Consumer profile of agroecological products from the fair of family agriculture and solidarity economy in the administrative center of Natal-RN




Agriculture; Foods; Agroecology.


Agroecological agriculture also stands out with the growing demand aspect as a solution to increase the income of small farmers, and also with the difficulty of increasing the consumer market is concerned with health combined with food. The present work aimed to describe the profile of consumers of the agroecological fair and the solidarity economy in the municipality of Natal-RN. They were randomly applied to 30 consumers. As purchased products, agricultural products were purchased, and purchased products, agricultural products not found, as agricultural products purchased, and products purchased as properties. The results obtained were: Frequency distribution regarding the gender of consumers of agroecological products, 20 were female and 10 were male. 60% have higher education, 27% complete high school and 13% elementary school. The frequency of acquisition of products from the fair, it appears that 73% have loyalty to organic products, 20% carry out their purchases fortnightly and 7% monthly. In terms of what motivated them to buy organic products, 43% reported the quality of the product. Consumers have a preference for vegetable, fruit and other varieties. When asked which products they want and which are not sold at the agroecological fair, 83% do not feel the need for other products. As far as the assurance that the products are truly organic is concerned, all considered reliable. And 60% have not visited and do not know as properties which they maintain relationships with producers and consumers, followed by 40% who have already visited as properties. The need to verify the consumption of agroecological foods grown by family farmers is notorious, becoming one of the alternatives for the issue of Sustainable Rural Development. The data of society are not consumption of life as well as consumers alike is the style to style led by the cultural industry, as it involves several aspects among which they fit: food of taste and among the members.


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How to Cite

SABINO, N. R. A.; SANTOS, S. C. L. .; SANTOS, T. C. L. Consumer profile of agroecological products from the fair of family agriculture and solidarity economy in the administrative center of Natal-RN. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 8, p. e30911830879, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i8.30879. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences