The family and its requirements for supported self-care in the context of onco-hematology disease




Nursery; Family; Chronic Disease; Oncology.


Care for onco-hematological clients should be planned in a continuum that considers their family system as an important element for the management of chronic health conditions. Thus, this study aims to identify the demands for supported self-care present in the family system of the onco-hematological client. This is a qualitative study carried out through semi-structured interviews with four family systems of onco-hematological clients of a university hospital based on a script elaborated with questions regarding the functional category of the Calgary Model of Family Assessment and the evaluation item of the 5 “A” methodology of the Supported Self-Care Manual. After analyzing and interpreting the data, a thematic unit with three subunits was obtained, which were guided by the NANDA domains and classes to identify the affected domain and its respective focus of attention: 1 - decision making from the family system; 2 - (re) organization and family involvement after the impact of the diagnosis; and 3 - well-being and co-responsibility for health control. It is concluded that the family reorganizes itself in order to restore the health of its relative, requiring care that involves counseling, support and health promotion; pointing to the need to expand the use of the references of this study in nursing care for the family of the onco-hematological client.


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How to Cite

FREITAS, T. F. de; SOUZA, S. R. de; SANTO, F. H. do E. .; TOCANTINS, F. R.; SILVA, T. de J. E. S. da; COUTO, L. L. do . The family and its requirements for supported self-care in the context of onco-hematology disease. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e29110212527, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i2.12527. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Health Sciences