Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de suplemento alimentar enriquecido com selênio a base de Fibras da casca e polpa de Dipteryx alata Vogel (Baru)




Reaproveitamento de alimentos; Frutos do Cerrado; Sistema imunológico.


Dipteryx alata, popularly known as “baruzeiro” is a typical plant from the Cerrado Biome, with nutritional potential of the peel and pulp little explored. The D. alata fruit, named “baru”, has a fibrous pulp, which can provide a reduction in food consumption by increasing the power of satiety and consequent reduction in the waist-hip ratio, controlling arterial hypertension and improving intestinal functioning.It is known that baru has a fibrous pulp, and despite the benefits that it can provide such as, reduced food consumption by increasing satiety power and consequent reduction in waist-hip ratio, control of arterial hypertension and improvement of intestinal functioning. A large part of the population has a fiber intake lower than recommended. In addition to fiber, another important nutrient for health is selenium, given its association with changes or malfunction of the digestive tract. The aim of this study was to develop a prototype of a food supplement in sachets, made from the bark and pulp of D. alata, which meets the daily nutritional needs of fiber and selenium. The microbiological quality, centesimal composition, evaluation of the accelerated stability study of baru peel and pulp powder and the supplement prototype were evaluated. The raw material was adequate to the quality parameters.  The prototype of the supplement remained stable, in relation to the microbiological profile, humidity, fibers, selenium and other parameters. Two sachets with 30 g of supplement provide an energy value of 67.40 kcal, 1.56 g of protein, 0.82 g of lipids, 13.44 g of carbohydrates, 9.42 g of fiber, 200.22 µg of selenium, and other micronutrients. The formulation elaborated was able to meet the recommendations for dietary supplements in relation to dietary fiber and selenium, and can be used for other food purposes, and also promote the use of products or by-products of Cerrado fruits.


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Como Citar

SANTOS, C. M. B. .; BRANDÃO, M. L. de P. .; PAZ, A. T. S.; ROMANO, C. A.; SILVA, T. G.; SANTIAGO, R. de A. C. .; FIUZA, T. de S. .; CONCEIÇÃO, E. C. da . Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de suplemento alimentar enriquecido com selênio a base de Fibras da casca e polpa de Dipteryx alata Vogel (Baru). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 11, p. e145111133307, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i11.33307. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.



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