Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Nursing assistance in the identification, prevention and treatment processes





Pregnant women; Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; Nursing; Child development.


Alcohol consumption permeates humanity in an extremely important way. During pregnancy, drinking alcohol exposes the fetus to profound risks. As a result, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (APS) affects the fetal central nervous system, which is usually born with low weight, short stature and microcephaly. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence that points to Nursing Care for children with APS and their family, as well as the possibilities for identification, prevention and treatment. Methodology: This is an Integrative Literature Review with a qualitative approach and descriptive content. The Virtual Health Library was used in June-July 2020, in which it was possible to take advantage of the integration of different databases from the descriptors Pregnant Women, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Nursing and Child Development through the AND connective. At the end of the selection, disposal and reading processes, 7 works were selected. Results: The use of alcohol in the prenatal and postnatal periods results in perceptions and behavior on the part of pregnant women and nurses. Although several problems accompany this complex syndrome, it was identified that the Nursing Process can assist children and their families in different aspects of care in the face of APS. Conclusion: There is a gap between the professional nurse and the pregnant woman. Now because there is no sharing of doubts about alcoholism and its difficult identification, now because there is little interest in enhancing strategic knowledge to deal with situations. Such factors have little influence on the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.

Author Biographies

Matheus de Oliveira Silva, Estacio de Sa University.

Graduating in Nursing from the University Estácio de Sá (UNESA) through the University for All Program (PROUNI) scheduled to end in 2020.2. He currently participates as a research member of the Nursing Research Center of Nova Iguaçu (NUPENIG) and as a linking member of the Academic League of Nursing in Infectious Diseases (LIAENFI). In these contexts, he works in the research lines "Nursing in the care of Child and Adolescent Health", "Influences of family relationships on child development" and "Nursing in times of COVID-19: knowledge, conduct, precepts and differentiations".

Chayana Machado da Silva, Estacio de Sa University.

Nursing student at the Estácio de Sá University (UNESA), scheduled to finish in 2020. Has a Nursing Technician by Mr. Millennium. Currently, she works as a Nursing Technician at Cooperativa Vitalle Saúde.

Rayane de Paula Lopes, Estacio de Sa University.

Nursing Student at the University Estácio de Sá (UNESA). In 2018 and 2019 she was a monitor of the discipline Systematization of Care II, being selected by the selection process of the Nursing Graduation at the University Estácio de Sá. Currently a nursing intern at an Ophthalmologic Surgery Clinic.

Priscila Cristina Pereira de Oliveira da Silva, Estacio de Sa University.

Graduated in nursing and obstetrics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2008). Specialist in High Complexity, University of Grande Rio (2012); Active methodologies, ENSP / Fiocruz (2014); Health education for SUS tutors, Instituto de Educação Sírio Libânes (2015); Master in Nursing Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016); Professor at the higher education institution Estácio de Sá (UNESA).

Antonio da Silva Ribeiro, Estacio de Sa University.

Graduated in Nursing, currently working in the management, teaching and research scenarios. I coordinate the Municipal Tuberculosis Control Program in the city of Itaguaí, where I was once the Director of Nursing at the city's General Hospital, effective member of the CCIH, coordination of the Surgical Center, Sterilization and Medical X Surgical Clinic, coordinator of the Hypertension and Diabetes program, Immunization Program Coordinator; Professor of Undergraduate Nursing, Pedagogy and Physiotherapy Courses Coordinator of the Scientific Initiation Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Duque de Caxias, completed in Dec / 2016 Has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Public Health, Teaching the discipline of Infectious Diseases for the course of nursing, collective health and management of primary care, Medical-Surgical, Critical Patient and Emergency, having mastery of the contents of various scenarios of practices, proving to be technically and scientifically capable in the development of pedagogical actions in nursing education in the in general and in Public Health in the multidisciplinary universe. Professor of postgraduate courses in Family Health, Auditing, Neonatology, Pediatrics, Health Management, Obstetrics and Intensive Care Specialist in Public Health, Sanitary Pneumology, Professional Education in Health and Master in Public Health at EEAN / UFRJ, PhD in Nursing and Biosciences by EEAP / UNIRIO.


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. de O.; SILVA, C. M. da; SILVA, M. V. da; LOPES, R. de P.; FAGUNDES, M. G.; SILVA, P. C. P. de O. da; RIBEIRO, A. da S. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Nursing assistance in the identification, prevention and treatment processes. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e819986413, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6413. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/6413. Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.



Health Sciences