Composição química de compostos voláteis em flores e folhas de Senna reticulata (Leguminosae) da Amazônia Oriental




Aroma; Biomoléculas; Caracterização; Folha de pajé.


Senna reticulata (Willd.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby is a Leguminosae’s family plant and native from Amazonia, as known as “matapasto” that means “killspasture” or “shaman’s leaf”, it is utilized as food, medicine, and other uses for the populations of the region. But to it has a lack of information about its constituents, as well as for several other species of plants from Amazonia. So, this research aimed to reveal the chemical composition of the aroma in flowers and leaves of S. reticulata from Eastern Amazonia. Because such information had not yet been presented for the species and may be useful for its better understanding. The aroma of the flowers was a predominance of Geraniol (30.28%), Citronellol (27.87%) and Methyl salicylate (12.91%). While in the leaves was characterized by a mixture of 2E-Hexenal (5.0%) + Hex-(3Z)-enol (67.82%), and by Methyl salicylate (9.81%) and para-vinylGuaiacol (6.14%). The information presented here could contribute for the development of products, based on the chemical composition of the aroma in flowers and leaves from S. reticulata, as well as for future research.


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Como Citar

TRINDADE, J. R. .; FERREIRA, O. O. .; SOBRINHO, A. C. G. .; RODRIGUES, C. A. .; ALBUQUERQUE, K. C. O. de .; NASCIMENTO, L. D. do .; OLIVEIRA, M. S. de .; AGUIAR, E. H. de A. .; GURGEL, E. S. C. .; SANTOS, J. U. M. dos . Composição química de compostos voláteis em flores e folhas de Senna reticulata (Leguminosae) da Amazônia Oriental. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. e9711326216, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i3.26216. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jan. 2025.



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