural cooperative in Rio Preto da Eva - Amazonas. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. e53811730479, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i7.30479. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences