Scientific Literacy based on Galperin's theory of formation by stages of mental actions in problem situations activities on the theme of living beings in a 2nd year class of Elementary School




Scientific literacy; Initial years; Problem-situation activity; Living beings.


The present work was dedicated to the analysis of the implications, theoretical and pedagogical, of the Theory of Formation by stages of the mental actions of Galperin for the process of Scientific Literacy of children of 7 and 8 years of age in activities of situations-problems of the theme beings alive in the class of the 2nd year of Elementary School at Colégio de Aplicação de Boa Vista - Roraima. The results obtained are the result of a research developed from a Didactic Sequence with the use of Problem Solving within the theme Living Beings. Thus, the theoretical and practical concepts applied to the content of Living Beings, addressed the direction of teaching, planned in the Guiding Base of Action, with the use of SP as a strategic resource for assimilation of concepts. As a materialization of the research work developed, a final product was prepared that comprises Didactic Sequence within the theme Living Beings, based on Galperin's Theory of Formation by Stages of Mental Actions, which aims to contribute to student learning and point out a methodological possibility to early years teachers. The work adopted the conception of a teaching of natural sciences, which requires that students actively investigate, have their curiosity aroused by a problematizing teaching and linked to their daily life as a citizen of the globalized world, thus being able to build their own conclusions about the problem that surround it. The results obtained showed that it is possible that a teaching guided by the teacher allows the student to gain independence, the formation of skills, so highlighted in the official documents aimed at Basic Education, especially the skills described as indispensable to the said subject Scientifically literate.


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How to Cite

VASCONCELOS, E. S. .; GUIMARAES JUNIOR, J. C. .; SANTOS, M. A. dos .; BRAGA, F. C. .; ALENCAR, K. R. A. de .; SANTOS , J. D. F. dos .; OLIVEIRA, H. de .; SILVA, S. L. C. e .; VIEIRA, F. B. . Scientific Literacy based on Galperin’s theory of formation by stages of mental actions in problem situations activities on the theme of living beings in a 2nd year class of Elementary School. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 9, p. e18411931645, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i9.31645. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Education Sciences