Domestic Accidents in childhood: Identifying potentialities for comprehensive care




Domestic accidents; Kids; Epidemiology; Risk factory; Nursing.


Domestic accidents in childhood (DAC), although underestimated, are characterized as a relevant health problem in the world, due to their potential severity. According to the Ministry of Health in 2010, there were 11,600 hospitalizations resulting from accidents at home. Nursing professionals have the ability to carry out educational actions with parents and / or guardians and children in order to avoid accidents. Objectives: to identify the main characteristics that surround DAC and what is the role of the nurse in the face of such problem. Methodology: This is an integrative review. The inclusion criteria were: articles with a time frame between 2015 to 2020; in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Databases were used: VHL, SciELO and MEDLINE through PubMed. 13 articles were selected for discussion. Results: 10 national and 3 international studies were identified. As for the type, 10 are original, 2 are for review and 1 is an experience report. The main ADI evidenced were: falls, burn, asphyxiation, cut and intoxication, dog bite and drowning. Discussion: For a better understanding of the theme, the discussion was divided into four categories, namely: Epidemiology of DAC, risk factors, family and children's profile and nursing care in the prevention of DAC. Conclusion: There are several risk factors present in the domestic environment, however, many of these factors can be reduced and even eliminated, based on the awareness of parents and caregivers. The nurse has an essential role in the education of parents and family in the prevention of  DAC.

Author Biographies

Wallace Henrique Pinho Paixão, National Cancer Institute

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the Castelo Branco University. Oncology nursing resident at the National Cancer Institute. Post-graduation in Intensive Care and Emergency at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa. Post-Graduate Student in Occupational Nursing at FAVENI.

Kessya Cristina Valentim Barbosa, Andaraí Federal Hospital

Nurse from the Castelo Branco University. Resident in general medical-surgical nursing at Hospital Federal do Andaraí. Graduate student in intensive care and emergency nursing at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa

Jamilly Cristina Elias Pinheiro, Federal Hospital of State Servants

Resident nurse in clinical and surgical nursing with a focus on Pediatrics

Kelly Cristina Freitas da Silva, National Institute of Cardiology

Nurse. Master in Nursing from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Nurse officer of the Brazilian Air Force.

Maria Regina Bernardo da Silva, Rio de Janeiro Municipal Health Department

Public servant nurse at the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, Master and doctoral student in Family Health and Professor at Castelo Branco University.

Wanderson Alves Ribeiro, Iguaçu University (UNIG); Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Brazil

Graduated in Nursing (Bachelor's Degree) from UNIABEU (2012); Master and Doctoral Student by the Academic Program in Health Care Sciences at the Aurora Afonso da Costa Nursing School at the Fluminense Federal University; Acts as Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at the University Iguaçu (UNIG).

Nathalya de Moura Rezende, National Cancer Institute

Nurse by the University of São Camilo. Postgraduate in Public Health Nursing. Resident in Oncology Nursing at the National Cancer Institute.

Keila do Carmo Neves, Iguaçu University (UNIG)

Nurse graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)/ Anna Nery Nursing School (EEAN) in 2012. PhD in Nursing from EEAN/UFRJ (2019). Master in Nursing from EEAN (2014). Specialist in Nephrology Nursing (2014). Specialist in Neonatal and Pediatric ICU (2020).

Bruna Porath Azevedo Fassarella, Iguaçu University (UNIG); University of Vassouras, Brazil

Nurse, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the University of Grande Rio (2008). Specialist in Clinical Management at SUS - Health Education for SUS Preceptors, Specialist in Pediatrics and Neonatology from the University of Venda Nova do Imigrantes (FAVENI). Master in Urgency and Emergency from the Applied Health Sciences Program at the University of Vassouras (FUSVE).

Carolina Cristina Scrivano dos Santos, National Cancer Institute

Resident Oncology Nurse at the National Cancer Institute


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How to Cite

PAIXÃO, W. H. P.; BARBOSA, K. C. V.; PINHEIRO, J. C. E. .; SILVA, K. C. F. da .; SILVA, M. R. B. da; RIBEIRO, W. A. .; REZENDE, N. de M. .; NEVES, K. do C. .; FASSARELLA, B. P. A. .; SANTOS, C. C. S. dos. Domestic Accidents in childhood: Identifying potentialities for comprehensive care. Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 9, p. e48110918027, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i9.18027. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



Health Sciences