Measures for prevention of pressure injury associated with the prone position during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrative literature review




Coronavirus infection; Prone position; Prone; Pressure injury.


Objectives: To identify the scientific evidence about pressure injury prevention (LPP) measures associated with the prone position during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflect on the Pressure Injury prevention measures associated with the prone position during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the light of the scientific literature. Method: Integrative literature review, using the keywords "Pressure Injury" and "pronation"; the inclusion criteria were publications between 2019 and 2021; in Portuguese and English, indexed in the databases BDENF, LILACS and MEDLINE; that addressed the issue related to Pressure Injury in patients submitted to the prone position during the pandemic. Results: Analysis 5 studies that addressed contextualization to support the objectives proposed in the study. The main preventive recommendations for pressure injuries in patients submitted to the prone position were: daily skin assessment with risk identification, humidity control, pressure redistribution with the use of cushions, skin hydration, head rotation every two hours and the use of preventive coverings. Conclusion: Among the findings resulting from this research, the use of telemedicine, virtual consultation, to assist in wound prevention, skin care listed with emphasis on the solution with a pH between 4.0 and 7.0, the use of of preventive coverings, use of surfaces for redistribution of pressure, knowledge of the points predisposed to the development of pressure injuries must pay special attention to protective measures, professionals specialized in the management of this patient profile and the need to remedy the intrinsic factors related.

Author Biographies

Natália Soares de Castro, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Postgraduate Degree in Intensive Care at Univleya- 2020 Bachelor and degree in Nursing from Universidade Federal Fluminense -2018

Priscila Soares de Oliveira, Universidade Iguaçu

First Marine Lieutenant of Brazil Bachelor of Nursing at Iguaçu University 2012 Postgraduate degree in Sanitary Pulmonology at the National School of Public Health (Fiocruz) 2015 Postgraduate in Teaching and Higher Education Management from Universidade Estácio de Sá 2015 Postgraduate degree in Hospital Auditing by Faveni 2020

Natalia da Palma Sobrinho , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Captain-Lieutenant Navy of Brazil Master of Nursing in the line of research Fundamentals of Nursing Care by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EEAN) Post-Graduation in Intensive Care from the State University of Rio de Janeiro Post-Graduation in Medical Surgical Nursing along the lines of Residencia (Unirio / Marinha)

Gicélia Lombardo Pereira , Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Sciences, Graduate Program in Nursing and Bioscience, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO - 2016. Master in Nursing at the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing - UNIRIO - 1997; Specialization in Environment and Safety Management, UNIRIO agreement and Consortium of Brazilian Hospital Accreditation - CBA, 2008; Graduation in Nursing and Obstetrics - Universidade Gama Filho, 1982


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How to Cite

MONTEIRO, W. L. da S. .; CASTRO, N. S. de .; OLIVEIRA, P. S. de .; SOBRINHO , N. da P. .; PEREIRA , G. L. . Measures for prevention of pressure injury associated with the prone position during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrative literature review. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. e7110614430, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i6.14430. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences