Avaliação da motivação intrínseca de estudantes de odontologia para aprendizagem baseada em problemas de forma remota
Motivação; Aprendizagem; Educação superior; Autodeterminação; Ensino.Resumo
The objective of this work was evaluate the intrinsic motivation of dentistry students at a college in the Brazilian northeast region facing teaching/learning through problem-based learning in remote format. Students from the dentistry course of a college with an active methodology that used the remote way to continue tutoring activities during the pandemic period were invited to participate. They answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and intrinsic motivation was measured through the instrument called intrinsic motivation inventory. Data collection was performed using Google Forms and the data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Of the 107 students enrolled in the dentistry course at the time of collection, 65 (60.7%) participated in the study. The average age of the students was 19.7 years, and the average global score of intrinsic motivation, considering all Intrinsic Motivation Inventory items, was 4.48. All subscales/domains have motivation scores >3.0, with the pressure/tension and relationships domain showing the lowest average scores, 3.74 and 3.76 respectively. The present study demonstrated that the students of the dentistry course are intrinsically motivated to carry out the meetings and activities of the tutorial group of problem-based learning in the remote format.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Giovanna Pontes Cordeiro; Amanda Pacheco de Carvalho; Silvia Carréra Austregésilo Rego; Renato S. Melo; Maria Cristina Falcão Raposo ; Thais Carine Lisboa da Silva; Diego Moura Soares
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