Effect of heat treatment on nutritional and anti-nutritional compounds of unconventional food plants (PANC)





Biodiversidade; Recursos; Alimentação; Valores nutricionais.


Unconventional Food Plants (PANC) is a strategy for valuing biodiversity, food sources and nutritional resources. For there to be a correct consumption, studies on PANC are necessary. Bio accessibility has been used for analyzes on the mineral content present in certain foods, and if a high content of these components in THE PANC is proven, they may emerge as an alternative to supply the mineral deficiencies present in part of the population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contents and bioaccessibility of macro and micronutrients of four unconventional food plants used in the Amazonian gastronomy. The PANC sums used were: holy grass, Amazonian spinach, macuco beans and ora-pro-nóbis. The nutritional analyzes performed were: Humidity; Ashes; Lipids; Proteins; Carbohydrates; Total fibers; Minerals; pH; Titratable acidity; Color reflected; Ascorbic acid and bioaccessibility. The holy grass showed significant nutritional values ​​in the contents of lipids, carbohydrates, fibers, sodium and vitamin C. Spinach Amazonian in natura showed significant values ​​for protein and fiber. When bleached it showed higher values ​​for moisture and protein. Macuco beans stood out in ash, fibers and vitamin C. Ora-pro-nobis in natura showed higher values ​​for proteins, moisture, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. When bleached, it showed significant results for carbohydrate, iron and zinc. In the titratable acidity only two samples suffered significant variations in heat treatment, holy grass with fresh sample, bleached sample and Amazonian spinach, with fresh sample and bleached sample. At pH, bleached Amazonian spinach was determined as the sample with lower acid character, none of the samples presented an acidic character, the one with the lowest value being bleached macuco beans. In the results, the PANC showed high nutritional values mainly in micronutrients and are a good alternative for insertion in the diet of the local population because they are cheap and easily accessible.


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Como Citar

BEZERRA, K. de O. .; FIGUEIREDO, G. de L. .; MENDONÇA, L. R.; MARQUES, M. N.; FERREIRA, A. C. G.; AGUIAR, J. P. L.; SOUZA, F. das C. do A. Effect of heat treatment on nutritional and anti-nutritional compounds of unconventional food plants (PANC). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 13, p. e382111335074, 2022. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v11i13.35074. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/35074. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.



Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas