The influence of knee osteoarthritis on the balance and gait of elderly individuals




Balance; Elderly; Gait; Osteoarthritis.


Aim: To affect the influence that osteoarthrosis has on the balance and gait of elderly patients. Method: This is an observational study in elderly people of both genders with diagnosed knee osteoarthritis. Initially, a lecture was held on the objectives of the study and after signing the Informed Consent Term, the collection of sociodemographic data was carried out; pain assessment using the visual analogue scale; balance assessment using the Berg Balance Scale, mobility and gait assessment using the Time Up and Go and Tinetti Test. Results: Eleven elderly people with osteoarthritis, all female, with a mean age of 75.6 years, were selected for the study. There was a correlation between increasing age and worsening mobility and balance in the elderly. Conclusion: It was concluded in this research, that aging is a physiological and progressive process, in which several body systems are compromised, mainly the musculoskeletal system. Aspects such as balance and morbidity have a strong relationship with advancing age and may have physical and psychological impairment.


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How to Cite

SALEMI, M. de M. .; GOMES, V. M. da S. A. .; MONTE, J. A. do .; LOPES, A. C. B. .; MONTE, E. J. S. do .; QUEIROZ, H. E. V.; CARVALHO, V. C. P. de .; BARROS, M. de L. N. .; UCHÔA , Érica P. B. L. . The influence of knee osteoarthritis on the balance and gait of elderly individuals . Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 10, p. e347101018735, 2021. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v10i10.18735. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jan. 2025.



Health Sciences