Knowledge of emergency intervention nurses in face of cardiopulmonary arrest


  • Sheilane da Silva Carvalho Centro Universitário Unifacid Wyden
  • Jaiane Oliveira Costa Centro Universitário Unifacid Wyden
  • Samuel Lopes dos Santos Centro Universitário Unifacid Wyden
  • Francisca de Sousa Rocha Faculdade CET
  • Sara da Silva Siqueira Fonseca Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Naldiana Cerqueira Silva Universidade Federal do Piauí



Urgency; Nursing; Cardiorespiratory Arrest.


Objective: To describe the knowledge of professional interventionist nurses in urgency regarding the approach and conduct in the face of cardiopulmonary arrest (PCR) and profile these professionals Methods: this is a qualitative, descriptive field study, with a mobile emergency care service scenario, involving a total of 10 nurses. Data collection took place through the application of a questionnaire involving 10 open questions, elaborated based on the protocol of the America Heart Assocition / 2015, with collection carried out between October and November 2019. Results: The results were mostly positive. It was observed that in the questions about the compression maneuvers, the participants were shown to be improved, however, when asked about the depths in (cm) or (inches), they found it difficult to answer. Related to ventilation, the nurses were knowledgeable about the recommendations, in relation to the medications: 04 of the nurses were unaware of the two main recommended drugs: Adrenaline and amiodarone and about the recommendations of not using Vasopressin. Conclusion: In a general overview, nurses proved to be knowledgeable about the updates and recommendations of AHA / 2015, which is shown as an important finding since these are the measures proven to be effective in the conduct against PCR.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, S. da S.; COSTA, J. O.; SANTOS, S. L. dos; ROCHA, F. de S.; FONSECA, S. da S. S.; SILVA, N. C. Knowledge of emergency intervention nurses in face of cardiopulmonary arrest. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 7, p. e80973721, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.3721. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences