Experimental and theoretical techniques applied to the study of organic corrosion inhibitors in acidic media
Corrosion Inhibitors; Electrochemical Techniques; Quantum Chemical Calculations.Abstract
Metallic materials are widely used in the industry as construction material for equipment and piping. Naturally, they undergo the wear by chemical and electrochemical reactions with or without mechanical stress known as corrosion, forming thermodynamically stable products. This phenomenon is serious and of great challenge in several sectors. Various approaches and methods have been rigorously studied and implemented to mitigate corrosion. One of the most common and effective measures to mitigate corrosion on metals and protect their surfaces is the use of corrosion inhibitors. In particular, some organic compounds excel in inhibiting corrosion of alloys and metals in acidic media. Most organic corrosion inhibitors are those that contain heteroatoms (nitrogen, sulfur and/or oxygen), functional groups, π electrons in double or triple bonds and/or aromatic rings. The inhibition efficiency and study of adsorption on the metallic surface of these compounds can be studied experimentally, as well as using quantum methods. This work provides a review of fundamental experimental (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potentiodynamic polarization and weight loss measurements) and quantum techniques for understanding the behavior of organic molecules as corrosion inhibitors, as well as the mechanism of inhibition in acidic media.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniel Garcez Santos Quattrociocchi; Alexandra Silva Santoro ; Tomás Neves Marques da Fonseca; Valdinei da Conceição Júnior ; Lilian Weitzel Coelho Paes; Vinicius Rangel Campos

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