Analysis of the botanical biodiversity of orchards in the Pampa Biome




Agroecology; Diversity; Agroforestry homegarden; Agroforestry system; AFS; Family farm.


Homegarden agroforestry is strategic alternatives, guaranteeing family income, food security, and the possibility of increasing diversity, stability, and sustainability of the productive system. However, in order to design and implement these systems, it is important to take into account regional natural diversity and to understand the ecological dynamics of its plant populations. The present study carried out in southern Brazil aimed to survey floristic data and characterizes three existing orchards (Q1, Q2 e Q3), to design and subsequently implement an agroforestry homegarden model for the Pampa Biome. A survey of floristic and dendrometric data of the different existing plant strata was carried out. For the arboreous strata, we measured tree height and diameter at soil height, and for the shrub and herbaceous strata, we collected data on richness and abundance from the local biodiversity. Frequency, density, and diversity analyses were performed using the Shannon and Pielou equitability indexes. A workshop was organized with the farmers aiming the design an agroforestry homegarden model for the Pampa Biome. The analyzed plots showed similar conditions of soil, relief, and climate, although between them, there were differences in spacing and management practices. With regards to the management, Q1 proved to be abandoned, whereas Q2 and Q3 showed signs of ongoing management. In the Shannon and Pielou Equitability indices, Q2 had the highest numbers, and Q1, the lowest values. As for frequency and density, the Sida genus stood out within all plots. During the participatory design of the new agroforestry homegardens, native species were chosen mainly to produce fruits for self-consumption. 

Author Biographies

Adriana Carla Dias Trevisan , University Estadual of Rio Grande do Sul

Echoes of the Pampa Research Group UERGS

State University of Rio Grande do Sul UERGS

Santana do Livramento, RS, Brazil.

Bianca Cristieli da Silva, State University of Rio Grande do Sul

Echoes of the Pampa Research Group UERGS

State University of Rio Grande do Sul UERGS

Santana do Livramento, RS, Brazil.

Lui Muniz Schmitt , Federal University of Santa Catarina

Fellow at Silvopastoral System and Ecological Restoration Lab.  LASSre/UFSC

Scientific Publishing at LASSre/UFSC

Federal University of Santa Catarina   UFSC BRAZIL

Vagner Lopes da Silva Vagner , University of the Republic of Uruguay

University of the Republic of Uruguay

Salto Experimentation Station, Uruguay

Abdon L. Schmitt-Filho, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Silvopastoral System and Ecological Restoration Lab.  LASSre/UFSC

Agroecosystem Program PPGA/UFSC

Federal University of Santa Catarina   UFSC BRAZIL

Gund Institute for Environment GUND IE/UVM USA


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How to Cite

TREVISAN , A. C. D.; SILVA, B. C. da .; SCHMITT , L. M. .; VAGNER , V. L. da S. .; SCHMITT-FILHO, A. L. . Analysis of the botanical biodiversity of orchards in the Pampa Biome. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 7, p. e17810716420, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i7.16420. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences