Influence of the reproductive cycle on the zootechnical indexes in hyperproliferous swine matrices




Reproductive cycle; Reproductive performance; Swine matrices.


In swine breeding stock, the calving order has a direct correlation with the performance of the litter, both at birth and at weaning. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the number of reproductive cycles of swine females on their zootechnical indexes. Forty healthy swine females from an industrial cross (Landrace X Large White) were used, distributed in five treatments, eight females per treatment, submitted to the same type of diet and water ad libitum. Being carried out the management of confirmation of pregnancies or return to heat and transfer to maternity After calving, productive indexes of females and piglets were evaluated. The data obtained were analyzed through analysis of variance, and comparison of means by the Tukey test (p <5%). In alternative cases, the chi-square test was performed. There was an increase in the number of piglets born total and live births up to the third cycle, followed by a drop in the fourth and fifth cycle. There was no difference between treatments in relation to piglet weight at birth, weaning and mummified rate. However, there was a relationship between the number of births, the rate of stillbirths, deaths from crushing and repetition of heat, showing a reduction in such rates due to the advancing age of the mothers. Thus, the results demonstrated that the total number of piglets born and live births increases while losses due to stillbirth, crushing and repetition of heat tend to decrease with advancing age of the females, with greater reproductive efficiency achieved between the third and fourth cycle.


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How to Cite

LOPES, I. M. G. .; SOUZA, J. P. P. de; LIMA, M. D. de; SILVA, K. F. da .; SANTOS, M. C. dos .; SILVA, B. A. N. . Influence of the reproductive cycle on the zootechnical indexes in hyperproliferous swine matrices . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e14610212367, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i2.12367. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences