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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The file in Microsoft Word submitted to the Journal must not contain the names of the authors; The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described below in "Author Guidelines".
  • Publication cost (APC) | For Brazilian authors, the publication fee is R $ 300,00 BRL (three hundred reais). For other authors, the publication fee is US$ 100,00 (one hundred American dollars). The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee.

Author Guidelines

Tutorial videos:

1) Text structure:

  • Title in this sequence: English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • The authors of the article (must be placed in this sequence: name, ORCID, institution, e-mail). NOTE: The ORCID number is individual for each author, and it is necessary for registration at the DOI, and in case of error, it is not possible to register at the DOI).
  • Abstract and Keywords in this sequence: Portuguese, English and Spanish (the abstract must contain the objective of the article, methodology, results and conclusion of the study. It must have between 150 and 250 words);
  • Body of the text (must contain the sections: 1. Introduction, in which there is context, problem studied and objective of the article; 2. Methodology used in the study, as well as authors supporting the methodology; 3. Results (or alternatively, 3. Results and Discussion, renumbering the other subitems), 4. Discussion and, 5. Final considerations or Conclusion);
  • References: (Authors, the article must have at least 20 references as current as possible. Both the citation in the text and the item of References, use the formatting style of the APA - American Psychological Association. References must be complete and updated Placed in ascending alphabetical order, by the surname of the first author of the reference, they must not be numbered, they must be placed in size 8 and 1.0 spacing, separated from each other by a blank space).

2) Layout:

  • Word format (.doc);
  • Written in 1.5 cm space, using Times New Roman font 10, in A4 format and the margins of the text must be lower, upper, right and left of 1.5 cm .;
  • Indents are made in the text editor ruler (not by the TAB key);
  • Scientific articles must be longer than 5 pages.

3) Figures:

The use of images, tables and illustrations must follow common sense and, preferably, the ethics and axiology of the scientific community that discusses the themes of the manuscript. Note: the maximum file size to be submitted is 10 MB (10 mega).

Figures, tables, charts etc. (they must have their call in the text before they are inserted. After their insertion, the source (where the figure or table comes from ...) and a comment paragraph in which to say what the reader must observe is important in this resource The figures, tables and charts ... must be numbered in ascending order, the titles of the tables, figures or charts must be placed at the top and the sources at the bottom.

4) Authorship:

When submitting, the attached Word file MUST NOT contain the names of the authors. The names of the authors should only be included in the journal's metadata (registration).

In the final version (template), after evaluation, the names of all authors (full name, ORCID, institution, e-mail) must be included at the beginning (before the abstracts), as well as in the metadata, in order of importance and contribution to the construction of the text. Advisors, if any, should be included last.

The article may have a maximum of 7 authors. In exceptional cases, prior consultation with the Journal Team is required.

5) Ethics and Research Committee (or equivalent):

Research involving human beings must present and/or inform the registration and approval number of the Ethics and Research Committee - ERC and/or National Research Ethics Committee, as recommended by the Ministry of Health, National Health Committee (Res. 466/2012; chap. XII.2), Free and Informed Consent Form

Research involving animals in Brazil must present the document and/or inform the registration and approval number of the ERC project

6) Example of APA references:

  • Journal article:

Gohn, M. G. & Hom, C. S. (2008). Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Social Movements in Latin America. CRH Notebook, 21 (54), 439-455.

  • Book:

Ganga, G. M. D .; Soma, T. S. & Hoh, G. D. (2012). Course conclusion work (TCC) in production engineering. Atlas.

  • Web page:

Amoroso, D. (2016). What is Web 2.0?

7) The journal publishes original and unpublished articles that are not postulated simultaneously in other journals or editorial bodies.

8) Doubts: Any doubts send an email to or or WhatsApp (55-11-98679-6000)

Authors' Editorial Responsibilities

  • Know the focus, scope and conception of the journal Research, Society and Development, as well as the submission guidelines.
  • Ensure that the submitted article is original and, when it involves expanding on work published in the proceedings of a scientific event, ensure a consistent approach and significant analysis.
  • Prepare the scientific article in compliance with the ethics and scientific methodology of the writing of the work.
  • Do not submit the article simultaneously to another journal.
  • Pay attention to the rules of the Research Ethics Committee of the institution to which the research portrayed in the article is linked, when it involves human beings.
  • Ensure that there are no expressions or insertions that constitute plagiarism, as well as give credit by citing the sources of excerpts from other productions.
  • Ensure and guarantee that the article has not been published in another journal and, when it involves the translation of an international publication, this information must appear on the first page of the manuscript.
  • Maintain communication with the Editors, including informing them of the need to correct any information in the published article.
  • Comply with the rules established in the instructions to authors.
  • Attribute authorship only to those who contributed significantly to the conception and development of the article.
  • Comply with the requirements of the instructions to authors.
  • Publish the article when published.
  • Meet the requests of reviewers in the peer review process.

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The names and addresses reported to this jornal are for its exclusive use and will not be forwarded to any third party whatsoever.