Oral health profile of patients interned in a public ICU in Manaus/AM





Intensive care units; Dentists; Oral health; Health surveys.


The insertion of the dental surgeon in a multidisciplinary team is of paramount importance and its performance includes an initial assessment of the patient's oral condition upon admission to the ICU, to the performance of curative and preventive procedures necessary to maintain oral health. This study identified the oral alterations present in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a Public Hospital in MANAUS/AM. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative study of detailed analysis of the information contained in the medical records of hospitalized patients from March 2014 to March 2015. Among the 800 medical records analyzed, the most frequent intraoral changes were: tongue coating (94%), dental calculus (73%), Angular Cheilitis (88%) and pseudomembranous candidiasis (57%). Positive associations were found between Diabetes Mellitus and Angular Cheilitis. The heart diseases evaluated in the study were associated with the presence of dental calculus and pseudomembranous candidiasis. It is concluded that the presence of the dentist in the hospital environment is of paramount importance, whether in the treatment of pre-existing conditions or in the prevention of changes in the oral cavity resulting from the period of hospitalization.



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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, H. L. B.; BITTENCOURT, A. A. .; SOARES, G. de S. .; CAIRES, N. C. M. . Oral health profile of patients interned in a public ICU in Manaus/AM. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. e1010817020, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i8.17020. Disponível em: https://rsdjournal.org/index.php/rsd/article/view/17020. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences