Comparison between Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) and Myofascial Release (MR) techniques in patients with chronic low back pain
Low back pain; Posture; Myofascial release.Abstract
Pain in the lumbar region of the spine is called low back pain and affects about 80% of the population. They can result in incapacitation and often require physical therapy treatment. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) and Myofascial Release (LM) techniques in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain. 60 patients of both genders, aged 30 to 60 years, attended at a physiotherapy clinic in São Pedro da Aldeia, RJ, were selected. Three groups were formed: I of RPG, II of (LM) and III of RPG + LM. Each patient underwent anamnesis and two weekly physical therapy sessions, with a total of eight 30-minute sessions. The Visual Numerical Scale and the Roland Morris Disability Scale were used to assess pain. Results did not show significant differences between groups regarding pain reduction (p = 0.3816). Statistical difference was also observed between the first and the last consultation regarding pain in all groups. The Roland Morris scale revealed significant differences between the beginning and end of treatment. It is concluded that, according to the applied scales, both techniques resulted in a reduction in the level of pain, but none of the techniques was more effective than the other. Furthermore, it was noted that the association of techniques results in a reduction in the level of pain from the first consultation, which is a relevant finding to guide the treatment of these patients.
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