Evaluation of isolates of rhizobia tolerant to acidity in vitro in symbiosis with Caupi bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) in an Oxisol





Biological nitrogen fixation; Nitrogen fertilization; Nutrient cycling; Soil acidity.


The low concentration of N in agricultural soils in the Amazon is a limiting factor for economically and ecologically sustainable agriculture. In this context, the biological fixation of N is of fundamental importance, as it is a natural entry of N into ecosystems. The present work aims to evaluate an infectious capacity of rhizobia and the efficiency in fixing nitrogen in a Yellow Latosol. The present work aims to evaluate the infectious capacity of rhizobia isolates and their efficiency in fixing nitrogen in a Yellow Latosol. The experiment was installed entirely at random, corresponding to a factorial scheme of 6 (4 inoculants without nitrogen + without inoculant without N and without inoculant with N) x 2 (liming and without liming) in 4 repetitions. Liming increased the efficiency of the isolates and rhizobia native to the soil in nodulating the cowpea plants and stimulating the growth of biomass. The native rhizobia of the soil showed symbiotic efficiency similar to the isolates used as inoculants. The FCAN07B isolate is equivalent to nitrogen fertilization in relation to providing biomass gain in cowpea plants. The dose of 20 kg ha-1 of nitrogen was harmful to the nodulation of cowpea.

Author Biographies

Francisco Adilson dos Santos Hara, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Agronomist graduated from the Federal University of Amazonas, Master in Agrarian Sciences from UFAM, PhD in Ecology from the Tropical Biology and Natural Resources Program of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. Full Professor, Department of Agricultural and Soil Engineering, Federal University of Amazonas. Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Education at the Federal University of Amazonas (2009-2013), Director of the Department of Academic Programs at the Dean of Undergraduate Education at UFAM (2013-2017). Head of the Department of Argolic and Soil Engineering at UFAM. Currently, he is responsible for the disciplines of Soil Microbiology and Nutrient Cycling for the Agronomy, Engineering and Environmental Sciences course for the Food Engineering course. Coordinates research and guidance projects in the Scientific Initiation Program in the field of Soil Microbiology.


Sophia Kathleen da Silva Lopes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Academic of the Agronomy course at the Federal University of Amazonas, she is currently a student of the Tutorial Education Program (PET). Former scholarship holder of the UFAM Centric Initiation Program (PIBIC), and currently participates in the program as a volunteer


Theoderic Shay Botelho da Silva, Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Academic of the Agronomy course at the Federal University of Amazonas, he is currently a Bosman of the UFAM Centric Initiation Program (PIBIC) in the field of soil microbiology


Jhony Vendruscolo, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduation in Agronomy from the Federal University of Rondônia (2007), Master in Soil and Water Management from the Federal University of Paraíba (2012), and PhD in Soil Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (2017). Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), he works mainly in the areas: watershed management, spatial and temporal analysis of soil cover, indicators of soil and water quality, assessment of desertified areas, recovery of degraded areas, environmental planning , geoprocessing and remote sensing. 

Angela Maria da Silva Mendes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Amazonas (1993), Specialization in Science and Technology of Seeds from the Federal University of Pelotas (1999), Master in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (2001) and PhD in Tropical Agronomy at the Federal University of Amazonas (2011). Acts as a lecturer in the Department of Animal and Plant Production at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Amazonas. She worked as a hired professor (2004 to 2011) at the State University of Amazonas in the Forest Engineering and Technology in Agroecology courses. He has experience in the field of Agronomy, with an emphasis on Phytotechnics, Botany, Agroforestry Systems and Forest Sciences, acting mainly on the following theme: seeds - morphology, physiology and technology. 

Ariele Cristine Ferreira Inácio, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in agronomy from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). She is currently a master's student in the Graduate Program in Agronomy in the humid Tropic of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon. He has experience in the field of soil, He has worked in a scientific initiation and extension program at UFAM



Luiz Carlos Costa de Souza, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Graduated in Biological Sciences at the State University of Amazonas. He is currently an undergraduate student in Agronomy at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. Has experience in the field of microbiology



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How to Cite

HARA, F. A. dos S.; LOPES, S. K. da S. .; SILVA, T. S. B. da; VENDRUSCOLO, J. .; MENDES, A. . M. da S. . .; INÁCIO, A. C. F. .; SOUZA, L. C. C. de . Evaluation of isolates of rhizobia tolerant to acidity in vitro in symbiosis with Caupi bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) in an Oxisol. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. e12210313165, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i3.13165. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/13165. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences