Behavior of laying hens in a cage free system at different ages and egg quality




Animal welfare indicator; Animal density; Production phase; Productivity.


The production of eggs in Brazil has grown, which has led to an increase in the density of animals in the facilities, generating a decrease in ambience and well-being. Thus, this study aimed to carry out an analysis in laying systems, laying cage free without enrichment and cage free with enrichment, at the peak and end of production and its relationship with environmental enrichment and egg quality. For the treatment with enrichment were used: nest, perch, rattle, bales of native grass and branches of Cambuci. While the treatment without enrichment had only one nest, both treatments had feeders of the tubular type, drinkers of the pendular type and bed of rice straw. Animal behavior and egg quality were evaluated. In the behavior analysis, we obtained a difference between nesting, perching, scratching, chasing and scratching head behaviors, possibly due to the fact that birds use the means that were provided and can express their natural behavior. Within egg quality, we observed a difference in the parameters of yolk color, weight, albumen height, Haugh unit, shell thickness and yolk index (YCF), where yolk weight and color were higher in the treatment without enrichment, which may be due to the greater consumption of food, since the birds in this treatment did not have other means of distraction. It is concluded that enrichment promotes positive changes both in the expression of natural laying behaviors and improves the main requirements in relation to egg quality.

Author Biographies

Renata Gimenes Leite, Universidade Estadual Paulista

 Animal Scientist from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculty of Agricultural and Technological Sciences-FCAT / UNESP Dracena Campus (2020). He is currently a Technical Fellow at FAPESP, in the area of ​​pig nutrition


Érik dos Santos Harada, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Zootecnista pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Tecnológicas-FCAT/UNESP Campus de Dracena (2018). Atualmente é mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), desenvolve pesquisas na área de zootecnia de precisão com a utilização de mineração de dados para a avicultura de postura.

Douglas D’Alessandro Salgado, Universidade Estadual Paulista

É Bacharel em Estatística pelo Instituto de Matemática e Computação Científica, IMECC - UNICAMP (2002). Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola pela Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, FEAGRI - UNICAMP (2008). Autodidata em saberes que apoiam a excelência em Educação e Processos de ensino-aprendizagem, tais como Psicologia e Neurociência na aprendizagem escolar. Tem experiência em produzir estratégias de análises de estudos observacionais e experimentais; em dimensionamento amostral; em estruturação de banco de dados; e ênfase no uso de Análise Exploratória de Dados, Testes de hipóteses, Ferramentas da Qualidade para o Controle Estatístico do Processo (CEP), Modelagem, Calibração e Análise Multivariada. Atua com Estatística Aplicada em diversas áreas do saber, porém com interesse primordial em temas que permeiam a Engenharia de Biossistemas e a Educação (processo ensino-aprendizagem).


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How to Cite

LEITE, R. G. .; HARADA, Érik dos S. .; SALGADO, D. D. .; MOLLO NETO, M.; BUENO, L. G. de F. . Behavior of laying hens in a cage free system at different ages and egg quality. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. e6010413833, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i4.13833. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jan. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences