A adubação com lodo de esgoto pode contaminar os frutos de abacaxizeiro com ftalatos?
Biossólidos ; Contaminação Ambiental; Dimetil Ftalato; Dibutil Ftalato; Dietil Hexil Ftalato; Substâncias orgânicas tóxicas.Resumo
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the phthalate content in the soil and in the pineapple fruit fertilized with different types of sewage sludge and mineral fertilizer. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in randomized block design, with seven treatments and three replications. The treatments were: control (C), mineral fertilization (MF), fertilizations with solarized sewage sludge (SS), sanitized sewage sludge with calcium oxide (CaS), dried sewage sludge (DS), composted sewage sludge (CS), and vermicomposted sewage sludge (VS). The contents of dimethyl phthalate (DMP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) in the soil and in the pineapple pulp were analyzed. Fertilization with sewage sludge sanitized with calcium oxide (0.012 mg kg-1), dried (0.017 mg kg-1), and solarized (0.031 mg kg-1) provided the lowest levels of DMP in the soil, while the sewage sludge sanitized with calcium oxide (0.046 mg kg-1), dried (0.054 mg kg-1), solarized (0.063 mg kg-1), and vermicompost (0.076 mg kg-1) provided the lowest levels of DEHP in pineapple pulp. Sludge fertilizations maintained the levels of DMP, DBP, and DEHP in soils, below the maximum limits for prevention, established by Brazilian environmental legislation. In addition, all phthalates levels in the pineapple pulp were below the critical safety limits for this food consumption.
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